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CL-Collider Library and DEF-SC-SCORE

  1. I've been tidying up some older archived files - and have been gradually getting to some old SC code that I want to use in cl-Collider. Here's a really useful way to create massive clusters of sound with samples using a simple file-player Synth-Def inside a function that creates multiple instances of a synth within pitch ranges defined when calling the function. Number of instances only limited by your CPU. I've used this with 1000+instances without trouble. It's particularly effective with pitched metallic material but works well with anything as long as the 'rate' variable is kept within a range that doesn't go too low or too high. It works better within a s…

  2. I appear to be now unable to load cl-collider due to a problem with cl-patterns. On starting OM, I get the following error message pop-up: Error: While loading file Users/acr/Opusmodus/User Source/Extensions/Load CL-Collider.lisp Package CL-PATTERNS not found If I try to evaluate (load cl-collider) directly from the file I get the same error in the Listener initially, but then if I use the debugger to trace I get the following error: Error: compile-file-error while compiling #<asdf/lisp-action:cl-source-file "cl-patterns" "backend"> I have previously managed to load cl-collider successfully and connect…

  3. Opusmodus + SuperCollider in Windows ? Do you have a tutorial ? Best !

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  4. Started by TomTolleson,

    Hello, I have a synthdef for a sampler that plays from a buffer based on the list of all files in a folder. It's working fine in SuperCollider: ( SynthDef(\play, { var sig, buf, e; e = PathName.new("/directory_path/*").files.scramble.copyFromStart(20); buf = \buf.ir(0); sig = PlayBuf.ar(1!2, buf, BufRateScale.ir(buf) * \rate.ir(1), doneAction: 2); sig = sig * \amp.ir(0.5); Out.ar(\out.ir(0), sig); }).add; ) Synth(\play, [buf: b, rate: 0.midiratio]); I'm not sure how to build this in OM's sc:synthdef as the examples seem to be focused on oscillator-based sound sources. My first attempt at an OpusModus sc:…

    • 2 replies
  5. Hello, Working with SC in OM and wondering how I can route my audio on a mac? In SC there are settings like: Server.default.options.inDevice_("Built-in Microph"); Server.default.options.outDevice_("Built-in Output"); Not sure how to make these device specifications in the OM SC library. Thanks, THT

  6. Hi, I need a bit of help. I would love to use cl-patterns which is a wonderful real time tool for live coding with cl-collider. I've tried that example but doesn't works in fact works but no audio output. If somebody more experienced than me could help here, it would be nice ! (sc:defsynth sine-kick ((freq 440) (time 0.25) (amp 0.5) (out 0)) (let* ((env (sc:env-gen.kr (sc:env (list 0 1 1 0) (list 0.001 time 0.3)) :act :free)) (fenv (sc:env-gen.kr (sc:env (list 1 0) (list time)) :level-scale freq)) (sig (sc:sin-osc.ar fenv 0 (* env…

    • 0 replies
  7. Started by opmo,

    (progn ;; DEFSYNTH (sc:defsynth sine4 ((freq 200) (dur 2.0) (vel 1.0) (pan 0) (times 0.3) (pm 12)) (let* ((env (* 0.3 (sc:env-gen.kr (sc:perc .0 (* 4.0 dur)) :act :free) vel)) (out (* times (sc:sin-osc.ar freq 0 (max 0 (sc:lf-noise1.kr pm))))) (out (sc:pan2.ar out pan))) (sc:out.ar 0 out))) ;; OMN-SCORE (setf size 200) (setf vector (list-plot (add-triangle-waves 4 size 1 0.6 :modulation (gen-triangle size 1 '(0.5 0.4 0.3 0.6) :modulation (gen-triangle size 1 0.3 :phase 180))) :point-radius 2)) (setf pitches (gen-divide 4 (vector-to-pitch '(g2 g6) vector :quantize 1/4)…

  8. Started by opmo,

    DEF-SC-SCORE additional keywords: output - Specifies the name of the saved audio file (provided as a string). By default, the file is saved in the Waveform Audio (WAVE) format. sr - Defines the sample rate of the saved audio file. The default setting is 48000 with a bit depth of 24 bits per sample. The :output "name" option enables you to save the score file in the Opusmodus/Media/Audio directory. (def-sc-score example2 (:tempo 120 :layout ((ins . len)) :output "exp2") (ins :synth saw-synth :note midi :dur len :vel vel) )

  9. Started by opmo,

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