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    Uppsala, Sweden

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  1. I would do it like this: (chord-interval-add '(0 0 0 4 0) (harmonic-progression '(1 6 2 5 2) '(c major) :base 1))
  2. Thank you, Julio. That was fun and entertaining! I completely agree with that. Stay safe Lasse
  3. I did that by sending the same messages to the included .ens. Works well in the ensemble. Forget it. If you are on Mojave I will figure out the problem my self. /Lasse
  4. I am sorry but I have still the same problem as Rangarajan. The OSC-messages does not make it out from OM. I have tested the same messages from MAX, Kyma and Reaper. No problem. Weird. Maybe Mojave is the problem. There is sometimes problems with the security thingies that Apple have put in there. Let me know if I can assist in tracking down this. /Lasse
  5. Andy, Maybe this can help. https://opusmodus.com/forums/topic/415-working-with-large-pieces-in-multiple-sections/
  6. I will share whatever I can as soon as I can. I'm writing (notating) everything by hand when composing and arranging. I have used OM since day 1 and before that SCOM for many years. Still I have not learned much Lisp mainly caused by lack of time. I use these tools mainly for chaotic experimenting I would say. I have just quit working and is now a happy retired and hope to be able to spend more time wit OM and Lisp. /Lasse
  7. André, Thank you for the explanation. I agree with JH. Interesting. /Lasse
  8. Add this to the top of the file: (add-program-attributes '(default) ) It is not defined. SB missed to include that . /Lasse
  9. From the Listener: ? gen-chord3, chord-intervals: ((3 3 3 3) (3 5 7 9) (2 5 7 11)) cycle: nil relative: nil ambitus: piano seed: 254965 Since the function have a seed you should get different chords unless you set the seed value. (gen-chord3 '(c4 eb4 g4) '((3 3 3 3) (3 5 7 9) (2 5 7 11)) :seed 42) Gives you the same chords all the time.
  10. Thx Julio, Lot's of useful ideas for me. Brilliant! /Lasse
  11. Me to would like to have functions for that. I made a lib from about 50 pages from the book just to lose them before having time to share it
  12. Very nice! Thank you for this AM. I hope it will make it into OM. I think it should be part of this glorious tool. /Lasse
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