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416 topics in this forum
Is there a command or key combination to format Lisp code? I'm still learning the formatting standards for Common Lisp and more complex forms in my code are a total mess. I'm not seeing anything in Help -> Display Commands List... Thanks! Paul M.
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marqrdt replied -
Hi, Is there a way to send midi-clock out ? For the live-coding instrument this would be a great advantage. Also, when using multiple workspaces, like in the youtube live coding instrument example, the different live coded instruments could be in sync. Best Regards, Dago
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Alexander replied -
I remeber cmd+-> key command would get me to the end of the line i opusmodus previously, but that doesnt work anymore in 3.0. Can anyone tell me what's the new key command is for jumping to the end of the line. Alt+-> still works for jumping to the end of the word. If anyone has found other changed key commands that they frequently used, feel free to post them below. Best, Anders
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torutakaishi replied -
Hi, I've discovered that if I run the following code: (list (gen-combine '(1/2 1/4) '(1/8 1/16)) (gen-combine '(1/2 1/3) '(1/4 1/5))) the result is: (((1/2 1/8) (1/4 1/16)) ((1/2 1/4) (1/3 1/3 1/3 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5))) whilst I was expecting (and the documentation suggests should be the result): (((1/2 1/8) (1/4 1/16)) ((1/2 1/4) (1/3 1/5))) In general any input that is not of the form 1/2^n (n>1) generates a sequence of the input elements rather than a single instance. Am I misunderstanding the function or is this a bug? Many thanks for any assistance. Pete
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catrahpete replied -
Hello, I just read about OpusModus for the first time today. After experimenting with the trial for a few hours I found that this is a fantastic system. Thus I went to the site to purchase it. After a successful transaction with the PayPal payment gateway I was redirected back to the OpusModus site and was met by the attached error message. 1. According to my bank the purchase is completed and the money withdrawn from my account. 2. I have not gotten any confirmation of my purchase. 3. Nothing in my profile on the OpusModus site indicates that I have purchased the software. 4. I have not gotten any confirmation email from OpusModus. The only thin…
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larsr replied -
I noticed some differences in the new interface of the workspaces, specially in the way ver 3 deals with the files pinned at the workspace. You can drag your .opmo files onto the workspace from finder but beware of doing it ! The new workspace will create a special folder and the opmo files will be moved to this new workspace folder and no longer appear in a previous workspace. Seems like you can´t share the same .opmo file in two different workspaces. This makes sense but is different from what occurred before. I also deleted a file because I just wanted to remove / unpin it from the workspace, but it ended being removed from hard disk !! So, be careful when reorganizi…
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JulioHerrlein replied -
Hello, I've just updated to Version 3.0.29120 (3.0.29120) - and when I relaunched, I'm getting a repeated message of "stop-score-player" on the loading user source page. Evaluation of code appears to work but when launching evaluation with score, it is not - so I assume this is a bug. Not see this happen previously. Please advise. ACR
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opmo replied -
Hey! Did anyone tried Opusmodus with new mac OS Sonoma? best,
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opmo replied -
What is the meta-key? Something like this: The Meta key is not found on modern keyboards. Its use is sometimes emulated with AltGr (on some international layouts) or the right Alt key on the others. In addition: Sun keyboards have a meta key (◆) as well Emacs calls Esc the Meta key
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opmo replied -
I am on Big Sur with Opusmodus 1.3 having recently upgraded from Catalina. When I open the application it asks me to 'Create New or Open Existing'. I click on Create New and it prompts me where I want to create the directory and I click on Open and navigate. But when I create the folder nothing is created and I can go no further. I have tried deleting the usual things advised..Lbrary/Caches and Library/Preferences and emptied the trash. Nothing changes.
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opmo replied -
Hello everybody, sorry if this is a basic or too general question, but I wonder what would the best strategy be to apply articulations or dynamics to specific situations of pitch and rhythm. For example, let's say I have a omn list of pitches and durations and I want to apply articulations or dynamics to specific situations, such as: repeated pitches that have the same duration, or notes that last more than a quarter note, or each note that is not the same pitch as the previous one, or to each event that is cs4 with duration of 1/4, etc. I know that I can write specific functions for each case in particular, but I wonder if there is an easier way…
- 13 replies
rcadiz replied -
I have 3 variables, v1, v2, v3. What is the syntax to reference all 3 variables in one line? For example (v1 v2 v3) creates an error, and '(v1 v2 v3) only lists the variable names. I've poured over the documentation but I can't find the answer. I'm attempting to use 3 variables together in the pitch-repeat command. ******************************************** EDIT: I found the answer! It's (list v1 v2 v3)
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AM replied -
what is the new name of the function "rnd-sample-seq" thanx for a quick help! andré
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AM replied -
Is it possible to deactivate my license on one computer and activate it with the same key on another computer? Just asking because I am working on 2 different devices, and don't want to kick myself out of OM.
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opmo replied -
(setf mat1 '(e g4 f leg gs4 fs4 mf ped a4 s f4 p bb4 e4 b4 eb4 c5 d4 cs5)) (setf matz '(h^e g4 f leg gs4 fs4 mf ped a4 q^s f4 p bb4 e4 b4 eb4 c5 d4 cs5)) (omn :duration mat1) ;=>(1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16) (disassemble-omn mat1) ;=>(:length (1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16) :pitch (g4 gs4 fs4 a4 f4 bb4 e4 b4 eb4 c5 d4 cs5) :velocity (f f mf mf p p p p p p p p) :articulation (- - - - - - - - - - - -) :leg (1 -11) :ped (-2 1 -9)) ; :duration missing (omn :duration matz) ;=>(1/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4) (disassemble-omn matz) ;=&…
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opmo replied -
Is it possible in OpusModus to run multiple tempi concurrently? For example, if I set up a string quartet, can each voice run a different tempo? eg vln 1 Q=60 vln 2 Q = 90 vla Q = 75 vc Q = 80 The objective would be to provide a simplified, more accurately performable score. Thanks so much!
- 10 replies
RevJames replied -
Hello, it seems that in Rhythm 5 example there is an issue at this level, i cannot play the example i gat this error message : 6 (abort) Return to top loop level 0. Type 😛 for backtrace or :c <option number> to proceed. Type :bug-form "<subject>" for a bug report template or :? for other options. (setf bass-drum (omn-dictum '(:all b1) rhythm1)) (setf low-wood-block (omn-dictum '(:all f5) rhythm2)) (setf high-tom (omn-dictum '(:all d3) rhythm3)) (setf low-tom (omn-dictum '(:all a2) rhythm4)) (setf high-bongo (omn-dictum '(:all c4) rhythm5)) (setf low-bongo (omn-dictum '(:all cs4) rhythm6)) (setf mute-hi-conga (…
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opmo replied -
I was hoping to reinstall and use the purchased previous version of OM on my M1 Ventura Macbook, but under downloads I see only versions marked "Big Sur", "Monterey" etc. and not "Ventura." Is this possible?
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erka replied -
The tonality-map function isn't working as expected on my Intel MacBook Pro (Monterey 12.6.6) in Opusmodus (v3.0.29006). I have an Opusmodus v2.2.26941M on an Intel iMac (Monterey 12.6.7) that I have tested and it yields something more like I'd expect. Did the default behavior of tonality-map change between versions? Below, I've included sample code along with the different output from the two different versions. Thanks, Jon ;;; code -- common between versions (setf progression (harmonic-progression '(1 6 4 2 5 1 2 4 5) '(c4 natural-minor) :size 7 :step 1 …
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jon replied -
Hello, I can't seem to be able to run any of the CLM examples. I always get these errors below which makes it seem that OM doesn't recognize any of the native CLM functions : Thank you, J
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JMat replied -
Hello, I'm a new user and wondering if there is a recommended method to input and convert a score to OpusModus. I have a score I've written in 4 parts each part represented in its own file in both MusicXML and MIDI. My goal is to import (either the MIDI or MusicXML) and convert these to OMN so that I can modify them using functions. I have been able to import them but I'm having difficulty converting them to OMN and I haven't been able to find this specific use case in any of the documentation. Any best practice or advice is appreciated. Regards, Tom
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opmo replied -
Bonjour Janusz, "Please make changes to your code if you have already played with the FFT functions." What code is it? I've never done that... And concretely what should be done? Best wishes. Didier
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opmo replied -
Dear Opmo users, i would like to merge voices from one single list. So I would like this (not-working) merge-voice function: (setf test '((s) (-s s) (-e s))) (merge-voices test) To work like this: (merge-voices '(s) '(-s s) '(-e s)) Does anyone has an Idea how to achieve it? Best, Vili
- 9 replies
JulioHerrlein replied -
Lets assume that i render few music in the notation viewer without each time play it in the midi player , may i retrieve as midi some previous scores from the notation viewer as midi , i know that i can do it with the last one but what about the previous ones Thanks Patrick
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PatrickMimran replied -
In the toy I made for learning from documented examples, my time signatures only go on for the 4 bars that realize the first list in my dictum. After that, the score just keeps re-using the 4th bar's time signature rather than repeating the same group of meter changes. Clearly, I'm misunderstanding something fundamental, so rather than describe the situation in words, if you preview the toy's score, you'll see how my 2/4 3/8 2/4 2/4 meter only gets used for the first 4 bars. How do I make it span over everything counterpoint generates? (progn (setf my-dictum '(((- 1 2 -)) ((1 - - 2)) ((2 - - 2)) ((1 2 2 1)))…
- 15 replies
Stephane Boussuge replied