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Everything posted by opmo

  1. This year for sure we get the M1 support.
  2. We are already talking to LispWorks about OM port to LispWorks. LispWorks already support Apple Silicon processor.
  3. '(melodic-major :closest down) or (setf c-minor (tonality-map '(melodic-major :seed 43) c-major))
  4. You need to search and study more the documents.
  5. (setf omn-ls (length-staccato '((q e3) (q. e3) (q g3) (q d3) (q. a3)) :value 1/8)) => ((e e3 -) (e e3 -q) (e g3 -) (e d3 -) (e a3 -q)) (loop for i in omn-ls collect (fit-to-span 3/8 i)) => ((e e3 -q) (e e3 -q) (e g3 -q) (e d3 -q) (e a3 -q))
  6. (loop for seq in '((q e3) (q. e3) (q g3) (q d3) (q. a3)) for span in '(3/8 1/4 3/8 1/2) collect (fit-to-span span seq)) => ((q e3 -e) (q e3) (q g3 -e) (q d3 -))
  7. You should generate the sequence correctly in the first place and not make correction to an existing sequence. (loop for i in '((q e3) (q e3) (q g3) (q d3) (q a3)) collect (fit-to-span 3/8 i)) => ((q e3 -e) (q e3 -e) (q g3 -e) (q d3 -e) (q a3 -e))
  8. (setf mat '((-e a3f4d5 q f4d5a5) (q a3e4c5 q e4c5a5) (-e a3g4e5 h g4e5a5))) (get-time-signature mat) => ((2 4 2) (3 4 1)) (get-time-signature mat :group :numerator) => (((2) 4 2) ((3) 4 1)) (get-time-signature mat :group :denominator) => (((1 1) 4 2) ((1 1 1) 4 1)) (get-span mat) => (1/2 1/2 3/4)
  9. Example: (ps 'vsl :sq (list v1 v2 v3 v4) :tempo tempo :time-signature '(2 4) :flexible-clef nil)
  10. The code can be found here: Perlin noise - Rosetta Code ROSETTACODE.ORG
  11. I can't help without the score, file or expression which produces the error. Please note, you need to download the software for the specific macOS.
  12. In composition (OM) error is not an option. Many functions in OM taking care (if possible) of given values which do not satisfy the constrain.
  13. This most me a Cubase problem. All fine an all other sequences as far as I know. Save the midi file of your score and open it in Cubase and see if it works.
  14. 2.2.26897 – Additions: COUNTERPOINT - new keyword :sequence – Documentation: Update to number of documents (def-score aw-variation (:title "aw-variation" :composer nil :copyright nil :key-signature 'chromatic :layout '(:brace (:treble rh) (:bass lh) :name "Piano" :abbr "Pno.") :rewrite-lengths 't :time-signature '(2 4) :tempo '(56)) (rh :omn '(#|1|# (-3e cs4 pp a4 bb4 c4 cs4b3 -e e4d4 s c4bb4 - eb4cs4 cs4b3 3e e4d4 c4bb4 - eb4cs4 bb4 c4) #|2|# (3e eb4d5 pp e4eb5 fs4f5 p - g4fs5 d5 -s eb5 b4 c5 - f4 f cs4 pp d4 -3e e4 p b3cs5 d4e5 bb4c5 cs4eb5) #|3|# (e c6 f - -s cs6 a5 bb5 f> 5q f4e5 mf e4eb5 f> g4fs5 mf - gs4g5 p 3e gs5 g5 b5 bb5 f - b4) #|4|# (3e c4fs4b4 pp cs4g4c5 eb4d5 f eb4a4d5 e4eb5 - s e4eb5 - e4bb4eb5 e4eb5 - f4e5 f4e5 p fs4f5 pp -e g4fs5) #|5|# (e g4gs4 mp - s gs4a4 mf bb4b4 f bb4c5 - 3e b3c5 p - b3cs5 f c4fs4b4 mf cs4eb5 p cs4 mp 5q cs4g4c5 f - d4e5 d4 eb4d5) #|6|# (5q gs4 f a4 b4 p - c5 mp cs4g4c5 e4bb4eb5 f eb4a4d5 - c4fs4b4 - b5 g5 bb5 gs5 mf 3e gs4g5 mp f4e5 - g4fs5 f e4eb5 e4eb5 p) #|7|# (s gs5 p - g5 mf bb5 b5 - e4eb5 f4e5 g4fs5 f gs4g5 cs4 p - - a4 c4 bb4) #|8|# (3e gs5 p g5 bb5 b5 e4eb5 - f4e5 g4fs5 - gs4g5 cs4 a4 c4 bb4 fs4 - d4 eb4 f4 b3 gs4 c4 - a4) #|9|# (e bb5 p - -3e a5 mf a5 gs5 g5eb5 mp g5 - fs5d5 p fs5 fs5 f5 e5c5 mf 5q eb5b4 b4gs4 bb4g4 mp bb4g4 -) #|10|# (-e bb4 p -3e c4 cs4 a4 pp b3 bb4 p s d4 cs4 p> - fs4d4 pp 3e f4cs4 p gs4e4 a4f4 a4 pp - fs4) #|11|# (-e)) :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 0 :volume 90 :pan 64) (lh :omn '(#|1|# (3e a2 pp gs2 cs3c2 d3cs2 - g3fs2 3q b3bb2 - gs1 - a1 b1 3e c2 b3bb2 g3fs2 a2 - gs2) #|2|# (3q g1gs2 pp - b1c3 e2f3 p - a2 -3e fs3 a3 bb3 g3 pp bb2 3q f2fs3 - b1c3 p) #|3|# (3e a2 f bb2 f2fs3 e2f3 b1c3 mp - g1gs2 bb3 a3 g3 p - fs3 g1gs2 b1c3 f a2 bb2 f2fs3 - e2f3 mp b1c3 g1gs2 bb3 - a3 p) #|4|# (3q bb1 p cs2 pp - e d2 - -3e f2fs3 fs2f3 gs2a3 bb2e3a3 c4 3q eb3 c3 p -) #|5|# (e eb3 pp - 3e c4 a3gs2 a3e3bb2 fs3f2 - fs3cs3g2 s f3fs2 - e3f2 cs3d2 cs3d2 c3 - bb2) #|6|# (3e bb1 pp cs2 - d2 f2fs3 fs2f3 s gs2a3 bb2e3a3 c4 - 3e eb3 c3 bb2 g2cs3fs3 f2e3 - d2cs3 d2cs3 - b1 bb1 cs2) #|7|# (3e c3 pp b2cs3 a3 gs1g2 - bb2 b1 e3 f3 f1e2 - bb2e3a3 e2eb3 g2fs3 gs2g3 bb1 - eb2d3 s fs3 - a2gs3 eb3) #|8|# (s bb2e3a3 pp - g2cs3fs3 bb1 e b1 - -3e eb2d3 f2e3 bb2 cs3 f1e2 - gs1g2 gs2g3 a2gs3 a3 fs3) #|9|# (3e eb3cs3 p a3 mp - gs3a2 f fs3g2 fs3cs3g2 mp -3q e3 eb3e2 p -e d3eb2 3e c3 g2gs1 p> - b1 p bb1 mp e2f1 f) #|10|# (3e eb3 p> bb3 pp f3fs2 cs3d2 - cs3bb2 p -e a2 3e g2 - d2 cs2 pp c2 d2 p> s g2gs1 pp gs2a1 - bb2) #|11|# (s d3f3 pp bb2cs3)) :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 0 :volume 90 :pan 64)) (setf v1 (pitch-demix 1 (collect-score-instruments 'aw-variation 1))) (setf v2 (pitch-demix 2 (collect-score-instruments 'aw-variation 2))) (setf v3 (pitch-demix 1 (collect-score-instruments 'aw-variation 1))) (setf v4 (pitch-demix 2 (collect-score-instruments 'aw-variation 1))) (setf dictum '(((1 1 1 1) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 64) ((2 2 2 2) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56) ((3 3 3 3) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 34) ((* 4 * 4) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 44) ((5 5 5 5) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 34) ((6 6 6 6) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 64) ((* 7 * 7) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56) ((8 8 8 8) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 44) ((* 9 * 9) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56) ((10 10 10 10) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 64) ((11 11 11 11) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56) ((1 - 3 4) :sequence (4 1 3 1) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56) ((3 3 - 3) :sequence (2 2 3 1) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 34) ((4 1 - *) :sequence (2 2 3 1) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 44) ((5 - 5 5) :sequence (1 4 4 3) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 34) ((6 * 6 6) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 64) ((7 - 7 1) :sequence (4 3 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56) ((7 3 - 1) :sequence (1 2 4 3) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 44) ((- * 9 6) :sequence (4 2 3 1) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56) ((- 5 * 10) :sequence (4 3 2 3) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 64) )) (counterpoint (list v1 v2 v3 v4) dictum :global-methods '(fl ob (t-12 bcl) mar) :index 'in) (ps 'vsl :fl (list in1) :ob (list in2) :bcl (list in3) :mar (list in4) :octave-shift t :tempo in-tempo) Best wishes, Janusz
  15. Still waiting for CCL but we are talking to LispWorks as well.
  16. Requirements: macOS 10.9 - 12.2 (Intel)
  17. (defun comb-to-sum (n) (let ((nums (gen-integer 1 n)) (x 0)) (find-unique (sort-asc (flatten-sublist (loop repeat n for i = (combination2 (incf x) nums) collect (loop for c in i if (= (sum c) n) collect c))))))) (comb-to-sum 3) => ((3) (1 2) (1 1 1)) (comb-to-sum 5) => ((5) (1 4) (2 3) (1 1 3) (1 2 2) (1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 1)) If you need the function in the OM system I could add it with the next update. In what context you are using this combination?
  18. 2.2.26891 – New Functions: PITCH-PROGRESSION RND-BEAT-ORDER RECONSTRUCT-OMN – Fixed: RND-ORDER init seed bug Downloads
  19. (setf exile-chorale (pitch-transpose -3 '(h c4eb4g4 c4d4f4ab4 w bb3d4f4g4 h g3c4eb4 ab3c4d4f4 w g3bb3d4f4 h c4eb4g4c5 d4f4ab4c5 d4g4ab4c5 w d4g4ab4c5 ))) (setf exile-chords (gen-repeat 10 (omn :pitch exile-chorale))) (setf vector-exile-chorale (list-plot (vector-smooth 0.1 (flatten (vector-round 0.01 1.00 (pitch-to-integer (pitch-demix 1 exile-chords))))) :join-points t :point-radius 2)) (setf inv-num (gen-trim (length exile-chords) '(1))) (setf exile-chords-i (chord-inversion inv-num exile-chords :variant '? :omit '(i ri))) (setf pitches (vector-map (pitch-melodize exile-chords-i) vector-exile-chorale)) (setf rh (pitch-transpose 0 (make-omn :length '(e) :pitch pitches :velocity '(p) :span :pitch))) (setf count (get-count pitches)) (setf att (gen-repeat (length count) '(leg))) (setf leg-series (mclist att count)) (attribute-series leg-series rh)
  20. (mclist '(0 1 2 3) '(a b c d)) => ((0 a) (1 b) (2 c) (3 d))
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