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Automatic opening last MIDI file files in Musescore (or Sibelius, etc)

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Dear Friends,

Is there some way to automatically opening a MIDI FILE (related to the last snippet/score generated)  from Opusmodus to other application (Musescore, Sibelius) ?


Something similar to this solution ?



solution, but for last midi files ?


Like this post ? But for midi file?


Many thanks in advance !

Much needed now.




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Thanks, Janusz !


But I need the Midi File to get the VSL articulations from it.

I take the notated part from the XML, using


wich makes musescore open "automagically" the XML

I´d like to have the same thing for Export/Last Score to Midi...

without having to save midi file in disk first, then opening to Musescore.

Just the command and boom ! Like I have with the XML.

Then I will cut just the articulation keyswitches part and paste alongside the XML part.


Best !


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This you will need to do before.


(midi-to-editor) ;is using the default editor
(midi-to-editor "filename") ;specific midifile (not *last-score*)
(midi-to-editor :application Musescore) ;*last-score* midi will open in Musescore

the default will be:

(defparameter *default-notation-editor* "Sibelius")


which you can changed to your editor application.

The same I will do to the musicxml:

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Thank you, Janusz

Yes, I already have some user defined things, like this:


(defparameter *snippet-clef-default* :treble-down8)

(defun last-score-to-musescore ()
  (compile-score *last-score* :output :musicxml :file "temp-last-score")
  (musicxml-to-editor "temp-last-score" :application "/Applications/MuseScore3.app"))


Thanks !!

I will try this to see if works !


(defun last-midi-to-musescore ()
  (compile-score *last-score* :output :midi :file "temp-last-midi")
  (midi-to-editor "temp-last-midi" :application "/Applications/MuseScore3.app"))


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I tried using the musicxml-to-editor


(defun last-midi-to-musescore ()
  (compile-score *last-score* :output :midi :file "temp-last-midi")
  (musicxml-to-editor "temp-last-midi" :application "/Applications/MuseScore3.app"))

Like above, but the musicxml gives an error with midi files...


How about to create a generic-file-to-editor choice, to send any type of file to other auxiliary apps ?


Best !


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In the next update:


The MUSICXML-TO-EDITOR function opens a MusicXML file or the last compiled score (DEF-SCORE, PS or snippet) in any notation editor like Sibelius, Dorico, MuseScore etc...


In Opusmodus the default editor is set to Sibelius:


(defparameter *default-notation-editor* "Sibelius.app")


To change the default editor you need to replace the  "Sibelius.app" string with the name of your own editor and paste the expression into the ‘User Source.lisp’ file which you will find in the ~/Opusmodus/Extensions directory.


For example:


(defparameter *default-notation-editor* "Dorico 3.5.app")

(defparameter *default-notation-editor* "MuseScore 3.app")




To open the last compiled score (DEF-SCORE, PS or snippet) in the notation editor:




To open the 2nd instrument from the last compiled score (DEF-SCORE, PS or snippet) in the notation editor:


(musicxml-to-editor :instrument 2)


To open a MusicXML file in the notation editor:


(musicxml-to-editor "file-name")


To open the file in Finale:


(midi-to-editor "file-name" :application "Finale")


Should the application not open you can use the identifier keyword with the bundle-identifier.

For example the Sibelius 7.5 version identifier is "com.avid.Sibelius75"


(musicxml-to-editor "file-name" :identifier "com.avid.Sibelius75")


The MIDI-TO-EDITOR function opens a MIDI file or the last compiled score (DEF-SCORE, PS or snippet) in any notation editor like Sibelius, Dorico, MuseScore etc...


In Opusmodus the default editor is set to Sibelius:


(defparameter *default-notation-editor* "Sibelius.app")


To change the default editor you need to replace the  "Sibelius.app" string with the name of your own editor and paste the expression into the ‘User Source.lisp’ file which you will find in the ~/Opusmodus/Extensions directory.


For example:


(defparameter *default-notation-editor* "Dorico 3.5.app")

(defparameter *default-notation-editor* "MuseScore 3.app")




To open the last compiled score (DEF-SCORE, PS or snippet) in the notation editor:




To open the 2nd instrument from the last compiled score (DEF-SCORE, PS or snippet) in the notation editor:


(midi-to-editor :instrument 2)


To open MIDI file in the notation editor:


(midi-to-editor "file-name")


To open the file in Finale:


(midi-to-editor "file-name" :application "Finale")


Should the application not open you can use the identifier keyword with the bundle-identifier.

For example the Sibelius 7.5 version identifier is "com.avid.Sibelius75"


(midi-to-editor "file-name" :identifier "com.avid.Sibelius75")


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  • 3 weeks later...

One remark, 


It´s important, in the midi export, to filter things by TRACK and not only BY instrument.

The only reason I need midi files is to take the articulation keyswitches.

A string quartet midi file opens in Musescore like four piano staves.

The upper stave are the notes and the lower are the keyswitches.

I just delete the treble clef notes and get the bass clef keyswitches to paste onto my xml version of the same snippet / score, etc.


I have a blank template with the staves for voices and staves for keyswitches.

I paste the keyswitches slightly earlier (like a 64th  or 32nd note earlier) to activate the keyswitches before the note attacks.

It´s kind of weird and labourious but the playback is magnific and worth the effort.


So, something like this would be cool


(musicxml-to-editor :track (2 4 6 8))


Even cooler with an option of playing a little earlier (like a 64th note earlier


(musicxml-to-editor :track (2 4 6 8)  :offset  -1/64)



Best !


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