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Posts posted by o_e
I don't understand exactly what you want to achive?
The following code does what you want, it just have a little graphic glitch:
(setf voice1 '(s c3 e b2 s_s bb2 e. bb2 tie -q)) (setf voice2 '(-q -q bb2gb2)) (merge-voices voice1 voice2)
When the Gb is transposed an octave lower you can see it clearly:
(setf voice1 '(s c3 e b2 s_s bb2 e. bb2 tie -q)) (setf voice2 '(-q -q bb2gb1)) (merge-voices voice1 voice2)
Quote -
too late
(setf pitches '(c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)) (setf seq (make-omn :pitch (gen-divide (gen-integer 1 4) pitches) :length '(1/16) :velocity '(f) :articulation '(stacc) :span :pitch))
I wrote a function myself, not sure if it is acceptable for Janusz
(defun remove-tie (y) "tests if it is a single list or a list of lists,then remove ties" (if (car (mapcar #'listp y)) (loop for x in y for z = (remove 'tie x) for a = (remove 'tie+tie z) collect a) (remove 'tie+tie (remove 'tie y))))
Edit: I think this only removes ties between bars as I remember correctly..
Thanks! There is one more thing I don't get, pitch-transpose seems to change the rhytm somehow or do I miss again something
(setf rhy '(e e_3q 3q 3q_e e_3q_3q 3q)) ;also tried ratios- same result (setf pit (span rhy line2)) (setf pit2 (make-omn :length rhy :pitch pit)) (setf pit2a (pitch-transpose 2 pit2))
Superb! Thanks a lot!!
What I want is the first pict:
What I get, when I use this:
(setf rhy '(e e 3q = = tie e e))
is seen in the second pict, what am I missing?
Ok, I found the solution, writing 3q 3q 3q instead of 3q = =
But then I stumbeled over the next problem, how can I use span with such tied rhymths?
What I want is this:
what I get with span is this:
(setf line '(( c4 d4 e4 f4)( g4 a4))) (setf rhy '(e e tie 3q 3q 3q tie e e tie 3q tie 3q 3q)) (setf pit (span rhy line)) (make-omn :length rhy :pitch pit)
When I constrain the ambitus range to be smaller than an octave, I do not understand exactly on which axis the pitches are inverted, when I use
:type :invert
it is clear, but what does the default transpose type?
(setf range '((q c4 cs4 d4 ds4 e4 f4 fs4 g4 gs4 a4 bb4 b4 c5))) (setf amb2 (ambitus '(c4 a4) range )) (merge-voices range amb2)
Thanks for the quick answer!
It's all in the doc- file but I overlooked it
How do I point
to my own def-unfold-set instead of the default one?
(counterpoint patterns '(((- 2 3 -)) ((4 * * 6)) ((1 - - 2)) ((5 6 1 2))) :index 'voice :global-polyphony '((1 p) (2 o) (10 o) (11 o)) :iterate t :global-methods '((fl) (cl) (hn) (vc)))
Thanks for you efforts of completely rewriting the function! This will serve me well as a model of how to use let*..!
I've tried to get an overview of which pitches are used how many times in a stem:
(plot-pcs-distr '((q c3 c3 d4 f5)(e fs2 fs2 fs2 fs2 fs2 gs4))) ==>((0 2) (1 0) (2 1) (3 0) (4 0) (5 1) (6 5) (7 0) (8 1) (9 0) (10 0) (11 0))
so I can see at a glance there are 2 c's, zero cis's, one d and so forth..
and the plot:
Here is what I've hacked together, thanks for looking into it:
(defun plot-pcs-distr (x) (progn (setf c (list (count '0 (flatten (get-pcs x))))) (setf cs (list (count '1 (flatten (get-pcs x))))) (setf d (list (count '2 (flatten (get-pcs x))))) (setf ds (list (count '3 (flatten (get-pcs x))))) (setf e (list (count '4 (flatten (get-pcs x))))) (setf f (list (count '5 (flatten (get-pcs x))))) (setf fs (list (count '6 (flatten (get-pcs x))))) (setf g (list (count '7 (flatten (get-pcs x))))) (setf gs (list (count '8 (flatten (get-pcs x))))) (setf a (list (count '9 (flatten (get-pcs x))))) (setf bb (list (count '10 (flatten (get-pcs x))))) (setf b (list (count '11 (flatten (get-pcs x))))) (setf all (append c cs d ds e f fs g gs a bb b)) (setf liste (loop for x in all for y in '(c cis d dis e f fis g gis a bes b) collect (list x y))) (sort liste #'< :key #'first) (setf liste-plot (loop for i in all for j in '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11) collect (list j i))) (xy-plot liste-plot :join-points t :point-radius 2 :style :fill :point-style :square) ))
When I write functions and make use of setf's, I get the brown colored warning: Undeclared free variable
This becomes a problem, when I'd like to put the function into the extensions folder.
How can I remedy this?
Thanks a lot!
I see, thanks!
What am I missing?
(pitch-demix '(3 2) '(c3e4g5b6 d3f4a5c6 e3g4b5d6)) =>(e4 f4 g4)
I would expect this:
=>((e4 f4 g4)(g5 a5 b5))
thanks for an answer!
it says in the doc of vector-to-velocity that the default is float values, but when I evaluate
(setf vel (vector-to-velocity 0.1 0.9 (gen-integer 1 16))) =>(pppp pppp ppp pp pp p mp mp mf mf f ff ff fff ffff ffff)
I get symbols, when I use
(setf vel (vector-to-velocity 0.1 0.9 (gen-integer 1 16):type :float)) =>(0.1 0.15 0.21 0.26 0.31 0.37 0.42 0.47 0.53 0.58 0.63 0.69 0.74 0.79 0.85 0.9)
everything is fine, just want to mention it.
Hi Julio, hi Stéphane,
I've try to follow.. @Stèphane: I'am missing 'remove-nils', are you willing to share it?
shortcut(s) for plotting not working here (solved!)
in Support & Troubleshooting
Yes, I am aware of this.. Just solved it, there was another app in the backgground runnig (which allows multiple clipboards) who did use this shortcuts, I changed them there and now they are working fine in OM.