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  • Tonnetz

  •  In musical tuning and harmony, the Tonnetz (German: tone-network) is a conceptual lattice diagram representing tonal space (net) first described by Leonhard Euler in 1739. Various visual representations of the Tonnetz can be used to show traditional harmonic relationships in European classical music. Opusmodus there are 12 Tonnetz structures labelled by a number and by an intervallic content of the composite chord. The intervallic content is a number of semitones associated with the different interval axis.






    (setf length '(w h = - q = = = = = w = -q = = = = h =
                   q = = h = -q = = = w -q = = = h = w =))  
    (setf velocity (gen-prob 64 '((p .4) (mp .6) (mf .2)) :seed 270392))
    (setf tonnetz (tonnetz '(c4e4g4) (rnd-sample 32 '(0l 0rl 0lr) :seed 90198)
                           :join 1 :rotate (rnd-sample 32 '(0 -1 1) :seed 431458)))
    (setf omn1 (make-omn :length length :pitch tonnetz :velocity velocity))
    (ps 'gm
        :pg (list omn1)
        :time-signature '(4 4)
        :tempo 88)





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