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Posts posted by AM

  1. ;;;function which replaces/rewrites the component in OMN-seq
    (defun omn-component-replace (omn-sequence replace-component)
      (make-omn :length (if (lengthp (car replace-component))
                         (append replace-component)
                         (omn :length omn-sequence))
                :pitch (if (pitchp (car replace-component))
                         (append replace-component)
                         (omn :pitch omn-sequence))
                :velocity (if (velocityp (car replace-component))
                            (append replace-component)
                            (omn :velocity omn-sequence))
                :articulation (if (articulationp (car replace-component))
                                (append replace-component)
                                (omn :articulation omn-sequence))))
    (setf seq1 '(s gs3 ppp tasto q.t cs4 pppp tasto s f4 ppp tasto))
    (omn-component-replace seq1 '(5/16 7/16 3/32))


  2. dear janusz, stephan.......


    i tried to install SCREAMER via quicklisp... quicklisp-thing worked, but for the rest i'm to stupid... :-) coudl anyone help me.... where should i copy folders/files... i have no idea 

    ... i'm only a simple musician who is coding in lisp-OMN (but not more) :-)


    i would like i step by step...




  3. thanks. yes i know it...

    but i'm working different... more "generative" (and not with many OMN-functions)... i have to check in every generation the output  on different parameters, and as a feedback i change when PATTERN-MATCH => T the data-DNA (the production-datas for next gen via (defstruct => make-.... )) or the function which generates something in the generative APP ...  most of the code is in pure LISP. it's great that i can code it like that in OPUSMODUS (very open!)...i can find my own solutions and ways, and it's not necessary to use the "official grammar" (always a problem with music-production-software), but i could i if i want :-)


    ... so i have a large personal USER LIBRARY now :-)


    thanks for your pracitcal examples how to work on OMN-level - i can learn a lot from them on OMN :-)




    ;;;;how to split randomly a number into "n-parts"
    (defun rnd-split-number (n &key (total-sum 1.0))
      (let ((values))
        (setq values (loop repeat (- n 1)
                       with val-a = total-sum
                       with val-b
                       collect (setq val-b (random val-a))
                       do (setq val-a (- val-a val-b))))
        (append values (list (- total-sum (sum values))))))
    ;; examples
    (rnd-split-number 5 :total-sum 1.8)
    => (0.26645982 1.47964 0.014375878 0.014122969 0.025401235)
    (rnd-split-number 3 :total-sum 9.8)
    => (5.1533704 1.7459779 2.900652)


  5. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;;; with :gate/:keyword = extra AND-function
    ;;; with :evaluate => you could evaluate a function-output directly
    ;; subfunctions
    (defun pattern-match (liste pattern) 
      (loop for z in liste
        with cnt = 0
        with pattern_cnt = 0
        when (or (equal  (nth cnt pattern) z)  (equal '? (nth cnt pattern)))
        do (incf pattern_cnt)
        and do (incf cnt)
        else do (setq cnt (setq pattern_cnt 0))
        when (equal pattern_cnt (length pattern))
        collect 't into bag and do (return (car bag))))
    (defun test.pm.omn (seq pattern)
      (let ((seq (if (omn-formp seq)
                   (cond ((lengthp (car pattern)) (omn :length seq))
                         ((pitchp (car pattern))(omn :pitch seq))
                         ((velocityp (car pattern)) (omn :velocity seq)))
                   (append seq))))
        (pattern-match seq pattern)))
    (defun weighted-random (list)
      (loop for item in list
                with rand-num = (random (loop for x in list sum (second x)))
                for add = (second item) then (+ add (second item))
                when (< rand-num add) return (first item)))
    ;; mainfunction
    (defun test.pm+chance (test.seq pattern values/weights &key keyword gate (evaluate 'nil))
      (let ((out))
        (setf out (if (and (test.pm.omn test.seq pattern) (equal keyword gate)) 
                    (weighted-random values/weights)
                    (append gate)))
        (if (equal evaluate 't)
          (eval out)
          (append out))))
    ;; example => works also with OMN etc...
    (test.pm+chance '(1 2 3 4 5 4 3 5 6 7 2) '(5 ? 3) '((a 0.5) (b 0.15) (c 0.375) (d 0.21)))
    ;; more examples
    (test.pm+chance '(1 2 3 4 5 4 3 5 6 7 2) '(5 ? 3) '((a 0.5) (b 0.25) (c 0.25)) :gate 'no-entry :keyword 'no-entry) ;; => key correct
    (test.pm+chance '(1 2 3 4 5 4 3 5 6 7 2) '(5 ? 3) '((a 0.5) (b 0.5)) :gate 'no-entry :keyword 'whatever) ;; key incorrect
    ;; example with :evaluate T
    (test.pm+chance '(1 2 3 4 5 4 3 5 6 7 2) '(5 ? 3) '(((cons 'a 'b) 0.5) ((cons 'c 'd) 0.5)) :evaluate t)


  6. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;; subfunctions
    (defun pattern-match (liste pattern) 
      (loop for z in liste
        with cnt = 0
        with pattern_cnt = 0
        when (or (equal  (nth cnt pattern) z)  (equal '? (nth cnt pattern)))
        do (incf pattern_cnt)
        and do (incf cnt)
        else do (setq cnt (setq pattern_cnt 0))
        when (equal pattern_cnt (length pattern))
        collect 't into bag and do (return (car bag))))
    (defun test.pm.omn (seq pattern)
      (let ((seq (if (omn-formp seq)
                   (cond ((lengthp (car pattern)) (omn :length seq))
                         ((pitchp (car pattern))(omn :pitch seq))
                         ((velocityp (car pattern)) (omn :velocity seq)))
                   (append seq))))
        (pattern-match seq pattern)))
    ;; mainfuction
    (defun test.pm+markov (seq pattern start-slot transitions &key (size 1))
      (if (test.pm.omn seq pattern)
        (if (= size 1)
          (car (rest (gen-markov-from-transitions transitions :size (1+ size) :start start-slot)))
          (rest (gen-markov-from-transitions transitions :size (1+ size) :start start-slot)))
        (append start-slot)))
    (setf transitions '((a (a 2) (b 1))
                        (b (a 2) (b 1))))
    (setq test-omn '(t fs4 pp tasto g4 ppp tasto -s. t e4 pppp tasto -s. t eb4 pp tasto -het - t))
    ;; examples1
    (test.pm+markov test-omn '(pp ppp) 'a transitions) ;; evaluate a few times
    (test.pm+markov test-omn '(fs4 g4) 'a transitions) ;; evaluate a few times
    (test.pm+markov test-omn '(g2) 'a transitions) ;; evaluate a few times => no match => no new value
    (test.pm+markov test-omn '(1/32 -3/32) 'a transitions) ;; evaluate a few times
    ;; examples2
    (test.pm+markov test-omn '(pp) 'a transitions :size 5) ;; evaluate a few times
    (test.pm+markov test-omn '(g4 e4) 'a transitions :size 3) ;; evaluate a few times


  7. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;;; PATTERN MATCH FUNCTIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;;; i needed some PATTERN_MATCH-FUNCTIONS (also with wildcards) 
    ;;; in my projects to check sequences
    ;;; output is t/nil - 
    ;;; implement it if you whant :-) regards, andré
    (defun pattern-match (liste pattern) 
      (loop for z in liste
        with cnt = 0
        with pattern_cnt = 0
        when (or (equal  (nth cnt pattern) z)  (equal '? (nth cnt pattern)))
        do (incf pattern_cnt)
        and do (incf cnt)
        else do (setq cnt (setq pattern_cnt 0))
        when (equal pattern_cnt (length pattern))
        collect 't into bag and do (return (car bag))))
    (pattern-match '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) '(2 ? 3))
    => nil
    (pattern-match '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) '(2 ?))
    => t
    (defun test.pm.length (seq pattern)
      (let ((seq (if (omn-formp seq)
                   (omn :length seq)
                   (append seq))))                 
        (pattern-match seq pattern)))
    (defun test.pm.pitch (seq pattern)
      (let ((seq (if (omn-formp seq)
                   (omn :pitch seq)
                   (append seq))))                     
        (pattern-match seq pattern)))
    (defun test.pm.velocity (seq pattern)
      (let ((seq (if (omn-formp seq)
                   (omn :velocity seq)
                   (append seq))))                     
        (pattern-match seq pattern)))


  8. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;;; ASHBY-OPERATOR => some nonsense-sound-examples
    ;;; little function for mapping...
    (defun eliminate-repetitions (liste)
      (let ((liste (append liste (list 'nil))))
        (loop repeat (1- (length liste))
          with cnt = 0
          when  (not (equal (nth cnt liste) (nth (+ 1 cnt) liste)))
          collect (nth cnt liste)      
          do (incf cnt))))
    ;;; some examples
    ;(setq integers
    ;      (flatten (ashby-operator-1 '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17))))
    (setq integers
          (flatten (ashby-operator-1 '( 3 1 4 0 7 8 9 10  5 6 2 11))))
    ;(setq integers
     ;     (flatten (ashby-operator-1 (gen-sieve '(c4 c7) '(1 2 3)))))
    ;;; mapping
    (setq pitches (eliminate-repetitions (integer-to-pitch integers)))
    (def-score example
               (:key-signature 'chromatic
                               :time-signature '(4 8)
                               :tempo '(e 176)
                               :layout (bracket-group 
                                        (piano-grand-layout 'piano)))
       :omn  (setq omn-list (make-omn :pitch pitches
                                      :length (loop repeat (length pitches) collect 1/32)))
       :sound 'gm-piano))
    (def-score example-reverse
               (:key-signature 'chromatic
                               :time-signature '(4 8)
                               :tempo '(e 176)
                               :layout (bracket-group 
                                        (piano-grand-layout 'piano)))
       :omn  (setq omn-list (make-omn :pitch (reverse pitches)
                                      :length (loop repeat (length pitches) collect 1/32)))
       :sound 'gm-piano))


  9. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;;; i coded somethings special, that i have seen in a book
    ;;; of HEINZ VON FOERSTER (my favorite writer/philosopher..)
    ;;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz_von_Foerster
    ;;; => i didn't found this ASHBY-algo (he is writing about it)
    ;;; anywhere else, but for me it was interesting to code it.
    ;;; every list of integers (from 0 to ?) will end with "0"
    ;;; perhaps you could map it with whatever you want .......
    (defun ashby-operator-1 (liste)
      (append (list liste)
                      with slot-pos
                      with slot-val
                      with slot-product
                      ;; choose two positions in the list
                      do (setq slot-pos (loop repeat 2
                                          collect (random (length liste))))
                      ;; picks the values from the positions
                      do (setq slot-val (list (nth (first slot-pos) liste) (nth (second slot-pos) liste))
                               ;; gen the product of the two values
                               slot-product (* (first slot-val) (second slot-val)))
                      ;; replace the value of the first pos with the (first (explode slot-product))
                      ;; or when it's < 10 with 0
                      do (setq liste (loop for i in liste
                                       for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
                                       when (= cnt (first slot-pos))
                                       collect (if (> slot-product 9)
                                                 (first (explode slot-product))
                                                 (append 0))
                                       else collect i))
                      ;; replace the value of the second pos with the (second (explode slot-product))
                      ;; or or when it's < 10 with the slot-product
                      collect (setq liste (loop for i in liste
                                            for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
                                            when (= cnt (second slot-pos))
                                            collect (if (> slot-product 9)
                                                      (second (explode slot-product))
                                                      (append slot-product))
                                            else collect i)) 
                      into bag ;; collects all into bag
                      ;; when LISTE only '(0 0 0 0 0 ...) return all generations
                      when (= (sum liste) 0)
                      do (return bag))))
    (ashby-operator-1 '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
      (ashby-operator-1 '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11)))
     :point-radius 0.1 :style :fill :line-width 1)
     (ashby-operator-1 '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)))
      (ashby-operator-1 '(0 1 2 3 5 8 13)))))


  10. yes, but... it has some error...


    > Error: No length specified before first pitch
    > While executing: (:internal parse-omn-note), in process Listener-1(6).
    > Type cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts.
    > Type :? for other options.


    only when i do gen-rotate with the sequence

    the sequence works with perhaps (gen-retrograde seq) or...



    the sequence (produced by rnd-bots) is for example, something like that...


    ((et b1 f gettato t f1 ff ord et cs3 mf gettato t fs3 f tasto d5 tasto et g5 mf gettato t eb7 ff ord et a6 f gettato))


    and works fine without (gen-rotate


  11. bad code but nice results... :-)


    ;;;; rnd-symm-expand => generates rnd-symm transpositions
    ;;;; in different sequences (intervals, OMN-form,rhythms...
    ;;;; :chance => 0.0 - 1.0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    (defun rnd-symm-expand (seq &key (possible-intervals '(12 -12)) (chance 1))
      (let ((row)
        (setq row (if (pitchp (first seq))
                    (pitch-to-midi seq)
                    (append seq)))
        (setq firstpart (loop repeat (if (evenp (length row))
                                       (/ (length row) 2)
                                       (/ (1- (length row)) 2))
                          for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
                          collect (nth cnt row)))
        (setq rev-secondpart (loop repeat (if (evenp (length row) )
                                            (/ (length row) 2)
                                            (/ (1- (length row)) 2))
                               for cnt = (- (length row) 1) then (decf cnt)
                               collect (nth cnt row)))
          for i in firstpart
          for j in rev-secondpart
          with int = 0 
          do (if (prob? chance)
               (setq int (rnd-pick possible-intervals))
               (setq int 0))
          collect (+ i int) into bag1
          collect (+ j (* -1 int)) into bag2
          when (= (length bag2) (if (evenp (length row))
                                  (/ (length row) 2)
                                  (/ (1- (length row)) 2)))
          do (if (evenp (length row))
               (setq out (append bag1 (reverse bag2)))
               (setq out (append bag1 (list (nth (length firstpart) row)) (reverse bag2)))))
        (if (pitchp (first seq))
          (midi-to-pitch out)
          (append out))))
    (rnd-symm-expand '(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) :possible-intervals '(4 12 7) :chance 0.5)
    (rnd-symm-expand '(1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4) :possible-intervals '(-1/32 1/32) :chance 0.5)
    (rnd-symm-expand '(c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6) :possible-intervals '(1 -1) :chance 0.5)


  12. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;;; modify time-signatures like '(1 4 3) to (3 4 1),
    ;;; helps me after (split-tuplet-lengths) to clean up 
    ;;; with the :exclude and :threshold
    (defun modify-time-signature-repetitions (time-signature-seq &key (exclude '((0 0))) (threshold '10/4) (numerator-threshold 20))
      (loop for i in time-signature-seq 
        when (and (> (third i) 1)
                  (< (/ (first i) (second i)) threshold)
                  (< (* (first i) (third i)) numerator-threshold)
                  (not (if (listp (first exclude)) 
                         (loop for x in exclude
                           when (equal (butlast i) x)
                           collect t)
                         (equal (butlast i) exclude))))
        collect (list (* (first i) (third i)) (second i) 1)
        else collect i))
    (setq bars '((5 4 4) (1 4 2) (3 4 2) (1 8 5) (1 32 8)))
    (modify-time-signature-repetitions bars)
    (modify-time-signature-repetitions bars :exclude '(1 4))
    (modify-time-signature-repetitions bars :exclude '((1 4) (1 8)))
    (modify-time-signature-repetitions bars :exclude '((1 32)) :threshold '4/4)
    (modify-time-signature-repetitions bars :numerator-threshold 7) ;; because i don't want 200/4 - bars :-)


  13. VERY NICE CODE... but your function does not do the same as mine 

    ...perhaps a misunderstanding / a different idea!

    ...you compensate EVERY value, my code only compensates when "rhy" is changing


    (length-round '(1/16 3/16 2/32 5/7 4/20 6/20 3/20 5/16))

    => (1/16 -3/16 3/16 -1/16 1/16 -3/16 5/7 -1/28 1/5 -1/20 3/10 -1/5 3/20 -1/10 5/16 -3/16)

    ..after the 1/16 it's not necessary to "round" with -3/16, because -> also with teh other values


    here with my code -> i only want to compensate when "denominators" are changing => have a look at markings (bold)

    (length-compensate2  '((1 16) (3 16) (2 32) (5 7) (4 20) (6 20) (3 20) (5 16)))

    => (1/16 3/16       1/16 -3/16      5/7 -1/28    1/5    3/10      3/20 -1/10     5/16 -3/16)


  14. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;;; a little function to compensate special-rhy-changes
    ;;; to 1/4-note structure... (or all :compensating-to -values)
    ;;; best format-solution was 1/32 => '(1 32) etc... otherwise
    ;;; i get in trouble with 1/8 = 4/32 - what is mathematicclay 
    ;;; correct - but bringing BUGS to the output
    ;;; if anybody could transform things '(2/32) to '(2 32) or
    ;;; '(3/12) to '(3 12) would be nice, i coudn't code it. this
    ;;; things are necessary because the function makes decicions
    ;;; bewtween the denominators, so there sould be constant!!!!
    (defun length-compensate2 (liste &key (compensating-to '(1 4)))
       (loop for event in (loop for i in (append liste (list (list (* -1 (first compensating-to)) (/ 1 (second compensating-to)))))
                            collect (list (first i) (/ 1 (second i))))
         with nenner
         with modulo
         with event_stack 
         with add_duration = 0
         with corr_event 
         when (or (null event_stack)
                  (= (second event_stack) (second event)))
         do (setq add_duration (+ add_duration (abs (first event)))
                  event_stack event
                  corr_event nil)
         else do (progn 
                   (setq nenner (/ (/ 1 (second event_stack)) (second compensating-to))
                         modulo (mod add_duration nenner))
                   (if (/= modulo 0)
                     (setq corr_event (* (* -1 (- nenner modulo)) (second event_stack))))
                   (setq add_duration (abs (first event))))
         when (not (equal corr_event 'nil))
         collect corr_event
         and do (setq corr_event nil)
         collect (* (first event) (second event))
         do (setq event_stack event))))
    (length-compensate2 (loop repeat 5 
                          collect (rnd-pick '((1 16) (-1 16) (2 32) (5 7) (13 9) (4 20) (6 20) (3 20) (5 16)))))
    (length-compensate2 (loop repeat 5 
                          collect (rnd-pick '((1 16) (-1 16) (2 32) (5 7) (13 9) (4 20) (6 20) (3 20) (5 16))))
                        :compensating-to '(1 8))


  15. i know, but only mathematically!! -> you remember the problem with gen-stacc? => we discussed that with rangarajan?

    for some functions it's necessary that 2/20 will not be "reduced" to 1/20


    => https://opusmodus.com/forums/topic/528-gen-stacc-question/#comment-1446



    Yes, I have also experienced this difficulty, for example, can't distinguish between 4/4 and 2/2 because both reduce to 1! As JP points out, this is a Lisp issue, nothing to do with OM. If we are adventurous, we could implement our own "data type", for example keeping numerator and denominator separately as a cons pair (numerator . denominator) or something similar. We can write a set of functions that operate on this, and then apply reduction when actually needed. More work, of course, but Lisp gives you control.





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