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  1. How to apply different voicings over a chord progression Sometimes you have to spread the notes of a chord progression in a very specific way, specially in the case of sectional writing as in the big bands, for example, where specific voicings are used, commonly named as drop2, drop3, etc. All the voicings are based in the initial closed position: - DROP2 is obtained by dropping the 2nd voice an octave below, as shown below: - DROP3 is obtained by dropping the 3rd voice an octave below, as shown below: There are 24 types of voicings as shown in the image below. The rule is to not exceed the octave between two adjacent voices. VOICING TYPES From Combinatorial Harmony Book, avaiable at: https://www.melbay.com/Products/Default.aspx?bookid=30042BCDEB CLOSED, DROP2, DROP3, DROP2+4, DROP2+3 and DOUBLEDROP2+ HOW TO IMPLEMENT IN OPUSMODUS EXAMPLE ;;; SOME Seventh CHORDS TO USE (setf chords '((a4c4d4f4) (c5eb4f4gs4) (d5f4g4bb4) (cs5e4fs4a4) (e4f4a4c4) (fs4g4b4d4) (d4eb4g4bb3) (eb4e4gs4b3) (e4g4a4c4) (a4c5d5f4) (f4gs4bb4cs4) (d4f4g4bb3) (fs5g4b4d5) (b5c5e5g5) (a5bb4d5f5) (gs4a3cs4e4) (b4d4e4g4) (d5f4g4bb4) (e5g4a4c5) (eb5fs4gs4b4) (e4f4a4c4) (fs4g4b4d4) (d4eb4g4bb3) (eb4e4gs4b3))) Setting the Voicing Types: csd (Closed Position) dp2 (Drop 2) dp2 (Drop 3) dp2-4 (Drop 2+4) dp2-3 (Drop 2+3) ddp2-3 (Double Drop 2 + Drop 3) (setf csd '(0 0 0 0) dp2 '(0 -12 0 0) dp3 '(0 0 -12 0) dp2-4 '(0 -12 0 -12) dp2-3 '(0 -12 -12 0) ddp2-3 '(0 -24 -12 0)) Drop order to apply over the sequence ;;;DROP ORDER (setf droplist (flatten (list csd dp2 csd dp2-4))) Command to make the voicings over the original chord progression ;;;ABERTURAS (chordize-list (pitch-transpose-n droplist (pitch-melodize chords))) RESULT Not the expected result!!!! See the next correction!!! All the best ! Julio Herrlein An important correction: In order to produce the right voicings is it necessary to sort the notes before transposing, so the Command to make the voicings over the original chord progression is like this: VOICINGS (setf chordprogdrop (chordize-list (pitch-transpose-n droplist (sort-desc (pitch-melodize chordtrp-rpt))))) Now, the right result for the voicing order csd dp2 csd dp2-4
  2. I've been studying HARMONIC-PATH and TONALITY-MAP functions to determine the exact similarities and differences between the two. While I understand the purpose of those functions in principle from reading the documentation and experimenting with different ideas, I wonder if - for educational purposes - someone could briefly highlight the main explicit differences between the two. In the short example below, both functions produce very similar results, so the question may be when to use one function instead of the other. And is it possible to achieve the same result with both functions? I appreciate anyone's advice or insight into this. Thanks! (setf chords '(c4e4g4 c4f4a4 b3d4g4)) (setf voice (gen-repeat (length chords) '((c4d4 e4)))) (setf harmonic-path (harmonic-path chords voice :octave :path)) => ((c4e4 g4) (c4f4 a4) (b3d4 g4)) (setf tonality-series (tonality-series chords :map '(step) :closest 'up)) (setf tonality-map (tonality-map tonality-series voice)) => ((c4g4 e5) (c4a4 f5) (b3g4 d5))
  3. Dear All, Stephane did this amazing and clear example (code below) of how to spread an harmonic progression over a predefined texture. This can be altered to any harmonic idiom. I did some test, using a chorale texture originated from a 12-tone row and also a more jazz-oriented chorale. THE QUESTION IS (For Stephane Boussuge) 1) How the harmonic rhythm is controlled here? In the example, the chord changes every half note. 2) How can I make the harmony changes at every quarter note ? 3) Can I use different rates of harmonic rhythms ? Best, Julio ;;; Classical Accompaniment Exemple ;;;--------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Parameters ;;;--------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Motif definition (setf mtf1 '((s c5 leg g5 leg e6 leg g5 c5 leg g5 leg e6 leg g5))) (setf mtf2 (pitch-transpose 4 mtf1)) (setf mtf3 '((-q e5))) (setf mtf4 '((-q g4c5))) (setf mtf5 '((q c2 -))) ;;; Chords definition (setf chords (library 'harmoprog1 'minor-4vx 'prog1)) ;;; Ostinati (setf ost1 (gen-repeat (length chords) mtf1)) (setf ost2 (gen-repeat (length chords) mtf2)) (setf ost3 (gen-repeat (length chords) mtf3)) (setf ost4 (gen-repeat (length chords) mtf4)) (setf ost5 (gen-repeat (length chords) mtf5)) ;;; Tonality-map series (setf tm-path (tonality-series chords)) ;;; Here we apply the map 'tm-path' into arpegio sequence. (setf ost1.map (tonality-map tm-path ost1)) (setf ost2.map (tonality-map tm-path ost2)) ;;; Here we apply our library chords into chord sequence. ;;; The harmonic-path preserves the voice leading. (setf ost3.map (harmonic-path chords ost3)) (setf ost4.map (harmonic-path chords ost4)) (setf ost5.map (harmonic-path chords ost5)) (setf violin1 (ambitus '(g3 c7) ost2.map)) (setf violin2 (ambitus '(g3 c6) ost1.map)) (setf viola (ambitus '(c3 e4) ost3.map)) (setf violoncello (ambitus-chord 12 (pitch-transpose -12 ost4.map))) (setf bass ost5.map) ;;;--------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Score and Layout ;;;--------------------------------------------------------- (def-score Classical-accomp (:title "Classical accompaniment example" :composer "S.Boussuge" :copyright "Copyright © 2018 s.boussuge" :key-signature 'chromatic :time-signature '((1 1 1 1) 4) :tempo 80 :layout (bracket-group (violin-layout 'violin1 :name "Violin-1") (violin-layout 'violin2 :name "Violin-2") (viola-layout 'viola) (violoncello-layout 'violoncello) (contrabass-layout 'bass) ) ) (violin1 :omn violin1 :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 'String-Ensemble-1 :volume 100 :pan 48 :controllers (91 '(68)) ) (violin2 :omn violin2 :channel 2 :sound 'gm :program 'String-Ensemble-1 :volume 100 :pan 48 :controllers (91 '(68)) ) (viola :omn viola :channel 3 :sound 'gm :program 'String-Ensemble-1 :volume 90 :pan 64 :controllers (91 '(68)) ) (violoncello :omn violoncello :channel 4 :sound 'gm :program 'String-Ensemble-1 :volume 90 :pan 80 :controllers (91 '(68)) ) (bass :omn bass :channel 5 :sound 'gm :program 'String-Ensemble-1 :volume 90 :pan 80 :controllers (91 '(68)) ) )
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