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Everything posted by opmo

  1. In Opusmodus the default editor is set to "MuseScore 3.app": (defparameter *default-notation-editor* "MuseScore 3.app") To change the default editor you need to replace the "MuseScore 3.app" string with the name of your own editor and paste the expression into the ‘User Source.lisp’ file which you will find in the ~/Opusmodus/Extensions directory. For example: (defparameter *default-notation-editor* "Dorico 3.5.app") (defparameter *default-notation-editor* "Sibelius.app") Examples: To open the last compiled score (DEF-SCORE, PS or snippet) in the notation editor: (musicxml-to-editor) To open the 2nd instrument from the last compiled score (DEF-SCORE, PS or snippet) in the notation editor: (musicxml-to-editor :instrument 2) To open a MusicXML file in the notation editor: (musicxml-to-editor "file-name") To open the file in Finale: (midi-to-editor "file-name" :application "Finale") Should the application not open you can use the identifier keyword with the bundle-identifier. For example the Sibelius 7.5 version identifier is "com.avid.Sibelius75" (musicxml-to-editor "file-name" :identifier "com.avid.Sibelius75") First, you need to create a musicxml file from your score: (compile-score 'file-name :output :musicxml :file "file-name") How to create your own sound sets please examine the the DEF-SOUND-SET function and the files in the 'Default-Sound-Sets' Library.
  2. Opusmodus does not come with a sample library, by default we use Apple built-in GM sounds, of course you can use your own samples or virtual instruments.
  3. 2.1.26209 – New Functions: CHORD-DERIVE - Chord rotation method developed by Pierre Boulez. RHYTHMIC-LEVEL - Returns a list of rhythmic levels derived from a span and its division, according to given proportions. RP - This function result derives from a pair-list and returns a number of repeats on a given item. – Additions: PITCH-VARIANT - additional variant symbol 'a (random order). Downloads
  4. We are waiting for CCL to make the move.
  5. This is not possible. One section at the time. What you could do is to create a section with all the values.
  6. you could do: (create-library 'test 'testing 'bla '((a b c) (e f g)) :file "test1" ) which will create a file 'test1.opmo' in the ~/Opusmodus/Def-Libraries/Def-Library: (in-package :Opusmodus) ;; Library | Opusmodus Version 2.1.26194M | 2021-01-25 10:30:52 (def-library test (:section testing bla0 '(a b c) bla1 '(e f g))) #| Examples: (library 'test 'testing 'bla0) (library 'test 'testing nil :random 5) (library 'test 'testing nil :collect '(0 3 5)) |#
  7. You can't create-library with defined library. This is already a library: (def-library test (:section testing bla0 '(a b c) bla1 '(e f g) )) Open a new file and paste your new define library there. The file must start with: (in-package :Opusmodus) The create-library function is a simply automatisation to generate def-library with gen functions (values).
  8. (create-library 'Binary-Rhythmics '4-bit-binary 'bin (combination2 4 '(1 0 1 0))) ;; The print out in the LISTENER is as follows: => (def-library binary-rhythmics (:section 4-bit-binary bin0 '(0 0 0 0) bin1 '(1 0 0 0) bin2 '(0 1 0 0) bin3 '(1 1 0 0) bin4 '(0 0 1 0) bin5 '(1 0 1 0) bin6 '(0 1 1 0) bin7 '(1 1 1 0) bin8 '(0 0 0 1) bin9 '(1 0 0 1) bin10 '(0 1 0 1) bin11 '(1 1 0 1) bin12 '(0 0 1 1) bin13 '(1 0 1 1) bin14 '(0 1 1 1) bin15 '(1 1 1 1) )) With keyword :file "4-bit-library" the file will be saved in the ~/Opusmodus/Def-Libraries/Def-Library directory. (create-library 'Binary-Rhythmics '4-bit-binary 'bin (combination2 4 '(1 0 1 0)) :file "4-bit-library") this expression dose not have any values.
  9. (pitch-transpose -24 '(g-1)) ; out of range => (g1) (pitch-transpose 24 '(c8)) ; out of range => (c8)
  10. 2.1.26191 – Changes: partial-row - removed from the system. pitch-row - new keyword :quantize – Notation Enhancement: More compact stemside slurs and other enhancements. – Documanation: Examples edit. Fixed to 'Quick Start' ABC.pdf document. New Navigator and Utilities icons. – How to install the new 'Quick Start' folder: Delete the 'Quick Start' folder from your Opusmodus directory. Go to Opusmodus 'Help' menu and select the 'Install Quick Start Workspace' command. The new 'Quick Start' workspace will open. Downloads Best wishes, Janusz
  11. This will explain the delta time pitch distribution. (ps 'gm :va (list '(1/8 c5 -1/8 2/8 -1/8 5/8) '(1/8 g4 1/8 -1/8 2/8 1/8) '(-2/8 1/8 e4 -5/8 1/8) '(-1/8 3/8 c4 1/8 1/8))) Now with your values: (setf row '(c4 cs4 d4 ds4 e4 f4 fs4 g4 gs4 a4 as4 b4)) (setf l-v1 '(1/8 -1/8 2/8 -1/8 5/8) l-v2 '(1/8 1/8 -1/8 2/8 1/8) l-va '(-2/8 1/8 -5/8 1/8) l-vc '(-1/8 3/8 1/8 1/8) ) (setf length (list l-v1 l-v2 l-va l-vc)) (setf pitch (distribute-seq row length)) (setf seq (make-omn :length length :pitch pitch)) (ps 'gm :vn1 (list (1~ seq)) :vn2 (list (2~ seq)) :va (list (3~ seq)) :vc (list (4~ seq)))
  12. The convention starts 17:00 (GMT) The time you see on the Forum is in your local time.
  13. Same as pprint-last-score but with given score name. (pprint-score 'score-name)
  14. (setf res '(progn (setf size 4) (list (setf ph1 (ambitus '(g3 g6) (filter-tie (make-omn :pitch (gen-loop size (interval-ambitus 6 (rnd-sample 12 (make-scale 'd4 12 :alt '(2 1 3))))) :length (gen-loop size (length-legato (rnd-sample 12 '(s -s)))) :velocity (rnd-pick '((pp)(p)(mp)(mf)(f))) )))) (setf ph2 (ambitus '(c3 g5) (filter-tie (make-omn :pitch (gen-loop size (interval-ambitus 6 (rnd-sample 12 (make-scale 'd3 12 :alt '(2 1 3))))) :length (gen-loop size (length-legato (rnd-sample 12 '(s -s)))) :velocity (rnd-pick '((pp)(p)(mp)(mf)(f))) )))) (setf ph3 (ambitus '(c2 e4) (filter-tie (make-omn :pitch (gen-loop size (interval-ambitus 6 (rnd-sample 12 (make-scale 'd2 12 :alt '(2 1 3))))) :length (gen-loop size (length-legato (rnd-sample 12 '(s -s -s)))) :velocity (rnd-pick '((pp)(p)(mp)(mf)(f))) ))))))) (setf seq (gen-loop 4 (eval res)))
  15. Yes, the convention will be recorder for later viewing on our forum.
  16. (setf seeds (rnd-number 1 1 100 :seed 23)) (init-seed seed) This way you don't need to use seed in any following functions. At the end of your score set the init-seed back to nil. (init-seed nil)
  17. length-to-rest has nothing to do with pitches or chords. (length-to-rest 1/4 '(-1/8 1/8 1/20 4/20 1/8 -1/16 1/16 1/4)) => (-1/8 1/8 1/20 1/5 1/8 -1/16 1/16 -1/4) (length-to-rest 1/16 '(-1/8 1/8 1/20 4/20 1/8 -1/16 1/16 1/4) :type 'under) => (-1/8 1/8 -1/20 1/5 1/8 -1/16 1/16 1/4) (length-to-rest 1/16 '(-1/8 1/8 1/20 4/20 1/8 -1/16 1/16 1/4) :type 'over) => (-1/8 -1/8 1/20 -1/5 -1/8 -1/16 1/16 -1/4) (length-to-rest 'q '((q s e e q..) (e h q e)) :type 'over :omn t) => ((q s e = -q..) (e -h q e)) OMN: (length-to-rest 'q '(q e4f4fs4g4 s e4f4fs4g4 e e4f4fs4g4 e e4f4fs4g4 q.. e4f4fs4g4) :type 'under) => (q e4f4fs4g4 -s -e - q.. e4f4fs4g4)
  18. What about creating an annotation document in the user ~/Opusmodus/Documents directory or in the ~/Opusmodus/System Library directory.
  19. 1st Opusmodus Convention - January 2021 OPUSMODUS.COM In these pandemic times that tend to isolate and divide us, we decided to organise an online convention that will bring us together and perhaps expand the world community of Opusmodus users, to put us into contact to exchange opinions and experiences. Opusmodus is not just a software but a real "artistic work" it is a comprehensive computer-aided environment for the whole work of music composition a virtual space where a composer can develop ideas and experiments for projects large and small. We hope that this first event will materialise into a splendid opportunity to meet and exchange know-how and ideas, to grow together and perhaps help the development of a system that has thousands and more possible strategies within the vast field of artistic expression. We want to publicly thank all the speakers who offered to talk about their experience in Opusmodus and made themselves available for this experiment which we sincerely hope will become a recurring event. Convention Host: Luigi Agostini Speakers: Achim Bornhoeft Fabio De Sanctis De Benedictis Janusz Podrazik Jean-Marc Chouvel Jor van der Poel Julio Herrlein Marco Giommoni Maurizio Gabrieli Otto Laske Stéphane Boussuge Sylvio Relandini Torsten Anders
  20. 1st Opusmodus Convention - January 2021 OPUSMODUS.COM In these pandemic times that tend to isolate and divide us, we decided to organise an online convention that will bring us together and perhaps expand the world community of Opusmodus users, to put us into contact to exchange opinions and experiences. Opusmodus is not just a software but a real "artistic work" it is a comprehensive computer-aided environment for the whole work of music composition a virtual space where a composer can develop ideas and experiments for projects large and small. We hope that this first event will materialise into a splendid opportunity to meet and exchange know-how and ideas, to grow together and perhaps help the development of a system that has thousands and more possible strategies within the vast field of artistic expression. We want to publicly thank all the speakers who offered to talk about their experience in Opusmodus and made themselves available for this experiment which we sincerely hope will become a recurring event. Convention Host: Luigi Agostini Speakers: Achim Bornhoeft Fabio De Sanctis De Benedictis Janusz Podrazik Jean-Marc Chouvel Jor van der Poel Julio Herrlein Marco Giommoni Maurizio Gabrieli Otto Laske Stéphane Boussuge Sylvio Relandini Torsten Anders
  21. snippet is just a snippet. You can put this expression into any file in the Extensions folder - Source Code.lisp
  22. Will be implemented in the next update. All you need to do is to add a line of code (below) into the ~/Opusmodus/Extensions/User Source.lisp file. (defparameter *snippet-clef-default* :treble-down8)
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