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Does Opusmodus come with sample library?

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It works very well with virtual or hardware instruments like synthesizers. With the midi ports and in particular with the USB midi instruments each instrument or synthesizer is recognized as such by OPMO. We can even do without a sequencer / Daw. For now, I have a problem with my Motu 1278 sound card that no longer receives sound from my synthesizers or any external audio input. I can nevertheless continue to work thanks to Opusmodus which after evaluation of the script sends the midi parts to the synthesizers and whose audio outputs enter the sound card of my PC (RME Fireface 800) and Ableton Live Suite 10. The synchronization is excellent.


Ca fonctionne très bien avec les instruments virtuels ou hardware comme les synthétiseurs. Avec les ports midi et notamment avec les instruments midi USB chaque instrument ou synthétiseur est reconnu en tant que tel par OPMO. On peut même se passer, éventuellement, d'un séquenceur/Daw. Pour l'instant, j'ai un problème avec ma carte son Motu 1278 qui ne reçoit plus le son de mes synthétiseurs ou toute entrée audio externe. Je peux néanmoins continuer à travailler grâce à  Opusmodus qui après évaluation du script envoie les parties midi dans les  synthétiseurs et dont les sorties audio entre dans la carte son de mon PC (RME Fireface 800) et Ableton Live Suite 10. La synchronisation est excellente. 

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16 hours ago, MikeMossey said:

I've been watching some of the demonstration videos where the composer "orchestrates" the sounds for instruments like strings and gets immediate feedback on how it sounds. Is this using a sampler that is built into Opusmodus or something else? If something else, how can I get that?

Yes, you can work with any libraries of your choice and Opusmodus can customize the way it sends articulations (key switches, for example) to your sounds. It´s very musical , because articulations can be programmed in conjunction with the notation output. You can even build your custom set of sounds/notations and integrate it. Best !


THere are many other examples in the Forum, by Stephane !

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I don't own any really good sample libraries, but I do own NotePerformer as a Sibelius plugin. (I also own Pianoteq with a ton of extra instruments). Is there a way to get a score into Sibelius? I'm thinking perhaps export it as MusicXML from OpusModus and then load it into Sibelius?

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13 hours ago, MikeMossey said:

I don't own any really good sample libraries, but I do own NotePerformer as a Sibelius plugin. (I also own Pianoteq with a ton of extra instruments). Is there a way to get a score into Sibelius? I'm thinking perhaps export it as MusicXML from OpusModus and then load it into Sibelius?

Yes, Opusmodus works very well with Sibelius and NotePerformer, I'm using it that way very often.

If you use Sibelius as default score editor in your Mac to open musicxml files, you can just use my function (last-score-to-editor) at the end of your file and when you evaluate the Opusmodus script (evaluate-all) , it will open directly into Sibelius.


Attached to this post, the function definition of (last-score-to-editor) to put in your Opusmodus  extensions folder.







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Thanks, everyone. I'd like to build an interface to EastWest Orchestra Gold which includes a lot of key switched instruments. So what I can guess is that I create some mapping of OMN notation to different MIDI channels and key switches?


In some sample libraries, trills and tremolos are played by pressing and releasing the key rapidly.. in some sample libraries you just press the key and hold it to get tremolo... does OM work with both those kinds? Can you program trill or tremolo rate in the case of the former types?




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Wow, thanks! What a community Opmo has! I'm looking forward to learning more about it.


I puchased XCE 8 years ago for Windows. Trying to get it to run on my Mac but no luck yet. I've contacted xsample.de. I see there's already a sound set for XCE that comes with Opmo.


Regarding sound sets, I'm a programmer so I'm pretty sure I can figure out most things on my own if you can point me to documentation that explains how to create and use sound sets.


I do need some more documentation or help setting up custom functions. I tried copying your last-score-to-editor function to the System Library and created a contents.opmo file, but when I add a call to last-score-to-editor to one of the demonstration scores and evaluate all, I get a message about last-score-to-editor being undefined.





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In Opusmodus the default editor is set to "MuseScore 3.app":


(defparameter *default-notation-editor* "MuseScore 3.app")


To change the default editor you need to replace the "MuseScore 3.app" string with the name of your own editor and paste the expression into the ‘User Source.lisp’ file which you will find in the ~/Opusmodus/Extensions directory.


For example:


(defparameter *default-notation-editor* "Dorico 3.5.app")
(defparameter *default-notation-editor* "Sibelius.app")




To open the last compiled score (DEF-SCORE, PS or snippet) in the notation editor:



To open the 2nd instrument from the last compiled score (DEF-SCORE, PS or snippet) in the notation editor:

(musicxml-to-editor :instrument 2)


To open a MusicXML file in the notation editor:

(musicxml-to-editor "file-name")


To open the file in Finale:

(midi-to-editor "file-name" :application "Finale")


Should the application not open you can use the identifier keyword with the bundle-identifier.

For example the Sibelius 7.5 version identifier is "com.avid.Sibelius75"


(musicxml-to-editor "file-name" :identifier "com.avid.Sibelius75")


First, you need to create a musicxml file from your score:

(compile-score 'file-name :output :musicxml :file "file-name")


How to create your own sound sets please examine the the DEF-SOUND-SET function and the files in the 'Default-Sound-Sets' Library.

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I'm confused on two points. Where do I put a new sound set like the EastWest one? And where are the default sound sets stored (I'd like to take a look at them.)


I configured home/Documenets/Opusmodus as my Opus Modus folder. But all the subfolders of Def-Libraries are empty. So for example there's nothing in Def-Libraries/Def-Sound-Sets.





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