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Posts posted by o_e

  1. Hi,

    I've successfully managend to build a soundset thanks to Stéphanes last Zoom Lesson on last Saturday. Thanks for that!
    No I try to invoke the CC Expression Controller, I already found the Controllers 1 score where is a lot of information.
    How do I assign the controller movement to certain place in the score, lets say I want to have a violin harmonic, a whole note in bar 5, going from al niente to dal niente, so I need a controller movement like

    11 '((:asc-desc 0 127 1/32 1)

    (a movement from 0 to 127 and back to 0 in the time of 1/1 and in the resolution of 32th notes, right?)
    How do I make this movement happen (only) in bar 5?

    thanks for an answer,



  2. Posted


    In the docs it says that arp-adlib makes an arpeggio up or down randomly, but there are only arps upward, what am I missing?




    (setf arp '(c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib 
    c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib 
    c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib 
    c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib 
    c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib))


  3. Posted


    I don't understand the result of harmonic-path, as I understand it, it should be (something like):

    (eb4 g4 bb4 d4 gs4 c4 eb4 fs5 b5 bb5 ds5 fs5 b5 d5 g4 b4 eb4 g4 bb4 g4)


    below is the evaluation and I don't understand it, what am I missing..?

    (harmonic-path '(eb3g3bb3d4 gs3c4ds4fs4 b3ds4fs4bb4 g3b3d4fs4)

    '(c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5 d5 e5 f5 e5 d5 c5 b4 a4 g4 f4 e4 d4))

    ==>(eb4 g4 bb4 d4 gs4 c4 eb4 fs5 b5 bb5 eb5 g5 bb5 d5 gs4 c4 eb4 fs4 b4 bb4)


    It seems that I am overlooking something obvious, so I'am greatful for some help!


  4. Posted



    For training purposes I'am rebuilding the examples that Stéphane demonstrates in the Karajan Music Tech Conference Video, but the second example throws me an error and I can't find out what I'am missing..thanks for assistance..

    (setf thema '(s c4 leg d4 leg e4 leg f4 q g4 ff stacc))
    (setf thema.repeat (gen-repeat 24 thema))
    (setf scales '((c4 d4 e4 fs4 gs4 a4 b4)(c4 d4 eb4 f4 g4 ab4 bb4)))
    (setf path  (tonality-series (chordize scales) :closest '(down)))
    (setf thema.harm (tonality-map 
    > Error: Incorrect keyword arguments in (:scale ((c4d4e4fs4gs4a4b4) :closest down :ambitus piano) ((c4d4eb4f4g4ab4bb4) :closest down :ambitus piano)) .
    > While executing: (:internal scale-map-l tonality-map), in process Listener-1(7).
    > Type cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts.
    > Type :? for other options.

    Maybe it has to do that I'am still on 1.3??

  5. Posted



    I'am examine 'harmonic-path more closly and have some hard time to understand, if someone could please explain some things to me..


    (setf chord '(c3 g3 c4 e4 f3 c4 f4 a4))
    (setf melodytest '( c4 cs4 d4 e4 f4 fs4 g4 gs4))
    (harmonic-path chordtest2 melodytest  :octave 'path  )
    ==>(c3 g3 c4 e4 f3 f4 a4 c3)

    in the example above harmonic-path is obviously swallowing the recurring notes (and is looping the path although the doc says the default is looping nil),

    why, I don't get the logic behind it? And can I change this?


    In the example below there is no difference in the output between :loop t or :loop nil, I assumed that the looping parameter concerns both, the path and the sequence..?

    What am I missing? Thanks!


    (setf chord '(c3 g3 c4 e4 f3 c4 f4 a4))
    (setf melody '(c4 cs4 d4 e4))
    (harmonic-path chord melody  :octave 'path :loop t )
    ==>(c3 g3 c4 e4)
    (setf melody '(c4 cs4 d4 e4))
    (harmonic-path chord melody  :octave 'path :loop nil )
    ==>(c3 g3 c4 e4)


  6. 13 hours ago, Frederic said:



    I'm currently trying to leverage my knowledge by digging into the forum and tutorials. I've tried to copy/paste some examples to in a "test and learn" process, but always fails on not understandable errors: 



    After some research on the forum, I had the explanation: 


    My questions are :

    • What is involved in the buggy parsing ? What chars should we delete/replace to make copy/paste work ?
    • Is there any simple process to transform the omn source code published on this forum, so that we will be sure it will be parsed correctly by Opus Modus ? 


    Thanks, best !




    I solved this problem by pasting the text from the website (or email) into a plain text editor (in my case BB-Edit (I think they have a  free basic version, www.barebones.com), make sure you ticked 'Show invisible characters' in Preferences/Editor Defaults, then you'll see a lot of strange signs that causes errors and you can clean your text up..





  7. On 9/8/2019 at 6:11 PM, Stephane Boussuge said:

    I wrote this example for one of my student few years ago.

    I don't know if it could help you but just in case....


    Dear Stéphane,


    Thank you! That helped a little, still not sure what is the difference between partials and frames. I saw that it is possible the resynthesize a sound with CLM, an example would be very helpful.
    Also I would like to know if its only possible to get tempered pitches out of spectral data, don't know if OM is capable of microtonal MIDI generally (which is a very tricky special beast I think)..?
    Thanks anyway& all the best



  8. On 8/23/2019 at 7:30 PM, o_e said:

    Can you give a small example of how to use the spectral data, how to rebuild a certain sound like the trombone with a piano sound?



    To bump my own request, am I the only one who whishes some more simple examples, to understand the 'spectral data '-thing better?

  9. Hi André

    Just investigating your function..
    Then I've tried a little cosmetic hack to make it more readable, but it did not work out and I don't understand why. What did I overlook?




    ;;; the orginal function 
    (defun binary-filter (alist bin-list)
      (let ((event-list (cond ((omn-formp alist)
                               (single-events alist))
                              (t alist))))
           for i in event-list
           for j in bin-list
           when (= j 1)
           collect i
           else append (cond ((omn-formp i)
                              (list (length-invert (car i))))
                             ((lengthp i)
                              (neg! (omn :length (list i)))))))))
    (binary-filter '(q c4 mf  d4 e4 e f4 ppp g4 a4 b4) '(1 0 1 1 0 1 1))
    => (q c4 mf -1/4 q e4 mf e f4 ppp -1/8 e a4 ppp e b4 ppp)
    ;;;Why is it not working??
    (defun foo-rep (n sequence &key omn)
      (maybe-omn-decode omn
       (binary-filter n sequence)))
    (foo-rep '(q c4 mf  d4 e4 e f4 ppp g4 a4 b4) '(1 0 1 1 0 1 1) :omn t)
    -->(q c4 mf -1/4 q e4 mf e f4 ppp -1/8 e a4 ppp e b4 ppp);??


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