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;;;function which replaces/rewrites the component in OMN-seq

(defun omn-component-replace (omn-sequence replace-component)
  (make-omn :length (if (lengthp (car replace-component))
                     (append replace-component)
                     (omn :length omn-sequence))
            :pitch (if (pitchp (car replace-component))
                     (append replace-component)
                     (omn :pitch omn-sequence))
            :velocity (if (velocityp (car replace-component))
                        (append replace-component)
                        (omn :velocity omn-sequence))
            :articulation (if (articulationp (car replace-component))
                            (append replace-component)
                            (omn :articulation omn-sequence))))

(setf seq1 '(s gs3 ppp tasto q.t cs4 pppp tasto s f4 ppp tasto))
(omn-component-replace seq1 '(5/16 7/16 3/32))



The function OMN-COMPONENT-REPLACE in a real OMN world will return errors with a complex attributes (articulations):

ttrem, app, gliss etc...


Anyway, bellow you will find few example how to manipulate algorithmically the OMN plists:


(setf sequence '(q c4 pp e d4 mp e4 s f4 f> fs4 > g4 > gs4 pp))

(disassembling-omn ((pitch plist) sequence :pitch :flat nil :span :length)
  (let ((pitch (remove nil pitch)))
    (pitch-transpose -12 pitch)))

(disassembling-omn ((length plist) sequence :length :flat nil :span :length)
    '(s s s s))

(disassembling-omn ((length plist) sequence :length :flat nil :span :pitch)
    '(s s s s))

(disassembling-omn ((velocity plist) sequence :velocity :flat nil :span :length)
    '(f f p p f f))


And now a complete function example with DISASSEMBLING-OMN macro:

(defun length-rational-quantize (sequence &key (round 1/4) (type :extend) section exclude omn)
  (do-verbose ("length-rational-quantize")
    (labels ((length-rational-quantize-1 (length round)
               (let* ((sum (sum (abs! length)))
                      (out (- (find-length-base sum round) sum)))
                 (remove 0 (append length (list (neg! out))))))
             (length-rational-quantize-l (list round &key (type :extend))
               (let ((group (lists! (split-lengths list :type type))))
                  (loop for i in group 
                    collect (length-rational-quantize-1 i round)))))
             (length-rational-quantize-ls (list round &key (type :extend))
               (let* ((len (length list))
                      (round (gen-trim* len (list! round))))
                 (loop for i in list for x in round
                   collect (length-rational-quantize-l i x :type type))))
             (length-rational-quantize* (list round &key (type :extend))
               (if (listsp list) (length-rational-quantize-ls list round :type type)
                 (length-rational-quantize-l list round :type type))))
      (disassembling-omn ((sequence plist) sequence :length :span :length)
        (let ((len (length sequence)))
           (if exclude
             (maybe-section (lambda (x) (length-rational-quantize* x round :type type))
                            sequence (num-exclude len exclude))
             (maybe-section (lambda (x) (length-rational-quantize* x round :type type))
                            sequence section))))))))


Please don't distribute or share any of the code from the Source Code forum section.


  • 3 months later...

hi stephane


i think it works fine, feel free to use & optimize it ( perhaps to replace more then ONE parameter in ONE function-call?)... for me the function is very useful...



(defun omn-component-replace (omn-sequence replace-component)
  (make-omn :length (if (lengthp (car replace-component))
                     (append replace-component)
                     (omn :length omn-sequence))
            :pitch (if (pitchp (car replace-component))
                     (append replace-component)
                     (omn :pitch omn-sequence))
            :velocity (if (velocityp (car replace-component))
                        (append replace-component)
                        (omn :velocity omn-sequence))
            :articulation (if (articulationp (car replace-component))
                            (append replace-component)
                            (omn :articulation omn-sequence))))




(setf seq1 '(s gs3 ppp tasto q.t cs4 pppp tasto s f4 ppp tasto))

(omn-component-replace seq1 '(5/16 7/16 3/32))
(omn-component-replace seq1 '(ponte))
(omn-component-replace seq1 '(c4 d4 e4 f4))



here is a version with MULTIPLE replacements...

you have to write replacements different... a list in a list... have a look to the examples:


(defun omn-component-replace2 (omn-sequence replace-component)
  (car (last (loop for i in replace-component
               collect (setf omn-sequence
                             (make-omn :length (if (lengthp (car i))
                                                 (append i)
                                                 (omn :length omn-sequence))
                                       :pitch (if (pitchp (car i))
                                                (append i)
                                                (omn :pitch omn-sequence))
                                       :velocity (if (velocityp (car i))
                                                   (append i)
                                                   (omn :velocity omn-sequence))
                                       :articulation (if (articulationp (car i))
                                                       (append i)
                                                       (omn :articulation omn-sequence))))))))

(omn-component-replace2 '(S C4 PPP TASTO Q.T D4 PPPP TASTO S E4 PPP TASTO) '((p)))
(omn-component-replace2 '(S C4 PPP TASTO Q.T D4 PPPP TASTO S E4 PPP TASTO) '((p) (ponte) (e2 b2 d2)))


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