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Controlling Counterpoint Output

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Hi everyone,

Today I've been learning about the Counterpoint function in v2, I decided to start simple:

(setf p01 '((-e e4 stacc g4 stacc b4 stacc s e4 fs4 leg e g4 leg fs4 b3 leg)))
(setf p02 '(((leg -e b5 b5 a5 a5 eb5 q eb5 leg))))

(setf voices 
      (counterpoint (list p01 p02) '(
        ((1 -) :methods (- -) :polyphony (7 o))
        ((2 1) :methods (t-12 -) :polyphony (7 o))
        ((2 1) :methods (t-5 r) :polyphony (7  ?))

(ps 'gm
    :fl (list (assemble-voices 1 voices))
    :cl (list (assemble-voices 2 voices))
    :tempo '(80)    
    :time-signature '(4 4)
    :start 1)

In this example I would really like to change the "as4" in bar 3 but I haven't been able to figure out how to do so.

I know that with the Unfold function I can process specific events, like so:

;;Transpose second bar and 3th and 7th note in bar 4
(unfold 'om '( (t12 2 ) (t-7 4 (3 7)) ) mat)

However, that doesn't seem to work within the :methods for the counterpoint function.
This then brought my attention to the build-in polyphony function, but so far it's taking a lot of time to understand how to use this function.

Thanks in advance for the help!

- Jor

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Here i'm applying in bar 3 soprano part the method t-3 to event 6 and event 7:


(setf p01 '((-e e4 stacc g4 stacc b4 stacc s e4 fs4 leg e g4 leg fs4 b3 leg)))
(setf p02 '(((leg -e b5 b5 a5 a5 eb5 q eb5 leg))))

(setf voices 
      (counterpoint (list p01 p02) '(
        ((1 -) :methods (- -) :polyphony (7 o))
        ((2 1) :methods (t-12 -) :polyphony (7 o))
        ((2 1) :methods (((t-3 1 (6 7)) t-5) r) :polyphony (7  ?))

(ps 'gm
    :fl (list (assemble-voices 1 voices))
    :cl (list (assemble-voices 2 voices))
    :tempo '(80)    
    :time-signature '(4 4)
    :start 1)


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