Support & Troubleshooting
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416 topics in this forum
Hi guys, Why would this notate but not play? '((s f5 ffff t e4 = = = = s f4 pp t f3 >) (t f3 > t f4 > t f4 > e f3 > trem) (e g2 ff s f5 ppp s g6 sfz stacc f3 mp)) it creates the score without any problems but will not play back... thank you!
- 6 replies
lviklund replied -
Hi guys, Just going through the quick start examples of algorithmic composing, and there is something that has been happening from the beginning: I open Quickstart, I choose Lesson 2, for example. I use the up/down arrows to navigate through the various .opmo documents, I navigate down, skimming through the text, right down to document 8 and when I navigate back up, documents 5 and 6 appear blank... this has happened to me also with tutorial 1. What I have done is to restore the quick start document and go again. I have also tried opening those docs independently but still blank! what is happening? thanks! Navigating the Learning Curve in Upperthong West Yorkshire!
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julio d'escrivan replied -
Hello everyone! when you do this: (vector-to-pitch '(g3 g4) (gen-white-noise 10 :seed 89)) you get the pithces in two different colours, why is that? => (ab3 g4 eb4 a3 b3 eb4 g4 g3 gb4 e4) Thanks, Julio (not sure the colours will show up on this post, but I think you know what I mean...?)
- 4 replies
julio d'escrivan replied -
Any Opusmodus users running OS X El Capitan? How is it?
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hujairi replied -
Following from this question, I want to use several different Lisp packages through quicklisp, but I can't get the installation to work correctly. After doing some digging, I found out that the path to quicklisp is not defined correctly. This is the content of the ql:*quicklisp-home* global: > ql:*quicklisp-home* #P"/Users/opusmodus/quicklisp/" I realised that changing this manually doesn't fix the issue, and because of this I can't install or use quicklisp correctly. Note that I do not have a user by the name opusmodus and creating that directory with my user's permission does not fix it. I managed to do something by using…
- 13 replies
ajf- replied -
Hi guys, From both supercollider and Max, I am used to clicking an object (in this case it would be function) and bringing up a help file. Is there a similar shortcut here in OM? or do I always have to highlight the function, copy it, then go to the Utilities Panel, Select 'Search', paste in the function name, and then get the help file? just not used to taking so many steps to invoke help! Lazy in West Yorkshire
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opmo replied -
the function is missing here: ;;; Lesson 2 - Algorithmic ;;; 4. Pitches ;;;--------------------------------------------------------- (setf pitch-transp (7 -12 pitches)) ;; Now let's transpose those pitches down an octave. this snippet eval gives this: > Error: Car of (7 -12 pitches) is not a function name or lambda-expression. > While executing: ccl::cheap-eval-in-environment, in process Listener-1(8). so I checked back to the Full score and it says this: (setf pitch-transp (pitch-transpose -12 pitches)) which works and makes sense! the name of the setfield is quite s…
- 10 replies
opmo replied -
Hi Maestro Is there new documentation for version 1.1 or do the older tutorials work fine? Many thanks for your endeavors 0n behalf of the international creative community; Opusmodus is everything It's touted to be and more...Best to you...rog
- 1 reply
opmo replied -
This is my score everything evaluates until I get to the bottom and then I get a air a message about my use of right-hand and left-hand NOT BEING DEFINED (setf pitches (gen-repeat 10 '(gs4 as4 bs4 cs5 ds5))) (setf pitches2 (gen-repeat 10 '(c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 ))) (setf lengths (span pitches '(e))) (setf rest (length-rest-weight '(2 1 ) lengths :seed 19)) (setf rest2 (length-rest-weight '(3 1) lengths :seed 17)) (setf piano-righthand (make-omn :length rest :pitch pitches :velocity '(f))) (setf piano-lefthand (make-omn :length rest2 :pitch pitches2 :velocity '(f))) (setf timesigs (get-time-signature lengths)) (de…
- 1 reply
opmo replied -
Hi, after updating to 1.1, all items in the different Utilities panes (System Library, Documents, Def-Libraries) are gone. Any way to get them back? I am on OS X 10.9.5 if that helps. Thanks
- 2 replies
opmo replied -
Hi, I noticed this behavior using length-adjust: (length-adjust '3/4 '(-s = = =) :type 'r :position 's) => (-h -s nil nil nil) This works though: (length-adjust '3/4 '(s = = =) :type 'r :position 's) => (-1/2 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16) and this: (length-adjust '3/4 '(-s s s s) :type 'r :position 's) => (-1/2 -1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16) Seems as if the -s in combination with = causes the problem. I'm still on OM 1.0, maybe this behaves differently in 1.1. All the best, Erik
- 1 reply
opmo replied -
Hi, How can I find the sum of lengths in OMN including rests? Obviously the code below won't work, but it will give you an idea what I'm looking for: (setf anacrusis-ls '((-s = = = = = = =) (-3e = = = = =) (-5q. = = = = = = = = =))) (setf pick (rnd-pick anacrusis-ls)) (setf sum (find-sum pick)) All the best, Erik
- 2 replies
EAIP replied -
With optional b and step: (gen-integer -3 12 2) => (-3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11) (gen-integer -3 12 '(1 2)) => ((-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12) (-3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11)) The second example is giving error: > Error: The value (1 2) is not of the expected type number.
- 3 replies
opmo replied -
I am working with this idea: trying to create short fragments to combine into the omn for score and playback. (setq r1 (gen-loop 4 (rnd-order (rnd-pick '((e - = =) (e - 3ee = =) (5e = = = =) (7ee = = = = = =) (7eee = = = = = =) (7eeee = = = = = =))) :seed 35))) (setq r2 (gen-loop 4 (rnd-order (rnd-pick '((e - = =) (e - 3ee = =) (5e = = = =) (7ee = = = = = =) (7eee = = = = = =) (7eeee = = = = = =))) :seed 35))) (setq r3 (gen-loop 4 (rnd-order (r…
- 6 replies
opmo replied -
Hello. I am a Music Composition student at UCSD and I would love to try this wonderful looking program. However, it seems that after downloading the Trial Version and installing it, the program itself won't load (I am using OS X Yosemite and I have already altered the security settings and gave permissions to run software). The Opusmodus logo just bounces but never loads until it is ultimately unresponsive. Any help/info would be much appreciated. Thanks!
- 27 replies
opmo replied -
Hi, How do I actually access tonality-names? (integer-to-pitch acoustic-scale) throws the following error: > Error: Unbound variable: acoustic-scale > While executing: ccl::cheap-eval-in-environment, in process Listener-1(8). I'm on OS 10.9.5 (Mavericks), Opusmodus 1.0.15921All the best,Erik
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EAIP replied -
Greetings: I am working with this fragment and I am confused by the result. If, there is no :seed in any function then the code fragment compiles as expected - the output is different each time. If there is a :seed value in the setq function then the pitch order is always the same - even though the RND-ORDER function has :seed NIL. Is there a ways to gain independence with seeding of random functions in this example? Keeping rhythm constant but having new pitch output each time, for example. Many thanks for any help on this. *** (setq rhy3 (gen-loop 16 (rnd-pick '((-h -) (q - - ) (q -) (5qqq = - = -) (5qq = = = =) (5ss…
- 7 replies
opmo replied -
Hi, The settings in Preferences>Audition doesn't seem to load properly when restarting Opusmodus. However, the settings of the popup-menues are saved since last session, and when opening the Audition window the settings will reload. I'm on OS 10.9.5 (Mavericks), Opusmodus 1.0.15921 All the best, Erik
- 2 replies
EAIP replied -
Hi,Is there a way that I can randomize the size argument of GEN-INTERLEAVE in the following code?That is, not just initially but continuously, so you get a variable interleave size. All the best,Erik(ambitus '(g3 g5) (gen-interleave 5 (integer-to-pitch (gen-accumulate '(2 7) :start -5 :count 16))) :type :invert)
- 7 replies
opmo replied -
Here is the score Very often when rnd repeat of Rhyt is too high i gat this error message when i want to export last score to midi ,maybe a mistake on my part which i do no pinpoint Thanks Patrick (setf pitch (rnd-repeat '(60) '(c5 d5 e5 f5 e5 bb5 g5 a5 b5 c6))) (setf color (tonality-map '(heptonia-seconda :root c3 :remove 1) (rnd-repeat '(60) '(c5 d5 e5 f5 e5 bb5 g5 a5 b5 c6)))) (setf rhyt (rnd-repeat '(1000) '(s -s -e e))) (setf rhyt2 (rnd-repeat '(50) '(h q))) (setf main-span (get-span rhyt)) (setf rhyt2-span (length-span main-span rhyt2)) (setf piano-righthand (make-omn :length rhyt :pitch color …
- 2 replies
PatrickMimran replied -
Hi, is there a possibility to mark a function in the composer and look up it's description/documentation directly with a shortcut in the utilities panel (s. screenshot) ? Achim
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opmo replied -
Hi, is it possible to synchronise the folder/document structure between the Opusmodus Navigator and the OS Finder ? Achim
- 0 replies
Hi, is there a shortcut for indentation of complete lisp code blocks in Opusmodus ? Achim
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opmo replied -