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Posts posted by AM

  1. great... that's a smart solution :-) simpler then mine

    ...i didn't know how to set "-1" outside the FUNCTION without DEFSTRUCT



    i like it when the program tells me that it has done the job... so i coded a little extension:

    (let ((i -1))
      (defun next (liste &key (stop 'nil) (one-cycle 'nil)) 
        (if (equal stop 't)
          (if (< i (1- (length liste)))
            (nth (mod (incf i) (length liste)) liste)
            (if (equal one-cycle 'nil)
                (setf i -1)
          (nth (mod (incf i) (length liste)) liste))))
    (next '(a b c d e f))
    (next '(a b c d e f) :stop t :one-cycle nil) ;; shows a NIL after last value, then starts again
    (next '(a b c d e f) :stop t :one-cycle t) ;; shwows only NILs after the last value


  2. is there another way to code such a function/idea?

    this is (at the moment) a "theoretically function"... no concret use - l'art pour l'art :-)

    thanx for smarter LISP-code-IDEAS!



    ;;; evaluate PROGN (as a reset)
      (defstruct counter n)
      (defvar cnt)
      (setf cnt (make-counter :n -1))
      (defun read-list-in-steps (alist)
        (nth (setf (counter-n cnt) (1+ (counter-n cnt))) alist)))
    ;;; evaluate a view times, so one value after the other will be in the output
    ;;; you have to evaluate the progn-seq before every new start!!!
    (read-list-in-steps '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
    (read-list-in-steps '(c4 f4 e4 f4 g5))


  3. a "rnd-pick" that works with different "input-formats"... so it's flexible to use... for many (not all) input-cases


    ;;; subfunction
    (defun weighted-random (list)
      (loop for item in list
        with rand-num = (random (loop for x in list sum (second x)))
        for add = (second item) then (+ add (second item))
        when (< rand-num add) return (first item)))
    ;;; mainfunction
    (defun rnd-pick* (alist)
      (if (and (listp (first alist)) 
               (floatp (second (first alist))))
        (weighted-random alist)
        (rnd-pick alist)))
    ;;; examples
    ;;; without weight
    (rnd-pick* '(1 2 3 4 5))
    (rnd-pick* '((1 2 3 4) (3 4 5 7 3) (75 392 2)))
    ;;; with weight
    (rnd-pick* '((2 0.2) (3 0.4) (4 0.2)))
    (rnd-pick* '(((2 3 4 5) 0.2) ((8 796 5) 0.4)))
    (rnd-pick* '(((1 3) 0.2) (3 0.3)))


    ;;; n => number of generations, output: last gen or all gens...
    ;;; new-version works also for symmetrical-sequences! (special cas)
    (defun rnd-symmetrical-position-swap (n liste &key (out 'all))
      (let ((n1) (n2))
          (setf liste (loop repeat n
                        do (setf n1 (random (1- (list-length-divide liste)))
                                 n2 (random (1- (list-length-divide liste))))
                        collect (progn 
                                  (setf liste (position-swap
                                               (list (list n1 n2) 
                                                      (- (1- (length liste)) n1)
                                                      (- (1- (length liste)) n2)))
          (cond ((equal out 'last)
                 (car (last liste)))
                ((equal out 'all)
                 (append liste))))))
    (rnd-symmetrical-position-swap 2 '(1 2 3 4 3 2 1) :out 'last)
    (rnd-symmetrical-position-swap 5 '(1 2 3 4 5 6) :out 'last)
    (rnd-symmetrical-position-swap 2 '(a b c d e f g h) :out 'all)


  5. ;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ;;; A QUASI-UNISONO by proportional length-differences
    ;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ;;; a random-pitch-seq (rnd-walk) 
    ;;; immediate-pitch-repetitions are building the rhythm
    ;;; with MODIFY-PROPORTIONS i'm generating "proportional variants" of this rhythm, in this example
    ;;; by 16 generations -> then i take the generations 1, 8, and 15 for each voice
    ;;; by "(filter-repeat 1 sequence)" i swallow the immediate-pitch-repetitions for correct
    ;;; of PITCH- and RHYTHM-phases
    ;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ;;; FUNCTION
    (defun modify-proportions (n prop-list &key (style 'sharpen))
      (let ((rest-pos (loop for i in prop-list
                        for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
                        when (< i 0) collect cnt))
            (prop-list (abs! prop-list))
          (setf liste (append (list prop-list)
                              (loop repeat n
                                when (or (= (length (find-above 1 prop-list)) 1)
                                         (= (length (find-unique prop-list)) 1))
                                collect prop-list
                                else collect (setf prop-list (loop 
                                                               for i in prop-list
                                                               for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
                                                               collect (cond ((= cnt (position (find-closest 2 (find-above 1 prop-list)) prop-list))
                                                                              (if (equal style 'sharpen) 
                                                                                (1- i)
                                                                                (1+ i)))
                                                                             ((= cnt (position (find-max prop-list) prop-list))
                                                                              (if (equal style 'sharpen) 
                                                                  (1+ i)
                                                                                (1- i)))
                                                               (t i)))))))
            for i in liste
            collect (loop for k in i
                      for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
                      when (memberp cnt rest-pos)
                      collect (* -1 k) else collect k)))))
    ;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (setf sequence (gen-walk 100 :step '(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2) :start 'c5))
    (setf rhy 1/32)
    ;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (def-score quasi-unisono
               (:title "quasi-unisono"
                       :key-signature 'atonal
                       :time-signature '(4 4)
                       :tempo 90)
       :omn (make-omn
             :length (gen-length (nth 1 (modify-proportions 16 (count-repeat sequence) :style 'sharpen)) rhy)
             :pitch (filter-repeat 1 sequence))
       :channel 1
       :port 0
       :sound 'gm)
       :omn (make-omn
             :length (gen-length (nth 8 (modify-proportions 16 (count-repeat sequence) :style 'sharpen)) rhy)
             :pitch (filter-repeat 1 sequence))
       :channel 2
       :port 0
       :sound 'gm)
       :omn (make-omn
             :length (gen-length (nth 15 (modify-proportions 16 (count-repeat sequence) :style 'sharpen)) rhy)
             :pitch (filter-repeat 1 sequence))
       :channel 3
       :port 0
       :sound 'gm))

    there is no BUG when i work without "omn-to-time-signature", but is also not necessary!

  6. perfect! i thought it was something like that - it seems that it's strange with "every TIE" in such a combination...


    also with:


    (5q 5q 5h._3q -3q 3q_5h. 5q 5q) 
    (t t e._5q -5h. 5q_e. t t)




  7. when i put these lists into MAKE-OMN, i get strange rhy-values, because MAKE-OMN "organizes" the TIED-values different...



    (make-omn :length '(3q 3q 3q_t -e. t_3q 3q 3q)
              :pitch '(a5 f5 b4 ds5 a4 f4))

    have a look how the rhythm-notation changed

    (3q a5 f5 s_t_3s b4 -e. s_t_3s ds5 3q a4 f4)




  8. ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
    ;;; modifying proprtions by add/sub of the smallest/largest values
    ;;; number of elements is constant / sum of the seq also constant
    ;;; n => number of generations
    ;;; prop-list => integers
    ;;; :style => sharpen or flatten
    ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
    (defun modify-proportions (n prop-list &key (style 'sharpen))
      (let ((rest-pos (loop for i in prop-list
                        for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
                        when (< i 0) collect cnt))
            (prop-list (abs! prop-list))
          (setf liste (append (list prop-list)
                              (loop repeat n
                                when (or (= (length (find-above 1 prop-list)) 1)
                                         (= (length (find-unique prop-list)) 1))
                                collect prop-list
                                else collect (setf prop-list (loop 
                                                               for i in prop-list
                                                               for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
                                                               collect (cond ((= cnt (position (find-closest 2 (find-above 1 prop-list)) prop-list))
                                                                              (if (equal style 'sharpen) 
                                                                                (1- i)
                                                                                (1+ i)))
                                                                             ((= cnt (position (find-max prop-list) prop-list))
                                                                              (if (equal style 'sharpen) 
                                                                  (1+ i)
                                                                                (1- i)))
                                                               (t i)))))))
            for i in liste
            collect (loop for k in i
                      for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
                      when (memberp cnt rest-pos)
                      collect (* -1 k) else collect k)))))
    ;;; examples
    (modify-proportions 8 '(4 3 -2 7 3 2 7) :style 'sharpen)
    (modify-proportions 8 '(4 3 -2 7 3 2 7) :style 'flatten)
     (gen-length (modify-proportions 8 '(4 3 2 7) :style 'sharpen) 1/16)
     '(4 4))
     (gen-length (modify-proportions 8 '(4 3 2 7) :style 'flatten) 1/16)
     '(4 4))
     (modify-proportions 10 '(5 3 2 -7 1 8 2))
    :point-radius 0 :style :fill)


    ...works not in all CASES (when :style 'flatten), but okay...


    (defun get-proportions (omn_seq &key (abs 'nil))
      (let ((denoms))
          (setf denoms (remove-duplicates
                        (loop for i in (omn :length omn_seq)
                          collect (denominator (abs i)))))
          (loop for i in (omn :length omn_seq)
            collect (if (equal abs 't)
                      (* (abs i) (apply 'lcm denoms))
                      (* i (apply 'lcm denoms)))))))
    ;; examples      
    (get-proportions '(-3q 3h_h. d3 mf))
    (get-proportions '(5q 5q 5q 5q 5q -e -s t t -q))
    (get-proportions '(5q 5q 5q 5q 5q -e -s t t -q) :abs t)
    (get-proportions '(-e -t t t t t t t t t -s. -q))
    ;;; HOW TO USE
    (setf rhy '(-3h 3q_5h. 5q 5q c4))
    (setf props (get-proportions rhy :abs nil))
    ;;; you can use that for GEN-LENGTH-CONSTANT
    ;; ordinary
    (gen-length-constant props 'w.)
    ;; a bit advanced
    (gen-length-constant props 'h.)
    ;; crazy 
    (gen-length-constant props 'h._e)


  10. i see 4 possibilities...

    1) you could work in generations => only 1 match per gen => but it could end in a stack overflow (when it's recursiv, when match is also inside the insert)

    2) could overwrite in generations from last to first match -> means right to left in the list (but not with matches inside the insert) => so when it's more then one match it will be overlapping

    3) could generate overlaying voices by few matches

    4) you could limited it by &key :nooverlapping 't

    added 4 minutes later

    if it will work, i wll code a nice example for OM to present it :smile:

  11. sorry but with this code - evaluating all i have...

    only for THIS input-seq ... you input-seq seems different


    (setf seq '(e c4 -e -q q d4 -q s c4 -e. -h. q))
    (setf insert '(3q c4 d4 e4 c4 d4 e4 c4 d4 -3q))
    (setf insert-span (loop for i in (omn :length insert)
                        sum (abs i)))
      (setf new-list
            (loop for i in (single-events seq)
              with match = 0
              when (pattern-matchp i '(q d4 ?)) do (setf match 1)
              when (= match 1)
              collect (abs (car (omn :length i))) into bag 
              when (and (= match 1) (<= (sum bag) insert-span)) collect (* -1 (abs (car (omn :length i))))
              else collect i
      (flatten (loop for x in new-list
                 with match = 0
                 when (and (atom x) (= match 0)) collect insert and do (setf match 1)
                 when (listp x) collect x)))
     => (e c4 mf -e -q 3q c4 d4 e4 c4 d4 e4 c4 d4 -3q -h. q c4 mf)


  12. sorry, but this would be easy (for beginners :smile:)

    ...but that's not correct because it is INSERTRED and not OVERWRITED... 


    there is NO function in OM that's doing this. 

    greetings from "helmut" :bigsmile: ...because if you want work with "strukturnetze" you have to keep the NET correct and not to shift the time values (how it is with pattern-map)... so you have to overwrite

  13. dear all

    i'll try to code a function that overwrites the SEQ with an insert after a pattern-match... not so simple, because to calculate all the length-values in the SEQ so that there ist no "shifting" ist very....


    here an easy sketch... but with a simple, so that i haven't got to calculate (beacuse all is mapped on quaternotes)...

    i hope anyone could CODE that... would be an interesting FUNCTION!!! using things as a NET!!


    compare -> seq with the function output... the you see the idea



    (setf seq '(e c4 -e -q q d4 -q s c4 -e. -h. q))
    (setf insert '(3q c4 d4 e4 c4 d4 e4 c4 d4 -3q))
    (setf insert-span (loop for i in (omn :length insert)
                        sum (abs i)))
      (setf new-list
            (loop for i in (single-events seq)
              with match = 0
              when (pattern-matchp i '(q d4 ?)) do (setf match 1)
              when (= match 1)
              collect (abs (car (omn :length i))) into bag
              when (and (= match 1) (<= (sum bag) insert-span)) collect (* -1 (abs (car (omn :length i))))
              else collect i
      (flatten (loop for x in new-list
                 with match = 0
                 when (and (atom x) (= match 0)) collect insert and do (setf match 1)
                 when (listp x) collect x)))


  14. a question:


    in a pattern match i would like to overwrite the existing OMN sequence. that means that for the duration of the insert the original OMN-sequence is not pushed backwards. As I see it now, the OMN-values are only inserted and do not overwrite the sequence, (and not rhythmically "compensating") ... ?


    would be very nice! ...or i have to code it for myself :sad:


    an example:

    ;; basic omn-seq
    '(e c4 -e -q q c4 -q s c4 -e. q)
    ;; insert
    '(3q c4 d4 e4 c4 d4 e4 c4 d4)
    ;; pattern-match on (q c4)
    ;; result should be
    '(e c4 -e -q 3q c4 d4 e4 c4 d4 e4 c4 d4 -3q q c4)


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