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Posts posted by JulioHerrlein
I had this question before:
Here is the answer by Janusz , back in 2021. Thanks, Janusz !
I´m obssessed by the same problems over and over.
Best !
(let ((rem (ambitus '(c5 b5) (expand-tonality '((c5 major) (db5 major) (gb5 major))))) (super (ambitus '(c5 b5) '((d5 f5 a5 c6) (eb4 gb4 bb4 db4) (fs4 as4 cs4))))) (loop for s in super for r in rem collect (loop for i in s do (setf r (remove i r)) finally (return r))))
- jon and Stephane Boussuge
Dear Friends,
I´m trying to make a function to get the complementary diatonic set for a diatonic chord.
For example, if you relate the key of C major (C D E F G A B) with the chord Cmaj7 (C E G B), the complementary set is (D F A). Elliott Carter did this a lot in his Harmony Book, making all kinds of complementarities.This works for comparing stuff. Is there something easier in the system ? For comparing a sequence of chords in relation to a sequence of tonalities for getting the difference ?
(defun compare-list-pairs (list-pairs)
(loop for (list1 list2) in list-pairs
collect (set-difference list1 list2 :test 'equal)))(compare-list-pairs '(((c4 d4 e4) (c4 e4)) ((5 6 7 8 9) (5 7 8))))
;> ((d4) (9 6))
If you want to work to the diatonic scales as integers, this can be useful, but maybe would be easier with embbeded tonality functions.(position-filter (pitch-to-integer '(e4 eb4 e4 eb4 b4 gb4 e4 db4))
'((0 2 4 5 7 9 11) (1 3 5 6 8 10 0) (2 4 6 7 9 11 1) (4 6 8 9 11 1 3) (5 7 9 10 0 2 4) (6 8 10 11 1 3 5) (7 9 11 0 2 4 6) (8 10 0 1 3 5 7) (9 11 1 2 4 6(10 0 2 3 5 7 9) (11 1 3 4 6 8 10)))
Any idea ?
Thanks !
Yes, you are correct,
I always try to make sure that the fault is not mine. However, there are many hidden little "secrets" that are not evident for me. In this I was interpreting :otherwise as an optional argument. I´ll never understand Opusmodus as good as you, but I like it a lot.
Thanks a lot,
Now looks good. Thanks, Janusz
(make-omn :length rv2 :pitch repitch2 :span :length :velocity (length-map len-map2 rv2 :otherwise '(mp) ) :articulation (length-map len-map1 rv2 :otherwise '(ord) ))
((e e4 f stacc s g4 mf ord c5 ord) (s db4 mf ord cs5 ord gs4 ord f4 ord) (q fs4 mp ord) (-q) (-q) (s ab4 mf ord bb4 ord g4 ord gs4 ord) (s b3 mf ord d5 ord e fs4 f stacc) (-e s eb4 mf ord bb4 ord) (w d4 p<f>p long) (-q) (s c4 mf ord a4 ord d5 ord b4 ord) (h b3 p<f long) (-q) (q a3 mp ord) (q d4 mp ord) (q fs4 mp ord) (e bb3 f stacc c5 stacc) (s e4 mf ord e g4 f stacc s c5 mf ord) (s db4 mf ord cs5 ord e gs4 f stacc) (e fs4 f stacc s mf ord fs4 ord) (s ab4 mf ord e bb4 f stacc s g4 mf ord) (e b3 f stacc d5 stacc) (s eb4 mf ord e bb4 f stacc s eb4 mf ord) (s d4 mf ord d4 ord e f stacc) (e c4 f stacc s a4 mf ord d5 ord) (s b3 mf ord e. ord) (q a3 mp ord) (q d4 mp ord) (q fs4 mp ord) (s bb3 mf ord e. c5 ord) (q e4 mp ord) (q db4 mp ord) (e fs4 f stacc fs4 stacc) (q ab4 mp ord) (q b3 mp ord) (q eb4 mp ord) (e d4 f stacc d4 stacc) (e c4 f stacc a4 stacc) (s b3 mf ord e f stacc s mf ord) (s a3 mf ord a3 ord e f stacc) (e d4 f stacc s mf ord d4 ord) (s fs4 mf ord e f stacc s mf ord) (e bb3 f stacc c5 stacc) (s e4 mf ord e g4 f stacc s c5 mf ord) (s db4 mf ord cs5 ord e gs4 f stacc) (e fs4 f stacc s mf ord fs4 ord) (q ab4 mp ord) (q b3 mp ord) (s eb4 mf ord e bb4 f stacc s eb4 mf ord) (q d4 mp ord) (q c4 mp ord) (q b3 mp ord) (e. a3 mf ord s ord) (s d4 mf ord e f stacc s mf ord) (s fs4 mf ord fs4 ord e f stacc) (e bb3 f stacc s c5 mf ord bb3 ord) (s e4 mf ord e g4 f stacc s c5 mf ord) (e db4 f stacc cs5 stacc) (s fs4 mf ord e f stacc s mf ord) (s ab4 mf ord bb4 ord e g4 f stacc) (e b3 f stacc s d5 mf ord fs4 ord) (q eb4 mp ord) (-q) (-q))
I though otherwise was optional. Now it´s alternating mf and mp for the 16th notes... It should be all mf for 16th notes. And the time signature is changed for the breaking of the lists (in can be solved with omn to time signature.
(make-omn :length rv2 :pitch repitch2 :span :length :velocity (length-map len-map2 rv2 :otherwise '(mp) ) :articulation (length-map len-map1 rv2 :otherwise '(mp) )) ((e e4 f stacc s g4 mf mp c5 mp) (s db4 mf mp cs5 mp gs4 mp f4 mp) (q fs4 mp ord) (-q) (-q) (s ab4 mf mp bb4 mp g4 mp gs4 mp) (s b3 mf mp d5 mp e fs4 f stacc) (-e s eb4 mf mp bb4 mp) (w d4 p<f>p long) (-q) (s c4 mf mp a4 mp d5 mp b4 mp) (h b3 p<f long) (-q) (q a3 mp ord) (q d4 mp ord) (q fs4 mp ord) (e bb3 f stacc c5 stacc) (s e4 mf mp e g4 f stacc s c5 mf mp) (s db4 mf mp cs5 mp e gs4 f stacc) (e fs4 f stacc s mf mp fs4 mp) (s ab4 mf mp e bb4 f stacc s g4 mf mp) (e b3 f stacc d5 stacc) (s eb4 mf mp e bb4 f stacc s eb4 mf mp) (s d4 mf mp d4 mp e f stacc) (e c4 f stacc s a4 mf mp d5 mp) (s b3 mf mp e. mp) (q a3 mp ord) (q d4 mp ord) (q fs4 mp ord) (s bb3 mf mp e. c5 mp) (q e4 mp ord) (q db4 mp ord) (e fs4 f stacc fs4 stacc) (q ab4 mp ord) (q b3 mp ord) (q eb4 mp ord) (e d4 f stacc d4 stacc) (e c4 f stacc a4 stacc) (s b3 mf mp e f stacc s mf mp) (s a3 mf mp a3 mp e f stacc) (e d4 f stacc s mf mp d4 mp) (s fs4 mf mp e f stacc s mf mp) (e bb3 f stacc c5 stacc) (s e4 mf mp e g4 f stacc s c5 mf mp) (s db4 mf mp cs5 mp e gs4 f stacc) (e fs4 f stacc s mf mp fs4 mp) (q ab4 mp ord) (q b3 mp ord) (s eb4 mf mp e bb4 f stacc s eb4 mf mp) (q d4 mp ord) (q c4 mp ord) (q b3 mp ord) (e. a3 mf mp s mp) (s d4 mf mp e f stacc s mf mp) (s fs4 mf mp fs4 mp e f stacc) (e bb3 f stacc s c5 mf mp bb3 mp) (s e4 mf mp e g4 f stacc s c5 mf mp) (e db4 f stacc cs5 stacc) (s fs4 mf mp e f stacc s mf mp) (s ab4 mf mp bb4 mp e g4 f stacc) (e b3 f stacc s d5 mf mp fs4 mp) (q eb4 mp ord) (-q) (-q))
No nils in this list, I put the optional otherwise but still getting sometimes mf and mp in the 16th notes...
(progn (setf rv2 '((1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16) (1/4) (-1/4) (-1/4) (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (-1/8 1/16 1/16) (1) (-1/4) (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16) (1/2) (-1/4) (1/4) (1/4) (1/4) (1/8 1/8) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/8 1/8) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/16 3/16) (1/4) (1/4) (1/4) (1/16 3/16) (1/4) (1/4) (1/8 1/8) (1/4) (1/4) (1/4) (1/8 1/8) (1/8 1/8) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/8 1/8) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/4) (1/4) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/4) (1/4) (1/4) (3/16 1/16) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/8 1/8) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/4) (-1/4) (-1/4))) (setf repitch2 '((e4 g4 c5) (db4 cs5 gs4 f4) (fs4) (ab4 bb4 g4 gs4) (b3 d5 fs4) (eb4 bb4) (d4) (c4 a4 d5 b4) (b3) (a3) (d4) (fs4) (bb3 c5))) (setf len-map2 '((e f) (s mf) (e. mf) (h p<f) (h. p<f) (w p<f>p) (wq p<f>p) (wh p<f>p) (wh. p<f>p) (ww p<f>p))) (setf len-map1 '((e (stacc)) (q (ord)) (h (long)) (h. (long)) (w (long)))) (make-omn :length rv2 :pitch repitch2 :span :length :velocity (length-map len-map2 rv2 :otherwise '(mp) ) :articulation (length-map len-map1 rv2 :otherwise '(mp) )) )
((e e4 f stacc s g4 mf mp c5 mp) (s db4 mf mp cs5 mp gs4 mp f4 mp) (q fs4 mp ord) (-q) (-q) (s ab4 mf mp bb4 mp g4 mp gs4 mp) (s b3 mf mp d5 mp e fs4 f stacc) (-e s eb4 mf mp bb4 mp) (w d4 p<f>p long) (-q) (s c4 mf mp a4 mp d5 mp b4 mp) (h b3 p<f long) (-q) (q a3 mp ord) (q d4 mp ord) (q fs4 mp ord) (e bb3 f stacc c5 stacc) (s e4 mf mp e g4 f stacc s c5 mf mp) (s db4 mf mp cs5 mp e gs4 f stacc) (e fs4 f stacc s mf mp fs4 mp) (s ab4 mf mp e bb4 f stacc s g4 mf mp) (e b3 f stacc d5 stacc) (s eb4 mf mp e bb4 f stacc s eb4 mf mp) (s d4 mf mp d4 mp e f stacc) (e c4 f stacc s a4 mf mp d5 mp) (s b3 mf mp e. mp) (q a3 mp ord) (q d4 mp ord) (q fs4 mp ord) (s bb3 mf mp e. c5 mp) (q e4 mp ord) (q db4 mp ord) (e fs4 f stacc fs4 stacc) (q ab4 mp ord) (q b3 mp ord) (q eb4 mp ord) (e d4 f stacc d4 stacc) (e c4 f stacc a4 stacc) (s b3 mf mp e f stacc s mf mp) (s a3 mf mp a3 mp e f stacc) (e d4 f stacc s mf mp d4 mp) (s fs4 mf mp e f stacc s mf mp) (e bb3 f stacc c5 stacc) (s e4 mf mp e g4 f stacc s c5 mf mp) (s db4 mf mp cs5 mp e gs4 f stacc) (e fs4 f stacc s mf mp fs4 mp) (q ab4 mp ord) (q b3 mp ord) (s eb4 mf mp e bb4 f stacc s eb4 mf mp) (q d4 mp ord) (q c4 mp ord) (q b3 mp ord) (e. a3 mf mp s mp) (s d4 mf mp e f stacc s mf mp) (s fs4 mf mp fs4 mp e f stacc) (e bb3 f stacc s c5 mf mp bb3 mp) (s e4 mf mp e g4 f stacc s c5 mf mp) (e db4 f stacc cs5 stacc) (s fs4 mf mp e f stacc s mf mp) (s ab4 mf mp bb4 mp e g4 f stacc) (e b3 f stacc s d5 mf mp fs4 mp) (q eb4 mp ord) (-q) (-q))
Dear Friends,
I'm back to this topic again and revising the docs. There is an example that called my attention due to the results.
Here it is (from length-map docs):
(setf omn '((e c4 fff cs5 f q d4 f ds5 p s f4 p fs5 p c5 p pp) (s cs4 p f d4 f e eb5 p f4 p eb4 f h d3 p ff))) (length-map '(((s e) (stacc det)) (h (tr1 tasto+trem))) omn :otherwise 'ord :rnd t :group t) ;; First evaluation ((e c4 fff stacc cs5 f stacc q d4 ord ds5 p ord s f4 stacc fs5 stacc c5 stacc c5 pp stacc) (s cs4 p stacc f stacc d4 stacc e eb5 p stacc f4 stacc eb4 f stacc h d3 p tasto+trem ff tasto+trem)) ;; Second evaluation - completely mess the lengths ((w c4 fff tie) (wet c4 fff q.t cs5 f ord+tie) (whs cs5 f tie) (e. cs5 f wq. d4 tie) (h.t d4 ds5 p stacc+tie) (wq. ds5 p e. f4 tie) (whs f4 tie) (q.t f4 wet fs5 tie) (w fs5 hs c5 tie) (whs c5 tie) (t c5 wht pp tie) (he c5 pp h... cs4 p tie) (we.. cs4 p qs. f tie) (whs cs4 f tie) (q cs4 f wqs d4 tie) (h.s. d4 he.. eb5 p tie) (wqe. eb5 p e f4 tie) (whs f4 tie) (q... f4 ws. eb4 f tr1+tie) (ws eb4 f h d3 p tie) (whs d3 p tie) (s. d3 p wq... mf tie) (he. d3 mf))
Sometimes the evalaution returns the second example, messing with the lengths.
All the best !
Have you tried the pcs-sub-relation function ?
Yes, just having the notes played (with a GM piano sound) while pressing the keys for hearing and choosing the notes.
In this way, the composer can use only Opusmodus while composing. Just the sound of pitches in real time (while pressing the keys), with on-off option and maybe option to choose the sound used to monitor. In my case, for hearing the notes, I have to setup Reaper (or other DAW) with a VST piano and route the midi output via virtual midi port (loopmidi) to Opusmodus. Best !
Dear Friends,
I have a simple suggestion:
- An option for assigning some sound for live playing in the midi entry option. Just a sound like a piano, for monitoring the midi input from the midi controller.
To make this, I usually have to open a DAW, put a VST sound, redirect to Opusmodus via virtual port.
- Sometimes is nice to work only with Opusmodus gm midi simple sounds just to sketch and reserving a better surprise of hearing with better libraries for later in the process.
Dear friends,
I found this today. The red playback bar in the snippet does not follow the repeats and end1 and end2 in this example.
The sound and score is right, just the red playback bar of the notation engine does not follow correctly.
'((-h. q b5) (repeat (q g5 a5 e. g5 s fs5 e. e5 s fs5) (s g5 a5 g5 a5 e. tr2-x t g5 a5 q b5 e. b5 s c6) (q d6 s c6 e b5 s a5 q g5 e a5 b5) (end1 (qs c6 t d6 e6 s c6 b5 q b5 comma b5)) (end2 (qs c6 t d6 e6 s c6 b5 q b5 comma d6))) (q e6 e d6 t c6 b5 s c6 e b5 a5 g5 a5) (q b5 a5 g5 b5) (q b5 b5 a5 g5) (h fs5 e5) (q g5 fs5 h e5) (h. d5 q d5) (q g5 g5 a5 a5) (h. b5 q c6) (q b5 a5 g5 e. e5 s fs5) (q g5 fs5 e5))
Hi, David
Please, try this
(setf alice-chord4 '((s fs4 g4 b4 d5)(s bb4 b4 d5 fs5)(s cs5 d5 fs5 a5)(s f5 fs5 a5 cs6);GM7 (s f4 fs4 a4 c5) (s ab4 a4 c5 e5)(s bb4 b4 eb5 fs5)(s d5 eb5 fs5 a5);F#m7b5/B7 (s eb5 e5 g5 b5) (s fs4 g4 b4 d5) (s gs4 a4 cs5 e5)(s c5 cs5 e5 g5);Em7/A7 (s cs5 d5 f5 a5)(s e5 f5 a5 c6)(s fs5 g5 b5 d6)(s bb4 b4 d5 f5);Dm7/G7 (s b4 c5 e5 g5)(s eb5 e5 g5 bb5)(s fs4 g4 bb4 d5)(s a4 bb4 d5 fs5);C7 (s b4 c5 eb5 g5)(s d5 eb5 g5 bb5)(s e5 f5 a5 c6)(s ab5 a5 c6 eb6);Cm7/F7 (s bb4 b4 d5 fs5)(s cs5 d5 fs5 a5)(s eb5 e5 gs5 b5)(s g5 gs5 b5 d6);Bm7/E7 (s a4 bb4 cs5 f5)(s c5 db5 f5 ab5)(s d5 eb5 g5 bb5)(s fs5 g5 bb5 db6);Bbm7/Eb7 (s gs4 a4 c5 e5)(s b4 c5 e5 g5)(s eb5 e5 g5 b5)(s fs5 g5 b5 d6);Am7 (s cs5 d5 fs5 a5)(s f5 fs5 a5 c6)(s gs5 a5 c6 e6)(s b4 c5 e5 gs5);D7 (s fs5 g5 b5 d6)(s bb4 b4 d5 fs5)(s eb5 e5 gs5 b5)(s g5 gs5 b5 d6);GM7/E7 (s gs4 a4 c5 e5)(s b4 c5 e5 g5)(s cs5 d5 fs5 a5)(s f5 fs5 a5 c6)));Am7/D7 (make-omn :pitch (find-bar '(1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44) (omn :pitch alice-chord4)) :length (omn-to-time-signature (gen-repeat 12 '(e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q)) '(4 4)) )
Thanks for your attention, Janusz !
Thanks a lot, Jesper and Janusz
Yes, I need to study LISP deeper, I´m still behind in this but I´d like to remind you that this way used to work for many years. I used this code many times before.
Dear Janusz,
I don´t know what´s wrong here
(setf repitch2 '((e4 g4 c5) (db4 cs5 gs4 f4) (fs4) nil nil (ab4 bb4 g4 gs4) (b3 d5 fs4) (eb4 bb4) (d4) nil (c4 a4 d5 b4) (b3) nil (a3) (d4) (fs4) (bb3 c5))) (setf rv2 '((1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16) (1/4) (-1/4) (-1/4) (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (-1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/4) (-1/4) (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16) (1/4) (-1/4) (1/4) (1/4) (1/4) (1/8 1/8) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/8 1/8) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/16 3/16) (1/4) (1/4) (1/4) (1/16 3/16) (1/4) (1/4) (1/8 1/8) (1/4) (1/4) (1/4) (1/8 1/8) (1/8 1/8) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/8 1/8) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/4) (1/4) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/4) (1/4) (1/4) (3/16 1/16) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/8 1/8) (1/16 1/8 1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/8 1/16 1/16) (1/4) (-1/4) (-1/4))) (setf len-map1 '((e (stacc)) (s (ord)) (h (long)) (h. (long)) (w (long)))) (setf len-map2 '((e (list (rnd-pick (mf f)))) (s (mf)) (e. (mf)) (h (p<f)) (h. (p<f)) (w (P<f>p))(wq (P<f>p))(wh (P<f>p))(wh. (P<f>p))(ww (P<f>p)))) (setf v2mat-a (make-omn :length rv2 :pitch repitch2 :span :length :velocity (length-map len-map2 rv2 :otherwise '(mf) :group t) :articulation (length-map len-map1 rv2 :otherwise '(ord) :group t)))
The result comes with many instances of the word "list"
((e e4 list stacc s g4 mf ord c5 ord) (s db4 mf ord cs5 ord gs4 ord f4 ord) (q fs4 mf ord) (-q) (-q) (s ab4 mf ord bb4 ord g4 ord gs4 ord) (s b3 mf ord d5 ord e fs4 list stacc) (-e s eb4 mf ord bb4 ord) (q d4 mf ord) (-q) (s c4 mf ord a4 ord d5 ord b4 ord) (q b3 mf ord) (-q) (q a3 mf ord) (q d4 mf ord) (q fs4 mf ord) (e bb3 list stacc c5 stacc) (s e4 mf ord e g4 list stacc s c5 mf ord) (s db4 mf ord cs5 ord e gs4 list stacc) (e fs4 list stacc s mf ord fs4 ord) (s ab4 mf ord e bb4 list stacc s g4 mf ord) (e b3 list stacc d5 stacc) (s eb4 mf ord e bb4 list stacc s eb4 mf ord) (s d4 mf ord d4 ord e list stacc) (e c4 list stacc s a4 mf ord d5 ord) (s b3 mf ord e. ord) (q a3 mf ord) (q d4 mf ord) (q fs4 mf ord) (s bb3 mf ord e. c5 ord) (q e4 mf ord) (q db4 mf ord) (e fs4 list stacc fs4 stacc) (q ab4 mf ord) (q b3 mf ord) (q eb4 mf ord) (e d4 list stacc d4 stacc) (e c4 list stacc a4 stacc) (s b3 mf ord e list stacc s mf ord) (s a3 mf ord a3 ord e list stacc) (e d4 list stacc s mf ord d4 ord) (s fs4 mf ord e list stacc s mf ord) (e bb3 list stacc c5 stacc) (s e4 mf ord e g4 list stacc s c5 mf ord) (s db4 mf ord cs5 ord e gs4 list stacc) (e fs4 list stacc s mf ord fs4 ord) (q ab4 mf ord) (q b3 mf ord) (s eb4 mf ord e bb4 list stacc s eb4 mf ord) (q d4 mf ord) (q c4 mf ord) (q b3 mf ord) (e. a3 mf ord s ord) (s d4 mf ord e list stacc s mf ord) (s fs4 mf ord fs4 ord e list stacc) (e bb3 list stacc s c5 mf ord bb3 ord) (s e4 mf ord e g4 list stacc s c5 mf ord) (e db4 list stacc cs5 stacc) (s fs4 mf ord e list stacc s mf ord) (s ab4 mf ord bb4 ord e g4 list stacc) (e b3 list stacc s d5 mf ord fs4 ord) (q eb4 mf ord) (-q) (-q))
Wich leads to this error in the snippet call
OM 54 > audition-musicxml-omn-snippetError: OMN Parse Error: fail
1 (abort) Return to top loop level 0.Type
for backtrace or :c <option number> to proceed.
Type :bug-form "<subject>" for a bug report template or :? for other options.BEst
Thanks, but I found no mention about the :repeat keyword in the length-map doc.
Dear All,
I was trying some old codes and this started to bug...
The length-map :repeat keyword no longer works... what´s happening ?
I have a lot of files using this...
(setf v1mat-a (make-omn
:length rv1
:pitch pit-chmd1
:span :length
:velocity (length-map len-map2 rv1 :otherwise '(mf)
:repeat t
:articulation (length-map len-map1 rv1 :otherwise '(ord)
:repeat t
)))Error: Unexpected keyword :repeat which is not one of (:otherwise :rnd :group :section :exclude :seed).
1 (continue) Ignore the unknown keyword :repeat.
2 (abort) Return to top loop level 0. -
Thanks, but the change-tonality you provided here seems better.
Best !
This is very good, Jesper
Certainly, a function that could be implemented at the core functions of Opusmodus. Janusz ?
For jazz implementation there are many advantages in Opusmodus v3, like drop-voicings !
Very cool, Jesper !
Thank you !
Actually this is a faster way of finding !
You can use pitch class analysis to know the Forte number of a set of pitches
like this
(pcs-analysis '(7 10 3 8 11 5 2))
Original Prime Order: (7 10 3 8 11 5 2)
Pitch: (g4 bb4 eb4 gs4 b4 f4 d4)
Inversion: (5 2 9 4 1 7 10)
Complement: (0 1 4 6 9)
Normal Order: (2 3 5 7 8 10 11)
Prime Form: (0 1 3 5 6 8 9)
Forte: 7-32b - THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED
Directed Interval Vector: (1 2 2 1 2 1 3)
Interval Vector: (3 3 5 4 4 2)
Interval Class: (3 5 5 3 6 3)
REcently I build a kind of harmonization tool. It´s very simple and similar to this post.
I built a chord list with my favorite voicings and also voicings for simple acompaniment, like the ones in the examble above.
- 5 note voicings (bass + 4 note chords)
major, minor, dom, alt, dom dim, half diminished, diminished, sus, etc
all basic in all keys. I use it for creating progressions that can be randomized or specified. And I also built a melody generator with all the correponding modes for the chords. That´s it.
But now I bought an acoustic piano and I love to just play it and sing along...
That´s life !
- Stephane Boussuge and david
Just put the articulation part in the stave ou want it to appear
(ps 'gm :treble (list (make-omn :pitch (melodize (drop-voicing (omn :pitch chords_and_names))) :length '(e) :articulation (omn :articulation chords_and_names) :span :pitch)) :bass (list (make-omn :pitch (omn :pitch chords_and_names) :length (omn :length chords_and_names) :articulation (omn :articulation chords_and_names) )) :time-signature '(4 4) )
About my Opusmodus book, according to Janusz it´s in the revision phase. Soon it will be released. I´m looking forward to it too.
Best !
Tablature (guitar) in Opusmodus ?
in Score and Notation
I didn´t try it.
I need some explanation of the system about the tab layout option and how to find tablature clefs in the integrated MusicXML environment.