Posts posted by Andy
I am on Big Sur with Opusmodus 1.3 having recently upgraded from Catalina.
When I open the application it asks me to 'Create New or Open Existing'. I click on Create New and it prompts me where I want to create the directory and I click on Open and navigate. But when I create the folder nothing is created and I can go no further.
I have tried deleting the usual things advised..Lbrary/Caches and Library/Preferences and emptied the trash. Nothing changes.
So I'm very happy to be exploring new snippet structure but cannot seem to define my own instrument, based on the example in the help file I did this but get errors:
SOLVED: I had to Evaluate my Def-Inst before it would play..
Wow this really is a huge deal for me. We can now have snippets as mini scores before we compile. Key sigs, time sigs, tempo and instrument defs all in a snippet. And multiple voices too. Thanks Janusz.
5 hours later. So this is a major change it seems to me and very useful. The whole workflow has had a boost. This, amongst other things, allows the creation of snippet libraries with granular control over the visual and functional aspects of the snippets. An ideas library is here. Of course it was possible before with mutiple .opmo files and def scores but this is much more useful (and convenient). I can have one .opmo file with a hundred snippets in it, all with different instruments and with correct notation and functionality and individual tempi.
As a recent arrival to OpM I do remember my first reaction was ...Preference>Audition>...and then set a static set of preferences for playback?....this just felt limiting to be honest. Then I quickly realised that this was just a temporary thing and def-score was the way to define playback..and still is. But the Preference>Audition set up can effectively be ignored if one wishes now and Snippets are free! Good stuff.
Mmm so this relates back to my earlier question about libraries and storing ideas and multiple def-scores in a single document.
To store an "idea" which can be viewed with a key signature in notation I have to save it as a def-score, but each composer document (.opmo) can effectively only have one idea in it, because each .opmo file uses only one def-score, as previously discussed. (I know it can have the code of an infinite number of def-scores, however only the last def-score will 'Evaluate and Audition and Notation" i.e it's not possible to highlight a def-score in a composer document as discovered in my last post)
I'm confused to be honest..the whole structural thinking in Opusmodus is confusing me!
2 hours ago, lviklund said:
Maybe this can help.
Thank you.
Ah OK in that case I need help because when I evaluate a Composer document with multiple def-score's in it, it will always evaluate the last one in the document. If I have a def-score higher up, I cannot evaluate that one.
To evaluate a def-score... it does not involve highlighting the parentheses so how does OM decide which one to evaluate?
I think I am correct in saying there can be only one def-score per Composer document? Is that correct?
For me, this is a much easier journey than Max/MSP or ACToolbox or Kyma or PWGL or ...in fact any program for composition where there is a bunch of boxes, wires and annoying graphics! The idea of boxes and graphics..the visual paradigm, is it is meant to make it easier somehow.. but I now realise the reverse is true.
If you are just dealing with text and traditional music notation as in OM, it's really very straight forward. There is a learning 'bump' initially but then it really starts to make sense.
I got so annoyed at Max going from 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 and the ridiculous changes in the GUI that meant I had to relearn the program every time. It was all about them. I feel Opusmodus is all about me. And that's quite a unique experience. And actually the real effort visually in Opusmodus has been put in to functionality, the IDE, which to be honest is totally unique. Thanks.
Onward and upward. (with a few backwards I'm sure)
I have a snippet with multiple changing time signatures. When I make a def-score, if I only have that single snippet to play, is there a way to tell OM to "use the time signatures in the snippet" as opposed to typing them all in manually? Thanks.
I just wanted to say that as a newcomer to parametric composition and Opusmodus, Nigel's book has been so helpful. I have it as a pdf in the Utilities section of Opusmodus and work through a chapter a day and copy and paste his code directly into the Composer.
I know Nigel wrote the tutorials, but his book sets a wider context which I have found very helpful in this beginning stage.
I'm sure it's staring me in the face but I cannot find any info on the Live Coding Instrument apart from the videos Stephane made.
Opusmodus 1.3 cannot get it to run
in Support & Troubleshooting
And there is no way to demo version 3 if I demoed it some time ago and didn't have the time to check it out? I'd have to do that before paying €120 I feel.
Or use another email address to demo?