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  1. Started by AM,

    hi all i'm looking for different SORTING ALGORITHMS in LISP - no problem to find (different) in the WWW... but: i would like to have as OUTPUT-result ALL generations of the SORTING-process and not only the LAST one - i'm interested in the PROCESS!! thanks for some help or any idea? (for once i do not want to code it myself :-)) greetings andré

    • 19 replies
  2. Started by AM,

    to use the function which works on event-numbers, first you have to number it (the score), so that you could work with this afterwards... ;;; ADD numbers to text attributes (can do that in your setup), then ADD number to events ;;; have a look to the example. after that, easy to use REPLACE-ON-EVENT-NUMBER etc... (defun add-numbers-to-text-attributes (a b) (loop for i from a to b append (add-text-attributes (list (compress (list 'nr i)) (write-to-string i))))) (add-numbers-to-text-attributes 0 100) (defun add-num-to-events (omnlist) (loop for x in (single-events omnlist) for i from 0 to (length (single-events omnlist)) when (omn-formp x…

    • 0 replies
  3. Started by AM,

    the same idea with INSERT/REPLACE (defun replace-on-event-number (omn-list &key position/list (type 'replace) (output nil)) (progn (setf omn-list (loop for i in (single-events omn-list) for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt) with position-list = (loop for x in position/list collect (car x)) with list = (loop for y in position/list collect (rest y)) with cnt2 = 0 when (= cnt (nth cnt2 position-list)) collect (cond ((equal type 'replace) …

    • 0 replies
  4. Started by AM,

    ;;; FUNCTION: for some coding-cases i needed THIS function, to keep the OMN-notation ;;; and not to change to RATIO (otherwise i got strange results in NOTATION because the "ties are gone") (defun length-invert** (length-val) (append (compress (list '- length-val)))) ;;; EXAMPLES ;;; new => keeps OMN (length-invert** (car '(q e4 mp))) => -q ; in this case i wanted to keep the format with tie (length-invert** (car '(3q_q e4 mp))) => -3q_q ;;; original => changes to ratio (length-invert (car '(q e4 mp))) => -1/4 ; no tie here! i was in trouble :-) (length-invert (car '(3q_q e4 mp))) => -1/3

    • 0 replies
  5. Here's a new function a bit similar to my old "add-interval-if-length" function but bit more sophisticated. It use gen-chord3 to create chord on defined length. ;;; ============================================== ;;; UTILITY FUNCTIONS ;;; (defun make-chord-if-length-aux (omn &key (test #'>) (length-val 1/8) (interval-list '((4 7)(7 12))) (cycle t)(relative nil) seed) (setf seed (rnd-seed seed)) (let ((s-events (single-events omn))) (loop for e in s-events for i in (gen-trim (length s-events) interval-list) when (funcall test (omn-encode (first e)) length-val) append (omn-replace :pitch (gen-chord3 (list (second e)) …

    • 1 reply
  6. Started by AM,

    hi all the following function could be usefull, it's a first sketch, but it seems to work.... if you want to INSERT a new OMN-seq, perhaps in bar 2 on the 3/20 in your BASIC-OMN-sequence... with this function you can do this, it will overwrite your original phrase. test it or tell me whatelse would be better... greetings andré ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; INSERTING SEQ BY OVERWRITING ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; SUB (defun get-resolution2 (beat) (cond ((memberp (cadr beat) '(3 6 12 24 48)) 1/24) …

    • 5 replies
  7. Started by AM,

    use it or not... greetings andré ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; count-up/down => not well coded but it works ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; A FUNCTION which counts a integer-list from its values (individual) ;;; to value B (all the same end-value :to (default is 1)) ;;; n => how many output values (approx: depends on input/round... was not important for my project) ;;; up or down (default is 'down) ;;; with variabel STEPS => sequencieally (horizontal) or with steps for each value individiual (v…

    • 2 replies
  8. Started by AM,

    ;; a function which fills up a sequence randomly - max-length = length sequence ;; (regardless of the number of cycles) (defun rnd-complete-seq (n &key sequence (step 1) seed (sort '<) (exclude nil) (append-excluded nil)) (let* ((testseq) (sequence (if (null exclude) sequence (filter-remove exclude sequence))) (sequence (loop repeat (length sequence) with sequence = (loop repeat n with seq = '() do (setf seq (append (rnd-unique step sequence :seed seed) seq)) do (setf…

    • 0 replies
  9. Hi, here are the two functions i use daily in my workflow. The first gen-pitch-line can be used as this but is also required for the second function svoice1. svoice1 is a generic omn generator i find useful for my work. ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; GEN-PITCH-LINE ;;; Fonction de génération de hauteurs basées sur une conversion de vecteur de bruit ;;; avec un grand choix de type de bruit, taux de compression du vecteur, filtrage des répétitions et ambitus. (defun gen-pitch-line (nb-pitch &key (compress 1) (ambitus '(c4 c6)) seed filter-repeat (type :white)) (setf seed (…

    • 0 replies
  10. Started by AM,

    works, but only for one-time-repetiton... could you use it? (defun merge-lengths-of-a-pitch-rep (omn-seq) (let* ((omn-seq (single-events omn-seq)) (l)) (flatten (loop repeat (length omn-seq) for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt) when (equal (omn :pitch (nth cnt omn-seq)) (omn :pitch (nth (1+ cnt) omn-seq))) do (progn (setf l (length-note-merge (append (omn :length (nth cnt omn-seq)) (omn :length (nth (1+ cnt) omn-seq))))) (incf cnt)) and collect (omn-replace :length l (nth cnt omn-seq)) else collect (nth cnt omn-seq))))) (merge-le…

    • 2 replies
  11. ;;; removes pitches by its position-number, will be replaced by rests. (starts with 0) (defun omn-pitch-position-remove (positions omnseq) (length-rest-merge (loop for i in (single-events omnseq) with cnt = 0 when (and (pitchp (cadr i)) (not (equal 'nil (member cnt positions)))) append (make-omn :length (list (length-invert (car i)))) else append i when (pitchp (cadr i)) do (incf cnt)))) (omn-pitch-position-remove '(0 1) '(-q e c4 e d4 e e4 e e e e)) …

    • 0 replies
  12. Started by AM,

    could be an interesting idea for OPMO? (or already existing?) greetings andré ;;; a function (a sketch - i needed it for my momentary work) which filters ;;; an OMN-sequence in a specific bar, from a specific beat, with a specific ;;; span. (in such a basic version all in quarters (bars/...)) (defun copy-omn-seq (omnseq bar/beat-list &key (measure '(4/4)) (span nil)) (loop for i in bar/beat-list collect (loop repeat (if (null span) (- (/ (car measure) 1/4) (1- (cadr i))) span) for x = (1- (cadr i)) then (incf x) append (nth x (omn-to-measure (nth (1- (car i)…

    • 3 replies
  13. Started by AM,

    ;;; CHANGE-TIME-STRUCTURES ;;; works okay, but not exactly precise because of rhy-to-integer, which is not very easy in some cases ;;; this function changes basic-rhy-structures (if it's all the time perhaps in x/32) ;;; to other/changing sections. the lengths/rests will be rounded like in LENGTH-RATIONAL-QUANTIZE ;;; rhy+span => '((32 2) (44 7)) => means in 32 three values, in 44 seven values (defun change-time-structure (omnseq rhy+span &key (basic-rhy 32) (round 1/4)) (let* ((intseq (loop for i in (omn :length (flatten omnseq)) collect (* i basic-rhy))) (rhyseq (mapcar #'car rhy+span)) (spanseq (mapcar #'cadr rhy+spa…

    • 0 replies
  14. Started by AM,

    a sieve/filter-function - filters specific INTERVALS and replacing the others by rests. (don't work perfect, but as a sketch....) ;;; (defun equal/or (n alist) (car (loop for i in alist when (equal i n) collect 't))) ;;; FUNCTION (defun filter-omn-by-intervals (omn-seq intervals) (setf omn-seq (loop with omn-events = (single-events omn-seq) with i = 0 while (not (null (nth i omn-events))) when (equal/or (car (pitch-to-interval (append (omn :pitch (nth i omn-events)) (omn :pitch (nth (1+ i) omn-events))))) intervals) …

    • 0 replies
  15. Started by AM,

    (defun and-span (n a b) (and (>= n a) (<= n b))) (and-span 13 12 45) => t (and-span 2 12 45) => nil

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  16. Started by AM,

    i needed functions which shorten/enlarge only the RESTS of my complex/tupled-mixed texture - not precisely - so i coded it with diminution/augmentation+round (otherwise i would be in trouble by the crazy rests)... violà... use it or code it smarter for OMPO! greetings andré 3 functions: rest-diminution rest-augmentation only-length-augmentation ;;; (defun rest-diminution (omnlist &key (factor 1) (round 1/4)) (length-rest-merge (flatten (loop for i in (single-events (length-rest-merge omnlist)) when (< (car (omn :length i)) 0) collect (length-rational-quantize (length-diminution fac…

    • 0 replies
  17. Started by AM,

    two functions i needed for working with POLYTEMPO-NETWORK http://philippekocher.ch/#109 http://polytempo.zhdk.ch greetings andré (defun length-to-decimal (alist &key (sum nil)) (let ((list (loop for i in (omn :length alist) collect (float (* i 4))))) (if (equal sum t) (sum list) list))) ;;; result: q = 1 / h. = 3 ...etc... (length-to-decimal '(h. h. 3q 5e 3h)) => (3.0 3.0 0.33333334 0.1 0.6666667) (length-to-decimal '(h. h. 3q 5e 3h) :sum t) => 7.1 (defun length-to-sec (alist tempo &key (sum nil)) (let ((list (loop for i in (omn :length alist) collect (* (/ …

    • 5 replies
  18. Started by AM,

    you can filter all events by length (>= min). all other events will be replaced by rests... (defun filter-events-by-length (omnlist &key min) (let ((omnlist (single-events omnlist)) (min (car (omn :length (list min))))) (flatten (length-rest-merge (loop for i in omnlist when (>= (car (omn :length i)) min) collect i else collect (neg! (car (omn :length i)))))))) (filter-events-by-length '(e c4 d4 e4 e5 q c4 d4 e4 h c4 d4 e4) :min 'e) => (e c4 mf e d4 mf e e4 mf e e5 mf q c4 mf q d4 mf q e4 mf h c4 mf h d4 mf h e4 mf) (filter-events-by-length '(e c4 d4 e4 e5 q c4 d4 e4 h c4 d4 e4) :min 'q) =…

    • 3 replies
  19. Started by AM,

    something i've coded... (defun binary-filter (alist bin-list) (let ((event-list (cond ((omn-formp alist) (single-events alist)) (t alist)))) (flatten (loop for i in event-list for j in bin-list when (= j 1) collect i else append (cond ((omn-formp i) (list (length-invert (car i)))) ((lengthp i) (neg! (omn :length (list i))))))))) (binary-filter '(q -q -q q) '(0 1 0 1)) => (-1/4 -q -1/4 q) (binary-filter '(q q q q -q) '(0 1 0 1 1)) => (-1/4 q -1/4 q -q) (binary-filter '(c4 d4 e4 f…

    • 7 replies
  20. Started by AM,

    (defun replace-lengths-of-a-pitch-sequence (omn-list pitch-list length-list) (flatten (loop with cnt = 0 for i in (single-events omn-list) when (equal (cadr i) (nth cnt pitch-list)) collect (append (list (nth cnt length-list)) (rest i)) and do (incf cnt) else collect i when (= cnt (length pitch-list)) do (setf cnt 0)))) (setf white-series-l (vector-to-pitch '(c4 c5) (gen-white-noise 100 :type :logistic :seed 23))) (replace-lengths-of-a-pitch-sequence (cons 't white-series-l) '(e4 f4 a4 gs4 g4 b4 c5 bb4) '(2/16 3/16 4/16 5/16 6/16 7/16 8/16)) => '(t gs4 mf t g4 mf t g4 mf t c5 mf t…

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  21. Started by AM,

    (defun memberp (n liste) (not (equal 'nil (member n liste)))) ;;; MAIN (defun omn-sieve-filter (omn-list filter-list) (flatten (loop for i in (single-events omn-list) for j from 1 to (length omn-list) when (memberp j filter-list) collect i else collect (length-invert (car i))))) (omn-sieve-filter (make-omn :pitch (rnd-sample 10 '(c4 d4 e4 fs4 gs4) :seed 89) :length '(e) :span :pitch) '(1 2 3 5 8 9 10)) => (e c4 mf e gs4 mf e fs4 mf -1/8 e e4 mf -1/8 -1/8 e c4 mf e gs4 mf e fs4 mf)

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  22. Started by AM,

    ...how ti filter all "unused/complementary" pitches inside a sieve (if you like to extend the function... could be interesting if it works also with chords) (defun neg-sieve (pitchlist) (let ((pitchlist (pitch-to-midi pitchlist))) (midi-to-pitch (loop for i from (car pitchlist) to (car (last pitchlist)) when (null (member i pitchlist)) collect i)))) (setf sieve '(fs3 g3 as3 b3 c4 cs4 ds4 e4 f4 gs4 a4 d5 eb5 fs5 g5 gs5 bb5 b5 c6 cs6 e6 f6)) (neg-sieve sieve) => (gs3 a3 d4 fs4 g4 bb4 b4 c5 cs5 e5 f5 a5 d6 eb6) (neg-sieve '(c4 d4 e4 fs4 gs4 as4 c5)) => (cs4 eb4 f4 g4 a4 b4)

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  23. Started by AM,

    complementation to OR/AND/NOT! i hope everything is correct... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logikgatter (defun nand (&rest rest) (flet ((every-truep (x) (equal x t))) (not (every #'every-truep rest)))) (nand nil nil nil) => t (nand t t t t t t) => nil (nand nil t t t nil t) => t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun nor (&rest rest) (contain-itemp 'nil rest)) (nor t t t t) => nil (nor nil t nil) => t (nor t nil nil nil) => t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun xor (&rest rest) (oddp (car (count-item t rest)))) (xor t nil t t nil nil nil) => t (xor t t nil) => nil (xor n…

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  24. Started by AM,

    hi all i would like to code a NAND gate with more then two input-items (as extension to AND etc...). here is a simple version of the NAND function with two inputs, but i don't know how to exapnd it to n-inputs without putting the the inputs to in a list (like lisp-internal AND / OR)... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAND_gate i dont't want it: (nand '(t t t nil)) but like to have (nand t nil nil t t t) when i get a solution for that i will code an XOR, NOR etc.... so the "problem" is: how to manage in DEFUN more then two inputs (don't work with &optional, i think) i tried it and failed)…

    • 5 replies
  25. Started by AM,

    (defun vector-range-drift (start end input &key (spread 8)) (let ((values (gen-divide (rnd-sum (length input) (primes spread)) input)) (n-values) (a-step) (b-step)) (progn (setf n-values (1- (length values))) (setf a-step (/ (car (difference (list (car start) (car end)))) n-values)) (setf b-step (/ (car (difference (list (cadr start) (cadr end)))) n-values)) (loop for i in values for a = (car start) then (incf a a-step) for b = (cadr start) then (incf b b-step) append (vector-range a b i))))) ;;;;; EXAMPLES -> MODULATE/DRIFT white-noise - with different spreads (list-plot (vector…

    • 5 replies

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