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  1. Is there a speaker time schedule for the convention?
  2. Thanks for a great presentation Stéphane, looking forward to the next livestream. Erik
  3. Thanks Stéphane, I'll join the session tonight. I don't really understand why the original values were changed, did they somehow interfere with key-switching in sample libraries? Maybe a solution for different workflows could be a setting in the preferences: "Articulations: Keyswitch / Original" or perhaps "Articulations: Sound-set / MIDI" (or something similar).
  4. I don't want dynamic changes for staccato either, just a shorter note value (50% or similar). But for marcato however, I think that a velocity change could be appropriate. We all have different work flows, for me sketching is part of composing. Maybe I'll have to learn how to setup my own sound-set eventually. I just think that it is really intuitive to think of basic articulations in terms of note length (staccato) and velocity (marcato).
  5. Ah, I see. Yes, I seem to remeber that playback of basic articulations was possible "out-of-the-box" so to speak, without setting up a particular sound-set. As I said, I've been away from OM for a while and have missed out on this discussion. I really think that the attributes listed in "OMN The Language/4. Attributes/Accents.pdf" should have some impact on duration and/or velocity. The documentation actually states that: "Accents in OMN make dynamic changes both to the duration of a note-length and to the velocity value of that note." As of now, the examples showcasing accents do not playback the basic articuations out-of-the-box. I think that this is especially importat in relation to the concept of "The Composing Continuum": Let's say that I use OM as a sketching tool for generating material, chances are that I won't use a different sound-set than the default GM sound. In the case of accents it means that you are losing access to the important auditive feedback in 1 of the 4 parameters of OMN. Also, for playback over an IAC bus I think that these basic articulations should be reflected in the underlying midi events. Where can I read the discussion you mentioned? Thanks.
  6. Sorry, I must have misunderstood something fundamental about OM. I just assumed that the "stacc" attribute was operating on the duration of the underlying midi note event (50% of notated value or similar) and that "marc" was adding an offset to the velocity value, as is the case in for example Sibelius. What am I missing here? Is it not possible to have staccato or accent playback using the default GM sounds?
  7. Thanks for the reply. What I mean is that I don't hear the staccato playback effect at all. Or any other accent attributes for that matter (marc, stacs etc.). I'm on release 2.0.25787 on High Sierra using the built in sound library.
  8. I've been away from OM for a while, and now I am preparing some examples for teaching. For some reason this simple example won't playback staccato properly (Snippet > Audition and Notation). What am I missing here? The notation shows the staccato markings. (make-omn :length (gen-repeat 20 'q) :pitch (integer-to-pitch '(0 2 5 7 10)) :velocity '(mp) :attribute '(- - stacc) :span :length )
  9. The result when sorting ascending on top note would in the above case be: '(a2a3 a2e4 d4e4 c3f4 f4cs4 a2a4) When the top note is the same, the bottom note decides. Another example: ; sorting on bottom note ; '(g2g3 g2d4 g2g4 a2a3 a2e4 a2a4) ; sorting on top note ; '(g2g3 a2a3 g2d4 a2e4 g2g4 a2a4)
  10. Is there built-in functionality to sort a chord-progression using the top note? The following example uses the bottom note: (sort-asc '(a2a3 a2a4 a2e4))
  11. Thanks, this will work for my purposes. Kind regards, Erik
  12. Hi, I am working on a table for harmonics on the theorbo. Is there a way to mark strings with numbers higher than 5? Or perhaps a way to add your custom roman numeral? By the way, I am still on 1.2.23260, maybe there are more options in 1.3 regarding custom markings? Kind Regards, Erik
  13. Thanks Janusz, this was exactly was what I was wishing for, really useful I think!
  14. Thanks for the patience and clarification Janusz, and thanks also to Lasse for the useful lisp function.
  15. Yes, of course, but in terms of workflow it isn't very practical, I think you would like to keep things separated when trying out individual lines of a score. Is there a way of somehow getting the seed or random state used under the hood when not providing one yourself? (Sorry about the typo, I meant to write Cmd + 3 in the code example, as in "OMN notation")
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