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Posts posted by o_e

  1. Hi,


    Don't know if this is a known issue:


    (setf one '((q g3 = = tie)(q g3 = =)))
    (setf two '((q g3 g3 g3 tie)(q g3 = =)))

    (get-time-signature one)
    -->((4 4 1) (3 4 1)) ;wrong
    (get-time-signature two)
    -->((3 4 2)) ;correct






    Can't be simpler :-)

    (pitch-transpose 2 '(-q g3 a3 bb3))

    I did try that of corse, gives me: Error: Not a pitch symbol (q). ?


    Here is my omn-voice:


    (setf melodie-bb

          '((q b3)

            (q e4 stacc b3 stacc c4 stacc a3 stacc)

            (e b3 a3 g3 fs3 q e3 stacc e4 stacc)

            (q ds 4 e4 fs4 e g4 e4)

            (fs4 stacc h b3 comma q fs4 stacc)

            (e g4 fs4 h e4 e a4 e4)

            (fs4 stacc d4 stacc g4 stacc e fs4 e4)

            (q d4 stacc e c4 stacc b3 stacc a3 b2 c4 stacc a3)

            (e b3 cs4 d4 stacc b3 stacc cs4 d4 e4 stacc cs4 stacc)

            (e d4 e4 fs4 stacc d4 stacc e4 fs4 g4 stacc e4 stacc)

            (e fs4 stacc b4 a4 g4 stacc q fs4 e4)

            (q d4 stacc e cs4 stacc b3 stacc q cs4 stacc as3 stacc)

            (h. b3)


            (q b3)

            (q e4 stacc b3 stacc c4 stacc a3 stacc)

            (e b3 a3 g3 fs3 q e3 stacc e4 stacc)

            (q ds 4 e4 fs4 e g4 e4)

            (fs4 stacc h b3 comma q fs4 stacc)

            (e g4 fs4 h e4 e a4 e4)

            (fs4 stacc d4 stacc g4 stacc e fs4 e4)

            (q d4 stacc e c4 stacc b3 stacc a3 b2 c4 stacc a3)

            (e b3 cs4 d4 stacc b3 stacc cs4 d4 e4 stacc cs4 stacc)

            (e d4 e4 fs4 stacc d4 stacc e4 fs4 g4 stacc e4 stacc)

            (e fs4 stacc b4 a4 g4 stacc q fs4 e4)

            (q d4 stacc e cs4 stacc b3 stacc q cs4 stacc as3 stacc)

            (h. b3)


            (q fs4)

            (q ds4 stacc b3 stacc e4 stacc fs4 stacc)

            (e g4 fs4 g4 fs4 q e4 a4)

            (q fs4 stacc e4 d4 q e4 stacc cs4 stacc)

            (h. d4 p e a3 stacc g3 stacc)

            (q a3 e b3 stacc c4 stacc q d4 e c4 stacc b4 stacc)

            (q c4 stacc a3 stacc h a4 tie)

            (e a4 fs4 g4 b4 stacc a4 g4 fs4 stacc e4 stacc)

            (e ds4 e4 fs4 stacc ds4 stacc q b3 stacc fs4 stacc)

            (e g4 fs4 h e4 e fs4 stacc g4 stacc)

            (e a4 fs4 h ds4 q b4 stacc)

            (q b3 stacc e4 stacc e g4 fs4 e4 ds4 stacc)

            (h. e4)


            (q fs4)

            (q ds4 stacc b3 stacc e4 stacc fs4 stacc)

            (e g4 fs4 g4 fs4 q e4 a4)

            (q fs4 stacc e4 d4 q e4 stacc cs4 stacc)

            (h. d4 p e a3 stacc g3 stacc)

            (q a3 e b3 stacc c4 stacc q d4 e c4 stacc b4 stacc)

            (q c4 stacc a3 stacc h a4 tie)

            (e a4 fs4 g4 b4 stacc a4 g4 fs4 stacc e4 stacc)

            (e ds4 e4 fs4 stacc ds4 stacc q b3 stacc fs4 stacc)

            (e g4 fs4 h e4 e fs4 stacc g4 stacc)

            (e a4 fs4 h ds4 q b4 stacc)

            (q b3 stacc e4 stacc e g4 fs4 e4 ds4 stacc)

            (h. e4)))


  3. The score starts with a one quarter upbeat which is completed in the last bar (end1) to 4/4, than the next part also starts with that one quarter upbeat:


    (setf rechte-hand-oben
             (e f3 leg g3)
             (q a3 stacc e f4 leg e4 q d4 e c4 leg bb3)
             (q a3 stacc cs4 stacc d4 stacc d4 leg)
             (leg q cs4 d4  e4 leg  e f4 leg d4)
             (w e4)
             (h f4 g4)
             (h e4 q f4 stacc e4 stacc)
             (q f4 g4 f4 leg e4)
             (h. f4 leg e g4 f4)
             (h e4 d4)
             (q. e4 leg e f4 q e4 stacc gs4 stacc)
             (h. a4 q gs4)
             (end1 (h. a4))
             (end2 (h. a4 )))

                    (e cs4 leg d4)
                    (q e4 a4 = =)
                    (w f4)
                    (h e4 q f4 d4)
                    (q e4 e e4 f4 g4 a4  g4 b4)
                    (w c5)
                    (w bb4)
                    (h a4 g4)
                    (h. g4 q a4)
                    (w f4)
                    (h. g4 q a4 tie)
                    (q a4 h f4 q e4)
                    (end1 (h. d4))
                    (end2 (h. d4)))))



    and it should be look like this:


    (setf rechte-hand-oben
             (e f3 leg g3)
             (q a3 stacc e f4 leg e4 q d4 e c4 leg bb3)
             (q a3 stacc cs4 stacc d4 stacc d4 leg)
             (leg q cs4 d4  e4 leg  e f4 leg d4)
             (w e4)
             (h f4 g4)
             (h e4 q f4 stacc e4 stacc)
             (q f4 g4 f4 leg e4)
             (h. f4 leg e g4 f4)
             (h e4 d4)
             (q. e4 leg e f4 q e4 stacc gs4 stacc)
             (h. a4 q gs4)
             (end1 (h. a4))
             (end2 (h. a4 e cs4 leg d4)))
                    (q e4 a4 = =)
                    (w f4)
                    (h e4 q f4 d4)
                    (q e4 e e4 f4 g4 a4  g4 b4)
                    (w c5)
                    (w bb4)
                    (h a4 g4)
                    (h. g4 q a4)
                    (w f4)
                    (h. g4 q a4 tie)
                    (q a4 h f4 q e4)
                    (end1 (h. d4))
                    (end2 (w d4)))))

  4. sorry, but I still don't get it to work, please take one more look (and how do I handle those upbeats?):



    (setf rechte-hand-oben
       (e f3 leg g3)
       (q a3 stacc e f4 leg e4 q d4 e c4 leg bb3)
       (q a3 stacc cs4 stacc d4 stacc d4 leg)
       (leg q cs4 d4  e4 leg  e f4 leg d4)
       (w e4)
       (h f4 g4)
       (h e4 q f4 stacc e4 stacc)
       (q f4 g4 f4 leg e4)
       (h. f4 leg e g4 f4)
       (h e4 d4)
       (q. e4 leg e f4 q e4 stacc gs4 stacc)
       (h. a4 q gs4)
       (end1 h. a4)
       (end2 h. a4))
      (repeat (e cs4 leg d4)
              (q e4 a4 = =)
              (w f4)
              (h e4 q f4 d4)
              (q e4 e e4 f4 g4 a4  g4 b4)
              (w c5)
              (w bb4)
              (h a4 g4)
              (h. g4 q a4)
              (w f4)
              (h. g4 q a4 tie)
              (q a4 h f4 q e4)
              (end1 (h. d4))
              (end2 (h. d4)))))

    (setf rechte-hand-unten
    '((repeat (-q)
    (-q g3 a3 bb3)
    (h. a3 e a3 b3)
    (w cs4)
    (h. d4 q b3)
    (h c4 q c4 bb3)
    (q c4 stacc d4 stacc h g3)
    (h a3 d4)
    (h c4 q a3 b3)
    (h c4 q b3 stacc b3)
    (q a3 stacc e b3 stacc  c4 stacc q d4 stacc b3 stacc)
    (end1 h. a3)
    (end2 h. a3))
    (repeat (-q)
    (-q cs4 d4 e4)
    (h. d4 e c4 d4)
    (h c4 q d4 stacc b3 stacc)
    (q c4 -h -e f4)
    (h e4 f4)
    (w e4)
    (q e4 f4 d4 e4)
    (h. cs4 q e4)
    (w d4)
    (q d4 e4 cs4 d4 tie)
    (q d4 h d4 q cs4 stacc)
    (end1 (-h.))
    (end2 (-h.))

    ;(setf rh-zusammen (merge-voices rechte-hand-oben rechte-hand-unten))

    (def-score bach-bourree
               (:title "Bourree"
                :key-signature '(d min)
                :time-signature '(4 4)
                :tempo 96
                ;:layout (piano-layout 'left-hand '(right-hand-1 right-hand-2)
      (rh-1 :omn rechte-hand-oben :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 0)
     ;(rh-2 :omn rechte-hand-unten :channel 2 :sound 'gm :program 0)



  5. The end attribute was incorrect:

    (setf rechte-hand-oben      
           '((repeat (e f3 leg g3)
                     (q a3 stacc e f4 leg e4 q d4 e c4 leg bb3)
                     (q a3 stacc cs4 stacc d4 stacc d4 leg)
                     (leg q cs4 d4  e4 leg  e f4 leg d4)
                     (w e4)
                     (h f4 g4)
                     (h e4 q f4 stacc e4 stacc)
                     (q f4 g4 f4 leg e4)
                     (h. f4 leg e g4 f4)
                     (h e4 d4)
                     (q. e4 leg e f4 q e4 stacc gs4 stacc)
                     (end1 (h. a4))
                     (end2 (h. a4)))))

    ok, than the examples in the repeats.rtdf is wrong, see part of it:



    '((repeat (-q q. g4bb4d5 e g4bb4d5 q c4c5eb5)

              (q f4a4c5 g4bb4 h f4a4c5)

              (h bb3bb4 g3g4bb4)

              (h d4f4a4 q g4bb4 f4a4c5 tie)

              (q f4a4c5 g4bb4 h d4fs4a4)

              (end1 h g4)

              (end2 h g4)))

    Figura 1 (Dialog-Lauda, anonym, 1577)

    '((repeat (q f4) (q g4 f4 bb4 a4)

              (h g4 q f4 a4)

              (q a4 a4 d5 c5)

              (h bb4 q a4 a4)

              (q a4 a4 bb4 a4)

              (end1 h g4 -q)

              (end2 q g4 g4 f4 ferm)))

    Figura 2 (J. A. P. Schulz, Der Mond ist aufgegangen, 18 Jh.)



  6. Hi, it's me again- Excuses for pressing but I try to use OM for a radio-play work that I do for the MDR and I'am getting an error warning again and could'nt find it myself: I still have the error from above, also when I try to eval the second voice, in the meantime I try to glue the voices together and getting: "Error: No note before bare list attribute."


    I'am blind with my own defects, please help, thanks!



    (setf rechte-hand-oben
    '((-h.) (repeat (e f3 leg g3)
    (q a3 stacc e f4 leg e4 q d4 e c4 leg bb3)
    (q a3 stacc cs4 stacc d4 stacc d4 leg)
    (leg q cs4 d4  e4 leg  e f4 leg d4)
    (w e4)
    (h f4 g4)
    (h e4 q f4 stacc e4 stacc)
    (q f4 g4 f4 leg e4)
    (h. f4 leg e g4 f4)
    (h e4 d4)
    (q. e4 leg e f4 q e4 stacc gs4 stacc)
    (h. a4 q gs4)
    (end1 h. a4)
    (end2 h. a4))
    (repeat (e cs4 leg d4)
    (q e4 a4 = =)
    (w f4)
    (h e4 q f4 d4)
    (q e4 e e4 f4 g4 a4  g4 b4)
    (w c5)
    (w bb4)
    (h a4 g4)
    (h. g4 q a4)
    (w f4)
    (h. g4 q a4 tie)
    (q a4 h f4 q e4)
    (end1 h. d4)
    (end2 h. d4)

    (setf rechte-hand-unten
    '((-h.)(repeat (-q)
    (-q g3 a3 bb3)
    (h. a3 e a3 b3)
    (w cs4)
    (h. d4 q b3)
    (h c4 q c4 bb3)
    (q c4 stacc d4 stacc h g3)
    (h a3 d4)
    (h c4 q a3 b3)
    (h c4 q b3 stacc b3)
    (q a3 stacc e b3 stacc  c4 stacc q d4 stacc b3 stacc)
    (end1 h. a3)
    (end2 h. a3))
    (repeat (-q)
    (-q cs4 d4 e4)
    (h. d4 e c4 d4)
    (h c4 q d4 stacc b3 stacc)
    (q c4 -h -e f4)
    (h e4 f4)
    (w e4)
    (q e4 f4 d4 e4)
    (h. cs4 q e4)
    (w d4)
    (q d4 e4 cs4 d4 tie)
    (q d4 h d4 q cs4 stacc)
    (end1 -h.)
    (end2 -h.)

    (setf rh-zusammen (merge-voices rechte-hand-oben rechte-hand-unten))



  7. Hi,


    I'am typing in the bourree of the first french suite from Bach. First, how can I create an upbeat/anacrusis?

    Second, when I try to compile my score I get the error: "> Error: The value h. is not of the expected type list."

    Notation OMN via the context menu is working fine..What am I missing?






    (setf rechte-hand-oben
    '((repeat (e f3 leg g3)
    (q a3 stacc e f4 leg e4 q d4 e c4 leg bb3)
    (q a3 stacc cs4 stacc d4 stacc d4 leg)
    (leg q cs4 d4  e4 leg  e f4 leg d4)
    (w e4)
    (h f4 g4)
    (h e4 q f4 stacc e4 stacc)
    (q f4 g4 f4 leg e4)
    (h. f4 leg e g4 f4)
    (h e4 d4)
    (q. e4 leg e f4 q e4 stacc gs4 stacc)
    (end1 h. a4)
    (end2 h. a4))))

    (def-score bach-bourree
               (:title "Bourree"
                :key-signature '(d min)
                :time-signature '(4 4)
                :tempo 96
                ;:layout (piano-layout 'left-hand '(right-hand-1 right-hand-2)
      (right-hand-1 :omn rechte-hand-oben :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 0)
    ; (left-hand :omn left-hand :channel 2 :sound 'gm :program 0)




  8. Hi, what I want to do is to use ambitus-pitch-remove in the second voice
    but preserving the rhythmical places for the remaining pitches (so that the pitches swallowed by ambitus-pitch-remove are replaced by rests of the same lengths).

    Or asking more generally: Is it possible to manipulate on the level where pitches and length are already glued together (omn?)?


    (setf mel '(c4 d4 e4 gs4 bb5 eb6))
    (setf rhy '(1/4 -1/8 1/8 1/8 -1/8 1/4 1/4 -1/8 1/8 1/8 -1/4))
    (setf mel2 (gen-eval 20 '(rnd-sample 6 mel)))
    (setf rhy2 (gen-eval 10 '(rnd-sample 12 rhy)))
    (setf rhy3 (assemble-seq '(-1/4) rhy2))
    (setf eins (make-omn
                :length rhy2
                :pitch mel2))
    (setf zwei (make-omn
                :length rhy3
                :pitch mel2))
    (def-score hocket         
                   (:key-signature atonal
                    :time-signature '(8 8)
                    :tempo 100)
      (eins :omn eins
            :channel 1
            :sound 'gm
            :program 0)
      (zwei :omn zwei
            :channel 2
            :program 0))
  9. Hi,

    I get the following error warning, when I try to audition the omn and I don't get why..?
    With a def-score section all compiles fine

    > Error: The GET-SPAN output denominator is not a power of two (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...). Denominator: 12.
    > While executing: get-time-signature-l, in process Listener-1(8).
    > Type cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts.
    > Type :? for other options.

    (simplified) code:

    (setf zahlen3
          '((-3/8 3/8 -1/8 -3/8) (1/2 5/8 1/4) (5/8 1/4 -3/8)
            (1/8 3/8 1/4 1/2) (-3/8 1/4 -1/8 1/4 1/8 -3/8)
            (3/8 -1/8 1/4 1/4 5/8 1/4 1/2 -3/8) (-1/8 5/8 1/8 -3/8)
            (-1/8 -3/8 -3/8 -3/8) (1/8 -3/8 1/8 -3/8 1/4)
            (1/2 1/2 1/8 1/8 -3/8) (1/8 -1/8 3/8 1/4 1/2 -3/8 1/8)
            (-1/8 -1/8 1/4 3/8 1/4) (-1/4 1/4 -1/12 -1/4 1/6 5/12 -1/12)
            (1/6 5/12 1/6 -1/4) (1/12 1/4 1/6 1/12 -1/4 1/6 -1/12)
            (-1/12 1/6 1/12 -1/4 1/6) (-1/12 1/6 1/6 5/12 1/6)
            (1/3 -1/4 -2/12) (5/12 1/12 -1/4 -1/12 -5/12 -1/4 -1/4)
            (1/8 -1/4 1/12 -1/4 1/6) (1/3 1/3 1/12 1/12 -1/4 1/12 -1/12)
            (-1/12 1/4 1/6 1/3 -1/4 1/12 -1/12) (-1/12 1/6 1/4 1/6 -1/12)
            (-3/8 3/8 -1/8 -3/8 1/2 5/8 1/4 5/8 1/4) (-3/8 1/8 3/8 1/4 1/2 -3/8 1/4 -1/8)
            (1/4 1/8 -3/8 3/8 -1/8 1/4 1/4 5/8) (1/4 1/2 -3/8 -1/8 5/8 1/8 -3/8 -1/8 -3/8)
            (-3/8 -3/8 1/8 -3/8 1/8 -3/8 1/4) (1/2 1/2 1/8 1/8 -3/8 1/8 -1/8 3/8)
            (1/4 1/2 -3/8 1/8 -1/8 -1/8 1/4 3/8 1/4)))
    (get-span zahlen3)
    => (5/4 11/8 5/4 5/4 3/2 11/4 5/4 5/4 5/4 13/8 15/8 9/8 3/2 1 13/12
        3/4 1 3/4 7/4 7/8 5/4 5/4 3/4 7/2 19/8 19/8 23/8 2 9/4 19/8)
    (setf toene '(c4 d4 e4 f4 fs4 gs4 bb4))
    (setf stimme1
           :length zahlen3
           :pitch toene))
  10. to answer my own question, I found a workaround:

    (defun mapping-integers-2 (x y)
      (chordize (pitch-transpose (pitch-to-integer y) (integer-to-pitch x))))
    (mapping-integers-2 '(0 4 5 9 11) 'g4)

    nevertheless I would like to know if it is possible to handle the keyword parameters with variables..

  11. Hi,

    I want to make the following construction:

    (defun mapping-integers (x y)
      (interval-to-pitch (integer-to-interval x) :start y))
    (mapping-integers '(0 4 5 9 11) 'c5)

    I get an error-warning having the wrong start parameter, how could this be done?

    I have a list of integers (0 4 5 9 11) and a list of root notes (c5) and want them to process to get lists like (c5 e5 f5 a5 b5)..


  12. to answer my own post: I just have to flatten one of the lists (in my case the pitchlist).. Ever so easy.

    Sorry for the noise!!



    edit: that is true for my material, but the material and the retrograde of the material delivers a strange result. What is wrong about my retrograde construction? Please take a look at my code, thanks

    (setf pitches
          '(eb4f4 eb4f4 eb4f4 f4g4 f4g4 f4g4 f4g4 f4g4 eb4f4
                  eb4f4 eb4f4 e4fs4 e4fs4 e4fs4 e4fs4 eb4f4
                  eb4f4 eb4f4 fs4gs4 fs4gs4 fs4gs4 fs4gs4
                  fs4gs4 fs4gs4 d4e4 d4e4 g4a4 g4a4 g4a4 g4a4
                  g4a4 g4a4 g4a4 e4fs4 e4fs4 e4fs4 e4fs4 d4e4
                  d4e4 eb4f4 eb4f4 eb4f4 e4fs4 e4fs4 e4fs4
                  e4fs4 fs4gs4 fs4gs4 fs4gs4 fs4gs4 fs4gs4
                  fs4gs4 e4fs4 e4fs4 e4fs4 e4fs4 fs4gs4 fs4gs4
                  fs4gs4 fs4gs4 fs4gs4 fs4gs4 f4g4 f4g4 f4g4
                  f4g4 f4g4 e4fs4 e4fs4 e4fs4 e4fs4 d4e4 d4e4
                  d4e4 d4e4))
    (setf rhy
          '((1/16 1/16 1/16) (-1/16 -1/16 -1/16)
            (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16) (-1/16 -1/16 -1/16)
            (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16) (-1/16 -1/16 -1/16)
            (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16)
            (-1/16 -1/16 -1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
                                      1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16)
            (-1/16 -1/16 -1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
                                      1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
                                      1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16)
            (-1/16 -1/16 -1/16) (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
                                      1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
                                      1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16)
            (-1/16 -1/16 -1/16)))
     :length rhy
     :pitch pitches
     :span :length)
    first 3 bars:
    ((s eb4f4 eb4f4 eb4f4) (-s - -) (s f4g4 f4g4 f4g4 f4g4 f4g4))


    (setf back-and-forth-p (assemble-seq pitches (reverse pitches)))
    (setf back-and-forth-rh (assemble-seq rhy (reverse (butlast rhy))))
     :length back-and-forth-rh
     :pitch back-and-forth-p
     :span :length)

    first 3 bars:

    ((s eb4f4 eb4f4 eb4f4) (-s - -) (s d4e4 d4e4 d4e4 d4e4 e4fs4))


  13. To retrieve my honor :-) - I did flatten the lists for pitches and lengths on purpose- I need some trials to get that the syncing of the lists in 'make-omn' goes between (sub-)list and (sub-)list. I was thinking that the 'bracket bounderies' of the non focused (not spanned) sublists would be ignored. Now that I've learned that (thanks to your kind and quick answers)  I will change my constructions accordingly.

    My apologizes for getting on your nerves (also in advance :-))




    (setf pitches '((c4 d4 e4 f4) (g4 a4 b4 c5)))
    (setf rhy '((1/4 1/4 -1/4) (1/4 1/4 -1/4) (1/4 1/4 -1/4) (1/4 1/4 -1/4)))
    ;            c   d          e   f          g   a          b   c
     :length rhy
     :pitch pitches
     :span :length)
    => ((q c4 d4 - e4 f4) (q g4 a4 - b4 c5))             ; :span :pitch
    => ((q c4 d4 -) (q g4 a4 -) (q c4 d4 -) (q g4 a4 -)) ; :span :length
    what I was expecting was:
    ((q c4 d4 - e4 f4) (q - g4 a4 -) (q b4 c5 - -))
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