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Everything posted by JulioHerrlein

  1. Janusz, It would be great with some kind of span inside, like this: (octave-map '(3 5 6) '(c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 f3 e3 d3 c3 cs3)) => (c3 d5 e6 f3 g5 f6 e3 d5 c6 cs3) Best, Julio Or better: (octave-map '(3 5 6) '(c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 f3 e3 d3 c3 cs3) :span t) => (c3 d5 e6 f3 g5 f6 e3 d5 c6 cs3) Best,
  2. Thank you Janusz ! Good Idea ! Happy 2019 ! Best, Julio
  3. Thanks a lot, André ! I´m trying to use your famous loops ! All the Best ! Happy 2019 ! Julio
  4. Dear All, I'm trying to find a loop for making substitutions in a list, for changing the ranges of a list of pitches. SOME PITCHES (AND WHAT TO CHANGE) (setf pitches '(c4 d4 e4 c4 eb4 f4 c4 eb4 eb5)) (setf i '(c4 eb4)) This will take out the range of the notes, i.e., c4 db5 will became c db (defun convert-pitch (pitches) (loop for i in pitches when (pitchp i) collect (compress (butlast (explode i))) else collect i)) Setting a variable for pitches without range indication (pitnorng) and a new range list (setf pitnorng (convert-pitch pitches)) (setf rangelist '(4 5 3 6 4)) Function to put back the new range to the notes (defun convert-pitchbk (pitnorng) (loop for i in pitnorng when i collect (flatten (mapcar 'list pitnorng rangelist)) else collect i )) Setting a collection of notes with new ranges: (setf convbaklst (convert-pitchbk pitnorng)) The (problematic) result: ((c 4 d 5 e 3 c 6 eb 4) (c 4 d 5 e 3 c 6 eb 4) (c 4 d 5 e 3 c 6 eb 4) (c 4 d 5 e 3 c 6 eb 4) (c 4 d 5 e 3 c 6 eb 4) (c 4 d 5 e 3 c 6 eb 4) (c 4 d 5 e 3 c 6 eb 4) (c 4 d 5 e 3 c 6 eb 4) (c 4 d 5 e 3 c 6 eb 4)) I have WHITE SPACES between the note and the corresponding range... LISP PROBLEM: How to remove the white spaces ? Best, Julio And also... The list is multiplied 9 times... why? Some problem in the loop function, I suppose...
  5. Dear Friends, Maybe this could work (in def score, not in make omn) (setf op29webernLib (expand-libraries '(library vienna webern r19))) (setf rowint (pitch-to-integer op29webernLib)) (setf pitches (gen-repeat 10 op29webernLib)) (setf lengths (span pitches (gen-repeat 10 '(s s s s -s s e -s s s -s e e -q q)))) (setf text (span pitches rowint)) (def-score Stage-1 (:key-signature 'chromatic :time-signature '(4 4) :tempo 80 :layout (treble-layout 'piano-rh)) (piano-rh :length lengths :pitch pitches :text text ;:velocity dynamics :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 'acoustic-grand-piano) ) RESULT Best ! Julio
  6. Dear Didier, Maybe you could try this way, with integer-to-pitch function: (setf mkomnpit (gen-repeat 10 (integer-to-pitch '(0 2 4 7)))) (setf mkomnrhy (gen-repeat 5 '(s s s s e. s q q))) (make-omn :length (span mkomnpit mkomnrhy) :pitch (span mkomnrhy mkomnpit)) Integer to Pitch: (integer-to-pitch '(0 2 4 7) Will result in Best, Julio
  7. Thank you, Torsten ! Looks great. Have a nice 2019 ! Best, Julio
  8. It would ve great to have the :port and :channel in the make-omn function. Sometimes is interesting for hearing snippets with different sounds without having to compile the entire score (sometimes it take a while,depending on the complexity of the score). The port would help to deal with vst adresses and libraries on auditioning. Best !
  9. Really cool for idiomatic stuff ! This will be great ! Best, Julio
  10. Beautiful ! Any code or hint about the composicional process ? Best, Julio
  11. Happy New Year, Tim I updated too but I had no crashes at all. Using El Capitan 10.11.6 Opusmodus seems more fast, by the way. Best, Julio
  12. Thanks a lot, Stephane ! 7-33 is ALMOST a whole tone scale. (0 1 2 4 6 8 A). All the Best ! Julio
  13. Nice, Stephane! Some score/code or compositional hints? Whole tones a lot, by the way. Best, Julio
  14. Dear André, Thank you for the detailed explanation. In the mind of the composers there is a lot of not so evident processes. This is deep. All the best, Julio
  15. Looks interesting. The function seems to work. I tryed some ideas with 3 or 4-note chords. It's easier to figure out what it does. What is the musical idea behind it ? What's the musical purpose? Any example in the context of a composition? Best, Julio
  16. Thanks, André ! I was trying to solve this problem (setf melody '(c5 c5 d5 e5 g5 a5 g5 c6 b5 c6)) (setf blkharm (pattern-map '(((c3) (e2g2a2c3))((d3) (f2gs2b2d3))((e3) (e3c3a2g2))((f3) (gs2b2d3f3))((g3) (g3e3c3a2))((gs3) (b2d3f3gs3))((ab3) (b2d3f3ab3))((a3) (c3e3g3a3))((b3) (d3f3ab3b3))((c4) (e3g3a3c4))((d4) (f3gs3b3d4))((e4) (e4c4a3g3))((f4) (gs3b3d4f4))((g4) (g4e4c4a3))((gs4) (b3d4f4gs4))((ab4) (b3d4f4ab4))((a4) (g4e4c4a4))((b4) (d4f4ab4b4))((c5) (e4g4a4c5))((d5) (f4gs4b4d5))((e5) (e5c5a4g4))((f5) (gs4b4d5f5))((g5) (g5e5c5a4))((gs5) (b4d5f5gs5))((ab5) (b4d5f5ab5))((a5) (g5e5c5a5))((b5) (d5f5ab5b5))((c6) (e5g5a5c6))((d6) (f5gs5b5d6))((e6) (e6c6a5g5))((f6) (gs5b5d6f6))((g6) (g6e6c6a5))((gs6) (b5d6f6gs6))((ab6) (b5d6f6ab6))((a6) (g6e6c6a6))((b6) (d6f6ab6b6))) melody :otherwise 'c4f4bb4eb5)) (make-omn :length '(q e e e e e e q q q) :pitch blkharm) To make some block harmonizations, like this: If you are curious, see this post: Best !! Thank you ! You are the LOOPER MAN ! Julio
  17. I found a solution with pattern-match. Pitches for melody (setf melody '(c5 c5 d5 e5 g5 a5 g5 c6 b5 c6)) Block harmonization with pattern-match (setf blkharm (pattern-map '(((c3) (e2g2a2c3)) ((d3) (f2gs2b2d3)) ((e3) (e3c3a2g2)) ((f3) (gs2b2d3f3)) ((g3) (g3e3c3a2)) ((gs3) (b2d3f3gs3)) ((ab3) (b2d3f3ab3)) ((a3) (c3e3g3a3)) ((b3) (d3f3ab3b3)) ((c4) (e3g3a3c4)) ((d4) (f3gs3b3d4)) ((e4) (e4c4a3g3)) ((f4) (gs3b3d4f4)) ((g4) (g4e4c4a3)) ((gs4) (b3d4f4gs4)) ((ab4) (b3d4f4ab4)) ((a4) (g4e4c4a4)) ((b4) (d4f4ab4b4)) ((c5) (e4g4a4c5)) ((d5) (f4gs4b4d5)) ((e5) (e5c5a4g4)) ((f5) (gs4b4d5f5)) ((g5) (g5e5c5a4)) ((gs5) (b4d5f5gs5)) ((ab5) (b4d5f5ab5)) ((a5) (g5e5c5a5)) ((b5) (d5f5ab5b5)) ((c6) (e5g5a5c6)) ((d6) (f5gs5b5d6)) ((e6) (e6c6a5g5)) ((f6) (gs5b5d6f6)) ((g6) (g6e6c6a5)) ((gs6) (b5d6f6gs6)) ((ab6) (b5d6f6ab6)) ((a6) (g6e6c6a6)) ((b6) (d6f6ab6b6))) melody :otherwise 'c4f4bb4eb5)) OMN with all (make-omn :length '(q e e e e e e q q q) :pitch blkharm)
  18. Dear All, Some help needed in wildcard uses in Opusmodus Functions and OMN expressions... ><><><><><><><><><><> The definition.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildcard_character In computer (software) technology, a wildcard is a symbol used to replace or represent one or more characters.[2] Algorithms for matching wildcards have been developed in a number of recursive and non-recursive varieties. In Unix-like and DOS operating systems, the question mark ? matches exactly one character. ><><><><><><><><><><><><>< I was in need of a wildcard to represent a pitch class in ANY register, like "cs?" meaning all C# pitch classes in any register/octave (cs0, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cs7, etc). There are other interesting uses for this wildcards inside functions, to generalize and make recursions possible elegantly. Any Hints ? Best, Julio
  19. Aparently, this works (pattern-map '(((c5 d5 e5) (e4g4a4c5 f4gs4b4d5 e5c5a4g4))) '(c5 d5 e5 fs4) :otherwise 'c4f4bb4eb5) Is there some WILDCARD to mean all C pitch classes? If no, I will have to program it for all the octaves of the range of the melody. For example cs$ or cs? meaning all C# in ANY octave. Best, Julio
  20. Interesting, Stephane ! Any way of filtering actions based on specific pitch classes ? Best, Julio
  21. Dear Janusz, The chord generators in the system (as far as I know) are root based systems, i.e., they buid chords stacking notes over a root. When you work a saxophone soli section in a big band arrangement, you use a top to bottom approach, i.e., you start with the melody of a song or an origianl tune (think a Charlie Parker bebop head) and you build an harmonization under it. The melody becomes the top note of a 4-part harmonization. We use some rules to determine wich chord will be used in each case, depending on the melodic function. In the above example, the notes C, E, G and A will be always harmonized with the corresponding close position inversions of the C6 chord while the B, D, F and Ab will be always harmonized with the corresponding close position inversions of the Bdim7 chord. We need a function that will transform a melody to a 4-part harmonization, similar to chord-interval-add function. For example: (chord-interval-add '(-3 -3)(chord-interval-add '(-4 -3)(chord-interval-add '(-3 -3) '(c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 gs5 a5 b5)))) This will result in a 4-part harmonization, but this is not "note selective", it will apply the same interval series over the entire list of notes. I need a filter to apply diferent series of intervals over each different note. For example: Over all the C notes, I want the (-3 -2 -3) as interval add. Over all the D, F, A and Ab/G# notes, I want (-3 -3 -3) Over all the E notes, I want the (-4 -3 -2) as interval add. Over all the G notes, I want the (-3 -4 -3) as interval add. This is the Barry Harris Rule for harmonizing a bebop scale. So I need a chord-interval-add function with note selection (a kind of IF - DO filter): IF this is an C note (in any register) DO ADD this interval list (-3 -2 -3) from the melody, forming a 4-part C6 chord with melody on top. IF this is a B, D, F or G#/Ab note, ADD this interval list (-3 -3 -3) from the melody, forming a 4-part Bdim7 chord with melody on top. And prefearably, a chord-interval-add function with multiple choice of intervals, but I can workaround this, if not possible, working with variables setf, I think... Is it clear now ? BEst, Julio
  22. This would be great to make fast block harmonizations for arrangements.
  23. In other words: Given and OMN expression, how can I apply one operation (like transposition, for example) to just the C notes, or just the B notes (in any register)? Best Julio
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