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  1. Thank you Stephane for the veery quick response!!
  2. Hi, Is it possible to write a function which gives the following result: ((1)(1 2 2)(1 2 2 3 3 3)(1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4)(1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5))etc. Thanks for any suggestions!
  3. Ok, thanks, I think I don't get what pitch-variation does and what the parameters do. If someone is willing to explain, I would be very greatful, I think I don't have a clue..:-) Thanks!
  4. Just play around a little with pitch-variation a little, why does it makes no difference in the output what :type I choose? What am I missing? (setf chords '((h a2a3c4 c4a3a3) (h d4f3g2 f4g3d4))) (pitch-variation 0 1 4 (chord-pitch-unique chords) :type 'c :seed 23) ==>((h a3 c4 a2 a3) (h c4 a3 c4 a3) (h g2 f3 d4 f3) (h d4 f4 g3 f4)) (pitch-variation 0 1 4 (chord-pitch-unique chords) :type 'm :seed 23) ==>((h a3 c4 a2 a3) (h c4 a3 c4 a3) (h g2 f3 d4 f3) (h d4 f4 g3 f4)) (pitch-variation 0 1 4 (chord-pitch-unique chords) :type '? :seed 23) ==>((h a3 c4 a2 a3) (h c4 a3 c4 a3) (h d4 g2 f3 g2) (h d4 g3 d4 f4)) Thanks!
  5. o_e


    hth morse.opmo morse.rtfd.zip
  6. Thanks! Is the .rtfd format still possible?
  7. I have lots of selfmade docs, which are embedded nicely in the old OM version (by putting them in the ~/Opusmodus/System Library folder). Where do I put them in the 3.x version so I can access them via the search function (There is no System Library folder any more)? And do they have to be in .pdf format (which will make them pretty useless too for me, because I often make new annotations, when calling them)? Thanks for an answer!
  8. (setf num '(4 3 2 2 3 4 5)) (setf pitch '(a4 b4 c4 d4 e4)) (if (< (length num) (length pitch)) pitch num) =>(4 3 2 2 3 4 5) ;;;;;; (setf num '(4 3 2)) (setf pitch '(a4 b4 c4 d4 e4)) (if (< (length num) (length pitch)) pitch num) =>(a4 b4 c4 d4 e4) hth Edit: I think you need cond to compare the length of three lists with each other: (setf durations '(q e q e s)) (setf chords '(c4e4g4 e4g4c5)) (setf repetitions '(7 1 6 2 5 3 4 4)) (cond ((> (length chords) (and (length durations) (length repetitions))) chords) ((> (length durations) (and (length chords) (length repetitions))) durations) ((> (length repetitions) (and (length chords) (length durations))) repetitions))
  9. span is your friend (setf num '(4 3 2)) (setf pitch '(a4 b4 c4 d4 e4)) (span pitch num) ==>(4 3 2 4 3)
  10. Hi, it would be nice to have a changelog for the last 2.2.26941 update.. Thanks a lot!
  11. Thank you!
  12. But I can do something like this and that changes the length of the bar: (dictum '(:any e :apply q) '(e c4 d4 e4 fs4))
  13. Is it possible to remove rest(s) with dictum? Thanks! Edit: Why this does not work? (dictum '(:apply (length-rest-remove x)) '(w c5 ped -e))
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