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It would ve great to have the :port and :channel in the make-omn function. Sometimes is interesting for hearing snippets with different sounds without having to compile the entire score (sometimes it take a while,depending on the complexity of the score). The port would help to deal with vst adresses and libraries on auditioning. Best !
The functions omn and make-omn are powerful tools to construct and deconstruct scores of multiple parameters. However, beyond the parameter keywords that are well-documented (:length, :pitch, :velocity, and :articulation) it seems there are other keywords that represent important parameters of the score that should not be omitted (e.g., when we are transforming scores, and do not want to loose important characteristics). Here is an example. When the following melodic line is deconstructed, then beyond the well-documented parameter keywords it also shows the parameters :duration and :leg. If the :leg parameter would be omitted in the construction of the (possibly transformed) score, then all legato information would be stripped from the original music. (omn nil '((-3h fs4 pp leg g4 leg) (h a4) (-q cs5 mp< ord) (q c5 f stacc -) (-5h - c5 pp leg e5 < leg f5 < leg) (h gs4 pp))) (:length ((-1/6 1/6 1/6) (1/2) (-1/4 1/4) (1/4 -1/4) (-1/10 -1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10) (1/2)) :pitch ((fs4 g4) (a4) (cs5) (c5) (c5 e5 f5) (gs4)) :velocity ((pp pp) (pp) (mp<) (f) (pp < <) (pp)) :duration ((1/6 1/6) (1/2) (1/4) (1/4) (1/10 1/10 1/10) (1/2)) :articulation ((- -) (-) (ord) (stacc) (- - -) (-)) :leg ((2) (-) (-) (-) (3) (-))) Now, my questions are as follows. (1) Do there exist more than the two additional parameters :duration and :leg shown above? For example, have other special articulations their own OMN keywords? (2) Where are all these parameters documented? (3) Are these parameters stable, or will they possibly change in future? Janusz, in your process-omn function we recently discussed, you used (omn-plist :attribute <my-sequence>) instead of (omn :articulation <my-sequence>). Should omn-plist perhaps be used instead for more stable transformation functions when deconstructing scores? If so, it would be helpful to have that function also documented :) Thanks a lot! Best, Torsten
when i put these lists into MAKE-OMN, i get strange rhy-values, because MAKE-OMN "organizes" the TIED-values different... why? (make-omn :length '(3q 3q 3q_t -e. t_3q 3q 3q) :pitch '(a5 f5 b4 ds5 a4 f4)) have a look how the rhythm-notation changed (3q a5 f5 s_t_3s b4 -e. s_t_3s ds5 3q a4 f4) thanks a.
Here is a small project to explore pitch-mapping. There are some results but not the best ones yet. If anyone has an idea on how to improve this I would really appreciate the advice. What would be ideal as the result would be the same musical list (and notation) but with the transformed pitches. As you can see from the result, there are many changes and the result is not clean but rather seriously garbled instead! The goal is to remap the pitch content of the original with a new tonality-map. Here is the beginning attempt. A confusing element is the return of NIL when parsing :articulation from the original material. ;;; Pitch mapping project idea ;;; Original musical sequence: (setf alto-flute-orig '( (-q e b4 -e (-app e eb4 f4) h. eb4 (-acc e f4 eb4 f4)) (-3q 3q b4 -3q (-app e eb4 f4) q eb4 (-acc e f4) h eb4 (-acc e f4 a4 b4)) (-q e f5 -e (-app e b4 ds5) a4 (-app e. g4) a4 t b4 a4 b4 -e (-app e eb5) e f5) ((acc e b4 d5 ds5) q. c5 (acc s f5) e. b4 (acc e c5 d5 ds5) e. a4 (acc e b4 a4) e b4) (-q e b4 (app e f4 a4 f4) e b4 t g4 a4 eb4 a4 q. b4 (-acc e f4 a4) h bb4 t bb4 c5) (-e. b4 -e (acc a4 b4) h bb4 (app e c5) q b4 (acc e d5 ds5 e5) q. b4 (app e f4 bb4) s c5) (-e gs5 3s a4 d4 gs4 -e. bb4 tie q bb4 (3e b4 a4 b4 -e -e)) ((acc e a4 b4 fs4) h c5 (acc e b4) q c5 (acc e ds5 e5 fs5) 3e b4 c5 fs4 q a4 tie q a4 tie e. a4 s bb4 a4 e b4) (-e (acc e eb4) h f4 tie e. f4 s gb5 -e (acc eb5 f5) e e5 tie q e5 tie 3q e5 3q e5 3q f5 3q b4 -3q -3q) ((acc e bb4 b4) a4 (acc e bb4) h a4 (acc e bb4) e a4 s gs5 -s) ) ) ;;; ;;; Disassemble OMN: There are some errors here - in particular for :articulation which seems to return NIL (disassemble-omn alto-flute-orig) (setf pit (omn :pitch alto-flute-orig)) (setf len (omn :length alto-flute-orig)) ;;; next line result is confusing - returns nil (setf art (omn :articluation alto-flute-orig)) ;;; next line returns a result (setf artr (omn :rest-articulation alto-flute-orig)) ;;; Create 12-tone mapping and pitch transformation of original (setf map '(0 1 3 4 7 8 10 11 17 18 21)) (setf mapping (integer-to-pitch map)) (create-tonality 12T2 '(0 1 3 4 7 8 10 11 17 18 21)) (setf output (tonality-map '(12T2 :root c3 :fixed t) pit)) ;;; Assemble the parameters into a new OMN with transformed pitches (make-omn :length len :pitch output :articulation art :rest-articulation artr ) ;;; The result is unsuable so far. There are some things to iron-out here! :-)
- 5 replies
- omn
- disassemble-omn
(and 2 more)
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