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  1. Hi, Here's a Strings Trio composed in memory of the victims of Paris attack. Attached Part-a and part-d opmo scores for study purpose. S.B st-a.opmo st-d.opmo
  2. Here's the first study from 3 études sur un spectre de Trombone for piano, a work using some of the new spectral function of Opusmodus. S.B Etude1.opmo
  3. A quick and dirty test of Opusmodus possibility and capability for Media Music Production. Test successful. Setup is Opmo driving EastWest Hollywood orchestra in Vienna ensemble Pro. Output is the direct output from Opusmodus/EastWest. Naturally this output is just a prototyping and need much more attention (it would be good someday to redo the clarinet part etc..) but it was just a test of a personal Orchestral setup. SB.
  4. Hi, Here's a Duet for Violin and Piano. Music score and opmo. script attached to this post. SB. DuoViolonPiano101015-1.pdf s1.opmo
  5. Score example from the Opusmodus home page 'Made in Opusmodus'. Focus: PITCH-FIGURATE Theme (setf theme '((-e eb4 stacc s gb3 d3 -e) (e eb4 stacc s gb3 q d3 stacc -s) (-s e eb4 stacc s gb3 d3 -e s eb4 tie+stacc) (s eb4 gb3 d3 stacc gb3 eb4 a3 -e) (-e eb4 stacc s gb3 d3 -e) (e eb4 stacc s gb3 q d3 tie s tie+stacc) (s d3 -e eb4 stacc s gb3 d3 -) (-s e eb4 stacc s gb3 d3 stacc gb3 eb4 a3))) Baritone (setf barsax1 (length-span 8/4 '(s - s s e e - s s t t t t e -q))) (setf barsax2 (ambitus '(c2 gs4) (pitch-figurate '(3 2) (make-omn :pitch (randomize-octaves 'baritone-sax (rnd-order (gen-loop 16 (rnd-row :type :pitch)))) :length (rnd-order (gen-repeat 16 (list barsax1))) :velocity '(f) :articulation (rnd-order (gen-loop 16 '(- - stacc - stacc - - - - stacc stacc)))) :interval '((1 -1) (1 13 -13)) :variant '?))) (setf baritone (assemble-seq theme (sort-asc (subseq barsax2 0 4) :section 0) theme (sort-desc (subseq barsax2 4 12) :section 0) theme)) Contrabass (setf bass1 (length-span 8/4 '(e - s s e e - s s e))) (setf bass2 (ambitus 'bass (pitch-figurate '(1 2) (make-omn :pitch (pitch-transpose -24 (rnd-order (gen-loop 16 (rnd-row :type :pitch)))) :length (rnd-order (gen-repeat 16 (list bass1))) :velocity '(f)) :interval '((1 -1) (1 6 -6)) :variant '?))) (setf contrabass (assemble-seq (pitch-transpose -12 theme) (subseq bass2 0 4) (pitch-transpose -12 theme) (subseq bass2 4 12) (pitch-transpose -12 theme))) Drums (setf hh1 (length-span 8/4 '(-s gs2 ff))) (setf oh1 (length-span 8/4 '(-s - bb2 ff -))) (setf ch1 (length-span 8/4 '(s fs2 ff -))) (setf sn1 (length-span 8/4 '(-e d2 - - a2 - - s = q f2 e))) (setf bd1 (length-span 8/4 '(-s b1 ff e c2 = -e. e = -e. -s))) (setf hh (rnd-order (gen-repeat 18 (list hh1)))) (setf oh (rnd-order (gen-repeat 18 (list oh1)))) (setf ch (rnd-order (gen-repeat 18 (list ch1)))) (setf sn (pitch-figurate '(3 2) (rnd-order (gen-repeat 18 (list sn1))) :interval '(-1 -2 14))) (setf bd (rnd-order (gen-repeat 18 (list bd1)))) Def-Score (def-score trio-atonal (:title "Trio Atonal" :composer "Opmo" :copyright "Copyright © 2015 Opusmodus" :key-signature 'atonal :time-signature '(4 8) :tempo 100 :layout (list (baritone-sax-layout 'baritone) (contrabass-layout 'contrabass :name "Bass" :abbr "Bass"))) (baritone :omn baritone :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 'Baritone-Sax :volume 100) (contrabass :omn contrabass :channel 2 :sound 'gm :program 'Acoustic-Bass :volume 70) (hh :omn hh :channel 10 :sound 'gm :program 0 :volume 100) (oh :omn oh) (ch :omn oh) (sn :omn sn) (bd :omn bd) ) Trio Atonal.opmo
  6. I just completed working on a new piece for two 25-string Kayageums (Korean zither-like instrument somewhat similar to the Japanese Koto). All the composition was done within Opusmodus but the coding is a little messy. I hope in my next project to clean up the code a little. During process of composition, I especially liked how Opusmodus can translate text material into different data. For this piece, I used two of the earliest examples of avant-garde poetry from Korea written by Yi Sang (1910 - 1937) that are included in his "Crow's Eye View" 15-poem series. I created the pitches through extrapolations from the texts and by setting the tonalities to the Nando-Kyemyonjo mode and one of the Tcherepnin Nine-Note Scale modes (both of which are in the Opusmodus modes library). The lengths of pitches and rests were partially extrapolated from the text and then developed subtly through use of the gen-length function. Aside from the tonalities, I also must admit that the ambitus features made it easy to ensure that the notes I played were within the range of the instrument I am working with, which allowed me to play with the limits of the sounds (especially the low register notes). The sounds used in this recording is a midi realization using Madrona Lab's Kaivo plug-in running through Ableton Live 9.
  7. Opusmodus is not only a wonderful tool for composing contemporary art Music, it can be also a very good tool for composers working for Tv or other media. Attached, a score script extract of this soundtrack score for tv made with Opusmodus. It is the section from 1'28 to 1'43 on the Soundcloud file below. LeDuc2.opmo
  8. This is my first attempt at composing using Opusmodus. It is a rewrite of a piece I had composed last year that connects the Korean Chongganbo notation system with an approach of generating tones (within the ambitus of certain Korean instruments) and rhythms loosely based on the serial approach. In this version, I ended up taking the MIDI data from Opusmodus and sent it to Ableton Live, for which I used samples of two electric guitars and two synthesizers. This piece in its first version was written for 2 Kayageums, 2 Geomungos, and Live Electronics. In the second version (from which this piece is extracted), I changed the instrumentation to 2 Geomongos. I've attached the original (graphic) score I created for the first version, and from which I also used the tones in the second version. In this composition, Opusmodus helped mainly in arranging the sections, and in generating rhythms based on a range of white and gaussian noise (sometimes using the extreme and triangle options, as well). It also made it very easy to manipulate the evaluated results to better fit what I had in mind. score1.pdf
  9. Here's the third or my 3 instants pour Pianos. This pieces are dedicated in order to: 1. Nigel St. Clair Morgan, 2.Janusz Podrazik and 3.Narcisse Bonet, who are three people who have a big influence on my works in one way or another. Instant-3.pdf Instant3.opmo
  10. Here's a score for Chamber ensemble named "En esquisse". The main idea came from the desire to define the piece in "a single line" with an algorithmic management onside parameters across the entire piece. SB. En_esquisse_06.opmo En Esquisse.pdf
  11. here's a short Piano study on Acoustic modes showing one possible usage of the modes Library in Opusmodus. Etude-Modale1x.opmo
  12. A score for String quartet based on a model used differently on several sections. DerriereLesNuages_Score.pdf DerriereLesNuages_Full_GM.opmo
  13. Here's a piano score that use sublis function to map pitches to lengths. Given here for study purposes. Score attached. SB. LesLindarsRev1.opmo LesLindars_Score.pdf
  14. Here's a score for 2 pianos. If you have some questions about the score script (not very documented..), don't hesitate to ask me for complementary explanations. SB. Frictions2Pnos_12.opmo
  15. Here is a score for Violin and Piano. (attached file). It is a study on various aspect of traditional device in music composition like harmony, sequences. Preambule-04-GM.opmo
  16. Here is the score of a short piano study using Harmony from a row, and user defined functions encapsulated in other functions for the score generation. Provided here as an example of a possible usage of functions defined by the user specifically for a given score. (defun arp1 (nb &key (rev nil) (rnge '(c1 c7)) (nbitv 5) (len (gen-repeat 16 '(s))) (vel '(mf))(art '(leg)) (itvlist '(1 2 4 5 1 3 -1 -2))) (make-omn :pitch (ambitus rnge (if rev (gen-retrograde (integer-to-pitch (gen-integer-step -24 nb (rnd-sample nbitv itvlist)))) (integer-to-pitch (gen-integer-step -24 nb (rnd-sample nbitv itvlist))))) :length (length-trim nb len) :velocity vel :articulation art)) (defun chrd1 (nb &key (ofst 3) (rnge '(c1 c7)) (chsize 4) (trspt 0)(rnd-oct nil) (len (gen-repeat 4 '(q))) (vel '(mf))(art '(leg))) (make-omn :pitch (ambitus rnge (gen-chord2 nb chsize (rnd-row :type :pitch) :offset ofst :transpose trspt :rnd-octaves rnd-oct)) :length (length-trim nb len) :velocity vel :articulation art)) (defparameter size 64) (setf row (rnd-row :type :pitch)) (setf hchords (gen-chord2 size 5 row :offset (rnd-sample size (gen-integer 4)) :transpose (rnd-sample size (gen-integer -12 12)))) (setf path (tonality-series hchords)) (setf study (tonality-map path (gen-loop size (eval (car (rnd-sample 1 '((length-fix (arp1 (car (rnd-number 1 6 12)) :rnge (rnd-pick '((c1 c7)(c5 c7)(c1 c3)(c3 c6)(g5 g6)(e2 g5))) :nbitv (rnd-pick '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)) :vel (rnd-pick '((pp)(p)(mp)(mf)(f)(ff))) :art (rnd-pick '((stacc)(leg)(marc)(stacs)(mart))) :len (rnd-pick `(,(rnd-sample 12 '(1/24 1/8 1/8 1/16 1/16 1/32 -1/8 -1/8)) ,(gen-repeat 16 '(s)) ,(gen-repeat 12 '(1/12)) ,(rnd-sample 8 '(e e s s s -e)) ,(rnd-sample 8 '(e e s s s -q s s s -e)))) :itvlist (rnd-pick '((8 6 14 -8 -6) (1 2 -1 2) (1 2 3 4 -1 -2 -3 -4) (2 4 6 -1 -3 -7))))) (length-fix (chrd1 (car (rnd-number 1 1 8)) :ofst (rnd-pick '(1 2 3 4)) :rnge (rnd-pick '((c1 c7)(c5 c7)(c1 c3)(c3 c6)(g5 g6)(e2 g5))) :chsize (rnd-pick '(2 3 4 5 6)) :rnd-oct t :len (rnd-pick `(,(rnd-sample 4 '(h -q q)) ,(gen-repeat 8 '(e)) ,(gen-repeat 5 '(1/12)) ,(gen-repeat 4 '(e. s)) ,(rnd-sample 8 '(h q -q q q)) ,(rnd-sample 8 '(e e e e q -e)))) :vel (rnd-pick '((pp)(p)(mp)(mf)(f)(ff))) :art (rnd-pick '((stacc)(leg)(marc)(stacs)(mart)))))))))))) (def-score study (:composer "S.Boussuge" :copyright "Copyright © 2015 S.Boussuge" :key-signature atonal :time-signature (get-time-signature study) :tempo 118 :layout (piano-grand-layout 'piano)) (piano :omn study :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 'acoustic-grand-piano :port 0)) S.B.
  17. Rendered version of my Duet for Piano and Violin included in Opusmodus demo files. SB.
  18. Kyrie from "Messe Brève En Forme de Haikus". Global Pitch definition. Basic row (with D minor notes every 2 notes) (setf row '(d4 fs4 f4 cs4 g4 gs4 a4 ds4 as4 e4 c5 b4)) Utility function (defun collect-every-n (steps list) (loop for n from 0 to (- (length list)1) by steps collect (nth n list))) Global ambitus definition (setf sopamb '(d4 g5)) (setf altamb '(a3 c5)) (setf tenamb '(c3 c4)) (setf bassamb '(g2 g3)) Kyrie part-1 (canon) Pitch definition (setf pl1a (collect-every-n 2 row)) Rotations for other voices (setf pl1b (gen-rotate 2 pl1a)) (setf pl1c (gen-rotate 4 pl1a)) (setf pl1d (gen-rotate 6 pl1a)) Lengths definition (setf basery1 '(q q q q q q -e e e e q -q)) (setf rl1d (append '(-w -h) (gen-rotate 6 basery1))) (setf rl1c (length-span (get-span rl1d) (append '(-w) (gen-rotate 4 basery1)))) (setf rl1b (length-span (get-span rl1d) (append '(-h) (gen-rotate 2 basery1)))) (setf rl1a (length-span (get-span rl1d) basery1)) OMN assembly (setf p1a (make-omn :pitch pl1a :length rl1a)) (setf p1b (make-omn :pitch pl1b :length rl1b)) (setf p1c (make-omn :pitch pl1c :length rl1c)) (setf p1d (make-omn :pitch pl1d :length rl1d)) Voices (setf lsop1 (ambitus '(d4 g5) (filter-tie p1a))) (setf lalt1 (ambitus '(a3 c5) (filter-tie p1b))) (setf lten1 (ambitus '(c3 c4) (filter-tie p1c))) (setf lbas1 (ambitus '(g2 g3) (filter-tie p1d))) Christe part-2 (tutti) Pitch definition (setf pl2a (subseq row 0 6)) Rotations for other voices (setf pl2b (pitch-transpose -7 pl2a)) (setf pl2c (pitch-transpose -11 (pitch-invert pl2a))) (setf pl2d (pitch-transpose -3 (pitch-invert pl2a))) Lengths definition (setf rl2a '((q q -q q q) (e e e q -e))) (setf rl2b rl2a) (setf rl2c rl2a) (setf rl2d rl2a) OMN (setf p2a (make-omn :pitch pl2a :length rl2a)) (setf p2b (make-omn :pitch pl2b :length rl2b)) (setf p2c (make-omn :pitch pl2c :length rl2c)) (setf p2d (make-omn :pitch pl2d :length rl2d)) Global transposition (setf tlist-2a '(0)) (setf tlist-2b tlist-2a) Voices (setf lsop2 (ambitus '(e4 g5) (filter-tie (pitch-transpose tlist-2a p2a)))) (setf lalt2 (ambitus '(c4 d5) (filter-tie (pitch-transpose tlist-2a p2b)))) (setf lten2 (ambitus '(c3 c4) (filter-tie (pitch-transpose tlist-2b p2c)))) (setf lbas2 (ambitus '(g2 g3) (filter-tie (pitch-transpose tlist-2b p2d)))) Kyrie2 (Spirale) Spirale p1 (setf bass1 '(q d3 e3 d3 e3 e3 fs3 e3 fs3)) (setf psop (gen-retrograde row)) (setf lsop (ql '(16 e))) (setf lalt lsop) (setf lten lsop) (setf palt (pitch-transpose -4 psop)) (setf pten (pitch-transpose -8 psop)) (setf sop1 (make-omn :pitch psop :length lsop)) (setf alt1 (make-omn :pitch palt :length lalt)) (setf ten1 (make-omn :pitch pten :length lten)) (setf bas1 bass1) Spirale p2 (setf trsp2 2) (setf sop2 (pitch-transpose trsp2 sop1)) (setf alt2 (pitch-transpose trsp2 alt1)) (setf ten2 (pitch-transpose trsp2 ten1)) (setf bas2 (pitch-transpose trsp2 bass1)) Spirale p3 (setf trsp3 5) (setf sop3 (pitch-transpose trsp3 '(q b4 ff = -))) (setf alt3 (pitch-transpose trsp3 '(q e4 ff = -))) (setf ten3 (pitch-transpose trsp3 '(q g3a3 ff = -))) (setf bas3 (pitch-transpose trsp3 '(q d3 ff = -))) Spirale p4 (setf trsp4 5) (setf sop4 (pitch-transpose trsp4 '(q b4 = - e b4 = q c5 b4 -))) (setf alt4 (pitch-transpose trsp4 '(q e4 = - e e4 = q f4 e4 -))) (setf ten4 (pitch-transpose trsp4 '(q g3a3 = - e g3a3 = q fs3gs3 g3a3 -))) (setf bas4 (pitch-transpose trsp4 '(q d3 = - e d3 = q cs3 d3 -))) Spirale assembly (setf lbas3 (append bas1 bas2 bas3 bas4)) (setf lsop3 (append sop1 sop2 sop3 sop4)) (setf lalt3 (append alt1 alt2 alt3 alt4)) (setf lten3 (append ten1 ten2 ten3 ten4)) Full Assembly (setf sopline (assemble-seq lsop1 lsop2 lsop3)) (setf altline (assemble-seq lalt1 lalt2 lalt3)) (setf tenline (assemble-seq lten1 lten2 lten3)) (setf basline (assemble-seq lbas1 lbas2 lbas3)) (setf path (tonality-series '(chromatic))) (setf sopline (ambitus sopamb (tonality-map path sopline))) (setf altline (ambitus altamb (tonality-map path altline))) (setf tenline (ambitus tenamb (tonality-map path tenline))) (setf basline (ambitus bassamb (tonality-map path basline))) Lyrics (setf soptext1 '("ky ri e ky ri e ky - rie - chri ste chri ste e le i son chri ste e le i son ky - rie - chri - ste - ky - rie - chri - ste - ky - rie - chri - ste - ky - rie - chri - ste - ky rie chri ste e le i son")) (setf alttext1 '("ky ri e ky ri e e le i son ky ri e chri ste e le i son ky - rie - chri - ste - ky - rie - chri - ste - ky - rie - chri - ste - ky - rie - chri - ste - ky rie chri ste e le i son")) (setf tentext1 '("ky ri e ky rie - ki ri e e le i son chri ste e le i son ky - rie - chri - ste - ky - rie - chri - ste - ky - rie - chri - ste - ky - rie - chri - ste - ky rie chri ste e le i son")) (setf basstext1 '("ky ri - e chri ste chri ste e le i son chri ste e le i son ky rie chri ste ky rie chri ste ky rie chri ste ky rie chri ste ky rie chri ste e le i son")) Score definition (def-score Kyrie-1 (:key-signature atonal :time-signature (get-time-signature rl1a) :title "Kyrie" :composer "S.Boussuge" :copyright "Copyright © 2014 S.Boussuge" :tempo 72 :layout (choir-satb-layout 'sop 'alt 'tnr 'bas)) (sop :omn sopline :text soptext1 :sound 'gm :program 0) (alt :omn altline :text alttext1) (tnr :omn tenline :text tentext1) (bas :omn basline :text basstext1)) SB. Kyrie.opmo
  19. Rose (pink) is in French the name of a color, a flower but also the name of a theoretical noise: the pink noise. Other name for pink-noise is 1/f noise. First, I define a 1/f function. 1/F-VALUE function is a modified version of 1-OVER-F function found in: Algorithmic Composition: A Gentle Introduction to Music Composition Using Common LISP and Common Music by Mary Simoni. (defun 1/f-value (number min max) (do* ((counter 0 (incf counter)) (blue (+ 1 (random max)) (if (= counter 4) (+ 1 (random max)) blue)) (green (+ 1 (random max)) (if (or (= counter 2) (= counter 4) (= counter 6)) (+ 1 (random max)) green)) (red (+ 1 (random max)) (+ 1 (random max))) (total (+ blue green red) (+ blue green red)) (the-list (cons total ()) (cons total the-list))) ((= counter (- number 1)) (vector-round min max (reverse the-list))))) Now, definition of a melody generator with pitch, length and velocity parameters taken from 1/F-VALUE function. (defun gmel (lenmap nbvalp nbvalr min max amb velmin velmax restprob) (length-rest-weight restprob (make-omn :pitch (vector-to-pitch amb (1/f-value nbvalp min max)) :length (vector-map lenmap (1/f-value nbvalr min max)) :velocity (vector-to-velocity velmin velmax (vector-smooth 0.2 (1/f-value nbvalp min max)))))) Length parameters: (setf lenmap1 '(1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/12 1/16)) (setf lenmap2 '(1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/12 1/16)) (setf lenmap3 '(1/6 1/7 1/8 1/12 1/16)) (setf lenmap4 '(1/8 1/12 1/16)) Now, create some parts (p1 p2 etc..) with a repeated use of the gmel function with GEN-LOOP: (setf p1 (gen-loop 12 (gmel (apply-eval (rnd-pick '(lenmap1 lenmap2 lenmap3 lenmap4))) (rnd-pick '(64 12 32 24)) (rnd-pick '(8)) 1 (rnd-pick '(100 50 40 10)) '(c4 c6) 'p 'ff '(3 1)))) (setf p2 (gen-loop 8 (gmel (apply-eval (rnd-pick '(lenmap1))) (rnd-pick '(64 12 32 24)) (rnd-pick '(8)) 1 (rnd-pick '(100 50 40 10)) '(c4 c6) 'p 'ff '(3 1)))) (setf p3 (gen-loop 12 (gmel (apply-eval (rnd-pick '(lenmap1 lenmap2 lenmap3 lenmap4))) (rnd-pick '(64 12 32 24)) (rnd-pick '(8 4 12)) 1 (rnd-pick '(40 20 10)) '(c4 c6) 'p 'ff '(3 1)))) (setf p4 (gen-loop 8 (gmel (apply-eval (rnd-pick '(lenmap1 lenmap2 lenmap3 lenmap4))) (rnd-pick '(64 12 32 24)) (rnd-pick '(8 4 12)) 1 (rnd-pick '(100)) '(c4 c6) 'p 'ff '(3 1)))) (setf p5 (gen-loop 12 (gmel (apply-eval (rnd-pick '(lenmap1 lenmap2 lenmap3 lenmap4))) (rnd-pick '(64 12 32 24)) (rnd-pick '(8)) 1 (rnd-pick '(100 50 40 10)) '(c4 c6) 'p 'ff '(3 1)))) (setf p6 (gen-loop 8 (gmel (apply-eval (rnd-pick '(lenmap1))) (rnd-pick '(64 12 32 24)) (rnd-pick '(8)) 1 (rnd-pick '(100 50 40 10)) '(c4 c6) 'p 'ff '(3 1)))) (setf p7 (gen-loop 12 (gmel (apply-eval (rnd-pick '(lenmap1 lenmap2 lenmap3 lenmap4))) (rnd-pick '(64 1232 24)) (rnd-pick '(8)) 1 (rnd-pick '(100 50 40 10)) '(c4 c6) 'p 'ff '(6 1)))) (setf p8 (gen-loop 12 (gmel (apply-eval (rnd-pick '(lenmap1 lenmap2 lenmap3 lenmap4))) (rnd-pick '(64 12 32 24)) (rnd-pick '(8)) 1 (rnd-pick '(100 50 40 10)) '(g5 c7) 'p 'ff '(2 1)))) (setf p9 (gen-loop 12 (gmel (apply-eval (rnd-pick '(lenmap1 lenmap2 lenmap3 lenmap4))) (rnd-pick '(64 12 32 24)) (rnd-pick '(8)) 1 (rnd-pick '(100 50 40 10)) '(c4 c6) 'p 'ff '(6 1)))) (setf p10 (gen-loop 12 (gmel (apply-eval (rnd-pick '(lenmap1 lenmap2 lenmap3 lenmap4))) (rnd-pick '(64 12 32 24)) (rnd-pick '(8)) 1 (rnd-pick '(100 50 40 10)) '(c4 c6) 'p 'ff '(3 1)))) (setf p11 (gen-loop 8 (gmel (apply-eval (rnd-pick '(lenmap1))) (rnd-pick '(64 12 32 24)) (rnd-pick '(8)) 1 (rnd-pick '(100 50 40 10)) '(c4 c6) 'p 'ff '(3 1)))) Assemble all the part into one piece (setf full (assemble-seq p2 p1 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11)) Define a template (master-span) for time signatures (setf master-span (rnd-sample (length full) '(1 2/4 3/4 4/4 5/4 6/8 9/8 7/4))) Apply the template to the piece (setf full-msp (length-span master-span full)) Score definition: (def-score rose (:composer "S.Boussuge" :copyright "Copyright © 2014 S.Boussuge" :key-signature atonal :time-signature (get-time-signature full-msp) :tempo 138 :layout (flute-layout 'flute)) (flute :omn full-msp :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 'flute)) SB.
  20. Basic row definition (setf row '(c4 e4 g4 bb4 d5 fs5 a5 gs5 f5 eb4 cs4 b4)) Extract some subsets from the row. (setf set1 (subseq row 0 6)) (setf set2 (subseq row 3 9)) (setf set3 (subseq row 6 12)) Chords generation from sets (setf couleur1 (gen-chord 12 5 5 -6 6 (gen-repeat 12 set1))) (setf couleur2 (gen-chord 12 5 5 -6 6 (gen-repeat 12 set2))) (setf couleur3 (gen-chord 12 5 5 -6 6 (gen-repeat 12 set3))) Preparing tonality-series for futur mapping (create harmonics paths) (setf path1 (tonality-series couleur1)) (setf path2 (tonality-series couleur2)) (setf path3 (tonality-series couleur3)) Section1 Define ch1, a repeated generative process with GEN-LOOP (setf ch1 (mclist (position-insert '(0) '(ped) (assemble-seq (gen-loop 24 (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 1 '((q h -q) (h =) (e = = = h) (w) (q =) (q e = q) (q -))) :pitch (rnd-sample 6 couleur1) :velocity (rnd-sample 1 '((f) (ff) (fff) (mf) (mp) (p) (pp))))))))) Define un1, a repeated generative process with GEN-LOOP (setf un1 (mclist (position-insert '(0) '(ped) (assemble-seq (gen-loop 24 (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 1 '((h -q) (w) (q -h))) :pitch (pitch-transpose -48 (rnd-sample 1 (melodize (rnd-sample 1 couleur1)))) :velocity '((ffff)))))))) Define ar1, a repeated generative process with GEN-LOOP (setf ar1 (mclist (position-insert '(0) '(ped) (assemble-seq (gen-loop 24 (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 1 '((t = = = = q -) (t = = = = = = = = = = =) (s = = = = = = =) (t = = = = = e = q -))) :pitch (pitch-transpose (rnd-pick '(10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17)) (tonality-map (rnd-sample 1 path1) (rnd-sample 1 '((c2 e2 g2 b2 d3 fs3 c4 e4 g4 b4 d5 fs5) (c2 e2 g2 b2 d3 fs3 d3 fs3 a4 e5 b5) (fs5 d5 b4 g4 e4 c4 b4 g4 e4 c4 b3 g3 e3 c3) (fs5 d5 b4 d5 b4 g4 b4 g4 e4 g4 e4 c4 g3 c3))))) :velocity (rnd-sample 1 '((f) (ff) (fff) (mf) (mp) (p) (pp))))))))) Define ar1b, a repeated generative process with GEN-LOOP (setf ar1b (mclist (position-insert '(0) '(ped) (assemble-seq (gen-loop 24 (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 1 '((t = = = = q -) (t = = = = = = = = = = =) (s = = = = = = =) (t = = = = = e = q -))) :pitch (filter-repeat 1 (pitch-transpose 12 (tonality-map (rnd-sample 1 path1) (rnd-sample 6 '(c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5 d5 e4 fs5))))) :velocity (rnd-sample 1 '((f) (ff) (fff) (mf) (mp) (p) (pp))))))))) Assembly section1. (setf s1 (rnd-sample 24 (append ch1 un1 ar1 ar1b))) Score FormeEtrange-s1 (def-score FormeEtrange-s1 (:title "FormeEtrange" :composer "S.Boussuge" :copyright "Copyright © 2014 S.Boussuge" :key-signature atonal :time-signature (get-time-signature s1) :tempo 108 :layout (piano-grand-layout 'piano)) (piano :omn s1 :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 'acoustic-grand-piano)) Section2 (setf ch2 (mclist (position-insert '(0) '(ped) (assemble-seq (gen-loop 24 (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 1 '((q h -q) (h =) (e = = = h) (w) (q =) (q e = q) (q -))) :pitch (rnd-sample 6 couleur2) :velocity (rnd-sample 1 '((f) (ff) (fff) (mf) (mp) (p) (pp))))))))) (setf un2 (mclist (position-insert '(0) '(ped) (assemble-seq (gen-loop 24 (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 1 '((h -q) (w) (q -h))) :pitch (pitch-transpose -48 (rnd-sample 1 (melodize (rnd-sample 1 couleur2)))) :velocity '((ffff)))))))) (setf ar2 (mclist (position-insert '(0) '(ped) (assemble-seq (gen-loop 24 (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 1 '((t = = = = q -) (t = = = = = = = = = = =) (s = = = = = = =) (t = = = = = e = q -))) :pitch (pitch-transpose (rnd-pick '(10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17)) (tonality-map (rnd-sample 1 path2) (rnd-sample 1 '((c2 e2 g2 b2 d3 fs3 c4 e4 g4 b4 d5 fs5) (c2 e2 g2 b2 d3 fs3 d3 fs3 a4 e5 b5) (fs5 d5 b4 g4 e4 c4 b4 g4 e4 c4 b3 g3 e3 c3) (fs5 d5 b4 d5 b4 g4 b4 g4 e4 g4 e4 c4 g3 c3))))) :velocity (rnd-sample 1 '((f) (ff) (fff) (mf) (mp) (p) (pp))))))))) (setf ar2b (mclist (position-insert '(0) '(ped) (assemble-seq (gen-loop 24 (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 1 '((t = = = = q -) (t = = = = = = = = = = =) (s = = = = = = =) (t = = = = = e = q -))) :pitch (filter-repeat 1 (pitch-transpose 12 (tonality-map (rnd-sample 1 path2) (rnd-sample 6 '(c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5 d5 e4 fs5))))) :velocity (rnd-sample 1 '((f) (ff) (fff) (mf) (mp) (p) (pp))))))))) Assembly section2. (setf s2 (rnd-sample 24 (append ch2 un2 ar2 ar2b))) Score FormeEtrange-s2 (def-score FormeEtrange-s2 (:title "FormeEtrange" :composer "S.Boussuge" :copyright "Copyright © 2014 S.Boussuge" :key-signature atonal :time-signature (get-time-signature s2) :tempo 108 :layout (piano-grand-layout 'piano)) (piano :omn s2 :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 'acoustic-grand-piano)) Section3 (setf ch3 (mclist (position-insert '(0) '(ped) (assemble-seq (gen-loop 24 (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 1 '((q h -) (h =) (e = = = h) (w) (q =) (q e = q) (q -))) :pitch (rnd-sample 6 couleur3) :velocity (rnd-sample 1 '((f) (ff) (fff) (mf) (mp) (p) (pp))))))))) (setf un3 (mclist (position-insert '(0) '(ped) (assemble-seq (gen-loop 24 (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 1 '((h -q) (w) (q -h))) :pitch (pitch-transpose -48 (rnd-sample 1 (melodize (rnd-sample 1 couleur3)))) :velocity '((ffff)))))))) (setf ar3 (mclist (position-insert '(0) '(ped) (assemble-seq (gen-loop 24 (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 1 '((t = = = = q -) (t = = = = = = = = = = =) (s = = = = = = =) (t = = = = = e = q -))) :pitch (pitch-transpose (rnd-pick '(10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17)) (tonality-map (rnd-sample 1 path3) (rnd-sample 1 '((c2 e2 g2 b2 d3 fs3 c4 e4 g4 b4 d5 fs5) (c2 e2 g2 b2 d3 fs3 d3 fs3 a4 e5 b5) (fs5 d5 b4 g4 e4 c4 b4 g4 e4 c4 b3 g3 e3 c3) (fs5 d5 b4 d5 b4 g4 b4 g4 e4 g4 e4 c4 g3 c3))))) :velocity (rnd-sample 1 '((f) (ff) (fff) (mf) (mp) (p) (pp))))))))) (setf ar3b (mclist (position-insert '(0) '(ped) (assemble-seq (gen-loop 24 (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 1 '((t = = = = q -) (t = = = = = = = = = = =) (s = = = = = = =) (t = = = = = e = q -))) :pitch (filter-repeat 1 (pitch-transpose 12 (tonality-map (rnd-sample 1 path3) (rnd-sample 6 '(c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5 d5 e4 fs5))))) :velocity (rnd-sample 1 '((f) (ff) (fff) (mf) (mp) (p) (pp))))))))) Assembly Section 3 (setf s3 (rnd-sample 24 (append ch3 un3 ar3 ar3b))) Score FormeEtrange-s3 (def-score FormeEtrange-s3 (:title "FormeEtrange" :composer "S.Boussuge" :copyright "Copyright © 2014 S.Boussuge" :key-signature atonal :time-signature (get-time-signature s3) :tempo 108 :layout (piano-grand-layout 'piano)) (piano :omn s3 :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 'acoustic-grand-piano)) Final score (compile-score '(FormeEtrange-s1 FormeEtrange-s2 FormeEtrange-s3)) SB. FormeEtrange.opmo
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