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  1. A short piece for piano. Basically, i've played the piano part into logic X, export the part to midi and imported it into opusmodus. After importation, i have copied the OMN piano part from the imported score into a variable named pmat and also the controllers information for sustain pedal (controller No.64) into a variable named ct64. I've generated some scales from a row using harmonic-progression function: (setf row (rnd-row :type :pitch :seed 932281 :transpose 3)) (setf chords (harmonic-progression (rnd-number (length pmat) -11 11) row :size 7 :step 1 )) and finally i've applied this harmonic structure with tonality-map function onto my piano material (variable pmat): (setf piano (tonality-map (mclist chords) pmat)) and exported back the resulting midifile to Logic for further edit and piano score edit. SB.
  2. new piece inspired by my new location in Austria: Vienna SB.
  3. Hi, here's two small piece for piano made today a bit like some "Humoresque", one for this morning and the other this afternoon. SB.
  4. Hi, here's the score script of a small piece for piano inspired by my first day in Vienna. SB. Klavier-Gallery-1.opmo
  5. Hi, a new piece for String quartet. SB.
  6. Here's a piece for Chamber Ensemble inspired by the Novel of Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Attached you will find an extract of the score script. SB. ExtraitDACDM4_2.opmo
  7. Hybrid piece for solo cello and electronic. Based on magic square with magic constant 48. Thanks to opmo for the mapping.
  8. Ambient soundtrack, thanks to gen-controller function for the algorithmic parameters automation ;-) SB.
  9. A piano solo Study. SB.
  10. Hi, new piece, Quartet with piano. Stéphane.
  11. Finally, here's the 3 "Frasques" for Chamber Ensemble. Happy Opusmodusing ! SB.
  12. Here's a minimalist style soundtrack made as one of the tests for my new orchestral template. SB.
  13. Hi, here's a quiet speed piece playing around the jazz piano ;-) SB.
  14. Hi, here's a new piece for Piano solo extracted from my piano suite No.1 (work in Progress). The suite is a succession of small piece in different moods. This one is a bit Rock ;-) The score is attached to this post. SB RockIt.opmo
  15. Hi, here is a new piece, Prelude pour Piano. Happy listening ! Stéphane.
  16. Just for the pleasure to share a small track made as a small exercise and experimentation with my favorite software ;-)
  17. Hi, here's a new score, Après la pluie, scored for a friends trio. Opusmodus score and Notation file score attached to this post. SB. ApresLaPluieTrio - Partition et parties.pdf ApresLaPluieTrio.opmo
  18. Hi, here's 2 piece from the same algorithm slightly modified for the second version. SB.
  19. A short piece scored for Violin, Clarinet, Cello and Piano (Opusmodus template :Messiaen Quartet). Score script attached to this post. Music score available a Musicaneo: http://stephaneboussuge.musicaneo.com SB. Score114.opmo
  20. Hi, here's a piece for small orchestra made with my favorite music software SB.
  21. Hi, I am sharing my first (longest - 32 bars!) composition in AABA form! Thanks to Opusmodus for making this possible. Hope to become better in the near future! Rangarajan
  22. Hi, here's a piece composed in 2015 for two pianos (and two good pianist ;-) SB.
  23. Hi, here's a short study for Orchestra based on Slonimsky patterns No. 49 and 59. I use this study also for testing the possibility with Opusmodus for orchestral composition, DO-TIMELINE technique and multiple files/section assembling. It was also a test for XML export to Sibelius 8 and rendering with awesome software NotePerformer (http://www.noteperformer.com) You will find attached a section of the composition as an template/example on how i did this piece. MusicScore available at: http://stephaneboussuge.musicaneo.com/sheetmusic/sm-239631_etude_1_pour_orchestre.html SB. Etude1OrchestraForumExerpt.opmo
  24. New Score for piano Solo, "Image 1". SB. Image-1_02_060116_1314 - Partition complète.pdf
  25. An ambient piece based on a Fibonacci series. SB. FibonacciMeditation.opmo
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