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  1. Or (mapcar (lambda (x) (sum (mapcar 'abs x))) ritmos) Jesper
  2. Yup, that avoids one step, Stephane. I have to study the built-in functions some more. Jesper
  3. Hi Julio. Maybe something like this will work. Jesper (setf tst '((2 4 2) (4 4 1) (2 4 3) (4 4 1) (2 4 3) (4 4 1) (2 4 3) (4 4 1) (2 4 1))) (defun foo (lst) (flatten (loop for x in lst collect (make-list (caddr x) :initial-element (/ (car x) (cadr x))))) ) (foo tst) ->(1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2)
  4. Was missing the last chord: ((q b3eb4gs4bb4cs5fs5 mf d3c4e4g4b4d5 g2a3cs4e4fs4b4 e. bb2eb3gs3c4d4g4 s eb3g3c4d4f4bb4 tie) (h eb3g3c4d4f4bb4 mf q a2g3c4d4fs4b4 d3g3c4e4fs4a4) (q g3b3e4fs4a4d5 mf bb2gs3c4eb4g4bb4 eb2f3a3c4d4g4 e. gs2cs3fs3bb3c4eb4 s b2eb3gs3bb3cs4fs4 tie) (h b2eb3gs3bb3cs4fs4 mf q f2eb3gs3bb3d4g4 e. bb2eb3gs3c4d4f4 s eb3g3c4d4f4bb4 tie) (h eb3g3c4d4f4bb4 mf q a2g3c4d4fs4b4 e. d3g3c4e4fs4a4 s g3b3e4fs4a4d5 tie) (h g3b3e4fs4a4d5 mf q cs3b3e4fs4bb4eb5 e. fs3b3e4gs4bb4cs5 s b3eb4gs4bb4cs5fs5 tie) (h b3eb4gs4bb4cs5fs5 mf q f3eb4gs4bb4d5g5 e. bb3eb4gs4c5d5f5 s eb4g4c5d5f5bb5 tie) (h eb4g4c5d5f5bb5 mf e. cs4e4bb4b4eb5fs5 s fs3e4gs4b4eb5fs5 -q)) This is what the optional print argument shows: major:Bmaj13 Root: B4 - Topnote: FS5 - Tension: 3 - Test-type: 4 - First try. unaltered-dominant:D13sus4 Root: D4 - Topnote: D5 - Tension: 4 - Test-type: 4 - First try. major:Gmaj13#11 Root: G4 - Topnote: B4 - Tension: 13 - Test-type: 4 - First try. unaltered-dominant:Bb13add11 Root: BB4 - Topnote: G4 - Tension: 5 - Test-type: 4 - First try. major:Ebmaj13 Root: EB4 - Topnote: BB4 - Tension: 3 - Test-type: 4 - First try. dorian-minor:Am13 Root: A4 - Topnote: B4 - Tension: 9 - Test-type: 4 - First try. unaltered-dominant:D13add11 Root: D4 - Topnote: A4 - Tension: 5 - Test-type: 4 - First try. major:Gmaj13 Root: G4 - Topnote: D5 - Tension: 3 - Test-type: 4 - First try. unaltered-dominant:Bb13sus4 Root: BB4 - Topnote: BB4 - Tension: 4 - Test-type: 4 - First try. major:Ebmaj13#11 Root: EB4 - Topnote: G4 - Tension: 13 - Test-type: 4 - First try. unaltered-dominant:Gs13add11 Root: GS4 - Topnote: EB4 - Tension: 5 - Test-type: 4 - First try. major:Bmaj13 Root: B4 - Topnote: FS4 - Tension: 3 - Test-type: 4 - First try. dorian-minor:Fm13 Root: F4 - Topnote: G4 - Tension: 9 - Test-type: 4 - First try. unaltered-dominant:Bb13add11 Root: BB4 - Topnote: F4 - Tension: 5 - Test-type: 4 - First try. major:Ebmaj13 Root: EB4 - Topnote: BB4 - Tension: 3 - Test-type: 4 - First try. dorian-minor:Am13 Root: A4 - Topnote: B4 - Tension: 9 - Test-type: 4 - First try. unaltered-dominant:D13add11 Root: D4 - Topnote: A4 - Tension: 5 - Test-type: 4 - First try. major:Gmaj13 Root: G4 - Topnote: D5 - Tension: 3 - Test-type: 4 - First try. dorian-minor:Csm13 Root: CS4 - Topnote: EB5 - Tension: 9 - Test-type: 4 - First try. unaltered-dominant:Fs13add11 Root: FS4 - Topnote: CS5 - Tension: 5 - Test-type: 4 - First try. major:Bmaj13 Root: B4 - Topnote: FS5 - Tension: 3 - Test-type: 4 - First try. dorian-minor:Fm13 Root: F4 - Topnote: G5 - Tension: 9 - Test-type: 4 - First try. unaltered-dominant:Bb13add11 Root: BB4 - Topnote: F5 - Tension: 5 - Test-type: 4 - First try. major:Ebmaj13 Root: EB4 - Topnote: BB5 - Tension: 3 - Test-type: 4 - First try. dorian-minor:Csm13 Root: CS4 - Topnote: FS5 - Tension: 9 - Test-type: 4 - First try. unaltered-dominant:Fs13sus4 Root: FS4 - Topnote: FS5 - Tension: 4 - Test-type: 4 - First try.
  5. Another short example: ;; Giant steps (setf gs-mel (length-diminution 2 '(h fs5 d5 b4 q. g4 9/8 bb4 h b4 a4 d5 bb4 g4 q. eb4 9/8 fs4 h g4 q. f4 9/8 bb4 h b4 q. a4 9/8 d5 h ds5 q. cs5 9/8 fs5 h g5 q. f5 9/8 bb5 q. fs5 e fs5 -h))) (setf gs-types '("Bmaj9" "D13" "Gmaj9" "Bb13" "Ebmaj9" "Am11" "D13" "Gmaj9" "Bb13" "Ebmaj9" "Gs13" "Bmaj9" "Fm11" "Bb13" "Ebmaj9" "Am11" "D13" "Gmaj9" "Csm11" "Fs13" "Bmaj9" "Fm11" "Bb13" "Ebmaj9" "Csm11" "Fs13")) ;; with max tension level 18 (setf gs-chords2 (jazz-voicings4 gs-mel nil gs-types 18 nil nil :tonality-use nil :div-type :length :add-root '(t) :printp t :drop 2 :rhythm nil :measures '(4/4) :test-type 4)) ((q b3eb4gs4bb4cs5fs5 mf d3c4e4g4b4d5 g2a3cs4e4fs4b4 e. bb2eb3gs3c4d4g4 s eb3g3c4d4f4bb4 tie) (h eb3g3c4d4f4bb4 mf q a2g3c4d4fs4b4 d3g3c4e4fs4a4) (q g3b3e4fs4a4d5 mf bb2gs3c4eb4g4bb4 eb2f3a3c4d4g4 e. gs2cs3fs3bb3c4eb4 s b2eb3gs3bb3cs4fs4 tie) (h b2eb3gs3bb3cs4fs4 mf q f2eb3gs3bb3d4g4 e. bb2eb3gs3c4d4f4 s eb3g3c4d4f4bb4 tie) (h eb3g3c4d4f4bb4 mf q a2g3c4d4fs4b4 e. d3g3c4e4fs4a4 s g3b3e4fs4a4d5 tie) (h g3b3e4fs4a4d5 mf q cs3b3e4fs4bb4eb5 e. fs3b3e4gs4bb4cs5 s b3eb4gs4bb4cs5fs5 tie) (h b3eb4gs4bb4cs5fs5 mf q f3eb4gs4bb4d5g5 e. bb3eb4gs4c5d5f5 s eb4g4c5d5f5bb5 tie) (h eb4g4c5d5f5bb5 mf e. cs4e4bb4b4eb5fs5 s fs3e4gs4b4eb5fs5 -q))
  6. Hi Julio. Yes, I know about the drop-voicings thanks. My function is a completely new library of 4-part and 5-part voicings that voice from the melody down. Example from this melody: (setf mt-omn (-h -e bb4 mf c5 f5 d5 bb4 c5 f5 h d5 tie e e bb4 c5 f5 d5 bb4 fs4 f4 tie q e fs4 he f4 tie h -e bb4 c5 f5 d5 bb4 c5 f5 h d5 -e a4 bb4 c5 d5 eb5 f5 fs5 tie q. e eb5 - b4 - gs4 h fs4 -e eb5 bb4 cs5 tie q e fs4 he tie h -e bb4 b4 cs5 tie q e fs4 he -e e5 d5 cs5 - b4 - cs5 tie q e fs4 he tie h -e bb4 b4 cs5 tie q e fs4 bb4 - b4 cs5 d5 tie q e g4 f4 fs4 cs5 - c5 tie w tie h -e f4 gs4 c5 tie q e cs5 he c5 tie h q bb4 e gs4 g4 tie w -e s bb4 gs4 e g4 gs4 c5 eb5 f5 g5 tie w tie h -e f5 - eb5 tie q e gs4 he eb5 -q e gs4 eb5 - gs5 - eb5 tie q e gs4 he eb5 -e cs5 eb5 e5 q eb5 e cs5 eb5 tie q e gs4 he eb5 -q e gs4 eb5 - gs5 - eb5 tie q e gs4 eb5 - e5 fs5 g5 - eb5 eb5 gs4 b4 fs5 d5 f5 tie w)) and these chord-symbols: (setf mt-types ("Bb13" "Ebmaj13" "Gs13" "Ebmaj13" "Csm11" "Fs13" "Bmaj11" "E13" "Bmaj11" "Bm11" "E13#11" "Cm11" "F7alt" "Bbm11" "Fs13#11" "G7alt" "Gsmaj11" "Bb13" "Eb13sus4" "Fs13sus4" "Eb13sus4" "Fs13sus4" "Fm11" "Bb7alt" "Ebmaj11")) and how long each chord lasts (setf mt-div (list 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2 3/2 1/2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1/2 1/2 1)) And the function looks like this for the trumpet part. (setf mt-trp (jazz-voicings4 mt-omn mt-div mt-types 18 nil mt-tonalities :div-type :length :test-type 5 :mtt-ambitus '(f3 f6) :add-root nil :5-partp nil :typelist '(1 2 3 4) :follow 'i :roots-only nil :tonality-use :passing-tones :out-ambitus '(c2 f7) :drop nil :drop-change :note :rhythm nil :measures '(4/4) :num-tries 3 :roots-only nil :chords-inside-lengths '(1/16 4) :chords-inside-ambitus '(c3 e6) :printp t :approach-interval -5 :anticipation t :anticipation-max 1/8 :root-offset 0 :root-type nil :allow-group-switch nil)) Still have a lot of work to do though. Getting complicated with passing-tones, anticipation and approach notes etc… The hardest part is to document everything and finding good names for the arguments. Jesper OpusModus test.mp3 WWW.DROPBOX.COM Shared with Dropbox The tonalities are optional. You can supply a list like this (setf mt-tonalities '(mixolydian ionian mixolydian ionian dorian mixolydian ionian mixolydian ionian dorian altered-dominant dorian altered-dominant dorian altered-dominant altered-dominant ionian mixolydian mixolydian mixolydian mixolydian mixolydian dorian altered-dominant ionian)) Otherwise will automatically pick tonalities from the chord-symbols with 3 different presets. One with tonalities without avoid-notes, one with "regular" tonalities and one depending on the available top notes in each chord family. Altered-dominant for instance have voicings for all notes except F and B in the key of C (c4 cs4 d4 ds4 e4 fs4 g4 gs4 a4 as4)
  7. I also made one for Symbolic Composer some 25 years ago. If I can find it, I might try to translate it to OM. Might take a while since I'm fully into a jazz-voicings function at the moment. Jesper
  8. What I do using Dropbox. I have the whole Opusmodus folder on my Dropbox, then a symbolic link to that folder on the default path. I use this. Download SymbolicLinker for Mac | MacUpdate WWW.MACUPDATE.COM Download the latest version of SymbolicLinker for Mac for free. Read 54 user reviews and compare with similar apps on MacUpdate. Jesper
  9. Not this? (NB meta is the alt/option key I think) Jesper
  10. Since a few versions back you can find the key commands in the help menu. Jesper
  11. Here are some links on Per Nørgård. https://www.lawtonhall.com/blog/2019/9/9/per-nrgrds-infinity-series https://www.andersbeyer.com/publications/work-analysis/attraction-and-repulsion/ https://www.theguardian.com/music/tomserviceblog/2012/jul/30/per-norgard-contemporary-music-guide Jesper
  12. Hi all, it's basically two main functions. infinity-series with a bunch of new options and tone-lakes. The other functions are to help you calculate start positions and size for the tone-lakes function, and to check if it's a "real" lake etc. No overview that I know of. But they are all in the same documents folder, named Per Noergaard in the latest update. Per Nørgård which is the correct name didn't work on the windows version, Janusz told me. Jesper
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