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- Parataxis for chamber ensemble
Image 2
2nd Image from 3 Images for Violin and Piano. SB.
Small duet for Violin and Piano from 3 Images pour Violon et Piano. The 2 others duet are in progress. I've used some midi pre-recorded material prepared and edited in Logic before importation into Opusmodus and after import, i've processed this material with opmo functions and export back to Logic X for final edition and final score edit. SB.
My wandering path leads over abyss
Hi, new piece after a paint by Egon Schiele. SB. mwploaFullScoreEdit.opmo (update)
Jeu No. 2 for Piano
Hello, a small piece for piano solo. Score script attached to this post. SB. Jeu2PourPiano.opmo
- Magic Circles
Danse pour Piano
A short piece for piano. Basically, i've played the piano part into logic X, export the part to midi and imported it into opusmodus. After importation, i have copied the OMN piano part from the imported score into a variable named pmat and also the controllers information for sustain pedal (controller No.64) into a variable named ct64. I've generated some scales from a row using harmonic-progression function: (setf row (rnd-row :type :pitch :seed 932281 :transpose 3)) (setf chords (harmonic-progression (rnd-number (length pmat) -11 11) row :size 7 :step 1 )) and finally i've applied this harmonic structure with tonality-map function onto my piano material (variable pmat): (setf piano (tonality-map (mclist chords) pmat)) and exported back the resulting midifile to Logic for further edit and piano score edit. SB.
2 miniatures for Piano solo
Hi, here's two small piece for piano made today a bit like some "Humoresque", one for this morning and the other this afternoon. SB.
Hi, here's the score script of a small piece for piano inspired by my first day in Vienna. SB. Klavier-Gallery-1.opmo
Le Duc
Opusmodus is not only a wonderful tool for composing contemporary art Music, it can be also a very good tool for composers working for Tv or other media. Attached, a score script extract of this soundtrack score for tv made with Opusmodus. It is the section from 1'28 to 1'43 on the Soundcloud file below. LeDuc2.opmo
- De l'autre coté du Miroir
Magic Square 48
Hybrid piece for solo cello and electronic. Based on magic square with magic constant 48. Thanks to opmo for the mapping.
The Planet
Ambient soundtrack, thanks to gen-controller function for the algorithmic parameters automation ;-) SB.
- Piano Study
Quatuor avec Piano
Hi, new piece, Quartet with piano. Stéphane.
3 Frasques for Chamber Ensemble
Finally, here's the 3 "Frasques" for Chamber Ensemble. Happy Opusmodusing ! SB.
- Rock It !! for Piano from Piano suite No.1
- Prelude pour Piano
Opusmodus Fun
Just for the pleasure to share a small track made as a small exercise and experimentation with my favorite software ;-)
- Après la pluie Trio
Many Strings 1 and 2 for two 18 strings (virtual) guitars
Hi, here's 2 piece from the same algorithm slightly modified for the second version. SB.
- Score 114
- Par delà la Pointe Perçée For Orchestra
My first composition
Hi, I am sharing my first (longest - 32 bars!) composition in AABA form! Thanks to Opusmodus for making this possible. Hope to become better in the near future! Rangarajan
Pour et Contre pour 2 Pianos
Hi, here's a piece composed in 2015 for two pianos (and two good pianist ;-) SB.