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  1. Hello I'm new here. I'm on the demo and doing fine but for the life of me I can't figure out what the n integer does after :seed? I know seed fixes a random function so it is repeatable but what does that number do? I tried changing it in Tutorial 5 but I can't make sense of it! Thanks Andy
  2. Here is a suggestion for posting the random seed value used by a function. When using Open Music way back in time I remember that you could "lock" a random function if you liked the result, which IMO was a great workflow feature. Perhaps a similar thing could be achived in Opusmodus if the random seed used for a function was posted to the post window in addition to the result of the evaluation. If you like the result of a particular seed you could then manually "lock" the randomization using the :seed keyword for the function: ; first try different randomizations (setf bin-rhythm (gen-binary-rnd 5 5 2 1)) => gen-binary-rnd :seed 752 (setf bin-rhythm (gen-binary-rnd 5 5 2 1)) => gen-binary-rnd :seed 234 ; then lock seed if you like the result (setf bin-rhythm (gen-binary-rnd 5 5 2 1) :seed 234) Perhaps if possible also with the variable name as a label to keep track of things when using several random functions in complex code: (setf bin-rhythm (gen-binary-rnd 5 5 2 1)) => bin-rhytm gen-binary-rnd :seed 37 I think that this or a similar approach would be a really powerful way of trying different results when working with randomization in Opusmodus.
  3. Hello all, I am very new to OMN. I would like to start learning by exploring the topic of randomizing parameters within a given framework. Mainly pitches and durations for now. For example, make variations of an 11-pitch-class set, but give emphasis only to some of the pitches (repeat more often) while also slightly vary the basic main rhythmic pattern. Which collection of examples should I start looking? Thanks in advance, Ioannis
  4. Hi,Is there a way that I can randomize the size argument of GEN-INTERLEAVE in the following code?That is, not just initially but continuously, so you get a variable interleave size. All the best,Erik(ambitus '(g3 g5) (gen-interleave 5 (integer-to-pitch (gen-accumulate '(2 7) :start -5 :count 16))) :type :invert)
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