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Posts posted by opmo

  1. The first value should be 0l (0L) 🙂  and not 01.
    '(01 0rl 0lr)
    (setf transition (rnd-sample 32 '(0L 0rl 0lr) :seed 90198))
    (setf rotation (rnd-sample 32 '(0 -1 1) :seed 431458))
    (tonnetz '(c4e4g4) transition
             :net 11
             :join 1
             :rotate rotation)


    Any error has nothing to do with M1 or Intel processor.

    Copy from html of pdf files will not always work - format problems.

    Images are not helpful with errors, only code please.

  2. You can't use the old CLM libraries from the previous version, this is why v.3.0 needs to install a new Opusmodus directory.




    1. Download the latest version from the Downloads page.

    2. Delete all files from the ~/Opusmodus/CLM/bin and ~/Opusmodus/CLM/libclm directory.

    3. Start OM.

  3. Quote

    Since the concept of "pitch class" is octave independent...

    Use modus first and than the twelve-tonep


    This is correct:

    (twelve-tonep '(c3 eb3 d3 f3 e3 g3 fs3 a3 gs3 b3 bb3 cs4))
    => nil


    is not 12 tone row.


    With modus:

    (twelve-tonep (modus '(c3 eb3 d3 f3 e3 g3 fs3 a3 gs3 b3 bb3 cs4)))
    => t


  4. You don't need to use the make-socket function anymore, it was needed only in CCL.


    All you need is:


    Here we assign a name Reaktor to a remote-host: and remote- port: 10000:

    (defparameter reaktor '( 10000))

    Here we assign an variable to our OSC thread object, this is important for sending the data  with the thread and for ending the thread:

    (setf thd1 (create-osc-thread "thread1" reaktor))

    To send OSC messages with the thread we call the SEND-OSC-DATA function:

    (send-osc-data thd1 '((0.0 1/2) (0.0 1/2) (0.08238555 2)
                          (0.10876829 1) (0.12127061 11/2)))


  5. You can't use 2.2 and 3.0 on the same cpu - there are changes to the history structure and Opusmodus directory.

    The main change are made to the interface with new Notation, MIDI, Graph and Audio panels. Any dependency on CCL was ported to LW.

    The navigator is more like a Finder and will display aliases if found in the Workspace folder.

    'Save As...' (Notation, MIDI and Graph) is part of the panel. - grid menu.

    You can drag midi files etc... into the window directly.


  6. (defparameter b-val (matrix-transpose '(((1 1) (1 2) (1 3) (1 4) (1 5))
                                            ((1 2) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (1 2) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (1 2)))))
    (loop for i in b-val
          for j = (first i)
          collect (list (first j) (second j) (second i)))
    => ((1 1 (1 2)) (1 2 (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)) (1 3 (1 2)) (1 4 (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)) (1 5 (1 2)))


  7. In order to have accesses to your own function documents through the navigator you place them in the ~/Opusmodus/User Source/Functions Documentation directory.

    Screenshot 2022-12-29 at 20.48.20.png



    This way you can view them by pressing the (L) button in the Workspace Navigator.





    The 'User Source' directory is where you place your Extensions, Libraries and your functions documents.

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