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Posts posted by AM

  1. when i evaluate this:

      (setf pianomainHarm (tonality-map (append  (gen-repeat 4 '((scale2)))
                           (gen-repeat 4 '((scale1)))
                           (gen-repeat 4 '((scale3)))
                           ) pianomain))


    > Error: scale2 is not a tonality or a chord.
    > While executing: make-tonality, in process Listener-1(6).
    > Type cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts.
    > Type :? for other options.


    so, take a look what is your scale2 etc

    or it's in YOUR library, so i can't test YOUR score/code

  2. ;;; in "pure lisp" with NIL when lists have not the same length
    (defun trans* (lists)
      (loop repeat (car (last (sort-asc (mapcar 'length lists))))
        for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
        collect (loop for i in lists
                    collect (nth cnt i))))
    (trans* '((1 2 3 4) (a b c d) (11 12 13 14) (k l m n)))
    (trans* '((1 2 3 4) (a b c d e) (11 12 13 14 14 16) (k l m n o p q r s t)))
    (trans* '((1 2 3 4) (a b c d e) (11 12 13 14) (k l m n r s t)))


  3. reset a pitch-sequence on a specific pitch (lowest, highest, middle pitch of the sequence)


    ;;;; SUB
    (defun center-position-in-list (list &key (get-value 'nil))
      (let ((pos))
          (setf pos (if (evenp (length list))
                      (/ (length list) 2)
                      (/ (1+ (length list)) 2)))
          (if (equal get-value 'nil)
            (append pos)
            (nth (1- pos) list)))))
    ;;; MAIN
    (defun reset-pitch-sequence (pitch-sequence pitch &key (type 'low))
      (let ((pitch1 (cond  ((equal type 'low)
                            (car (find-ambitus pitch-sequence :type :pitch)))
                           ((equal type 'high)
                            (cadr (find-ambitus pitch-sequence :type :pitch)))
                           ((equal type 'center) 
                            (center-position-in-list pitch-sequence :get-value t)))))
        (pitch-transpose (car (pitch-to-interval (list (if (chordp pitch1)
                                                         (car (pitch-melodize pitch1))
                                                         (append pitch1))
                                                       pitch))) pitch-sequence)))
    (reset-pitch-sequence '(gs2 g2 a2 fs2 ds2 f2 e2) 'fs3 :type 'low)
    => (b3 bb3 c4 a3 fs3 gs3 g3)
    (reset-pitch-sequence '(gs2 g2 a2 fs2 ds2 f2 e2) 'fs3 :type 'high)
    => (f3 e3 fs3 eb3 c3 d3 cs3)
    (reset-pitch-sequence '(gs2 g2 a2 fs2 ds2 f2 e2) 'fs3 :type 'center)
    => (f3 e3 fs3 eb3 c3 d3 cs3)



  4. same with gen-integer-step


    (defun gen-integer-step* (n intervals &key (offset 0) (every-x 1) (reverse nil))
      (let ((n (* n every-x)) (seq)) 
          (setf seq (find-everyother every-x (subseq (gen-integer-step 0 (+ n offset) intervals) offset (+ n offset))))
          (if (equal reverse nil)
            (reverse seq))))
    (gen-integer-step* 20 '(1 -2 3 1))
    => (0 1 -1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 5 8 9 10 8 11 12 13 11 14)
    (gen-integer-step* 20 '(1 -2 3 1) :every-x 2)
    => (0 -1 3 2 6 5 9 8 12 11 15 14 18 17 21 20 24 23 27 26)
    (gen-integer-step* 20 '(1 -2 3 1) :offset 6 :every-x 4 :reverse t)
     => (59 56 53 50 47 44 41 38 35 32 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2)
    ;;;; in combination with "reading-list-by-steps"
    (defun reading-list-by-steps (&key steps values (start (car values)))
      (let ((pos (car (position-item start values))))
        (append (list (nth pos values))
                (loop for i in steps
                  do (setf pos (+ pos i))
                  when (> pos (length values))
                  do (setf pos (+ 0 i))
                  collect (nth pos values)))))
     (reading-list-by-steps :steps (gen-repeat 5 '(1 2 -1 3 4 -1))
                            :values (gen-integer-step* 100 '(1 2 3 1) :offset 4 :reverse t))
     :join-points t)


  5. same with fibonacci

    (defun fibonacci* (n &key (offset 0) (every-x 1) (reverse nil))
      (let ((n (* n every-x)) (seq)) 
          (setf seq (find-everyother every-x (subseq (fibonacci 0 (+ n offset)) offset (+ n offset))))
          (if (equal reverse nil)
            (reverse seq))))
    (fibonacci* 5 :offset 2)
    => (1 2 3 5 8)
    (fibonacci* 5 :offset 5 :every-x 2)
    => (5 13 34 89 233)
    (fibonacci* 5 :offset 5 :every-x 2 :reverse t)
    => (233 89 34 13 5)
    ;;;; in combination with "reading-list-by-steps"
    (defun reading-list-by-steps (&key steps values (start (car values)))
      (let ((pos (car (position-item start values))))
        (append (list (nth pos values))
                (loop for i in steps
                  do (setf pos (+ pos i))
                  when (> pos (length values))
                  do (setf pos (+ 0 i))
                  collect (nth pos values)))))
     (reading-list-by-steps :steps '(1 -1 4 -3 2 -1 3 -2 4 1 1 -1)
                            :values (fibonacci* 14 :offset 6 :reverse t)
                            :start 89)
     :join-points t)


  6. a little prime-function-extension

    (defun primes* (n &key (offset 0) (every-x 1) (reverse nil))
      (let ((n (* n every-x)) (seq)) 
          (setf seq (find-everyother every-x (subseq (primes (+ n offset)) offset (+ n offset))))
          (if (equal reverse nil)
            (reverse seq)))))
    (primes* 4 :offset 0)
    => (2 3 5 7)
    (primes* 4 :offset 1)
    => (3 5 7 11)
    (primes* 6 :offset 8)
    => (23 29 31 37 41 43)
    (primes* 5 :offset 5 :every-x 2)
    => (13 19 29 37 43)
    (primes* 5 :offset 3 :every-x 4)
    => (7 19 37 53 71)
    (primes* 5 :offset 5 :every-x 3 :reverse t)
    => (61 47 37 23 13)
    ;;;; in combination with "reading-list-by-steps"
    (defun reading-list-by-steps (&key steps values (start (car values)))
      (let ((pos (car (position-item start values))))
        (append (list (nth pos values))
                (loop for i in steps
                  do (setf pos (+ pos i))
                  when (> pos (length values))
                  do (setf pos (+ 0 i))
                  collect (nth pos values)))))
     (reading-list-by-steps :steps '(1 2 -1 3 4 -1)
                            :values (primes* 10 :offset 4 :reverse t))
      :join-points t)


  7. new version, for LISTS with different-lengths => compensated


    ;;; SUB
    (defun compensate-list-lengths (somelists &key (value 0))
      (let ((maxlength (find-max (mapcar 'length somelists))))
        (loop for i in somelists
          when (< (length i) maxlength)
          collect (append i (loop repeat (- maxlength (length i))
                              collect value))
          else collect i)))
    ;;; MAIN 
    (defun sum-list-items (somelists &key (each-step nil))
      (let ((somelists (compensate-list-lengths  somelists))
            (lista (car somelists)) (firstlist (car somelists)))
          (setf somelists (loop for x in (rest somelists)
                            collect (setf lista (loop 
                                                  for i in lista
                                                  for j in x
                                                  collect (+ i j)))))
          (if (equal each-step t)
            (append (list firstlist) somelists)
            (car (last somelists))))))
    (sum-list-items '((1 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 1) (81 0 0 0) (0 0 1 1 99 200)))
    => (82 0 5 5 103 204 4 4 0 1)


  8. perhaps there's a OM-solution... in this case it's to hard to find... (search-engine?)



    (defun integer-to-binary-lengths* (alist)
      (loop for i in alist
        when (> (abs i) 1)
        append (append (list 1) (loop repeat (- (abs i) 1)
                          collect 0))
        else collect 1))
    (integer-to-binary-lengths* '(2 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 4))
    (integer-to-binary-lengths* '(6 4 8 5 2 1 10 2))


  9. very simple, i used something like this for my work... but is there somthing like this in OM?





    (defun sum-list-items* (somelists &key (each-step nil))
      (let ((lista (car somelists)) (firstlist (car somelists)))
          (setf somelists (loop for x in (rest somelists)
                            collect (setf lista (loop 
                                                  for i in lista
                                                  for j in x
                                                  collect (+ i j)))))
          (if (equal each-step t)
            (append (list firstlist) somelists)
            (car (last somelists))))))
    (sum-list-items* '((1 0 0 1) (1 0 0 0) (0 0 1 1)))
    (sum-list-items* '((1 0 0 1) (1 0 0 0) (0 0 1 1)) :each-step t)
    (sum-list-items* '((1 0 8 1) (2 0 0 0) (0 -1 3 1)))
    (sum-list-items* '((1 0 8 1) (2 0 0 0) (0 -1 3 1)) :each-step t)


  10. some extensions to the basic function...




    ;;; SUB
    (defun rnd-pick* (alist)
      (if (and (listp (first alist)) 
               (floatp (second (first alist))))
        (weighted-random alist)
        (rnd-pick alist)))
    (defun weighted-random (list)
      (loop for item in list
        with rand-num = (random (loop for x in list sum (second x)))
        for add = (second item) then (+ add (second item))
        when (< rand-num add) return (first item)))
    ;;; MAIN
    (defun gen-symmetrical* (n list &key (type 'nil))
      (if (equal type 'hierarchic)
          (let ((alist (butlast list))
                (center (last list)))
            (if (> n (* 2 (length list)))
              (if (evenp n)
                  (setf alist (loop repeat (/ n 2)
                                for i in alist
                                collect (rnd-pick* i)))
                  (append alist (reverse alist)))
                  (setf alist (loop repeat (/ (1- n) 2)
                                for i in alist
                                collect (rnd-pick* i)))
                  (append alist (list (rnd-pick* (flatten center))) (reverse alist)))))))
          (let ((list (rnd-order list))
                (newlist (rest list))
                (center (car list)))   
            (if (> n (* 2 (length list)))
              (if (evenp n)
                  (setf list (rnd-unique (/ n 2) newlist))
                  (append list (reverse list)))
                  (setf list (rnd-unique (/ (1- n) 2) (rest newlist)))
                  (append list (list center) (reverse list)))))))))
    (gen-symmetrical* 5 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
    ;;unmittelbare wiederholungen möglich
    (gen-symmetrical* 9 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :repeat t)
    ;;werte kommen nur doppelt vor durch die symmetrie-
    ;;bildung, aber nicht auf einer der symmetrieseiten.
    (gen-symmetrical* 9 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :style 'unique)
    (gen-symmetrical* 30 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :style 'unique)
    ;;=> list-has-too-few-items 
    ;;bei ":type 'hierarchic" wird immer zuerst aus der 
    ;;ersten sublist ausgewählt, dann aus der zweiten etc...
    (gen-symmetrical*  6 '((a b c) 
                           (6 7) 
                           (8 9) 
                           (10 11)) 
                       :style 'unique
                       :type 'hierarchic)
    ;;auch mit weight möglich
    (gen-symmetrical*  5 '(((1 0.2) (2 0.8)) 
                           ((4 0.1) (5 0.9)) 
                           (6 7) 
                           (8 9) 
                           (10 11)) 
                       :style 'unique	
                       :type 'hierarchic)


  11. could be interesting for you... an really extend gen-stacc-function :cool:




    ;;; SUB
    (defun center-position-in-list (list &key (get-value 'nil))
      (let ((pos))
          (setf pos (if (evenp (length list))
                      (/ (length list) 2)
                      (/ (1+ (length list)) 2)))
          (if (equal get-value 'nil)
            (append pos)
            (nth (1- pos) list)))))
    ;(center-position-in-list '(1 2 3 4 x 4 3 2 1) :get-value nil)
    ;(center-position-in-list '(1 2 3 4 x 4 3 2 1) :get-value t)
    (defun gen-stacc3 (n-liste liste &key (stacc-chance 1))
      (loop for i in liste
        with n
        do (setq n (rnd-pick* n-liste))
        when (and (> i n) (equal (weighted-t/nil stacc-chance) 't))
        append (list n (* -1 (- (abs i) n)))
        else collect i))
    ;(gen-stacc3 '(1/2) '(3 4 5 3 2 1) :stacc-chance 0.5)
    ;(gen-stacc3 '(1/32 3/32) '(3/32 5/32  14/8) :stacc-chance 0.5)
    ;;; MAIN
    (defun gen-stacc* (liste &key 
                             (symmetrical 'nil) 
                             (stacc-chance 1) 
                             (possible-stacc-lengths 'nil)
                             (no-center-stacc 'nil))
      (let ((alist liste) (blist) (val)
            (n (/ 1 (find-max (mapcar 'denominator liste)))))
        (if (equal symmetrical 'nil)
          ;;bei unsymmetrischen strukturen
          (gen-stacc3 (if (equal possible-stacc-lengths 'nil) 
                        (list n)
                        liste :stacc-chance stacc-chance)
          ;;bei symmetrischen strukturen
          (if (evenp (length liste))
              (setf alist (gen-stacc3 (if (equal possible-stacc-lengths 'nil) 
                                        (list n)
                                      (filter-first (/ (length liste) 2) liste)
                                      :stacc-chance stacc-chance))
              (setf blist (flatten (loop for i in (reverse (gen-divide 2 alist))
                                     collect (reverse i))))
              (append alist blist))
              (setf alist (gen-stacc3 (if (equal possible-stacc-lengths 'nil) 
                                        (list n)
                                      (filter-first (/ (1- (length liste)) 2) liste)
                                      :stacc-chance stacc-chance))
              (setf blist (flatten (loop for i in (reverse (gen-divide 2 alist))
                                     collect (reverse i))))
              (append alist 
                      (if (equal no-center-stacc 't)
                        (list (center-position-in-list liste :get-value t))
                          (setf val (/ (center-position-in-list liste :get-value t) 3))
                          (list (* -1 val) val (* -1 val))))
    ;; ordinario
    (gen-stacc* (gen-length '(4 5 6 3 6 5 4) 1/20)) 
    ;; vorgebener stacc-wert
    (gen-stacc* '(4 5 6 3 6 5 4) 
                :possible-stacc-lengths '(1/4))
    ;; wählt rnd die längen der stacc-values
    (gen-stacc* '(4 5 6 3 6 5 4) 
                :possible-stacc-lengths '(2/32 1/32 5/32 1/4))
    ;; rnd-stacc
    (gen-stacc* (gen-length '(4 5 6 3 6 5 4) 1/32) 
                :stacc-chance 0.4)
    ;; rnd-stacc mit verschiedenen möglichen stacc-lengths
    (gen-stacc* (gen-length '(4 5 6 3 6 5 4) 1/32) 
                :stacc-chance 0.7
                :possible-stacc-lengths '(2/32 1/32))
    ;; symm-strukturen werden berücksichtigt
    (gen-stacc* (gen-length '(4 5 6 7 6 5 4) 1/32) 
                :symmetrical t
                :no-center-stacc t)
    ;; ohne stacc bei center-value
    (gen-stacc* (gen-length '(4 5 6 7 6 5 4) 1/32) 
                :symmetrical t
                :no-center-stacc t)


  12. ;;; alternative function for GEN-SYMMETRICAL: in combination 
    ;;; with FIND-UNIQUE => symmetries with unique items (except 
    ;;; what is generated by symmetry)
    (defun gen-symmetrical* (n list)
      (let ((list (rnd-order list))
            (newlist (rest list))
            (center (car list)))   
        (if (> n (* 2 (length list)))
          (if (evenp n)
              (setf list (rnd-unique (/ n 2) newlist))
              (append list (reverse list)))
              (setf list (rnd-unique (/ (1- n) 2) (rest newlist)))
              (append list (list center) (reverse list)))))))
    (gen-symmetrical* 5 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
    (gen-symmetrical* 9 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
    (gen-symmetrical* 30 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
    => list-has-too-few-items ; error-message


  13. ;;; CODE
    (defun shift-proportions (integer-seq  shift &key (type 'primes))
      (let ((number-seq))
          (setf number-seq (cond ((equal type 'primes)
                                  (primes 30))
                                 ((equal type 'fibonacci)
                                  (fibonacci 1 20))
                                 ((equal type 'decimal)
                                  (gen-integer-step 1 200 1))))
          (setf number-seq (append (reverse (neg! number-seq)) number-seq))
          (loop for i in integer-seq
            when (> i 0)
            collect (nth (+ (car (position-item i number-seq)) shift) number-seq)
            else collect (nth (- (car (position-item i number-seq)) shift) number-seq)))))
    ;;; EXAMPLE => the integer-seq must include only values from ":type"-system
    (shift-proportions '(1 2 3 4 5 -3 2 -1 3 -8) 1 :type 'decimal)
    => (2 3 4 5 6 -4 3 -2 4 -9)
    (shift-proportions '(1 2 -13 4 5 -3 2 -1 3 -8) 8 :type 'decimal)
    => (9 10 -21 12 13 -11 10 -9 11 -16)
    (shift-proportions '(3 5 -17 -11 23) 1 :type 'primes)
    => (5 7 -19 -13 29)
    (shift-proportions '(3 5 -17 -11 23) 5 :type 'primes)
    => (17 19 -37 -29 43)
    (shift-proportions '(-5 55 -34 233 -89) 1 :type 'fibonacci)
    => (-8 89 -55 377 -144)
    (shift-proportions '(-5 55 -34 233 -89) 3 :type 'fibonacci)
    => (-21 233 -144 987 -377)


  14. perhaps something like that? only a sketch... modify it... don't work in all cases...


    (defun multiple-expand-tonality (&key startpitch octaves tonality)
       (loop repeat octaves
         with pitch = startpitch
         with cnt = 0 
         when (= cnt (length tonality))
         do (setq cnt 0)
         append (expand-tonality (list pitch (nth cnt tonality)))
         do (incf cnt)
         do (setq pitch (car (pitch-transpose 12 (list pitch)))))))
    ;;; EXPAND A TONALITY BY STEPS -> in a sense of schillinger?
    (defun tonality-with-scale-expansion (tonality expansion-nr)
      (let ((expansion (nth expansion-nr '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6))))
         (reading-list-by-steps :steps (gen-repeat 53 expansion)
                                :values (multiple-expand-tonality :startpitch 'c0 
                                                                  :octaves 8 
                                                                  :tonality (list tonality))    
                                :start 'c0)))
    (defun get-steps (tonality pitches)
      (let ((tonality-space (multiple-expand-tonality :startpitch 'c0 
                                                      :octaves 8 
                                                      :tonality (list tonality))))
        (difference (loop for i in pitches
                      append (position-item i tonality-space)))))
    (defun reading-list-by-steps (&key steps values start)
      (let ((pos (car (position-item start values))))
        (append (list (nth pos values))
                (loop for i in steps
                  do (setf pos (+ pos i))
                  when (>= pos (length values))
                  do (setf pos (+ 0 i))
                  collect (nth pos values)))))
    ;;; filter-pitches-octave-independent
    (defun filter-pitches-octave-independent (pitches filter-pitch &key (bandwith 10))
      (let ((search-field (loop for j in filter-pitch
                            append (append
                                    (reverse (loop repeat (/ bandwith 2)
                                               with p1 = (pitch-to-midi j)
                                               collect (setq p1 (- p1 12))))
                                    (list (pitch-to-midi j))
                                    (loop repeat (/ bandwith 2)
                                      with p2 = (pitch-to-midi j)
                                      collect (setq p2 (+ p2 12)))))))
        (loop for i in (pitch-to-midi pitches)
          when (not (null (member i search-field)))
          collect (midi-to-pitch i))))
    ;;; MAIN_FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (defun expand-melody (expansion-nr tonality melody)
      (let ((start-pitch (nth expansion-nr (expand-tonality (list 'c4 (car (list tonality))))))
            (new-tonality (tonality-with-scale-expansion tonality expansion-nr)))
        (pitch-transpose-start start-pitch
                               (reading-list-by-steps :steps (get-steps 'major melody)
                                                      :values new-tonality
                                                      :start (car (filter-pitches-octave-independent new-tonality (list start-pitch)))))))
    (expand-melody 1 'major '(c4 f4 e4 f4 g4 a4))
    (expand-melody 2 'major '(c4 f4 e4 f4 g4 a4))
    (expand-melody 3 'major '(c4 f4 e4 f4 g4 a4))
    (expand-melody 4 'major '(c4 f4 e4 f4 g4 a4))


  15. is it possible to do such a (nonsense-function) with mapcar (then with loop)?

    -> how should i handle the &key (y 1) with mapcar? possible? a function without &key is clear but with &key ....???


    thanx for a note


    (defun testfu (value &key (y 1))
      (* (random 10) value y))
      for i in '(1 2 3 4 5)
      for j in '(1 2 3 4 5)
      collect (testfu i :y j))


  16. you could work with omn-replace (from OM-library)? ...or some other code... have a look... greetings andré

    ;;; recognizes the parameter who has to be replaced
    (defun omn-component-replace (omn-sequence replace-component)
      (make-omn :length (if (lengthp (car replace-component))
                         (append replace-component)
                         (omn :length omn-sequence))
                :pitch (if (or (pitchp (car replace-component)) (chordp (car replace-component)))
                         (append replace-component)
                         (omn :pitch omn-sequence))
                :velocity (if (velocityp (car replace-component))
                            (append replace-component)
                            (omn :velocity omn-sequence))
                :articulation (if (articulationp (car replace-component))
                                (append replace-component)
                                (omn :articulation omn-sequence))))
    ;;; the same with multiple inputs at once
    (defun omn-component-replace2 (omn-sequence replace-component)
      (car (last (loop for i in replace-component
                   collect (setf omn-sequence
                                 (make-omn :length (if (lengthp (car i))
                                                     (append i)
                                                     (omn :length omn-sequence))
                                           :pitch (if (pitchp (car i))
                                                    (append i)
                                                    (omn :pitch omn-sequence))
                                           :velocity (if (velocityp (car i))
                                                       (append i)
                                                       (omn :velocity omn-sequence))
                                           :articulation (if (articulationp (car i))
                                                           (append i)
                                                           (omn :articulation omn-sequence))))))))
    ;;; replaces a single element
    (defun omn-single-element-replace (omn-list old new)
      (let ((new-list (loop for i in (cond ((lengthp old)
                                            (omn :length (flatten omn-list)))
                                           ((pitchp old)
                                            (omn :pitch (flatten omn-list)))
                                           ((velocityp old)
                                            (omn :velocity (flatten omn-list)))
                                           ((articulationp old)
                                            (omn :articulation (flatten omn-list))))
                        when (equal i old) collect new
                        else collect i)))
        (omn-component-replace (flatten omn-list) new-list)))
    ;;; EXAMPLES
    (setf seq1 '(s gs3 ppp tasto q.t cs4 pppp tasto s f4 ppp tasto))
    (omn-component-replace seq1 '(5/16 7/16 3/32))
    => (qs gs3 ppp tasto q.. cs4 pppp tasto s. f4 ppp tasto)
    (omn-component-replace2 '(S C4 PPP TASTO Q.T D4 PPPP TASTO S E4 PPP TASTO) '((p) (ponte) (e2 b2 d2)))
    (omn-single-element-replace '(t gs4 pppp tasto a4 tasto bb4 tasto -t) 'bb4 'c4)
    => (t gs4 pppp tasto a4 tasto c4 tasto -)
    (omn-single-element-replace '(t gs4 pppp tasto a4 tasto bb4 tasto -t) 'pppp 'ff)
    => (t gs4 ff tasto a4 tasto bb4 tasto -)


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