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  1. Hello, I have a generated seq of pitches and would like to remove repeated pitches and also prevent a seq like b5 f5 b5 ( where the pitch following f5 returns to the pitch before f5 in this case ). I'm not sure if filter-repeat is what I need or some other function? If I do (filter-repeat 1 '(b5 b5 f5 b5 f5 a5 gs5 a5 fs5 bb5)) , the result is (b5 f5 b5 f5 a5 gs5 a5 fs5 bb5) but what I want is (b5 f5 a5 gs5 fs5 bb5) There is a :seq arg but haven't had luck with that ( and don't understand what it does).
  2. Dear Janusz and friends, I´m back to the subject of permutations. The expression below brings all the permutations for a diatonic scale (or any other set you might want to do). (setf diat-permute (permute '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))) (substitute-map '(c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) diat-permute) But the list is too long and redundant (I got also a stack overflow when trying to make a snippet out of it (but this is another problem...) The question I´d like to ask is for a function for filtering the rotational variations of a set, to exclude a large number of unnecessary permutations. For Example: (1 3 4 2) is rotationally the same as (3 4 2 1 ), (4 2 1 3) and (2 1 3 4), so there is no need of the 4 permutations, since musically you can just use the rotations. The same goes for other cardinalities (2 4 3 1 5 6 7) is the rotationally the same that (4 3 1 5 6 7 2) (3 1 5 6 7 2 4) (1 5 6 7 2 4 3) (5 6 7 2 4 3 1) (6 7 2 4 3 1 5) and (7 2 4 3 1 5 6), there is no need for 7 versions of it. I´d like to have a function to get only the "parent" of each rotational set, a kind of rotate-permute function. It´s a very musical way to think about it. Can someone help ? All the best ! Thanks
  3. Dear All, I have a little suggestion for workflow. 1) A simple context menu button (or some way) to open the XML snippet in other software. Like right-clicking on the snippet and have an option (OS based option) like "open with" (musescore, finale, sibelius, etc) This could be useful for collecting material for a piece to be edited outside Opusmodus. I personally use Musescore with my students. It's free, open and runs windows and mac. I also use Finale for myself. This simple options could solve the problem of the audition of many different snippets. 2) Another (much more complex) idea would be when click over each snippet to have a play panel, similar to the live coding panel (with play/stop button, tempo, volume, maybe sound and channel assigment , according to the number of staves, etc... This could be handy. Best, Julio added 2 minutes later Like this (when clicking over the snipett inside Opusmodus:
  4. Hi, I want to learn all the valuable information available in the Assistant PDF-files of Opusmodus. How can I export all these files to my iPad. I just want to read and learn while traveling without the need to drag my Computer along. A similar question has been asked in August 28 2018 already, but the requester does not seem to have received an answer: I was not able to get anything from https://opusmodus.com/forums/tutorials/: What did I wrong? August 28, 2018 in You find the PDF document here: https://opusmodus.com/forums/tutorials/ on the right: "Download Tutorial Guide". Thanks for any help! Daniel
  5. Hi All, I have just updated to last version, and now I receive an error every time I try to create a Snippet of type cmd-1 or cmd-2 (Notation or Voice Notation). This is the Listener output: audition-musicxml-omn-snippet Error: Abort(6) [code 0] at 11A84A256 {outside Lisp heap} rax 2000209 ; rbx 4 ; rcx 70000A5C39B8 ; rdx 70000A5C3E30 rsp 70000A5C39B8 ; rbp 70000A5C3A10 ; rdi 6 ; rsi 4 r8 70000A5C3A30 ; r9 0 ; r10 9E ; r11 246 r12 9E ; r13 70000A5C3E30 ; r14 6 ; r15 0 1 (abort) Abort display notation. 2 Return to top loop level 0. Type for backtrace or :c <option number> to proceed. Type :bug-form "<subject>" for a bug report template or :? for other options. OM 8 : 1 > How can I resolve? I am on OsX 10.13, High Sierra, MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), 2,5 GHz Intel Core i5. Is it possible to downgrade while waiting for a solution? I can not find any previous version downloadable file. Many thanks in advance, ciao Fabio
  6. I've been playing this evening with a a third party library in quicklisp and had problems getting it running. After a bit of troubleshooting, I realised the reason for the failures was that it needed a newer version of the bordeaux-threads library than OpusModus is shipped with, it looks like OpusModus has 0.8.5 with the third party library requiring a minimum version of 0.8.6 which has new functionality relating to semaphores. I'm a windows user so I've proved my theory through by updating the built in version of the bordeaux-threads library by replacing the files in 'C:\Program Files\Opusmodus\Resources\third-party\bordeaux-threads' with the newer versions. I'm new to OpusModus so still finding my way around and I can't help thinking this isn't the right way to do this. Is there a better way, or if not would be be possible to ask for bordeaux-threads to be updated in a future version? Thanks in advance.
  7. Hello, opusmodus cannot recall my user function from userfunction.lisp after upgrading , either by dragging my custom userfunction.lisp in user source >extention or by copying the content in the new opus modus folder on the empty userfunction.lisp file . When i go to window menu > loading user source , it load it with no error message . Any ideas ? Thank you Patrick Mimran
  8. Is it possible to display a bar number in each bar in scores generated with the ps function? thank you very much best wishes
  9. Hi folks, Apologies if I missed the "I'm completely new to this oh god help" forum. I'm struggling to get a easy idea to work properly. In the following snippet, I'm struggling to get the first gen-loop to function: ;=====BIRDCALLS===== (setf bird1 '(3q d5 leg gs4 d5 leg gs4 d5 leg gs4)) (setf bird2 '(q a3 e. b3 x c5 leg e.. bb4)) (setf bird3 '(e fs4 leg c5 q bb4 3q fs4 stacc c5 bb4)) (setf rest1 '(-q.)) (setf rest2 '(-h)) (setf rest3 '(-w)) ;=====OMN MAKER===== (gen-loop 4 (rnd-pick '((bird1 bird2 bird3) (rest1 rest2 rest3)))) (gen-loop 4 (rnd-pick '((a4 b4 c4) (-q -h -e.)))) ;testing purposes - this kind of works What I'm looking for is a random pick of one of the three birdcalls, following by a pick of the three rests. I've already noticed that rnd-pick isn't the way to go for that, because I want one set followed by the other, which isn't what rnd-pick is for. But evaluating the first gen-loop only returns errors. I made the second gen-loop for testing purposes, and evaluating that at least returns usable data. So: 1) Can gen-loop and rnd-pick handle variables with more that one type inside (length AND pitch AND articulattion, etc.), and, if so, 2) is there a tidier way to do what I'm after, picking between one set and another a given number of times. Cheers!
  10. Hello, I just read about OpusModus for the first time today. After experimenting with the trial for a few hours I found that this is a fantastic system. Thus I went to the site to purchase it. After a successful transaction with the PayPal payment gateway I was redirected back to the OpusModus site and was met by the attached error message. 1. According to my bank the purchase is completed and the money withdrawn from my account. 2. I have not gotten any confirmation of my purchase. 3. Nothing in my profile on the OpusModus site indicates that I have purchased the software. 4. I have not gotten any confirmation email from OpusModus. The only thing that succeeded was withdrawing the money from my account. I hope this situation can be resolved. Regards Lars Rustemeier
  11. Hello people, again struggling to find the name of the function which ranges all values in a list to a specific sum of the list. Any help?
  12. Hello, I can't seem to be able to run any of the CLM examples. I always get these errors below which makes it seem that OM doesn't recognize any of the native CLM functions : Thank you, J
  13. Is there a function with which I can change randomly a defined number of lengths in a list to rests? Thanks, Achim
  14. Hello! I'm trying to use the arp-down function on some chords and not getting any results. Are they still supported? (setf protochords (gen-repeat 5 (respell '(eb2eb4g4bb4 arp-down c2c4e4ab4 ab2eb4ab4b4 arp-down d2d4f4a4 arp-down bb2d4f4bb4 arp-down g2eb4g4b4 arp-down c2c4eb4g4 arp-down ab2eb4ab4b4 arp-down d2d4gb4a4 arp-down bb2d4gb4bb4 arp-down g2d4g4bb4 arp-down c2c4eb4g4 arp-down ab2c4eb4ab4 arp-down f2db4f4a4 arp-down bb2db4f4bb4 arp-down g2d4g4bb4 arp-down eb2eb4gb4bb4 arp-down ab2c4eb4ab4 arp-down f2db4f4a4 arp-down d2d4f4a4 arp-down g2d4g4bb4 arp-down eb2eb4g4bb4 arp-down)))) Thanks! Tom
  15. After a computer crash I lost the dmg of Opusmodus 1. Is there a link that I can download it again? Thank
  16. Is something like this implemented in OM or has anybody written a function for it? Input: N = 3 Output: 1 1 1 1 2 3 Input: N = 5 Output: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 4 2 3 5 see: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-all-combinations-that-adds-upto-given-number-2/ Best, Achim
  17. why does the trumpet and the piano part both "sended" and displayed as "trumpet", played only on channel 1 ? i do not understand what's my mistake... thanx for some help (def-instrument-set group1 :instruments (:group group1 :trumpet (:layout trumpet-layout :port 0 :channel 1 :sound 'gm-trumpet :pan (pan 0) :volume 92) :piano (:layout piano-layout :port 0 :channel 2 :sound 'gm-piano :pan (pan 10) :volume 92) :sine (:layout treble-layout :port 0 :channel 2 :sound 'gm :controllers nil :pan (pan -10) :volume 92) :noise (:layout treble-layout :port 0 :channel 2 :sound 'gm :controllers nil :pan (pan -5) :volume 92))) (midi-destinations) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (setf p1 '(q d4 pp s eb4 < leg g4 < leg bb4 < leg a4 q. cs5 mf -e 3q gs5 > leg fs5 > leg c5 > b4 > leg f4 leg e4)) (ps 'group1 :trumpet p1 :piano (gen-retrograde p1) :output :midi :tempo '((88 1) (89 1) (100 1)) :time-signature '(1 4 10))
  18. Hello, I have a MIDI file which I'm able to play fine in OpusModus. When I attempt to use File > Export > MIDI to score I receive the following error: "The operation couldn’t be completed. The value NIL is not of the expected type (OR CONS INTEGER)." I've tried a variety of export settings, all result in the same error. My goal is to import a score in some format (MIDI, MusicXML) and convert to OMN. Thank you, Tom
  19. I can't figure it out how it works, it gives strange results here (see screeshot), I need some assistance.. Thanks! (midi-to-omn "~/Opusmodus/Media/MIDI/Bach/bach-gv-aria.mid" :instrument 1) gives what is seen on the screenshot
  20. I payed for a personal version, but I don't see a serial number in any of the emails I received. I do see a transaction id in the email saying that you received payment. Where do I find the serial number to put into the registration box.
  21. Dear All, Recently, I used the function combination and got some strange result I did this (combination 3 '(0 1 2 3 4 5)) I got this result - 60 combinations (0 1 2) (0 1 3) (0 1 4) (0 1 5) (0 2 3) (0 2 4) (0 2 5) (0 3 4) (0 3 5) (0 4 5) (1 2 3) (1 2 4) (1 2 5) (1 3 4) (1 3 5) (1 4 5)(2 3 4) (2 3 5) (2 4 5) (3 4 5)(5 0 1) (5 0 2) (5 0 3) (5 0 4) (5 1 2) (5 1 3) (5 1 4) (5 2 3) (5 2 4) (5 3 4) ,(4 5 0) (4 5 1) (4 5 2) (4 5 3) (4 0 1) (4 0 2) (4 0 3) (4 1 2) (4 1 3) (4 2 3)(3 4 0) (3 4 1) (3 4 2) (3 5 0) (3 5 1) (3 5 2) (3 0 1) (3 0 2) (3 1 2) (2 3 0) (2 3 1) (2 4 0) (2 4 1) (2 5 0) (2 5 1) (2 0 1) (1 2 0) (1 3 0) (1 4 0) (1 5 0) There is something I did not get ? Best, Julio The expected result should be 6 x 5 x 4 = 120 Like this... 012 013 014 015 021 023 024 025 031 032 034 035 041 042 043 045 051 052 053 054 105 102 103 104 125 120 123 124 135 130 132 134 145 140 142 143 154 150 152 153 204 205 201 203 214 215 210 213 234 235 230 231 243 245 240 241 253 254 250 251 302 304 305 301 312 314 315 310 321 324 325 320 341 342 345 340 351 352 354 350 401 402 403 405 410 412 413 415 420 421 423 425 430 431 432 435 450 451 452 453 504 501 502 503 514 510 512 513 524 520 521 523 534 530 531 532 543 540 541 542
  22. Hi, What I want is the first pict: What I get, when I use this: (setf rhy '(e e 3q = = tie e e)) is seen in the second pict, what am I missing? Ok, I found the solution, writing 3q 3q 3q instead of 3q = = But then I stumbeled over the next problem, how can I use span with such tied rhymths? What I want is this: what I get with span is this: (setf line '(( c4 d4 e4 f4)( g4 a4))) (setf rhy '(e e tie 3q 3q 3q tie e e tie 3q tie 3q 3q)) (setf pit (span rhy line)) (make-omn :length rhy :pitch pit)
  23. Hi, How do I point :methods and :global-methods to my own def-unfold-set instead of the default one? (counterpoint patterns '(((- 2 3 -)) ((4 * * 6)) ((1 - - 2)) ((5 6 1 2))) :index 'voice :global-polyphony '((1 p) (2 o) (10 o) (11 o)) :iterate t :global-methods '((fl) (cl) (hn) (vc))) Thanks!
  24. Hi, When I write functions and make use of setf's, I get the brown colored warning: Undeclared free variable This becomes a problem, when I'd like to put the function into the extensions folder. How can I remedy this? Thanks!
  25. Hi, Is there a setting for displaying code? I have this snippet and would like to have also a natural sign for clarity in the third bar: (c5g5) (d5f5) (e5eb5)
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