Notation Viewer
That Opusmodus has adopted MusicXML as the de facto standard for displaying notated scores should be no surprise. This is inextricably bound up with the development of the distinctive Opusmodus Notation script (OMN). It gives the composer the means to design into the very composition of a score a host of musical details that have until now been impossible to bring together in a single line of script.
(setf rh '((-s) (e f4e5 pp -s db5)
(-s) (-s eb4 pp c4d5 -)
(-s) (-s c4d5 pp eb4 -)
(-s) (e db5 pp -s f4e5)
(-s) (s gb4f5 p a5 -)
(s d4ab4db5 p bb4 -) (-s a5 p gb4f5)
(-s) (s b5 f gb4g5 -)
(s a3bb4 f ab4 -) (s c4d5 f> eb4 -)
(s db5 f> f4e5 -) (-s)
(s gb4f5 p a5 d4ab4db5 bb4 -) (-s)
(-s a5 pp gb4f5) (-s)
(-t b2 f e3 bb3 - d5 c4eb4) (-s)
(s db3 f - s. g5 -t) (s gb4f5 p)
(-t a3 mp ab3 mf -s. t db5f5 f c4 -) (s e3e4 p)
(-t s. d2 f -s ab5 mf) (-s)
(t gb4a4 p g3 mp - b2 f e3 bb3 e3 a3 eb4 - g5 mf f4ab4 mp) (-s)
(s f2 f - s. c6 -t) (s b2bb3 p)
(-s t db5 mp -s. t gb5bb5 f4 f -) (t a3 f ab2 - ab2 a3)
(-t f4 f gb5bb5 mf) (-t a3 mp d4ab4 c4 p bb5db6 mf)
(-t b2 f3 b2 -) (t bb5db6 c5 f d4ab4 a3 p)
(-s) (t b4eb5 p bb3 -)
(t d4 p db3 - db3 d4) (-t bb3 p b4eb5)
(-s) (-s eb5 p bb3b4 -) (-s)
(e d4db5 p -s c5) (-s)
(e c5 p -s d4db5) (-s)
(-s bb3b4 p eb5 -) (-s)
(-s ab3g4 p e4 mf) (-s c4gb4b4 f5)
(-s db5 mp bb3a4) (-s)
(-s eb4d5 p gb4) (-s e4 p f3g4)
(-s b3 p a2bb3) (-s c5db6 pp ab5)
(-s) (-s e5eb6 p g5 c4f4b4 p> gb4)
(-s) (-e) (e d5ab5db6 pp)))
(setf lh '((-s) (-s b3 pp gb3g4 -)
(-s) (e a2bb3 pp -s ab4)
(-s) (e ab4 pp -s a2bb3)
(-s) (-s gb3g4 pp b3 -)
(-s) (-s e3eb4 p c3)
(-s ab3d4g4 p db5) (s c3 p e3eb4 pp -)
(-s) (-s f3e4 f db4)
(-s eb4 f c4d5) (-s ab4 mp bb3a4)
(-s g2gb3 mp b3) (-s)
(-s e3eb4 p c3 ab3d4g4 db5) (-s)
(s c3 pp e3eb4 -) (-s)
(-e t ab4 pp a3 -) (s bb2a3 pp)
(-t s. b3 pp -s db3) (-s)
(t c4eb4 pp d5 - bb3 e3 b2 - g3 gb4a4) (-s)
(s ab5 pp - s. d2 -t) (s e3eb4 pp)
(-t c4 pp db5f5 -e. t db5 d4 -) (s b2bb3 pp)
(-t s. c6 pp -s gb2) (-s)
(t f4ab4 pp g5 - eb4 a3 e3 - c4 b4d5) (-t db3 pp g3 db3 -)
(t b4d5 pp c4 -) (t e3 pp eb4 gb5 g4 -)
(t eb4 pp e3 - e3 eb4) (-t g4 pp gb5 -)
(-s) (-t f3 pp e4g4) (-t gb3 pp c4 gb3 -)
(t e4g4 pp f3 -) (-s)
(e a3ab4 pp -s f3) (-s)
(-s g4 pp e4gb5 -) (-s)
(-s e4gb5 pp g4 -) (-s)
(e f3 pp -s a3ab4) (-s)
(s bb3a3 p db5 mp -) (s gb4c5f5 f d5 -)
(s e4 mp ab3g4 -) (-s)
(s ab3 p db3c4 -) (s bb2a3 p b3 p> -)
(s f3g4 p> e4 -) (s gb3 pp eb3d4 -)
(-s) (s d5db6 p bb5 gb4b4f5 a5 -)
(-s) (s g5 pp e5bb5eb6) (-e)))
;; Time Signature
(setf time-events
'((1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1)
(4 16 1) (1 16 1) (3 16 3) (1 16 1) (3 16 4) (1 16 1) (5 16 1)
(1 16 1) (3 16 1) (1 16 1) (7 32 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1)
(9 32 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (12 32 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1)
(1 16 1) (9 32 1) (5 32 1) (3 32 1) (5 32 2) (4 32 1) (1 16 1)
(3 32 1) (5 32 1) (3 32 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1)
(1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (3 16 3)
(1 16 1) (3 16 4) (1 16 1) (5 16 1) (1 16 1) (2 16 2)))
;; Tempo
(setf tempo-events
'(("Sehr mäßig" e. 40 16) (:rit 40 26 1/64 2) (40 1)
(:rit 40 26 1/64 3) (40 1) (:rit 40 26 1/64 1) (40 1)
(:rit 40 26 1/64 1) (40 1) (:rit 40 26 1/64 1)
(40 1) (:rit 40 26 1/64 1) (40 1) (:rit 40 26 1/64 1)
(40 1) (:rit 40 26 1/64 1) (40 5) (:rit 40 24 1/64 5)
(40 11) (:rit 40 26 1/64 2) (40 3) (:rit 40 26 1/64 2)
(40 1) (:rit 40 20 1/64 3)))
;; Score
(def-score webern-op.27-1
(:title "Variationen für Klavier Op.27, I"
:composer "Anton Webern"
:copyright "Copyright 1937 by Universal Edition"
:key-signature 'chromatic
:time-signature time-events
:tempo tempo-events
:accidentals :all
:flexible-clef t
:layout (piano-layout 'rhand 'lhand))
(rhand :omn rh
:channel 1
:sound 'gm
:program 0)
(lhand :omn lh
:channel 2)