Everything posted by JulioHerrlein
How to rewrite example from book that uses omn-dictum
Dear Cliff, I finished the book in October 2022. Now, it´s in the revision and translation stage, according to Marco and Janusz. Looking forward ! The plan is to release in the same publishing house of the first Opusmodus book. All the best ! Thanks for the interest.
Assistant unable to load pdfs in windows version
Try to install a FOXIT PDF reader (it´s free) and make it your default PDF reader. Hope it helps. Free PDF Reader & Viewer - Online Download | Foxit Software WWW.FOXIT.COM The best free PDF reader & viewer used by over 700 million users. Download Foxit PDF Reader for Windows, Mac, Android & more today!
Merge-voices from list
Thanks, Stephane !! Is there some documentation about it ? Very good to know. Best, Julio
Merge-voices from list
Dear friends, I got the result (z^w c2 z^h c4 q g5 g5 z^h d4 q g5 g5) in this operation, using André´s function. What is the meaning of z and ^ in the OMN language ? THanks, best, Julio
Manipulating Tie as duration in Dictum
Thanks, Janusz There is a lot of impact of using this in the notation indeed, specially when editing for the publishing work. The example provided in the beginning of this post is about this. I´ll try to make a function or use search/replace in order to do this .
Manipulating Tie as duration in Dictum
There is any form to aply the :merge-ties only to a selected range of lengths ? (only in longer notes, for example ?). The time signature is irrelevant in this case, only to separate the lists... Best Thanks
Manipulating Tie as duration in Dictum
Dear All, Still trying to deal with this... Help is appreciated. Thanks ;;; Question How to use DICTUM to filter the use of omn-to-time-signature ? ;;; MAterial (setf vl1 '((-s) (e. gs4 s as4 h. e4 tie) (h e4 d4 tie) (q d4 e ds4 s fs4 hs b4 tie) (h b4 s gs4 g4 a4 qs c5 tie) (q c5 s as4 e a4 cs4 e. d4 d4 s) (w g4 tie) (q g4 h. d5) (e b4 s g4 h.s f4 tie) (q f4 s ds4 e4 f4 hs fs4) (s c5 e as4 ds5 e. cs5 fs4 s g4 q fs4 tie) (w fs4) (h. g4 e gs4 s a4 d5 tie) (w d5) (s b4 g4 a4 hs s gs4 e as4 s e4 tie) (s e4 e. d4 ds4 s fs4 h b4 tie) (h. b4 q gs4 tie) (h gs4 e g4 s a4 qs c5 tie) (h. c5 s as4 a4 cs4 d4 tie) (h d4 s e e g4 e. d5))) ;;; Filter works rigth in this example: pitch transposing only long notes (dictum '((:range (h w.) :apply (pitch-transpose -24 x)) ) vl1) ;;; I´d like to aply this merge-ties nil only to the longer notes, not in the entire example. Can I use DICTUM as a filter to apply only in longer notes ? (omn-to-time-signature vl1 '((2 4 2) (4 4 1) (2 4 8) (1 4 1)) :merge-ties nil) ;;; HOW ??? ;;; This won´t work... What I missed ? (dictum '(:range (h w.) :apply (omn-to-time-signature vl1 '((2 4 2) (4 4 1) (2 4 8) (1 4 1)) :merge-ties nil)))
DICTUM to filter the use of omn-to-time-signature ?? Help, please
Dear All, Please, help ! ;;; Question How to use DICTUM to filter the use of omn-to-time-signature ? ;;; MAterial (setf vl1 '((-s) (e. gs4 s as4 h. e4 tie) (h e4 d4 tie) (q d4 e ds4 s fs4 hs b4 tie) (h b4 s gs4 g4 a4 qs c5 tie) (q c5 s as4 e a4 cs4 e. d4 d4 s) (w g4 tie) (q g4 h. d5) (e b4 s g4 h.s f4 tie) (q f4 s ds4 e4 f4 hs fs4) (s c5 e as4 ds5 e. cs5 fs4 s g4 q fs4 tie) (w fs4) (h. g4 e gs4 s a4 d5 tie) (w d5) (s b4 g4 a4 hs s gs4 e as4 s e4 tie) (s e4 e. d4 ds4 s fs4 h b4 tie) (h. b4 q gs4 tie) (h gs4 e g4 s a4 qs c5 tie) (h. c5 s as4 a4 cs4 d4 tie) (h d4 s e e g4 e. d5))) ;;; Filter works rigth in this example: pitch transposing only long notes (dictum '((:range (h w.) :apply (pitch-transpose -24 x)) ) vl1) ;;; I´d like to aply this merge-ties nil only to the longer notes, not in the entire example. Can I use DICTUM as a filter to apply only in longer notes ? (omn-to-time-signature vl1 '((2 4 2) (4 4 1) (2 4 8) (1 4 1)) :merge-ties nil) ;;; HOW ??? ;;; This won´t work... What I missed ? (dictum '(:range (h w.) :apply (omn-to-time-signature vl1 '((2 4 2) (4 4 1) (2 4 8) (1 4 1)) :merge-ties nil)))
- Midi Player hanging notes
Pluton for Orchestra
Dear Janusz, I experienced the hanging of notes when evaluating the Zvony Pluton file above in both of my windows computers. The notebook and the desktop. The hanging of the notes occur when pausing the notation editor. When rewinding the notation player the notes are still hanging until the cursor pass from the point where stopped. Possibly this means that some note off information is missing when the pause is pressed. All the best ! Julio The port was set to IGNORE PORTS
- Midi Player hanging notes
Midi Player hanging notes
Yes, probably windows stuff. I have no problems with notation viewer and live coding player. Everything works great except the the midi player. Also 1) when navigating to the media content at the (M) button of the workspace the aiff files are launched in my system player instead of the Opusmodus Lispworks interface player. I have VLC player installed. 2) when navigating the documentation, the documents appear to be inside my FOXIT pdf reader (my favorite free reader installed). So I need to right-click and set it to read mode. Windows does not have a default pdf reader when system is installed. Do you recommend some reader. Actually I like the appearance of FOXIT reader + Opusmodus but I have to change to read mode every time I need to copy code from the docs. Best, Julio
Midi Player hanging notes
Dear, Janusz Unfortunately, It´s still hanging after the update. I don´t know why... It hangs even with the internal sounds. Probably needs a command to reset all notes when "pause" is pressed in the player. Try controller 123 (all notes off) and also individual note off as well (for more recent VST instruments) for sending individual "note off's" to all 127 notes on every MIDI track and channels.
- Midi Player hanging notes
- Midi Player hanging notes
Windows Port?
- Opusmodus for Windows Tutorial
Opusmodus 3.0 for Windows ( Basic Install and Workflow Setup ) In this video there is a tutorial for the installation and setup of Opusmodus 3.0 for Windows computers. It also shows the Loop Midi Setup and integration with Reaper, Musescore and Libre Office. LINKS OPUSMODUS 3.0 - Windows https://opusmodus.com/forums/downloads/ LOOP MIDI - Virtual Midi ports - Tobias Erichsen https://www.tobias-erichsen.de/software/loopmidi.html REAPER https://www.reaper.fm/ MUSESCORE https://musescore.org LIBRE OFFICE https://www.libreoffice.org/ CHAPTERS 00:00 - Intro 00:59 - Install Opusmodus 02:41 - First Look at Opusmodus Standalone 04:25 - Midi Setup 05:23 - Loop Midi Install 05:53 - Virtual Ports Setup 06:30 - Selecting Midi Inputs and Midi Entry 07:00 - DAW Midi Loop Setup (Reaper) 09:19 - Def-Instrument-set creation and setup midi 11:42 - Preview Score with def-instrument-set using VST and Reaper 12:20 - OMN for creating musical ideas 12:44 - Using the Preview Score with VST sounds in Reaper 14:36 - Opusmodus and Notation Software - Musescore 15:21 - Opusmodus and word processor software - Libre Office- Windows Version - Uninstall - Re-Install
In the next days I´ll do a video about the Windows setup. The uninstall (if necessary) can be done in the Control Panel.- Converting MIDI or MusicXML to OMN
Yes, I was thinking about this other day... Best !- What means multi layout ?
Dear All, What means multi layout ? For multiple instrument / voices ? :group Multi :multi (:layout multi-layout :port nil :channel 2 :sound 'gm :program 0 :controllers nil :pan (pan 0) :volume 92)- Empty Layout in PS
Thanks, Janusz ! Best !- Empty Layout in PS
Yes, but I really enjoy more the workflow of PS, because it´s quick and easy to evaluate. So, a sort of "empty-layout" would solve my need. Thanks a lot ! Best- Empty Layout in PS
(ps 'gm :sq (list vn1 vn2 vla vlc) :tempo 68 :output :audition) What is the solution if I need only the vn1 and vn2 with staves and vla and vlc just sounding without staves ? Can it be done in PS form ? Thanks a lot ! Best, Julio- Empty Layout in PS
Thanks, Janusz These keywords are already implemented in Opusmodus or will be implemented in the next release ? Best, Julio - OPUSMODUS 3 WINDOWS - MIDI SETUP ABLETON