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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Got it thanks
  2. Wow just saw this. Great performance, great piece, congratulations Yuichi.
  3. My files in the Finder often have a duplicate with a tilde after them..what does this mean? I want to rename a file..do I do it to both? Thanks
  4. I was wondering what was the preferred method to store snippets? I come across quick ideas I want to quickly store away for future. There seems to be two choices..make a .opmo file or 'save the last file as .xml' under the File menu. Are there any others? I guess an xml file is good for seeing the notation rapidly but effectively renders the snippet dead as it loses the reference to the code and an .opmo file keeps the code... though this needs to be evaluated to see the notation quickly.
  5. I'm not using the Live Coding Instrument..I'm playing snippets via the IAC bus into Kontakt?
  6. I don't know if this is related but I'm getting constant crashes today. The Composer Panel will suddenly freeze and its contents be inaccessible. I tried doing what I saw in another thread and deleted the preferences but I'm still getting this happening. Thanks
  7. Ah..so I'm talking about sending snippets out through the IAC Bus on a Mac. I have a midi monitor app and this is what I get with a 4 note snippet..the note on/off is off the edge of the screen grab...
  8. HI Januz Yes..well actually it's the instrument regardless of DAW it will do it..I'll investigate further. When I looked at what was coming out of OM on the midi channel I saw cc120 and 123 on all 16 midi channels sending a value of 0 before and after the notes. Is that normal?
  9. I am finding that if I have a score with two notes repeated the second note does not play when sending to my DAW. I am pretty sure this is because the notes are literally the length of the notation i.e a crotchet is exactly 480 ticks (or whatever it is in ticks) which causes the second note, not being a different pitch, to not play. Is there a way round this?
  10. That's great to hear Janusz, thanks.
  11. I have converted many of my scores made in Notion to music xml in order to display them in the Assistant..which is very nice indeed. I'm wondering if I can convert those xml scores to an Opusmodus score direct or do I have to re-import them as midi? I see I can go the other way..xml to Notion, but cannot find how to go this way or if it's possible. Thanks
  12. Yey, that's it Torsten thanks. Best Andy
  13. Thanks Torsten While I have your attention..I was trying to find a link you posted to a book about rhythm? From someonewho works at Amerstdam University? Sorry if I have this wrong Thanks Andy
  14. Is there a way to pop out a window? I have a dual monitor setup and would like to take advantage of it. Thanks
  15. Janusz...Ha, yes. Thanks
  16. Stephane, Wow! That is exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you so much.
  17. An unusual request: I am using Opusmodus for my next project 'The Last', a dance piece, the subject of which is... death. Can anyone point me to some functions that might, with a little creative license, play with the idea of death in terms of, for example, entropy or decay? Or truncation. I'm throwing the ball in the air here so all ideas are welcome! Thanks Andy
  18. So I didn't really know what an IDE was..it's an Integrated Development Environment..is that right? Well anyhow I just wanted to share my enthusiasm for Opusmodus' idea of an integrated workspace...being able to have pdf books available full screen with a shortcut is amazing...and pictures and audio etc. I am a big fan of Wooden Books for instance and bam..there they are in my composing space for reference. I'm kind of thinking this is how all "composing" software should be..but mostly now it seems to me to be about a graphical interface that is irrelevant alongside a multitrack recorder paradigm. Anyhow happy to be on this journey (())
  19. OK I have got to the bottom of this! The demo will not allow changing of background colours it seems. As soon as I put in the serial, colours in the background of the Composer pane can be changed.
  20. Great explanation Torsten thanks....and the value of the number attached to the "glued side" is arbitrary? It's an index to the glued side but as such can be any chosen value?
  21. Julio..the learning curve is vertical! But there is something urging me to keep going. How long to get to a point where things become more intuitive? Best Andy
  22. Ah Achim you are correct! Thanks. Well that code as I had it came direct from the Parametric Composition ebook first chapter. I couldn't understand why I had to evaluate it not at the last bracket...but now I do. Thanks
  23. Hi there ..the composer screen on my set up does not change colour, however the parentheses all disappear when I try to. Is there a better place to report this, I'm pretty sure it's a bug? Thanks
  24. Understood but the Composer does not change either...
  25. Hi Andre Thanks for this considered answer..it helps. Of course you are right and yet I just wish code was more human friendly and less computer friendly! High level is not high enough for me There seems to be a gap between a DAW, which is based on the paradigm of a multitrack recorder, and Opusmodus, common music, open music, pwgl, patchwork etc that are based on the language of the computer. And I was hoping Opusmodus might fill that gap and it almost does...but ((((((( ))))))))) drives me nuts! But that's coding. I too love the 'direct connection to the score' as you say. I will persevere. I have had great fun with Live Coding in the past so this can't be so difficult. Best Andy
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