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New video Course "Introduction to OM" on Composerworkshop.com

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Hi folks,


I'm very happy to announce the release of the first video pack lesson "Introduction to Opusmodus" on composerworkshop.com.




This introduction start with a quick "Crash course" to dive quickly into the software to get fun rapidly.

The second and third parts of this course goes more deeper into the exploration of the basics of Opusmodus like pitch generation, length generation, using MAKE-OMN, etc... This is an introductory course to our beloved software. I'm working now on future courses  packs on a bunch of different subject.


Naturally, the free Zoom into Opusmodus series continue with a weekly video release.


Happy Opusmodusing !



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I subscribed to the course. I like the content very much.


The way how its displayed is quite tedious when watched on iPad. The browser does not repond when progressing from on session to the next (showing a spinning wheel which idles without progress). The only solution so far I found is to swap from browser to another app and then swap back to the browser. Not a good user experience.


@Stephane Boussuge can you reproduce this?

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Hi Cliff,


Thank you very much, I'm already working on a new pack of videos I hope to release soon.


We already know the delay between videos but I've got the same experience on very famous Online learning platform with much more budget and technical facilities than me, so I suppose it comes from the plugin itself and may be not easy to improve.


Anyway, I've sent your remarks to my website admin, we will see what we can do and if we can improve. 


Happy Opusmodusing



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