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Everything posted by opmo

  1. Snippet is just a snippet not a fragment of the score.
  2. Please drop the file "v.aiff" into the ~/Opusmodus/Media/Audio directory. This file is a part of one of the CLM examples. soundfile: v.aiff
  3. CLM Installation Common Lisp Music, by William Schottstaedt is a powerful sound synthesis language implemented in Lisp and C. CLM is essentially a toolbox for instrument building. Although it comes with a number of instruments ready to use, most composers use CLM to define their own instruments. For those of you that wish to dive into CLM sound synthesis system, I advise everyone to read this document carefully first. 1. Command Line Tools First you need to find out if "command line tools" are installed in your system. The C compiler is essential at the instrument compile and load time. Launch the Terminal, found in /Applications/Utilities/ To check if command line tools are installed run: xcode-select --version if installed you will see the below with the version found in your system, something like that: xcode-select version 1234 If command line tools are not installed run: xcode-select --install A software update popup window will appear that asks: “The xcode-select command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now?” choose to confirm this by clicking “Install”, then agree to the Terms of Service when requested. Wait for the Command Line Tools package download to complete, it’ll be about 130MB and installs fairly quickly depending on your connection speed. The installer goes away on its own when complete. Enjoy your new unix command line toolkit! 2. Load and Compile Instruments CLM system comes with a number of instruments which are a great starting point to see and hear CLM in action. Some of them are simple others are complex. Before you can run any of the instruments you must compile them first. To do that you need to open and evaluate a file "Load CLM Instrument.lisp", you will find the file in the CLM directory. This process will take a minute or so and it will create binary and dynamic library files for each of the instruments. The binary files will be saved in the bin directory and the library files will be saved in the libclm directory. After this process is completed you are ready to run the CLM Examples. If you wish to load your instruments at the startup of the app move the "Load CLM Instrument.lisp" file into the “~/Opusmodus/Extensions/“ directory. Thats all you need to do to make CLM system work in Opusmodus. Best wishes, Janusz
  4. This update completes the CLM integration. Before opening the new application you need to delete the user Opusmodus directory. Make sure you save your personal files (scores, docs etc...) before. A good solution is to rename the Opusmodus folder first and then compress it. After you have deleted the Opusmodus user folder you can start the new application. At the start, Opusmodus will ask you for permission to create a new user folder in your home directory, if you don’t see a window for it, it means the old directory is still on your computer. Make sure the new Opusmodus directory is installed in your home directory. For those of you that wish to dive into CLM sound synthesis system, I advise everyone to read the Read Me First document carefully first. New: – CLM instruments, utilities and documentation: load-clm-ins with-sound play stop-sound ring-modulate-file-synth pins-synth expsrc-synth tubebell-synth hammondoid-synth metal-synth fm-synth (generic multi-type FM Instrument) gong-synth fm-drum-synth stochastic-synth definstrument – No bracket when tuplet is beamed. – Musicxml display improvements. Fixed: – Fixed an issue where CLM sound won't stop if there are more then two instances playing. – Fixed an issue in Preferences where Change Audition Length 1/4 would set to 1/8. – Fixed navigator drag-and-drop re-arragement on Mojave. – Fixed an issue where Navigator search instead of jumping to the match, the selection was extended. Best wishes, Janusz
  5. Like this: (pitch-transpose-n '(2 2 2 2) '(fs4 gs4 as4 cs5)) => (gs4 bb4 c5 eb5) (pitch-transpose-n '(2 2 2 2) '(c5 d5 e5 g5)) => (d5 e5 fs5 a5) Other solution would be to work with intervals only: INTERVAL-MAP
  6. Simpler: (setf mod3chordsM (melodize '((c4eb4gb4) (d4gb4bb4) (eb4gb4bb4) (e4g4b4) (gb4bb4db5) (g4b4d5) (ab4b4d5) (bb4gb5) (b4d5gb5)))) (setf analysechords3 (pcs-analysis mod3chordsM)) In general your code could be much simpler.
  7. Why you use the PITCH-TRANSPOSE-START function and what is the goal. What about PCS-PRIME-FORM. Should this be generated or given by hand: (setf mod3chordsM (melodize '((c4eb4gb4) (d4gb4bb4) (eb4gb4bb4) (e4g4b4) (gb4bb4db5) (g4b4d5) (ab4b4d5) (bb4gb5) (b4d5gb5)))) I can't find the thought in your progression.
  8. Yes, the last expression (evaluation) will display.
  9. This is not how "Evaluate and Audition and Notation" works. This is why each score has its own file.
  10. Each DEF-SCORE instance is a score. If you have two DEF-SCORE instances then it means you have two scores in one file. Example: (def-score score1 (:key-signature 'atonal :time-signature '(4 4) :tempo 120) (ins :omn '(s c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 a5 b5) :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 0)) (def-score score2 (:key-signature 'atonal :time-signature '(4 4) :tempo 120) (ins :omn '(e c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4) :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 0)) ;;; Midi Player ;(display-midi 'score1) ;(display-midi 'score2) ;;; Notation ;(display-musicxml 'score1) ;(display-musicxml 'score2)
  11. You can have as many DEF-SCORE instances you like, all depends on the structure of your composition. There are no rules or restrictions here.
  12. GET-TIME-SIGNATURE (setf omn '((s a4 d5 fs4 d5 g4 d5) (s a4 d5 fs4 d5 g4 d5) (s a4 d5 cs5 b4 a4 g4) (s fs4 d4 e4 c4 e d4))) (def-score test (:key-signature '(c maj) :time-signature (get-time-signature omn) :tempo 60) (theme :omn omn :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 0) )
  13. indeed, it is a great introduction to parametric composition. Nigel started working on this book at the time we were working on Opusmodus documentation. It makes me very happy to hear his work is appreciated by so many, He was a great supporter and teacher of algorithmic composition which has spread over many decades. We all miss him dearly. Note: There are a few changes to some of the Opusmodus function names since the release of Nigel's book. Some of the examples might end in error.
  14. It looks like you don't know how to use CLM in Opusmodus. You can create new instruments and use them on the spot. Soon I will write a tutorial which demonstrate how to use CLM with OMN and how to create new instruments. It can't be easier
  15. .opmo~ and .lisp~ file extensions are backup files. A security for you work.
  16. Snippet is a piece of code therefore needs to be saved as a file. Snippet is not a score just a tool to help you in your work. Every code needs to be evaluate in order to see the result. Yes, you can create a library from snippets. Check the library functions.
  17. The reset is important for Live Coding Instrument and the midi messages you see in the MIDI Monitor are fine.
  18. It looks I need to investigate this a bit more. Are you talking about the midi file (import to DAW) or OM midi player or Live Coding Instrument through DAW.
  19. It looks like a DAW problem. What DAW system you are using. In theory we could shorten each length one or two ticks.
  20. you could use tie-bars function: (setf lens '((e = = =) (e = = =))) (setf notes '((c4 d4 = =) (d4 g4 = =))) (tie-bars (make-omn :length lens :pitch notes)) => ((e c4 mf d4 d4 d4 tie) (e d4 mf g4 g4 g4)) section or exclude options allows you to control which bars you like to tie.
  21. The Opusmodus folder needs to be in the user directory ~/Opusmodus and not in the ~/Documents folder. This will fixed your error.
  22. It looks like you have other Opusmodus folder on your cpu, which you have used before.
  23. For the CLM work correctly you need the new Opusmodus folder. Just follow the instruction: https://opusmodus.com/forums/opusmodus/
  24. You find the Opusmodus folder in your home directory.
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