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  1. Yesterday
  2. Hi Julio, I found this way of doing things, unfortunately, too laborious for my little eyes. (setf alice-chord3 '((s g4 b4 d5 g5)(s b4 d5 fs5 b5)(s d5 fs5 a5 d6)(s a4 cs5 e5 a5) (s fs4 a4 c5 fs5) (s a4 c5 e5 a5)(s b4 eb5 fs5 b5)(s eb5 fs5 a5 eb6) (s e5 g5 b5 e6) (s g4 b4 d5 g5) (s a4 cs5 e5 a5)(s cs5 e5 g5 cs6) (s d5 f5 a5 d6)(s f5 a5 c6 f6)(s g4 b4 d5 g5)(s b4 d5 f5 b5) (s c5 e5 g5 c6)(s e5 g5 bb5 e6)(s g4 bb4 d5 g5)(s bb4 d5 fs5 bb5) (s c5 eb5 g5 c6)(s eb5 g5 bb5 eb6)(s f5 a5 c6 f6)(s a4 c5 eb5 a5) (s b4 d5 fs5 b5)(s d5 fs5 a5 d6)(s e5 gs5 b5 e6)(s gs4 b4 d5 gs5) (s bb4 cs5 f5 bb5)(s db5 f5 ab5 db6)(s eb5 g5 bb5 eb6)(s g4 bb4 db5 g5) (s a4 c5 e5 a5)(s c5 e5 g5 c6)(s e5 g5 b5 e6)(s g4 b4 d5 g5) (s d5 fs5 a5 d6)(s fs5 a5 c6 fs6)(s a4 c5 e5 a5)(s c5 e5 gs5 c6) (s g4 b4 d5 g5)(s b4 d5 fs5 b5)(s e5 gs5 b5 e6)(s gs4 b4 d5 gs5) (s a4 c5 e5 a5)(s c5 e5 g5 c6)(s d5 fs5 a5 d6)(s fs4 a4 c5 fs5))) (setf unis (flatten alice-chord3)) (setf une (gen-divide 2 unis)) now the notes are perfectly aligned with my rhythm (setf div1 (omn-to-measure (make-omn :pitch (find-bar '(1 2 13 18 25 32 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 92) (omn :pitch une)) :length (gen-repeat 4 '(e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q)) :span :length) '(4/4))) too bad the other code doesn't work at the level of the alignment of the notes because it is simpler and especially could be used for other pieces. I put it here again in case some of you can find the solution. (setf Gr3oc (omn-to-measure (make-omn :pitch (omn :pitch (omn-to-measure (loop for x in une collect (filter-repeat 1 (rnd-order x :type :pitch :seed 3))) '(1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2))) :length (omn :length (omn-to-measure (gen-repeat 4 '(e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q)) '(1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2)))) 4/4)) thank you.
  3. My small suggestion is to also spend time with LISP. I have found that this really helps with understanding both the functions and their documentation within Opusmodus.
  4. Last week
  5. Je pense que je vais me lancer dans le design ;-))) Voici un schéma encore plus explicite, Voici un schéma encore plus explicite, on voit clairement que les notes ne correspondent pas au rythme. avec ma graine 3 les notes devraient être les premières de chaque liste d' alice-chord3. Merci pour votre aide
  6. I just want to use the note pool of alice-chord3 for each beat of the blues. (#|1|# (s g4 b4 d5 g5) first beat of the first bar of the blues #|4|# (s a4 cs5 e5 a5) 4th beat of the first bar of the blues #|7|# (s b4 eb5 fs5 b5) 3rd beat of the second bar of the blues #|10|# (s g4 b4 d5 g5) 2nd beat of the third bar of the blues etc etc this amounts to saying list alice-chord3 would be like a beat (s g4 b4 d5 g5) first beat of first bar of a blues, this is why I say reservoir It's an exercise we do instinctively as jazz musicians;-))
  7. Hi Julio, It's nice to see someone around here. for simplicity take his pitches please, I'm sure you'll understand (setf alice-chord3 '((s g4 b4 d5 g5)(s b4 d5 fs5 b5)(s d5 fs5 a5 d6)(s a4 cs5 e5 a5);Gmaj7 (s fs4 a4 c5 fs5) (s a4 c5 e5 a5)(s b4 eb5 fs5 b5)(s eb5 fs5 a5 eb6); F#m7b5/ B7 (s e5 g5 b5 e6) (s g4 b4 d5 g5) (s a4 cs5 e5 a5)(s cs5 e5 g5 cs6);Em7/A7 (s d5 f5 a5 d6)(s f5 a5 c6 f6)(s g4 b4 d5 g5)(s b4 d5 f5 b5);Dm7/G7 (s c5 e5 g5 c6)(s e5 g5 bb5 e6)(s g4 bb4 d5 g5)(s bb4 d5 fs5 bb5);C7 (s c5 eb5 g5 c6)(s eb5 g5 bb5 eb6)(s f5 a5 c6 f6)(s a4 c5 eb5 a5);Cm7/F7 (s b4 d5 fs5 b5)(s d5 fs5 a5 d6)(s e5 gs5 b5 e6)(s gs4 b4 d5 gs5);Bm7/E7 (s bb4 cs5 f5 bb5)(s db5 f5 ab5 db6)(s eb5 g5 bb5 eb6)(s g4 bb4 db5 g5);Bbm7/Eb7 (s a4 c5 e5 a5)(s c5 e5 g5 c6)(s e5 g5 b5 e6)(s g4 b4 d5 g5);Am7 (s d5 fs5 a5 d6)(s fs5 a5 c6 fs6)(s a4 c5 e5 a5)(s c5 e5 gs5 c6);D7 (s g4 b4 d5 g5)(s b4 d5 fs5 b5)(s e5 gs5 b5 e6)(s gs4 b4 d5 gs5);Gmaj7/E7 (s a4 c5 e5 a5)(s c5 e5 g5 c6)(s d5 fs5 a5 d6)(s fs4 a4 c5 fs5)));Am7/D7 I modified gen-repeat 4 to get 12 bars. (make-omn :pitch (find-bar '(1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44) (omn :pitch alice-chord3)) :length (omn-to-time-signature (gen-repeat 4 '(e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q)) '(4 4)) ) After Pprint Expression..........the notes are offset from the chords (setf Juilo '(#|1|# (e. g4 s b4 -q - e. d5 s g5) #|2|# (-q - e. a4 s cs5 -q) #|3|# (-q e. eb5 s fs5 -q -) #|4|# (e. cs5 s e5 -q - e. g5 s cs6) #|5|# (-q - e. b4 s d5 -q) #|6|# (-q e. bb4 s d5 -q -) #|7|# (e. a4 s c5 -q - e. eb5 s a5) #|8|# (-q - e. gs4 s b4 -q) #|9|# (-q e. g4 s bb4 -q -) #|10|# (e. g4 s b4 -q - e. d5 s g5) #|11|# (-q - e. c5 s e5 -q) #|12|# (-q e. gs4 s b4 -q -) )) After Pprint Expression manually we must find this result it corresponds to each time of alice-chord3 (setf david '(#|1|# (e. g4 s b4 -h e. a4 s cs5) #|2|# (-h e. b4 s eb5 -q) #|3|# (-q e. g4 s b4 -h) #|4|# (e. d5 s f5 -h e. b4 s d5) #|5|# (-h e. g4 s bb4 -q) #|6|# (-q e. eb5 s g5 -h) #|7|# (e. b4 s d5 -h e. gs4 s b4) #|8|# (-h e. eb5 s g5 -q) #|9|# (-q e. c5 s e5 -h) #|10|# (e. d5 s fs5 -h e. c5 s e5) #|11|# (-h e. e5 s gs5 -q) #|12|# (-q e. c5 s e5 -h) )) I work on rhythmic note groups my grouping is in 12/4 because it is repeated 4 times to make 12 bars if you look at bar 2 we have a4 and cs4 which corresponds to the reservoir of notes of the first bar and the note shift continues until the end
  8. Hi, David Please, try this (setf alice-chord4 '((s fs4 g4 b4 d5)(s bb4 b4 d5 fs5)(s cs5 d5 fs5 a5)(s f5 fs5 a5 cs6);GM7 (s f4 fs4 a4 c5) (s ab4 a4 c5 e5)(s bb4 b4 eb5 fs5)(s d5 eb5 fs5 a5);F#m7b5/B7 (s eb5 e5 g5 b5) (s fs4 g4 b4 d5) (s gs4 a4 cs5 e5)(s c5 cs5 e5 g5);Em7/A7 (s cs5 d5 f5 a5)(s e5 f5 a5 c6)(s fs5 g5 b5 d6)(s bb4 b4 d5 f5);Dm7/G7 (s b4 c5 e5 g5)(s eb5 e5 g5 bb5)(s fs4 g4 bb4 d5)(s a4 bb4 d5 fs5);C7 (s b4 c5 eb5 g5)(s d5 eb5 g5 bb5)(s e5 f5 a5 c6)(s ab5 a5 c6 eb6);Cm7/F7 (s bb4 b4 d5 fs5)(s cs5 d5 fs5 a5)(s eb5 e5 gs5 b5)(s g5 gs5 b5 d6);Bm7/E7 (s a4 bb4 cs5 f5)(s c5 db5 f5 ab5)(s d5 eb5 g5 bb5)(s fs5 g5 bb5 db6);Bbm7/Eb7 (s gs4 a4 c5 e5)(s b4 c5 e5 g5)(s eb5 e5 g5 b5)(s fs5 g5 b5 d6);Am7 (s cs5 d5 fs5 a5)(s f5 fs5 a5 c6)(s gs5 a5 c6 e6)(s b4 c5 e5 gs5);D7 (s fs5 g5 b5 d6)(s bb4 b4 d5 fs5)(s eb5 e5 gs5 b5)(s g5 gs5 b5 d6);GM7/E7 (s gs4 a4 c5 e5)(s b4 c5 e5 g5)(s cs5 d5 fs5 a5)(s f5 fs5 a5 c6)));Am7/D7 (make-omn :pitch (find-bar '(1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44) (omn :pitch alice-chord4)) :length (omn-to-time-signature (gen-repeat 12 '(e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q)) '(4 4)) ) Best, Julio
  9. Hi, after several attempts with chatGPT which really talks nonsense, I come back to humans who are very rare around here! I'm still trying to rephrase my request. This is my pitches, I specify that each bars must correspond to beats in the end (setf alice-chord3 '((s g4 b4 d5 g5)(s b4 d5 fs5 b5)(s d5 fs5 a5 d6)(s a4 cs5 e5 a5);Gmaj7 (s fs4 a4 c5 fs5) (s a4 c5 e5 a5)(s b4 eb5 fs5 b5)(s eb5 fs5 a5 eb6); F#m7b5/ B7 (s e5 g5 b5 e6) (s g4 b4 d5 g5) (s a4 cs5 e5 a5)(s cs5 e5 g5 cs6);Em7/A7 (s d5 f5 a5 d6)(s f5 a5 c6 f6)(s g4 b4 d5 g5)(s b4 d5 f5 b5);Dm7/G7 (s c5 e5 g5 c6)(s e5 g5 bb5 e6)(s g4 bb4 d5 g5)(s bb4 d5 fs5 bb5);C7 (s c5 eb5 g5 c6)(s eb5 g5 bb5 eb6)(s f5 a5 c6 f6)(s a4 c5 eb5 a5);Cm7/F7 (s b4 d5 fs5 b5)(s d5 fs5 a5 d6)(s e5 gs5 b5 e6)(s gs4 b4 d5 gs5);Bm7/E7 (s bb4 cs5 f5 bb5)(s db5 f5 ab5 db6)(s eb5 g5 bb5 eb6)(s g4 bb4 db5 g5);Bbm7/Eb7 (s a4 c5 e5 a5)(s c5 e5 g5 c6)(s e5 g5 b5 e6)(s g4 b4 d5 g5);Am7 (s d5 fs5 a5 d6)(s fs5 a5 c6 fs6)(s a4 c5 e5 a5)(s c5 e5 gs5 c6);D7 (s g4 b4 d5 g5)(s b4 d5 fs5 b5)(s e5 gs5 b5 e6)(s gs4 b4 d5 gs5);Gmaj7/E7 (s a4 c5 e5 a5)(s c5 e5 g5 c6)(s d5 fs5 a5 d6)(s fs4 a4 c5 fs5)));Am7/D7 My little rhythmic study on chords of "Blues for Alice" (setf Gr3 (omn-to-measure (make-omn :pitch (omn :pitch (omn-to-measure (loop for x in alice-chord4 collect (filter-repeat 1 (rnd-order x :type :pitch :seed 3))) '(1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2))) :length (omn :length (omn-to-measure (gen-repeat 4 '(e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q)) '(1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2)))) 4/4)) After a Print Expression I get this result which shows a shift of the notes in relation to the alignment of the rhythm: (setf Gr3result '(#|1|# (e. g4 s b4 -h e. d5 s g5), Gmaj #|2|# (-h e. fs4 s a4 -q);F#m7b5/B7 #|3|# (-q e. b4 s eb5 -h);Em7/A7 #|4|# (e. e5 s g5 -h e. a4 s cs5);Dm7/G7 #|5|# (-h e. d5 s f5 -q);C7 #|6|# (-q e. g4 s b4 -h);Cm7/F7 #|7|# (e. c5 s e5 -h e. c5 s eb5);Bm7/E7 #|8|# (-h e. f5 s a5 -q);Bbm7/Eb7 #|9|# (-q e. b4 s d5 -h);Am7 #|10|# (e. e5 s gs5 -h e. b5 s e6);D7 #|11|# (-h e. bb4 s cs5 -q);Gmaj/E7 #|12|# (-q e. eb5 s g5 -h) ));Am7/D7 To check with my seed 3 with sixteenth notes, I get the same result as alice-chord3 (pitch) what i want is to get this result, which i did manually and which corresponds exactly to the logic of my seed 3. here is this result: :(setf correctnotes '(#|1|# (e. g4 s b4 -h e. a4 s cs5);Gmaj #|2|# (-h e. b4 s eb5 -q);F#m7b5/B7 #|3|# (-q e. g4 s b4 -h);Em7/A7 #|4|# (e. d5 s f5 -h e. b4 s d5);Dm7/G7 #|5|# (-h e. g4 s bb4 -q);C7 #|6|# (-q e. eb5 s g5 -h);Cm7/F7 #|7|# (e. b4 s d5 -h e. gs4 s b4);Bm7/E7 #|8|# (-h e. eb5 s g5 -q);Bbm7/Eb7 #|9|# (-q e. c5 s e5 -h);Am7 #|10|# (e. d5 s fs5 -h e. c5 s e5);D7 #|11|# (-h e. e5 s gs5 -q);Gmaj/E7 #|12|# (-q e. c5 s e5 -h) ));Am7/D7 So I'm trying to find this result but I'm at the end of the solutions I know. If someone can try to solve my problem. Thanks in advance.
  10. Hello, I am working on a 12-bar sequence based on the harmonic grid of Charlie Parker's "Blues for Alice." I have a list of pitches in sixteenth notes that correspond to the chords of the piece: (setf alice-chord4 '((s fs4 g4 b4 d5)(s bb4 b4 d5 fs5)(s cs5 d5 fs5 a5)(s f5 fs5 a5 cs6);GM7 (s f4 fs4 a4 c5) (s ab4 a4 c5 e5)(s bb4 b4 eb5 fs5)(s d5 eb5 fs5 a5);F#m7b5/B7 (s eb5 e5 g5 b5) (s fs4 g4 b4 d5) (s gs4 a4 cs5 e5)(s c5 cs5 e5 g5);Em7/A7 (s cs5 d5 f5 a5)(s e5 f5 a5 c6)(s fs5 g5 b5 d6)(s bb4 b4 d5 f5);Dm7/G7 (s b4 c5 e5 g5)(s eb5 e5 g5 bb5)(s fs4 g4 bb4 d5)(s a4 bb4 d5 fs5);C7 (s b4 c5 eb5 g5)(s d5 eb5 g5 bb5)(s e5 f5 a5 c6)(s ab5 a5 c6 eb6);Cm7/F7 (s bb4 b4 d5 fs5)(s cs5 d5 fs5 a5)(s eb5 e5 gs5 b5)(s g5 gs5 b5 d6);Bm7/E7 (s a4 bb4 cs5 f5)(s c5 db5 f5 ab5)(s d5 eb5 g5 bb5)(s fs5 g5 bb5 db6);Bbm7/Eb7 (s gs4 a4 c5 e5)(s b4 c5 e5 g5)(s eb5 e5 g5 b5)(s fs5 g5 b5 d6);Am7 (s cs5 d5 fs5 a5)(s f5 fs5 a5 c6)(s gs5 a5 c6 e6)(s b4 c5 e5 gs5);D7 (s fs5 g5 b5 d6)(s bb4 b4 d5 fs5)(s eb5 e5 gs5 b5)(s g5 gs5 b5 d6);GM7/E7 (s gs4 a4 c5 e5)(s b4 c5 e5 g5)(s cs5 d5 fs5 a5)(s f5 fs5 a5 c6)));Am7/D7 I want to apply a rhythm that spans 12 beats (which is equivalent to 3 bars in 4/4) and repeat it across the entire 12 bars. Here is the rhythm I'm using: (e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q) (setf Gr3+9 (omn-to-measure (make-omn :pitch (omn :pitch (omn-to-measure (loop for x in alice-chord3 collect (filter-repeat 1 (rnd-order x :type :pitch :seed 3 ))) '(1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2))) :length (omn :length (omn-to-measure (gen-repeat 4 '(e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q e. s -q -q )); phrase 12/4 '(1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2)))) 4/4)) The problem I’m encountering is that when I try to align the pitches from `alice-chord3` with this rhythm, they don’t match the bar divisions correctly. I’ve tried different functions like `length-adjust`, but this stretches or compresses the pitches, altering the note order or distributing them incorrectly. What I need: - Keep the exact order of the pitches from `alice-chord3`. - Apply the 12-beat rhythm without modifying or stretching the pitches. - Repeat this rhythmic pattern over the 12 bars, while ensuring that the pitches follow the harmonic grid of the piece. Unsuccessful attempts: - Using functions like `length-adjust` stretches the pitches or redistributes them in an unwanted way. - When I repeat the rhythm with `gen-repeat`, it causes misalignment where the pitches no longer correspond to the measures. I'm looking for a way to correctly align the pitches with the rhythm while keeping the structure of 12 bars and without altering the pitch content. Is there a specific method or function in Opusmodus that can handle this? Thank you in advance for your help!
  11. Opusmodus version 3.0 is fully compatible with macOS 15 (Sequoia). Best wishes, Janusz
  12. If this still does not work, you can use the shortcut Ctrl-# to force colourisation – version 3.0.29398.
  13. 3.0.29389 In my latest update, I inadvertently introduced a bug into the QUANTIZE function. Please update to the current version. Best wishes, Janusz
  14. Earlier
  15. Thanks for the replies. Those suggestions fixed the problem. I did search the documentation and asked OM Chat GPT before posting here for help. As a beginner, even when searching the documentation carefully, one can miss the small details that can solve an issue since there is so much to pay attention to, and even a very small overlooked mistake can lead to "failure". I do appreciate the help of the more experienced users in this forum and look forward to learning more. Thanks for your help and patience! The "time signature" code in the make-omn section at the end that was derailing my code came from OM Chat GPT, by the way... I am surprised it did this, since it is not an argument for the make-omn function.
  16. Beautiful structured piece with great result!
  17. Hello everyone, here is my new video about my new piece for solo piano Desintegration. In it, i explain the basic idea of the piece but also the Opusmodus code. Enjoy !
  18. As a new user, I highly recommend exploring the documentation. The search function should assist you in finding the information you need.
  19. (omn-to-time-signature (make-omn :length extended-length :pitch pitch-loop :velocity velocity) '(4 4)) Not correct values for the time signature: (setf time-signature '(1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4)) Should be: (setf time-signature '(4 4))
  20. If you want a time signature you could do like this (omn-to-measure (make-omn :length extended-length :pitch pitch-loop :velocity velocity) time-signature) Jesper
  21. The optimal approach is to export the score in MusicXML format, as this will yield the best result. Regarding MIDI export, there is indeed a ghost note present when saving the file.
  22. 3.0.29376 – Fixed: When performing UNDO or REDO, the system wasn’t correctly computing the required colours. In revision 29376, we made adjustments to always trigger a re-colouring process after each UNDO or REDO. This should resolve the issue with incorrect colouring after an UNDO operation.
  23. or (rest '(1 2 3 4 5)) => (2 3 4 5) or (extended) (car (cdr (cadr (cddr (nthcdr .... CLHS: Accessor CAR, CDR, CAAR, CADR, CDAR... CLHS.LISP.SE nthcdr (Programming in Emacs Lisp) WWW.GNU.ORG nthcdr (Programming in Emacs Lisp)
  24. If the opposite of butlast is "butfirst" then in plain lisp is: (cdr '(1 2 3 4 5)) => (2 3 4 5) or (subseq '(1 2 3 4 5) 1) Achim
  25. in make-omn -> no "time-signature", only for "def-score"... (make-omn :length extended-length :pitch pitch-loop :velocity velocity) => ((e b3cs4e4g4 ff -e - e b3cs4ds4a4 p< q ds4gs4a4d5 mp< eb3f3g3 f<) (e b3cs4ds4a4 ff> -e - e ds4gs4a4d5 pp> q d3g3gs3d4 ff> d4e4f4b4 f>) (e b4d5ds5f5g5 mf> -e - e ds3g3gs3d4 pp< q b3c4g4 p< d3g3gs3d4 mp<) (e b3cs4ds4a4 mf< -e - e ds4gs4a4d5 f> q eb3f3g3 mp< ff))
  26. This is my first attempt at building a piano piece with strange chords. I will add a right hand melody later, but, I am stuck! Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? Everything goes well until the last "make-omn" generation. I can't seem to marry the rhythm to the chords... can someone tell me how to fix this? I've tried OM GPT but it doesn't compile either with its suggestions. Thanks! ;; JG Jazz Piano Test 1 ;; Create 16 chords to use (setf chords '(e3a3bb3e4 d3g3gs3d4 g3b3cs4f4 fs3b3c4e4 ds3g3gs3d4 ds3fs3gs3d4 eb3f3g3 b3c4g4 b3cs4e4g4 b3cs4ds4a4 d4e4f4b4 ds4gs4a4d5 b3d4ds4g4b4 b4d5ds5f5g5 cs4ds4f4g4a4 d5ds5fs5a4)) ;; Set the time signature to 4/4 for the whole piece (setf time-signature '(1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4)) ;; Create a length pattern for 4 beats and extend it for 4 bars (setf length '(e - - e q q)) (setf extended-length (gen-loop 4 length)) ;; Randomly select chords across 16 bars (setf pitch-loop (gen-loop 4 (rnd-sample 16 chords))) ;; Dynamics (setf velocity '(ff p< mp< f< ff> pp> ff> f> mf> pp< p< mp< mf< f> mp< ff)) ;; Generate the OMN sequence with matching lengths, pitches, and time signature (make-omn :length extended-length :pitch pitch-loop :velocity velocity :time-signature time-signature)
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