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  1. Today
  2. I am working as user xyz inside a OM workspace, in a non-standard folder (actually located inside an Ableton project, to keep things tidy and close to each other). Example: Ableton project: /Users/xyz/Music/Ableton/Projects/2024-04_018 Project OM Workspace: /Users/xyz/Music/Ableton/Projects/2024-04_018 Project/2024-04_018 I can output the latest score as midi inside my workspace folder. (compile-score *last-score* :output :midi :file "/Users/xyz/Music/Ableton/Projects/2024-04_018 Project/2024-04_018/v.mid" :if-exists :new-index) This works fine, but I rather would like to be more flexible by using a folder path representation to current OM workspace. How can I store the midi, without referring to my local folder path explicitly? What's the correct form in the folder path, which always refers to OM workspace ? I tried ~/ , but this seems not a proper symbolic folder path representation to workspace. Thanks for help.
  3. Hello, I did some text attributes for displaying chord symbols but when I use the make-omn, I don´t know how to retrieve the chord symbols. I´d like to use this for a a lesson. The display of chords is good, but I need also to chaneg the chord lengths to create some examples. The ideia is to create automatic harmonizations using pre-defined voicings. I know that I filtered out the attributes in the make-omn expression below, but how can I retrieve the chord symbols and change the lengths ? Thanks for the help ! Best, Julio Here is the code (add-text-attributes '(Am7 "Am7") '(C6 "C6") '(E7b9 "E7b9") '(Gsdim7 "G#o") '(G7 "G7") '(G7-13 "G7(13)") '(Cs7s9 "C#7(#9)") '(Bhd "Bm7b5") '(Dm7 "Dm7") '(Fmaj7 "Fmaj7") '(G74b9 "G7,4(b9)") ) (setf C-chords '((w a2g3c4e4 am7) (w c3a3e4g4 c6) (w e3gs3d4f4 e7b9) (w gs2f3b3d4 gsdim7) (w g2f3b3e4 g7-13) (w cs3f3b3e4 cs7s9) (w b2f3a3d4 bhd) (w d3a3c4f4 dm7) (w f3c4e4a4 fmaj7))) ;; I know that I filtered out the attributes in the expression below, but how can I retrieve the chord symbols and change the lengths ? (make-omn :pitch (omn :pitch C-chords) :length '((e e e eh) (h w)) :span :length ) CHORD SYMBLOS BEFORE Looks good !
  4. Yesterday
  5. You can right click on Opusmodus program in Application folder and select "afficher le contenu du paquet" (if your system is in French...) and go to Ressources folder and English folder and finally you will find the system functions folder, see screen shot:
  6. Hi, I want to learn all the valuable information available in the Assistant PDF-files of Opusmodus. How can I export all these files to my iPad. I just want to read and learn while traveling without the need to drag my Computer along. A similar question has been asked in August 28 2018 already, but the requester does not seem to have received an answer: I was not able to get anything from https://opusmodus.com/forums/tutorials/: What did I wrong? August 28, 2018 in You find the PDF document here: https://opusmodus.com/forums/tutorials/ on the right: "Download Tutorial Guide". Thanks for any help! Daniel
  7. In the next update you will fine the latest bordeaux-threads library installed.
  8. Dear Torsten, I am at the moment occupied with other thing, but I will have a look - the Emacs is not a big priority at the moment.
  9. Last week
  10. I've been playing this evening with a a third party library in quicklisp and had problems getting it running. After a bit of troubleshooting, I realised the reason for the failures was that it needed a newer version of the bordeaux-threads library than OpusModus is shipped with, it looks like OpusModus has 0.8.5 with the third party library requiring a minimum version of 0.8.6 which has new functionality relating to semaphores. I'm a windows user so I've proved my theory through by updating the built in version of the bordeaux-threads library by replacing the files in 'C:\Program Files\Opusmodus\Resources\third-party\bordeaux-threads' with the newer versions. I'm new to OpusModus so still finding my way around and I can't help thinking this isn't the right way to do this. Is there a better way, or if not would be be possible to ask for bordeaux-threads to be updated in a future version? Thanks in advance.
  11. Dear Janusz, Update: I now tried the above approach with a fresh Emacs installation (v. 29.3), with a virtual empty configuration file (.emacs) and no user-package installed besides the last version of Slime. I still run into the problem mentioned above: I can start the swank server at the Opusmodus side, but when trying to connect Emacs to the running Swank server, the connection somehow stalls. If I manually interrupt (with C-g), then I get the following message shown at the end of this post. Is there perhaps any option to get some professional help with resolving this issue? If this results in additional costs that you find are not justifiable, because few Opusmodus users would benefit from it, would it perhaps be an option if we somehow share the costs involved? Are there perhaps some alternative options that would allow me to use an IDE designed for professional developers with Opusmodus? For example, a simple option might be to release a version of Opusmodus that is a Lisp image (this link shows the necessary code for this). That happens to be the way LispWorks recommends for working with Slime. Alternatively, could there perhaps be a way for me to use the LispWorks IDE with Opusmodus? That was possible with PWGL. If necessary, I would even buy LispWorks for this. Thanks a lot! Best, Torsten Debugger entered--Lisp error: (quit) accept-process-output(nil 0.01) slime-eval((swank:swank-require '(swank-indentation swank-trace-dialog swank-package-fu swank-presentations swank-macrostep swank-fuzzy swank-fancy-inspector swank-c-p-c swank-arglists swank-repl))) slime-load-contribs() slime-set-connection-info(#<process SLIME Lisp> (:pid 8926 :style :spawn :encoding (:coding-systems ("utf-8-unix" "iso-latin-1-unix")) :lisp-implementation (:type "LispWorks" :name "lispworks" :version "8.0.1" :program nil) :machine (:instance "Torstens-2021-MBP.local" :type "arm64" :version "E") :features (:swank :mac-osx :clm :clm5 :clm4 :clm3 :opusmodus cffi-features:unix cffi-features:darwin :cffi :chunga chipz-system:gray-streams :flexi-streams :screamer :64-bit :bsd :bordeaux-threads :thread-support :split-sequence :cl-ppcre :asdf3.3 :asdf3.2 :asdf3.1 :asdf3 :asdf2 :asdf :os-macosx :os-unix :non-base-chars-exist-p :lispworks7+ :lispworks6+ :lispworks5+ :asdf-unicode :common-lispworks :lw-editor :capi-cocoa-lib :capi-toolkit :capi :dbcs-env :cocoa :unix-without-motif :class-shake-using-gates :common-ffi :new-patch-system :word-instructions :flush-by-address :compiler :shallow-binding :common-defsystem :clos ...) :modules ("deliv-delete-objects" "mac-mode" "delete-selection" "selection-mode" "delivery" "delivery-keywords" "c-mode" "describe" "inspector-values" "URI" "OSC" "macos-comm" "comm" "CL-STORE" "ASDF" "asdf" "UIOP" "uiop") :package (:name "OPUSMODUS" :prompt "om") :version "2.29.1")) apply(slime-set-connection-info (#<process SLIME Lisp> (:pid 8926 :style :spawn :encoding (:coding-systems ("utf-8-unix" "iso-latin-1-unix")) :lisp-implementation (:type "LispWorks" :name "lispworks" :version "8.0.1" :program nil) :machine (:instance "Torstens-2021-MBP.local" :type "arm64" :version "E") :features (:swank :mac-osx :clm :clm5 :clm4 :clm3 :opusmodus cffi-features:unix cffi-features:darwin :cffi :chunga chipz-system:gray-streams :flexi-streams :screamer :64-bit :bsd :bordeaux-threads :thread-support :split-sequence :cl-ppcre :asdf3.3 :asdf3.2 :asdf3.1 :asdf3 :asdf2 :asdf :os-macosx :os-unix :non-base-chars-exist-p :lispworks7+ :lispworks6+ :lispworks5+ :asdf-unicode :common-lispworks :lw-editor :capi-cocoa-lib :capi-toolkit :capi :dbcs-env :cocoa :unix-without-motif :class-shake-using-gates :common-ffi :new-patch-system :word-instructions :flush-by-address :compiler :shallow-binding :common-defsystem :clos ...) :modules ("deliv-delete-objects" "mac-mode" "delete-selection" "selection-mode" "delivery" "delivery-keywords" "c-mode" "describe" "inspector-values" "URI" "OSC" "macos-comm" "comm" "CL-STORE" "ASDF" "asdf" "UIOP" "uiop") :package (:name "OPUSMODUS" :prompt "om") :version "2.29.1"))) (lambda (&rest more) (apply 'slime-set-connection-info (append '(#<process SLIME Lisp>) more)))((:pid 8926 :style :spawn :encoding (:coding-systems ("utf-8-unix" "iso-latin-1-unix")) :lisp-implementation (:type "LispWorks" :name "lispworks" :version "8.0.1" :program nil) :machine (:instance "Torstens-2021-MBP.local" :type "arm64" :version "E") :features (:swank :mac-osx :clm :clm5 :clm4 :clm3 :opusmodus cffi-features:unix cffi-features:darwin :cffi :chunga chipz-system:gray-streams :flexi-streams :screamer :64-bit :bsd :bordeaux-threads :thread-support :split-sequence :cl-ppcre :asdf3.3 :asdf3.2 :asdf3.1 :asdf3 :asdf2 :asdf :os-macosx :os-unix :non-base-chars-exist-p :lispworks7+ :lispworks6+ :lispworks5+ :asdf-unicode :common-lispworks :lw-editor :capi-cocoa-lib :capi-toolkit :capi :dbcs-env :cocoa :unix-without-motif :class-shake-using-gates :common-ffi :new-patch-system :word-instructions :flush-by-address :compiler :shallow-binding :common-defsystem :clos ...) :modules ("deliv-delete-objects" "mac-mode" "delete-selection" "selection-mode" "delivery" "delivery-keywords" "c-mode" "describe" "inspector-values" "URI" "OSC" "macos-comm" "comm" "CL-STORE" "ASDF" "asdf" "UIOP" "uiop") :package (:name "OPUSMODUS" :prompt "om") :version "2.29.1")) #f(compiled-function (g144) #<bytecode 0xafe52fd5c302ee9>)((:ok (:pid 8926 :style :spawn :encoding (:coding-systems ("utf-8-unix" "iso-latin-1-unix")) :lisp-implementation (:type "LispWorks" :name "lispworks" :version "8.0.1" :program nil) :machine (:instance "Torstens-2021-MBP.local" :type "arm64" :version "E") :features (:swank :mac-osx :clm :clm5 :clm4 :clm3 :opusmodus cffi-features:unix cffi-features:darwin :cffi :chunga chipz-system:gray-streams :flexi-streams :screamer :64-bit :bsd :bordeaux-threads :thread-support :split-sequence :cl-ppcre :asdf3.3 :asdf3.2 :asdf3.1 :asdf3 :asdf2 :asdf :os-macosx :os-unix :non-base-chars-exist-p :lispworks7+ :lispworks6+ :lispworks5+ :asdf-unicode :common-lispworks :lw-editor :capi-cocoa-lib :capi-toolkit :capi :dbcs-env :cocoa :unix-without-motif :class-shake-using-gates :common-ffi :new-patch-system :word-instructions :flush-by-address :compiler :shallow-binding :common-defsystem :clos ...) :modules ("deliv-delete-objects" "mac-mode" "delete-selection" "selection-mode" "delivery" "delivery-keywords" "c-mode" "describe" "inspector-values" "URI" "OSC" "macos-comm" "comm" "CL-STORE" "ASDF" "asdf" "UIOP" "uiop") :package (:name "OPUSMODUS" :prompt "om") :version "2.29.1"))) slime-dispatch-event((:return (:ok (:pid 8926 :style :spawn :encoding (:coding-systems ("utf-8-unix" "iso-latin-1-unix")) :lisp-implementation (:type "LispWorks" :name "lispworks" :version "8.0.1" :program nil) :machine (:instance "Torstens-2021-MBP.local" :type "arm64" :version "E") :features (:swank :mac-osx :clm :clm5 :clm4 :clm3 :opusmodus cffi-features:unix cffi-features:darwin :cffi :chunga chipz-system:gray-streams :flexi-streams :screamer :64-bit :bsd :bordeaux-threads :thread-support :split-sequence :cl-ppcre :asdf3.3 :asdf3.2 :asdf3.1 :asdf3 :asdf2 :asdf :os-macosx :os-unix :non-base-chars-exist-p :lispworks7+ :lispworks6+ :lispworks5+ :asdf-unicode :common-lispworks :lw-editor :capi-cocoa-lib :capi-toolkit :capi :dbcs-env :cocoa :unix-without-motif :class-shake-using-gates :common-ffi :new-patch-system :word-instructions :flush-by-address :compiler :shallow-binding :common-defsystem :clos ...) :modules ("deliv-delete-objects" "mac-mode" "delete-selection" "selection-mode" "delivery" "delivery-keywords" "c-mode" "describe" "inspector-values" "URI" "OSC" "macos-comm" "comm" "CL-STORE" "ASDF" "asdf" "UIOP" "uiop") :package (:name "OPUSMODUS" :prompt "om") :version "2.29.1")) 1) #<process SLIME Lisp>) slime-process-available-input(#<process SLIME Lisp>) slime-net-filter(#<process SLIME Lisp> "000633(:return (:ok (:pid 8926 :style :spawn :encoding (:coding-systems (\"utf-8-unix\" \"iso-latin-1-unix\")) :lisp-implementation (:type \"LispWorks\" :name \"lispworks\" :version \"8.0.1\" :program nil) :machine (:instance \"Torstens-2021-MBP.local\" :type \"arm64\" :version \"E\") :features (:swank :mac-osx :clm :clm5 :clm4 :clm3 :opusmodus cffi-features:unix cffi-features:darwin :cffi :chunga chipz-system:gray-streams :flexi-streams :screamer :64-bit :bsd :bordeaux-threads :thread-support :split-sequence :cl-ppcre :asdf3.3 :asdf3.2 :asdf3.1 :asdf3 :asdf2 :asdf :os-macosx :os-unix :non-base-chars-exist-p :lispworks7+ :lispworks6+ :lispworks5+ :asdf-unicode :common-lispworks :lw-editor :capi-cocoa-lib :capi-toolkit :capi :dbcs-env :cocoa :unix-without-motif :class-shake-using-gates :common-ffi :new-patch-system :word-instructions :flush-by-address :compiler :shallow-binding :common-defsystem :clos :dbcs :unicode :native-threads :unix :harlequin-common-lisp :lispworks :ieee-floating-point :common-lisp :ansi-cl :latin-1 :package-local-nicknames :lispworks8 :lispworks8.0 :pthreads :darwin :mac :macosx :apple :arm64-darwin :mmap-exec-specially :arm64 harp::arm64 :lispworks-64bit :reverse :compile-r...")
  12. david

    DADA Quartet

    Exactly Julio i try! I think if we had a simple example of improvisation over a II-V-I chord progression maybe (h (dm7) (g7)) (w (cmaj7)) with different ways of playing it, exemple: structure of 10 bars, on 4/4, create a melodic motif with melodic structures using numbering tones of scales. exemple: major 1 2 3 5, dominante 1 2 3 5, minor 1 3 4 5 and Transpose it 5 times randomize the numbering with simple rhythmic variations, it would be really appreciated.
  13. Yes, you can make some code from that one and customizing the rhythms and harmony. Best !
  14. david

    DADA Quartet

    Yes, I know that post well, it's great! I'm looking to start with something much simpler initially to understand how to gradually enrich both harmony and rhythm."
  15. david

    DADA Quartet

    Indeed, but also Pharoah Sanders... Could you provide us with some code examples? how to work on a jazz standard with Opusmodus? It would be great.
  16. Very beautiful sound, expression and articulation, Janusz. The sound reminds me a bit of George Coleman, with some alternate fingerings. Happy to hear this side of your musicality. All the best ! Julio
  17. opmo

    DADA Quartet

    I don't have many recordings from my jazz period; sadly, I can't play you the truly free pieces. But I agree the DADA Quartet is quite wild.
  18. david

    DADA Quartet

    "Great man, I can hear your influences!! I find it much less wild than what you're saying;-)
  19. opmo

    DADA Quartet

    This recording is from 1984, which I found on a very old cassette. Thanks to Jor van der Poel's fix (removing thousands of clicks), I am able to post this short moment here. JP-Sax-1984.mp3
  20. opmo

    DADA Quartet

    I was wilder on the saxophone back then, but that was in my 20s.
  21. david

    DADA Quartet

    Bravo, I challenge you to play saxophone part with a real tenor saxophone!
  22. Earlier
  23. Update: I made some progress with the Emacs/Slime interface for Opusmodus 3, but not yet a fully working solution. Just sharing here an intermediate progress report for those interested. I found out that I could start the swank server (the Lisp compiler part of Slime) in the following way. 1. Install the latest version of Slime (link) where it can be found by ASDF (which is by default the folder ~/common-lisp). 2. Execute the following code within Opusmodus (or some file loaded by Opusmodus): (asdf:load-system :swank) (swank:create-server :dont-close t) There is then no error message any longer, but instead I get the following message. ;; Swank started at port: 4005. On the Emacs side, Slime needs to be installed in the usual way (e.g., via a MELPA repository). On the Emacs side then, as before, call M-x slime-connect with the localhost IP and the relevant port (4005 by default). On my particular system, Emacs then somehow gets stalled for a long time, much longer than before when trying to do the same with Opusmodus 2. Emacs is then completely frozen. Anyway, sometimes I already got a working connection between Emacs Slime and Opusmodus 3 now, but not necessarily reproducible. Anyway, will continue following this up and keep you in the loop if I make further progress. If anyone else finds out more, I would be grateful!
  24. An Opusmodus improvisation with Tenor Sax, Piano, Contrabass and Drums.
  25. Ah, nice. Will check that out. Thank you!
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