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Pedal on Piano

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Dear All, 


I want to create pedal marks in a material.


(setf mat '((e. d4e4fs4 pp s cs4e4fs4 d4e4fs4 e. cs4e4fs4 s d4e4fs4 cs4e4fs4 e d4e4fs4 tie) (e. f3g3a3 pp s e3g3a3 f3g3a3 e. e3g3a3 s f3g3a3 e3g3a3 e f3g3a3 tie) (e. fs3gs3bb3 pp s f3gs3bb3 fs3gs3bb3 e. f3gs3bb3 s fs3gs3bb3 f3gs3bb3 e fs3gs3bb3 tie) (e. fs3gs3bb3 pp s f3gs3bb3 fs3gs3bb3 e. f3gs3bb3 s fs3gs3bb3 f3gs3bb3 e fs3gs3bb3 tie) (e. gs4bb4c5 pp s g4bb4c5 gs4bb4c5 e. g4bb4c5 s gs4bb4c5 g4bb4c5 e gs4bb4c5 tie) (e. bb3c4d4 pp s a3c4d4 bb3c4d4 e. a3c4d4 s bb3c4d4 a3c4d4 e bb3c4d4 tie) (e. e4fs4gs4 pp s eb4fs4gs4 e4fs4gs4 e. eb4fs4gs4 s e4fs4gs4 eb4fs4gs4 e e4fs4gs4 tie) (e. e4fs4gs4 pp s eb4fs4gs4 e4fs4gs4 e. eb4fs4gs4 s e4fs4gs4 eb4fs4gs4 e e4fs4gs4 tie)))

(dictum '(:do ped :bar (1 2 3 4)) mat)
(dictum '(:do ped :bar (1 3 5 6)) mat)


But I can´t create one Pedal on and of for each bar. 

This expression

(dictum '(:do ped :bar (1 2 3 4)) mat)

creates one long pedal over the bars 1 2 3 4, but the harmony changes every bar, and I need a pedal release at the end of each measure.


This expression

(dictum '(:do ped :bar (1 3 5 6)) mat)

Creates a pedal mark on every other bar, but it invades some of the bars, going beyond the bar region.


Is there some suggestion ?


Thanks !




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Thanks a lot, Stephane !

Very nice, but Muse 4 imported better the pedal lines

Best !



On 2/21/2024 at 1:27 PM, JulioHerrlein said:

An interesting fact...

Only Musescore 4 imported correctly the pedalling. Here is the file I used.

Finale and Muse 3 failed...




piano_snippet_test.xml 33.29 kB · 2 downloads

Pedal lines...

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