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Posts posted by o_e

  1. As I wrote its the Unfold Set OM.lisp file, just copied& renamed& placed in that folder and I've got the error when I first evaluate unfold.

    And can you say something to the mf that gets added, when using t1?

  2. Sorry,  but it does not work here 😞

    I changed it in my own Unfold Set.lisp definition (which is a renamed copy of Unfold Set OM.lisp and where I can modify things to my needs)

    Also I noticed that when I use the transposition function that I posted above, the unfold function puts a mf before the note that get transposed, is that on purpose?

    And one last thing, when I evaluate (unfold.. ) for the first time it always gives me an error warning that my Unfold Set file does not exist, when I evaluate it again everything works fine..?

     unfold, set: os methods: ((t1 2 2))
    > Error: There is no method set named: os
    > While executing: %get-unfold-set, in process Listener-1(7).
    > Type cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts.
    > Type :? for other options.


  3. I want  instead of the second note in the second bar a pause,  accordingly to how it works with transposition..?

    (unfold 'om '((t1 2 2)) eins)
    => ((q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 mf f4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4))


  4. Hi,

    Why does the first example work and the second don't, what am I missing?


    (setf eins '((q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4)))
    (unfold 'om '((pause 2)) eins)
    => ((q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (-w) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4))
    (unfold 'om '((pause 2 2)) eins)
    => ((q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 mf e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4))


  5. Hi,


    I want to make a suggestion for a feature. In Lilypond you have the ability to point on a certain note or other event in the pdf of the score and the same event gets highlighted in the code and vice versa. Would'nt such a function be great in OM? Currently it is a bit of a pain to find a certain point ..?






  6. Sorry for being a pain in the neck, but I can't figure out why I get this errorwarning:

    > Error: In sound set sq-vsl, program stacc, there is no controller named: cc1
    > While executing: %def-sound-set-internal, in process Opusmodus Extension Initialization(5).
    > Type cmd-/ to continue, cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts.
    > If continued: Skip loading OM init file.
    > Type :? for other options.
    1 > 

    My Soundset looks like this (see attachment):


  7. I use normal dynamic signs in my score like p and f..

    As you can see in the code  gen-dynamic-controller immeadiately jumps to the value of 0..

    Does that answer your question?


    (setf ex '((h c3 p -h)(h d3 f -h)(h e3 mf -h)))
    (gen-dynamic-controller ex)
    -->((47 1/2) (0 1/2) (80 1/2) (0 1/2) (69 1/2) (0 1/2))


    Something like this would work 🙂

    ((47 1/2) (:asc 47 80 1/256 1/2) (80 1/2) (:desc 80 69 1/256 1/2) (69 1/2) (:desc 69 0 1/256 1/2)))


  8. Hi,

    I've successfully managend to build a soundset thanks to Stéphanes last Zoom Lesson on last Saturday. Thanks for that!
    No I try to invoke the CC Expression Controller, I already found the Controllers 1 score where is a lot of information.
    How do I assign the controller movement to certain place in the score, lets say I want to have a violin harmonic, a whole note in bar 5, going from al niente to dal niente, so I need a controller movement like

    11 '((:asc-desc 0 127 1/32 1)

    (a movement from 0 to 127 and back to 0 in the time of 1/1 and in the resolution of 32th notes, right?)
    How do I make this movement happen (only) in bar 5?

    thanks for an answer,



  9. Hi,

    In the docs it says that arp-adlib makes an arpeggio up or down randomly, but there are only arps upward, what am I missing?




    (setf arp '(c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib 
    c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib 
    c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib 
    c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib 
    c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib))


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