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  1. Dear All, I have a little suggestion for workflow. 1) A simple context menu button (or some way) to open the XML snippet in other software. Like right-clicking on the snippet and have an option (OS based option) like "open with" (musescore, finale, sibelius, etc) This could be useful for collecting material for a piece to be edited outside Opusmodus. I personally use Musescore with my students. It's free, open and runs windows and mac. I also use Finale for myself. This simple options could solve the problem of the audition of many different snippets. 2) Another (much more complex) idea would be when click over each snippet to have a play panel, similar to the live coding panel (with play/stop button, tempo, volume, maybe sound and channel assigment , according to the number of staves, etc... This could be handy. Best, Julio added 2 minutes later Like this (when clicking over the snipett inside Opusmodus:
  2. Is it possible to have a key signature with a snippet? Thanks
  3. Wow this really is a huge deal for me. We can now have snippets as mini scores before we compile. Key sigs, time sigs, tempo and instrument defs all in a snippet. And multiple voices too. Thanks Janusz. 5 hours later. So this is a major change it seems to me and very useful. The whole workflow has had a boost. This, amongst other things, allows the creation of snippet libraries with granular control over the visual and functional aspects of the snippets. An ideas library is here. Of course it was possible before with mutiple .opmo files and def scores but this is much more useful (and convenient). I can have one .opmo file with a hundred snippets in it, all with different instruments and with correct notation and functionality and individual tempi. As a recent arrival to OpM I do remember my first reaction was ...Preference>Audition>...and then set a static set of preferences for playback?....this just felt limiting to be honest. Then I quickly realised that this was just a temporary thing and def-score was the way to define playback..and still is. But the Preference>Audition set up can effectively be ignored if one wishes now and Snippets are free! Good stuff.
  4. Dear Friends, I'm setting some 12-tone examples for classroom. I just want to show some rows with motives, in the example below. I'd like to force this omn expression to make a snippet in 4/4 only or 2/4, without having to use def score. Is it possible ? It's easier for faster classroom purposes. Best, Julio (setf clodorow '(a4 gs5 c5 d5 bb4 b4 fs5 f5 cs5 g5 ds5 e5)) (setf serierit '(q.. s -s s s s -s e._q -s s -s s_q)) (make-omn :length serierit :pitch clodorow :velocity '(pp sfz p < f pp mf mf mp mp) :length-symbols t) It's genarating a 7/4 snippet. I would prefer it in 2/4 or 4/4... Any help ? Best, Julio
  5. when i put these lists into MAKE-OMN, i get strange rhy-values, because MAKE-OMN "organizes" the TIED-values different... why? (make-omn :length '(3q 3q 3q_t -e. t_3q 3q 3q) :pitch '(a5 f5 b4 ds5 a4 f4)) have a look how the rhythm-notation changed (3q a5 f5 s_t_3s b4 -e. s_t_3s ds5 3q a4 f4) thanks a.
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