Support & Troubleshooting
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416 topics in this forum
I was wondering if it's possible to use midi velocity values 1-127 for the velocity parameter? I noticed I could use floating point. Any examples of using standard midi velocity instead of dynamic symbols? Thanks again, I'll try to keep these basic questions to a minimum if possible! 😏
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opmo replied -
Is there an EASY way to display the Diatonic notes of a given scale say D Dorian or whatever? I have come across the expand-chord function but can't figure out how to get to a different tonic to display the proper pitches. Thanks again!
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opmo replied -
Just bought into OM, excellent software love it. If you could be so kind, what is the key sequence to call up the search function? That last key symbol is a mystery to me. Thanks!
- 8 replies
InLight-Tone replied -
On May 9, I got an email from Opusmodus announcing V2.0.25750, with a bug fix. I currently have 2.025716 (on Mac Catalina). I've checked for updates in OM several times since then, but it always says that I'm up to date. Is there a problem in the update system? Thanks!
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opmo replied -
I am finding that the harmonic-progression function is not always predictable when using the steps option. For example: (append '(w) (harmonic-progression '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) '(c3 db3 eb3 e3 fs3 g3 a3 bb3) :size '4 :step '((3 1 3)))) > (w c3e3a3bb3 cs3fs3bb3c4 eb3g3c4cs4 e3a3cs4eb4 fs3bb3eb4e4 g3c4e4fs4 a3cs4fs4g4 bb3eb4g4a4) If you look at these chords, the steps are actually ordered ( 3 3 1) and not (3 1 3). Am I missing something? Thanks!
- 8 replies
Avner Dorman replied -
Hello how may i set up Set up Vienna Orchestra sample library to work with opusmodus and vice versa . Is there some templates ? Thank you patrick
- 5 replies
PatrickMimran replied -
Hello, I've noticed that, for example (rnd-round 1 15) returns floating point number instead of an integer. Could you please help? Thank you
- 2 replies
Nikos replied -
Hello i'v transcribe the the example nbr 5 in How to in 100'' but it doesn't seem to work as written , I join the file as an attachment could you please help Thank you Patrick Choralis.opmo
- 2 replies
PatrickMimran replied -
Hi, First day with Opusmodus! I am trying to audition the choralis.opmo example via Reaper / Kontakt. I configured IAC, the port I named IAC1 shows up as a port in Reaper (it is enabled for midi + control) and the VSTi in Reaper is set to record / audion. I set the audition prefence in Opusmodus to my port (IAC1) but it still audiotions though the internal GM. I then tried adding port: "IAC" like this (ps 'gm :satb (list v1 v2 v3 v4) :flexible-clef nil :port "IAC1" :tempo 60) ) but then i get an error in OPUSMODUS compiler: > Error: OMN Parse Error: fail > While executing: omn-to-ast, in proces…
- 23 replies
opmo replied -
Hello, I'm continually receiving the following error on start up: Opusmodus Extension Initialization(5) > Error: Undefined function setup-ins called with arguments ("add" "addflt" "addsnd" "anoi" "arith" "arith1" "arith2" "autoc" "backandforth" "badd" "bandedwg" "bell" "bigbird" "bird" "bowl" "btest" "canter" "cellon" "circular-scanned" "cnv" ...) . > While executing: (:internal ccl::with-compilation-unit-body ccl::load-from-stream), in process Opusmodus Extension Initialization(5). > Type cmd-/ to continue, cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts. > If continued: Retry applying setup-ins to ("add" "addflt" "ad…
- 2 replies
dadek replied -
I didn't look closely enough at the system requirements for V2, and have found that it doesn't open any windows on Catalina (10.15.3). I'm aware of the CCL compiler problem, but I thought that had been fixed. Is there an expectation that V2 will run on Catalina soon?
- 4 replies
Stoney replied -
I've just downloaded Opusmodus 2 for Catalina and got the dialog box asking for my registration information. I copied this from the registration email verbatim and pasted into each field as requested. When I hit the "unlock" button, it simply beeps at me and does nothing. What's going on?
- 5 replies
opmo replied -
Hi Everyone, I'm looking for a method/function which changes the velocity only for notes that are repeating. In other words, if I have a sequence like this: '(c4 eb4 g4 ab4 ab4 ab4 d4 eb4) I would like to be able to create a crescendo/decrescendo or set a custom velocity for just the Ab notes. In the past I've customised a Pattern Matching function from Stephane to change the velocity for specific note lengths: (defun velocity-map-omn (map omn &key (otherwise '-)) (do-verbose ("velocity-map-omn") (let ((plist (disassemble-omn omn))) (setf (getf plist :velocity) (pattern-map map (getf plist :length) :otherwise otherwise :…
- 8 replies
Jorgalad replied -
Hello I would like to know what the more efficient way , when creating a lot of custom function to be included in the Extension folder: to group all the function in the same file or to distribute them over several files . Or one function by file or it doesn't matter Thank you Patrick
- 4 replies
PatrickMimran replied -
Hi, Please allow us to resell and transfer our license if we so choose. Thanks in advance.
- 0 replies
I tried this score and when I evaluate it I do not have on the second flute stave the material of fluterev but two staves with fmel instead of one with feel and the other with fluterev . I am sure there is a very simple solution to this issue but I can't find it Thank you for your help Patrick ;;;--------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Parameters ;;;--------------------------------------------------------- (setf size 16) (setf bars (gen-repeat size '(4/4))) ;(setf pause (length-span bars '(-s))) (setf melo (tonality-map '(minor) (pitch-transpose '(0 2 -2 -4 -1 2) (gen-…
- 2 replies
opmo replied -
Is there a way to restart the musicXML notation playback without evaluating the entire score again? Where is the list of keyboard shortcuts?
- 3 replies
opmo replied -
Hi everyone, Today I've been learning about the Counterpoint function in v2, I decided to start simple: (setf p01 '((-e e4 stacc g4 stacc b4 stacc s e4 fs4 leg e g4 leg fs4 b3 leg))) (setf p02 '(((leg -e b5 b5 a5 a5 eb5 q eb5 leg)))) (setf voices (counterpoint (list p01 p02) '( ((1 -) :methods (- -) :polyphony (7 o)) ((2 1) :methods (t-12 -) :polyphony (7 o)) ((2 1) :methods (t-5 r) :polyphony (7 ?)) ))) (ps 'gm :fl (list (assemble-voices 1 voices)) :cl (list (assemble-voices 2 voices)) :tempo '(80) :time-signature '(4 4) :start 1) In this example I would really like to change the "as4" in bar 3 but I ha…
- 2 replies
Jorgalad replied -
Is there a way to reduce all of the note lengths equally, without editing each one individually in this snippet? I suppose I could change the audition tempo to make it play faster, but I would really like to reduce the note lengths programmatically, if that's possible. (rnd-sample-seq 4 '( (h. b4 tie) (q b4 h a4 tie) (q a4 e b4 a4 q g4 tie) (h g4 e fs4 e4) (h fs4 -q) (-q h g4 tie) (q g4 e fs4 g4 q a4 tie) (h a4 e c5 b4) (h_e c5 e b4) (e c5 a4 h b4 tie) (q. b4 -e q g4 tie) (h. g4) (h. fs4) (e g4 a4 h b4 tie) (e b4 a4 b4 g4 q a4 tie) (h a4 q a4) …
- 6 replies
etu replied -
Hello! When printing a notated score or a document from Opusmodus, some amount of the content is cut out from left and right sides of the page. Maybe there is a setting somewhere that could be adjusted to enlarge the printable area? My system is Mojave 10.14.6. My preferred page size is A4. Thanks for help, Henry
- 0 replies
Hi, I have a simple question, is it possible to display multiple scores in the workspace. Now, the old score gets overwritten with the new one which make things difficult to compare (I always make a screenshot as a workaround)? thanks! ole
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o_e replied -
Hello, I'm currently trying to leverage my knowledge by digging into the forum and tutorials. I've tried to copy/paste some examples to in a "test and learn" process, but always fails on not understandable errors: After some research on the forum, I had the explanation: My questions are : What is involved in the buggy parsing ? What chars should we delete/replace to make copy/paste work ? Is there any simple process to transform the omn source code published on this forum, so that we will be sure it will be parsed correctly by Opus Modus ? Thanks, best !
- 9 replies
Frederic replied -
I would like to download version 1.3.24962 but I don't see the link on the main forums page. I have a new computer and I'd like to install opusmodus! 🙂 Many thanks, Avner
- 6 replies
opmo replied -
Revising some older code of my I noticed that the function length-divide changed its behaviour somewhat and became more likely to cause an error. In a previous version, where the arguments count and divide where given separately, it was possible to set the count to some very high number, say, 1000, simply to mean that all notes the function can split (depending on its other arguments) will be split. Meanwhile, the function have been revised to introduce control over intervals (thank you 🙂), but since then it seems it is not possible anymore to set an arbitrarily high count value anymore. For example, the following code now results in an error. I w…
- 4 replies
AM replied -
Hello all, I'm coming from the javascript development world. Here are few musical ideas. Is there a way to implement them thanks to Opusmodus ? - play a sequence of notes in 30 seconds: in javascript, it could be pseudo-coded like this: setTimeout(function(){ play('c4 d4 e4 f4 g4'); }, 3000); - play a sequence of notes at a specific event. in Javascript/jQuery, it is very easy to code anonymous functions that would wait for a specific event to be triggered. Some examples I have in mind: play 'do ré mi' at bar 4 $('4th bar').on(function() { play('c5 d5 e6');}); play 'do ré mi' each time note…
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AM replied