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dear users and opusmodus-guys


i'm an OPUSMODUS-newby, very happy with this direct and cool LISP-programming!

now the question: i would like to create an polytempo-score


for example:

this BOTS (bot1-bot4) are playing/written in ONE score with ONE tempo - is it possible to create a score, so that every bot has his own tempo?

in extremis: bot1 = 90bpm, bot2 = 91bpm... etc... like in "ars subtilior", but not with a modification of rhythm/duration...


thanks for you support - perhaps it's very simple, i don't know...



further informations to ploytempo etc... http://www.greschak.com/polytempo/ptword.htm



-------my simple score-OMN with "material"  bot1 to bot4


(def-score multi-bots 
           (:title "multi-bots"
            :key-signature 'atonal
            :time-signature '(4 4)
            :tempo 90
            :layout (bracket-group 
                     (treble-layout 'bot1) (treble-layout 'bot2) (treble-layout 'bot3) (treble-layout 'bot4)))
   :omn mat_bot1
   :channel 1  
   :sound 'gm  
   :program 'acoustic-grand-piano)
   :omn mat_bot2
   :channel 2
   :sound 'gm 
   :program 'acoustic-grand-piano)
   :omn mat_bot3
   :channel 3
   :sound 'gm 
   :program 'acoustic-grand-piano)
   :omn mat_bot4
   :channel 4
   :sound 'gm 
   :program 'acoustic-grand-piano))    

Instruments can't use the own tempo values and changes.
You need to do that with modification to the length of each instrument.



you can do eventually polytempo with Live Coding, using many instance (workspaces) of Opusmodus.


here's attached a picture example with 2 instances of LCI (LiveCodingInstrument)/


Hope this can help.



Capture d’écran 2015-11-20 à 09.38.46.png

  • Author

thanks for you answer. but it seems that the nancarrow/carter-idea is not possible with opusmodus.... because i would like to programm a SCORE. best way for me would be, if i could combine two or more different (setups/tempi) "def-score"s to a MAIN-score.... 


but anyway, thanks!!!!!!


2 hours ago, AM said:

thanks for you answer. but it seems that the nancarrow/carter-idea is not possible with opusmodus.... because i would like to programm a SCORE. best way for me would be, if i could combine two or more different (setups/tempi) "def-score"s to a MAIN-score.... 


but anyway, thanks!!!!!!



If there is a way to program a score with voices  in different tempos, I'am also strongly interested how that could be done.








It would be great if the master can chime in an say a few words to this topic..





At the moment I am busy with programming and testing the spectral functions and FUNCALL-SHEET function.

At the end of the week I should have something very exiting for all of us.


As for the tempoThe DEF-SCORE marco works only with one tempo line.

I don't think the midi can't deal with multi tempo events - separate tempo events for each instrument.

The best way to do that would be to import the musicxml Opusmodus files into Sibelius or Finale and then there assemble the two or more scores into one.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Author

it works in PWGL, not really for notation but i can listen/programm/simulate polytempo-scores in midi (or other players).  so i could transfer my lisp-code to pwgl-boxes... etc...

but i would be nice, if i could do it in OPUSMODUS, no boxes etc...  :-)


best wishes



I will see what we can do. Maybe we could add the SMPTE to the DEF-SCORE to each of the instrument instance.

This could be part of version 2.0 as well as microtonality etc...


Example of microtonal notation:

(q c4 h d4.5 g5.3)


1/10 of a semitone:

(q c4.1 mp)



(q c4.0456) 


  • Author

POLYTEMPO: would be great and very interesting! here is the technology to do/perform this LIVE on STAGE... http://www.smc-conference.net/smc-icmc-2014/images/proceedings/PS2-B03-PolytempoNetwork.pdf. (by philippe kocher - institute for computer music and sound technology zurich university of art). 

it works simple and fantastic!!


MICROTONAL: i prefer  (q c4.0456) but i would like more (or as an option) 60.0456 (via midi-note-number), so you could work/calculate directly with numbers and "pure lisp-code"....



all this will work of course:

omn: (q c4.0456)
midi: 60.0456
integer: 0.0456
interval: 0.0456

and the conversions.


As for notation, we only can display what the musicXML can do - for sure quarter and possibly 8th tone.



  • Author

a solution could be... to write the cents (-14) or what ever as TEXT-file above each note - so you could work with it in sibelius/finale/paper

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