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  1. I have converted many of my scores made in Notion to music xml in order to display them in the Assistant..which is very nice indeed. I'm wondering if I can convert those xml scores to an Opusmodus score direct or do I have to re-import them as midi? I see I can go the other way..xml to Notion, but cannot find how to go this way or if it's possible. Thanks
  2. Hello, I'm a new user and wondering if there is a recommended method to input and convert a score to OpusModus. I have a score I've written in 4 parts each part represented in its own file in both MusicXML and MIDI. My goal is to import (either the MIDI or MusicXML) and convert these to OMN so that I can modify them using functions. I have been able to import them but I'm having difficulty converting them to OMN and I haven't been able to find this specific use case in any of the documentation. Any best practice or advice is appreciated. Regards, Tom
  3. Hello, I'm trying to import Goldberg Variation No 26 into omn (to then process further), and I'm getting a bunch of fairly crazy rhythms (it certainly is a complicated midi file with ornaments, etc). I've tried both with the midi file included in the distro, and also with the attached. Essentially, I'd love to be able to see pretty much the same rhythms that I see when looking at these midi files in, say, Sibelius, once I export from omn. Anyone able to import that file successfully with respect to rhythmic notation (also, am I correct that there's no way to import musicxml into omn currently), and/or have any tips to offer? thanks very much, michael 988-v26.mid
  4. Hi all, I just would like to inform you all that I have made some first tests with xml export to the new Dorico notation program. (compile-score 'violins :file "test2" :output :musicxml) (musicxml-to-editor "test2" :application "Dorico") It works smooth and without problems. Maybe Dorico will be an alternative to Sibelius in the future. It looks promising with quite a few flaws in this first version 1.0.0. /Lasse
  5. Hello, I'm currently trying to get the musicxml-to-editor function to work but I'm not entirely sure how to get the correct bundle-identifier. I'm currently using Finale 2014.5. Whenever I just try "Finale", I get an error message. I also get an error message when I try "Finale 2014.5" or "Finale 20145". Thanks.
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