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Hi Stephane 


Based on your example  i tried to apply a transposition list based on your functions but with an exotic scale 



;; degree selection 
(setf degr '(1 4 2 5 1 6 4 2 5))
;; remove 1 from each degree for use as transposition
;; inside tonality for diatonic transposition
(setf trsp (mapcar (lambda(x) (- x 1)) degr))
;;; some material
(setf arps1 (gen-repeat 
             (length degr) 
              '((s c4 e4 g4 c5 e5 g5 c6 g5 e5 c5 g4 e4))))
;; apply diatonic transposition (inside tonality) 
(setf arps.map (tonality-map 
                '(hyojo :root c4)


This is the start of the result i gat   with pitches not belonging to the scale 


(s c4 f4 g4 c5 eb5 g5 c6 g5 f5 c5 g4 f4)
(s eb4 g4 bb4 eb5 g5 bb5 eb6 bb5 g5 eb5 bb4 g4)

i think the trsp function doesn't work with the Hyojo scale . Is there a way to make a algorithm which would work with any type of exotic scales ?





Hi Patrick,


the HARMONIC-PROGRESSION function is wonderful and will probably give you some interesting possibilities.


Best wishes






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