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Posts posted by AM

  1. just tried in 3min. ouput correct or perhaps some BUGs in thinking? 😁




    (defun get-all-intervals (alist)
      (let ((alist (sort-asc (flatten (pitch-to-midi (if (chordp alist)
                                                (melodize alist)
        (rest (sort-asc (remove-duplicates
         (loop repeat (length alist)
               for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
               append (x-b (filter-last (- (length alist) cnt) alist) (nth cnt alist))))))))
    (get-all-intervals '(c4 d4 e4))
    => (2 4)
    (get-all-intervals '(c4d4e4f6))
    => (2 4 25 27 29)


  2. here is the solution to send any data by OSC!

    a big thanks to janusz who made it for me/us!! now a wide variety of externals can be controlled via OSC, in any format... (not only reaktor)


    (defun osc-send (&rest args)
          ((host #(127 0 0 1)) ;; host
           (port 7500) ;; port
           (s (usocket:socket-connect host port
                               :protocol :datagram
                               :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
            (b (apply' osc:encode-message args)))
        (format t "sending to ~a on port ~A~%~%" host port)
             (usocket:socket-send s b (length b))
          (when s (usocket:socket-close s)))))
    (osc-send  "/player" "120" 1 1 1)
    (osc-send "/beat" "defer" 0 "duration" 1 "pattern" 12)


  3. that's the code


    (defun filterbank (&key cc value-range (time-range '(1 127)) (port 7) (channel 16))
      (let ((values (loop 
                   for i in (rnd-sample 100 (gen-integer (first value-range) (second value-range)))
                   for j in (gen-length (gen-integer (first time-range) (second time-range)) 1/128)
                   collect (list i j))))
          (def-score cc-seq
              (:title "cc-seq"
               :key-signature 'chromatic
               :time-signature '(4 4)
               :tempo 60) 
             :length '(3)
             :pitch '(c4)
             :velocity '(ff)
             :port port
             :channel channel
             :controllers (1 values)))))))
    (filterbank :cc 1 :value-range '(40 99) :port 1)


  4. it's not a problem with live-coding - cc-messages are sended perfectly, but...





    but, when i try to evaluate a few times, the error comes up - it seems to me to be a problem with "controllers" inside a new function => when i evaluate for the second time it's always:

    Error: Controllers must be alternating names/numbers and values.


    i have no idea, why this is a problem when doing more the 1 eval...


  5. dear all


    i want to code a simple function for sending midi-cc in an "all-in-one"-function (to external devices like filterbank or microcosm)

    it works more or less.... but there are two bugs i can't fix.


    the function:


    (defun filterbank (&key cc value-range (time-range '(1 127)) (port 7) (channel 16))
      (let ((values (loop 
                   for i in (rnd-sample 100 (gen-integer (first value-range) (second value-range)))
                   for j in (gen-length (gen-integer (first time-range) (second time-range)) 1/128)
                   collect (list i j))))
          (def-score cc-seq
              (:title "cc-seq"
               :key-signature 'chromatic
               :time-signature '(4 4)
               :tempo 60) 
             :length '(3)
             :pitch '(c4)
             :velocity '(ff)
             :port port
             :channel channel
             :controllers (1 values)))))))
    (filterbank :cc 1 :value-range '(40 99) :port 1)


    problem 1: when i evaluate the function and run it ONCE - everything okay. when i like to RUN it a second time there is an error, i don't know why. then i have to evaluate the FUNCTION again... why?


    problem 2: i would like to "replace"  :controllers (1 values)  by  :controllers (cc values)

    -> so that i can choose the cc-number by a variable "cc". but it don't work - any hints? 


    thanx for some help




  6. like that?


    ;; as lisp-code ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    (setf alist '((s -s s== -s -s== s== -s s -s s -s s -s==) (s== -s s -s s== -s s -s== s== -s s -s s -s==) (s -s== s -s s -s s== -s s -s==)))
    (loop for i in alist
          collect (append i (list 'q)))
    => ((s -s s== -s -s== s== -s s -s s -s s -s== q) (s== -s s -s s== -s s -s== s== -s s -s s -s== q) (s -s== s -s s -s s== -s s -s== q))
    ;; as lisp-function ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    (defun append-value (lists value)
      (loop for i in lists
          collect (append i (list value))))
    (append-value alist 'q)
    => ((s -s s== -s -s== s== -s s -s s -s s -s== q) (s== -s s -s s== -s s -s== s== -s s -s s -s== q) (s -s== s -s s -s s== -s s -s== q))


  7. with send-osc-data it don't work, of course... the code before was exactly this ...


    1. you need Nik Gaffney's osc package
    2. load it
    (load (merge-pathnames "osc.lisp" *load-truename*))
    3. define global variable to hold socket, ip-address and port-no
    (defparameter *out-socket* (make-socket :type :datagram))
    (defparameter *remote-host* "")
    (defparameter *remote-port* 47522)
    4. define a send function
    (defun udpsend (&rest args)
      (let ((message (apply' osc::encode-message args)))
        (send-to *out-socket* message (length message)
                 :remote-host *remote-host*
                 :remote-port *remote-port*)))
    ;; send
      (udpsend "/beat" "defer" 0 "duration" 1 "pattern" 12)
      (udpsend "/beat" "defer" 1 "duration" 1 "pattern" 22)
      (udpsend "/beat" "defer" 2 "duration" 1 "pattern" 22)
      (udpsend "/beat" "defer" 3 "duration" 1 "pattern" 21))




    ensembles performed several concerts with it, so it worked 🙂 

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