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  1. I am very happy to do that. Any anyother name sugestions for the new forum?
  2. Yes, you need ChatGPT Plus subscription.
  3. The ChatGPT still hallucinating but not to much. You always can tell the Opusmodus GPT to 'Search the Knowledge' first before any responds. Hopefully the ChatGTP will improve with time.
  4. Dear Opusmodus Users, We are excited to announce the launch of Opusmodus GPT, a customised version of ChatGPT tailored specifically for the Opusmodus community. Opusmodus GPT incorporates the entire Opusmodus documentation along with comprehensive usage examples. This tool allows you to interact and receive responses in your preferred language, making it easier than ever to explore and utilise Opusmodus functionalities. You can access Opusmodus GPT directly through the following link: ChatGPT - Opusmodus GPT CHATGPT.COM Composing Continuum We hope you find this tool valuable and look forward to your feedback. Best regards, The Opusmodus Team
  5. you need to set the :encode to NIL: (rnd-order '(e e e -e e e_q) :encode nil)
  6. Opusmodus 22. is no more supported, therefore no fixes possibile.
  7. Opusmodus 3.0 dose not have this particular panel next to the Listener, therefore what you insinuate can't be true. The Escape key should solve the problem on Opusmodus 2.0.
  8. Loop iteration is one of the most powerful and useful functions in environments like Opusmodus. I recommend spending some time understanding the grammar of the iteration possibilities. loop for i in '((c4) (cs4d4) (f4) (e4fs4)) collect (flatten (filter-repeat 1 (chord-inversion 1 i :series t :root t)))) => ((c4) (cs4d4 d4cs5) (f4) (e4fs4 fs4e5)) It would be better to flatten the sequence first: (flatten (loop for i in '(c4 cs4d4 f4 e4fs4) collect (filter-repeat 1 (chord-inversion 1 i :series t :root t)))) => (c4 cs4d4 d4cs5 f4 e4fs4 fs4e5) I could modify the function to prevent single pitch repetitions. With the possibile change: (chord-inversion 1 '(c4 cs4d4 f4 e4fs4) :series t :root t) => ((c4) (cs4d4 d4cs5) (f4) (e4fs4 fs4e5))
  9. remove-bar select-measure retain-bar search the system for bar
  10. With the update (3.0.29349) you will be able to do that: (filter-repeat 5 '(1 2 2 3 1 4 5 2 1 6 4 3 4 2 2 3 1 1 3) :position t) => (1 2 3 4 5 2 1 6 4 3 2 1) (filter-repeat 5 '(b5 b5 f5 b5 f5 a5 gs5 a5 fs5 bb5) :position t) => (b5 f5 a5 gs5 fs5 bb5) Please check the updated document.
  11. Truly wondeful with great explonation video. Thank you Timothee.
  12. just check the document
  13. With :seq set to T you will get what you are looking for: (setf scale '(c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 a3 b3)) (setf pos (gen-loop 4 (rnd-sample 2 '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6) :norep t))) => ((6 0) (0 4) (5 4) (0 2)) (position-swap pos scale :seq t) => ((e3 d3 c3 f3 g3 a3 b3) (e3 d3 g3 f3 c3 a3 b3) (e3 b3 g3 f3 c3 a3 d3) (c3 b3 g3 f3 e3 a3 d3))
  14. I almost completed the conversion (JOSN) of all documentation to GPT. Soon ready to use with your ChatGPT.
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