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Stephane Boussuge

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Everything posted by Stephane Boussuge

  1. What about this: (setf pitchlist '((c4 d4 e4 f4)(cs4 ds4 as4 fs4)(bb4 eb4 ab4))) (setf rhy '((s s s)(s s) nil (s s s)(s s)(s s))) (remove-nils (gen-swallow rhy pitchlist)) => ((c4 d4 e4) (cs4 ds4) (c4 d4 e4) (cs4 ds4) (bb4 eb4))
  2. Look to the function span and the function gen-swallow. May be it could help to achieve what you want. May be something like that: (setf pch (span rv1 pitmat :swallow t)) (make-omn :pitch pch :length rv1) S.
  3. You can have a look on that page: https://opusmodus.com/forums/lessons/
  4. Hi Marc, I've stopped now the Zoom into OM but you can still take private lessons with me et en Français Stéphane
  5. I'm using emacs with OM with my own configuration with an Opusmodus menu and so on, but I'm absolutely not a specialist of Emacs. SB.
  6. I've made a soundest for BBC Symphonic Orchestra Core version but it probably works as well with this one. You will find it attached to this post. best SB. BBCSO.lisp
  7. It could be also you have in you OSX preference General the option close-window when quitting application (something approximately like this because my OSX version is in French ...) SB.
  8. You will get this result with the next update. S.
  9. Yes, you need to place the EastWest sound sets file into the ~/Opusmodus/Def-Libraries/Def-Sound-Sets directory. That's the right place. The Opusmodus sound-sets (default) are part of the app. SB.
  10. Yes in the DEF-SCORE. Evaluate first (midi-destinations) to see how Opusmodus see your ports numbers and name and after add into your DEF-SCORE instrument: :port n where n is the port number, or :port “name of the port” sb.
  11. My function as to be into the Opusmodus/Extensions folder and Opusmodus as to be restarted to taking it in account. Naturally, you can also use what Janusz showed to you on the above post. S.
  12. Attached to this post, you will find my personal soundsets for EastWest Orchestra gold. If you need, I can give to you an online lesson about how to use it. Enjoy. Stéphane EastWest.zip
  13. Yes, Opusmodus works very well with Sibelius and NotePerformer, I'm using it that way very often. If you use Sibelius as default score editor in your Mac to open musicxml files, you can just use my function (last-score-to-editor) at the end of your file and when you evaluate the Opusmodus script (evaluate-all) , it will open directly into Sibelius. Attached to this post, the function definition of (last-score-to-editor) to put in your Opusmodus extensions folder. Best Stéphane last-score-to-editor.lisp
  14. The distribution takes in account the time of the events. S.
  15. Ok, the distribution is based on delta time, I understand. S.
  16. HI, here's the fixed version, I've missed a list function in the previous one. Thank you for pointing out ! Best Stephane ;;; Looping the process ;;; ============================ (setf seq (gen-loop 4 ;; nb d'itération du process (progn ;; process (setf size 4) (list (setf ph1 (ambitus '(g3 g6) (filter-tie (make-omn :pitch (gen-loop size (interval-ambitus 6 (rnd-sample 12 (make-scale 'd4 12 :alt '(2 1 3))))) :length (gen-loop size (length-legato (rnd-sample 12 '(s -s)))) :velocity (rnd-pick '((pp)(p)(mp)(mf)(f))) )))) (setf ph2 (ambitus '(c3 g5) (filter-tie (make-omn :pitch (gen-loop size (interval-ambitus 6 (rnd-sample 12 (make-scale 'd3 12 :alt '(2 1 3))))) :length (gen-loop size (length-legato (rnd-sample 12 '(s -s)))) :velocity (rnd-pick '((pp)(p)(mp)(mf)(f))) )))) (setf ph3 (ambitus '(c2 e4) (filter-tie (make-omn :pitch (gen-loop size (interval-ambitus 6 (rnd-sample 12 (make-scale 'd2 12 :alt '(2 1 3))))) :length (gen-loop size (length-legato (rnd-sample 12 '(s -s -s)))) :velocity (rnd-pick '((pp)(p)(mp)(mf)(f))) )))) )))) (setf vn (assemble-seq (loop for s in seq collect (nth 0 s)))) (setf va (assemble-seq (loop for s in seq collect (nth 1 s)))) (setf vc (assemble-seq (loop for s in seq collect (nth 2 s)))) (ps 'gm :vn (list vn) :va (list va) :vc (list vc) :tempo 88 ) ;;; THE SAME PROCESS WITH ADDED MUTE/PLAY SYSTEM ;;; Looping the process ;;; ============================ (setf seq (gen-loop 4 ;; nb d'itération du process (progn ;; process (setf size 4) (list (setf ph1 (ambitus '(g3 g6) (filter-tie (make-omn :pitch (gen-loop size (interval-ambitus 6 (rnd-sample 12 (make-scale 'd4 12 :alt '(2 1 3))))) :length (gen-loop size (length-legato (rnd-sample 12 '(s -s)))) :velocity (rnd-pick '((pp)(p)(mp)(mf)(f))) )))) (setf ph2 (ambitus '(c3 g5) (filter-tie (make-omn :pitch (gen-loop size (interval-ambitus 6 (rnd-sample 12 (make-scale 'd3 12 :alt '(2 1 3))))) :length (gen-loop size (length-legato (rnd-sample 12 '(s -s)))) :velocity (rnd-pick '((pp)(p)(mp)(mf)(f))) )))) (setf ph3 (ambitus '(c2 e4) (filter-tie (make-omn :pitch (gen-loop size (interval-ambitus 6 (rnd-sample 12 (make-scale 'd2 12 :alt '(2 1 3))))) :length (gen-loop size (length-legato (rnd-sample 12 '(s -s -s)))) :velocity (rnd-pick '((pp)(p)(mp)(mf)(f))) )))) ) ;;; Mute/play (do-timeline2 '(ph1 ph2 ph3) (binary-invert (matrix-transpose (gen-group (rnd-sample 7 '(0 1)) :size size))) '(gen-pause x) ) ))) (setf vn (assemble-seq (loop for s in seq collect (nth 0 s)))) (setf va (assemble-seq (loop for s in seq collect (nth 1 s)))) (setf vc (assemble-seq (loop for s in seq collect (nth 2 s)))) (ps 'gm :vn (list vn) :va (list va) :vc (list vc) :tempo 88 )
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