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Everything posted by erka

  1. Exactly. But , why not. There is no harm in comments. If it helps for any reason. The original problem seems to me, was: :omn '(line1) That does not work, because line1 is not evaluated, but given to :omn as a symbol. :omn line1 should work. If for any reason I can't see there needs to be an extra () , (list line1) will do. I didn't look into counterpoint yet. Maybe things have to be done differently. Tom, could you try :omn line1 instead of :omn '(line1) and see if that solves the original posted problem? Try with #|1|# or without. There is no difference. You probably know about comments: ; ignores everything to end of line. #|......|# ignores everything between #| and |# . So you can comment several lines of code. #!......!# works in opusmodus. It is not mentioned in the Common-lisp-Hyperspec but handy on my German Apple keyboard.
  2. just wondering? Why '(#|1|# line1) Why not omn: line1 `(#|1|#, line1) is the same as (list line1 ) . Adds an extra level of () to line1 #|1|# is a comment and can be added anywhere: omn: #|1|# line1
  3. (mapcar 'length '((c4 d4 e4) (f4 g4) (a4) (b4 c5))) Applies a function (first argument) to each element of a list. does the same as (loop for subl in '((c4 d4 e4) (f4 g4) (a4) (b4 c5)) collect (length subl))
  4. Good point. I am too lazy to write the full name. And I tend to hit wrong keys. I might end up with "Nid 1". The 0 is easy.
  5. Besides the option of compile-score you can save from the midi-player Tools-> last-score->midi player (or anything to the midi player). Then in the menu (left upper-corner ) of the midi player -> save as -> give the file a name and destination. Import in DAW. Regarding ((0 . "Bus 1")) : In the score you write :port 0 when you want to send to your IAC-driver Bus 1. (inst1 :omn omn1 :port 0 :channel 1 ) In logic etc set the track midi-input to all or BUS 1. Make sure that in the MIDI-settings of the DAW the IAC-driver bus is active. In the Audio-midi-setup.app menu -> window (in German Fenster) -> MIDI-studio -> IAC-drivers you see the names of the IAC-driver and can create new ones. (midi-destinations) is listing them counting the opusmodus port starting from 0. That is why ((0 . "Bus 1"))
  6. I think for this kind of tasks it could help to have functions like this: (send-midi-note :note 60 :velocity 20 :chan 0 :dest 0 :dur 'q) (send-controller :num 1 :val 60 :chan 0 :dest 0 :dur 'q :endval 10) Bypassing score, notation, midi-player, live-coding. Just instant MIDI-output on cmd-e or inside of code. Then you could write functions ,loops or just for testing or setting up your devices. What do you think? I assume live-coding-midi is not made to run inside of a functions.
  7. Wasn't the initial question why this throws an error: (setf chords '((h a2a3c4 c4a3a3) (h d4f3g2 f4g3d4) (h e4c4a3 c3a3e4) (h d3a3f4 w f4d4a3) (h e2e3g3 g3e4e4) (h a3f4e4 f2e3a3) (h e4g3b3 b3e3g2) (h a2d3fs2 w fs2a2e2) (h a2e3c4 c4a3e4) (h e4g3b3 b3e3g2) (h f2e3a3 a3f4e4) (h e4e4g3 w g3e3e2) (h d3a3f4 f4d4a3) (h e4c4a3 c3a3e4) (h b2a3d4 d4b3a3) (h a3a3c4 w c4a3a2))) (pitch-variation 0 1 7 chords :type '? :seed 23) So why does it throw an error? When there are no duplicate notes in a chord there is no error. Are duplicate notes in a chord not allowed? They make no sense, but could have been randomly generated.
  8. with chord-pitch-unique no error. (pitch-variation 0 1 7 (chord-pitch-unique chords) :type '? :seed 23)
  9. (setf chords '((h a2a3c4 c4a3a3))) (pitch-variation 0 1 7 chords :type '? :seed 23) The first bar already returns an error. If you change the duplicate a3 in the second chord it will work. Why two a3 in a chord? On the other hand why not. Shouldn't throw an error.
  10. erka


    I rewrote the function, so I can enter any length-symbol or ratio and don't have to make complicated calculations. Looks good to me and does what I wanted. I don't use length-modify anymore. But still wonder way 'all is not a feature. If you have any suggestions regarding style or other optimization please let me know. I had entered this forum in 2015 but was into other things until release of v3. In case you are wondering. Just starting again with lisp and opusmodus. I made a short score and my wife smiled while listening. text2morse-length.opmo
  11. erka


    That is what I was looking for. It doesn't show up on a search, but can be used.
  12. erka


    (encode-seq 't) => t (encode-seq (list 't)) => (1/32) When the user inputs in my example :dit_length 't ,I would write (car (encode-seq (list :dit_length))) => 1/32 to get a value for calculation.
  13. erka


    Thank you o-e. That is much better. You didn't write this including doc this afternoon, did you? length-diminution and text-to-letters I didn't know. I learned a lot by going the complicated way. Do you know how to convert an input of length-symbol to ratio? In your function I think length-diminution is handling this. You can set :pulse 's .
  14. erka


    another question for this function: How could I convert a symbol input ('e) to :dit_length input into a ratio for later calculation? A conversion from length symbol to ratio.
  15. erka


    The function takes a string as input and returns the omn . Auditioning it will sound like a morse message. Setting :morse_output to t will output the real morse-message (for testing ..). You can input any :pitch and the morsecode loops over the :pitch or just change the pitch of the output What I was looking for is way to change the basic unit. This is set in the map to s (1/16). It is Between ;; make changes for non-default units and ;; prepare for morse output. (defun text-to-morse-omn (text &key ( pitch 'c4 ) ( dit_length 1/16 ) (morse_output nil)) "converting text -> morse -> omn-length reference: wikipedia default time unit is 1/16. International Morse code is composed of five elements: short mark, dot or dit ( ▄ is one time unit long long mark, dash or dah ( ▄▄▄ three time units long inter-element gap between the dits and dahs within a character: one dot duration or one unit long short gap (between letters): three time units long medium gap (between words): seven time units long " (if (or (stringp text) (stringp (car text))) () (return-from text-to-morse-omn "text must be string or string in list")) (let* ( ( char_lengths_map ;; includes the dit between the dits and dahs ;; and the 3 dits for end of letter '( ( a ((s -s s== -s==)) ) ( b ((s== -s s -s s -s s -s==)) ) ( c ((s== -s s -s s== -s s -s==)) ) ( d ((s== -s s -s s -s==)) ) ( e ((s -s==)) ) ( f ((s -s s -s s== -s s -s==)) ) ( g ((s== -s s== -s s -s==)) ) ( h ((s -s s -s s -s s -s==)) ) ( i ((s -s s -s==)) ) ( j ((s -s s== -s s== -s s== -s==)) ) ( k ((s== -s s -s s== -s==)) ) ( l ((s -s s== -s s -s s -s==)) ) ( m ((s== -s s== -s==)) ) ( n ((s== -s s -s==)) ) ( o ((s== -s s== -s s== -s==)) ) ( p ((s -s s= -s= s== -s s -s==)) ) ( q ((s== -s s== -s s -s s== -s==)) ) ( r ((s -s s== -s s -s==)) ) ( s ((s -s s -s s -s==)) ) ( t ((s== -s==)) ) ( u ((s -s s -s s== -s==)) ) ( v ((s -s s -s s -s s== -s==)) ) ( w ((s -s s== -s s== -s==)) ) ( x ((s== -s s -s s -s s== -s==)) ) ( y ((s== -s s -s s== -s s== -s==)) ) ( z ((s== -s s== -s s -s s -s==)) ) ( 1 ((s -s s== -s s== -s s== -s s== -s==)) ) ( 2 ((s -s s -s s== -s s== -s s== -s==)) ) ( 3 ((s -s s -s s -s s= -s= s== -s==)) ) ( 4 ((s -s s -s s -s s -s s== -s==)) ) ( 5 ((s -s s -s s -s s -s s -s==)) ) ( 6 ((s== -s s -s s -s s -s s -s==)) ) ( 7 ((s== -s s== -s s -s s -s s -s==)) ) ( 8 ((s== -s s== -s s== -s s -s s -s==)) ) ( 9 ((s== -s s== -s s== -s s== -s s -s==)) ) ( 0 ((s== -s s== -s s== -s s== -s s== -s==)) ) ( ä ((s -s s== -s s -s s== -s==)) ) ( ö ((s== -s s== -s s== -s s -s==)) ) ( ü ((s -s s -s s== -s s== -s==)) ) ( ß ((s -s s -s s -s s -s s -s s -s==))) ; french letters can be easier added with a french keyboard ; punctuation is ignored by text-map and this function )) ( mapstr (text-map char_lengths_map text)) ;; remove last rest from letter ;; to add 7 dits later ( removelastrests (if (not (listp (car mapstr)) ) ; if only one word (list ( butlast mapstr 1)) (loop for i in mapstr collect (butlast i 1)))) ;; add 7 dits for end of word. Needed for decoding into real morse maybe later ( add7 (loop for x in removelastrests collect (append x '(-s======)))) ;; make omnstr ( default_omnstr (make-omn :length add7 :pitch (list pitch) :span :length)) ;; make changes for non-default units ( s_unit 1/16) ; default for 's ( u_unit dit_length) ;user set unit ( oper (if (>= s_unit u_unit) 'times 'divide)) ( mult (if (equalp oper 'divide) (/ s_unit u_unit) (/ u_unit s_unit))) ( mod_notes (length-modify mult default_omnstr :type 'n :operator oper :count 'all)). ;first run of length-modify for notes ( dit_modified_omn (length-modify mult mod_notes :type 'r :operator oper :count 'all)) ; another run for rests ;; prepare for morse output ( omn_morse_map '(( s "." ) ( s== "-" ) ( -s== " " ) ( -s====== " / "))) ( mapstr (text-map omn_morse_map default_omnstr)) ( morsestr (loop for i in mapstr collect (eval (cons 'concatenate (cons ''string i))))) ) ; end of variablelist ;; decide output due to :morse_output t or nil (if morse_output (format T "~a" morsestr) dit_modified_omn) ) ; end let* ) (setf ttmo_ret (text-to-morse-omn "bla" :pitch 'c3 :morse_output nil) ) => ((e. c3 -s c3 - c3 - c3 -e. s c3 - e. c3 -s c3 - c3 -e. s c3 - e. c3 -q..)) -------------- My first function I am writing in opusmodus and lisp. I learned a lot doing it. That was the main purpose. And maybe make strange music with it. Maybe some morse-trained person will get the message. I had something similar written for max-for-live mainly in javascript to learn all the functions needed to put notes into a clip. And had some musical fun with it.
  16. With length-modify it seems that I can either modify notes or rests or random. length-modify.pdf: type 'r (rest) or 'n (note) or '? (at random), if not specified random type is used. Wouldn't :type 'all also be useful? I could use it for what I am doing now. Now I realized it by calling :type 'n and :type 'r one after the other. Is there another function that would modify all (rest and notes)?
  17. Thanks. I overlooked that. I was more thinking of a keyboard-shortcut similar to cmd-1 ,maybe shift-cmd-1, and then a new notation-view opens. Or a context menu-item "open in new notator" But probably all key-combinations are already used.
  18. Is it possible to open a second notation view to compare two snippets or scores side by side?
  19. Yes, looks complicated. I used the loop advice now. Easier to understand. I was looking for a function without a loop, but then you have to use a lambda expression. To get into the loop-macro with all its possibilities is still on my list. But the collect does all I need. I get the idea that learning the loop-macro features is worth the effort. Thanks again.
  20. Thank you AM. That would work. I found this in the opusmodus functions. (setf alist '((s -s s== -s -s== s== -s s -s s -s s -s==) (s== -s s -s s== -s s -s== s== -s s -s s -s==) (s -s== s -s s -s s== -s s -s==))) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (append x '(q) )) alist). => ((s -s s== -s -s== s== -s s -s s -s s -s== q) (s== -s s -s s== -s s -s== s== -s s -s s -s== q) (s -s== s -s s -s s== -s s -s== q))
  21. Hi, I have this list of lists (will have much more sublists) : '((s -s s== -s -s== s== -s s -s s -s s -s==) (s== -s s -s s== -s s -s== s== -s s -s s -s==) (s -s== s -s s -s s== -s s -s==)) I want to append e.g. a 'q to the end of each list. Is there a function I could use? How would you do this?
  22. Hi, it says in "Introduction to Opusmodus" : Then there is Stages: a 30-part collection of score-scripts and text commentaries designed to be opened simultaneously. Both these are available as a download: a PDF file formatted as a printable A4 book. I see the 30 Stages but where can I find the pdf to download? Rolf
  23. Thanks for GEN-CONTROLLER. Just found it. P.S: Why is GEN-LOOP not listed in the library? Rolf
  24. Thanks Stephane, very good. That gives you all possibilities. It is described in the length.rtfd and I have overlooked it. :-) Length 8 will produce 8 bars of whole-notes lengths. '(8 h q q)
  25. I got it: '(10 a2c4g4d5) easy. Is it in the language description somewhere and I didn't find it? I found this: To assist with multiple rests (-12) will produce 12 bars of whole-note rests. So I tried without minus.
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